@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Cow a = ( Cow ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Sheep a = ( Sheep ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Pig a = ( Pig ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Chicken a = ( Chicken ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Wolf a = ( Wolf ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ public class PlayerListener
Ocelot a = ( Ocelot ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
@ -893,6 +893,19 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE | | p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
if ( e . getRightClicked ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . HORSE ) {
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Breeder" ) & & this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Breeder" , p ) > = 20 ) {
Horse a = ( Horse ) e . getRightClicked ( ) ;
if ( a . canBreed ( ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 50 ) {
p . getItemInHand ( ) . setAmount ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getAmount ( ) ) ;
//This is a special entity and won't be added to the list of animals to despawn for now.
@ -3558,37 +3571,6 @@ public class PlayerListener
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) {
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 20 ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 25 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
p . updateInventory ( ) ;
} else
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 5 ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 10 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
p . updateInventory ( ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = this . plugin . EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 10 ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
@ -7631,7 +7613,18 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
meta . setLore ( setLore ) ;
finalitem . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
//finalitem.setDurability((short)1560); //TESTING.
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( finalitem ) ;
boolean full = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] = = null ) {
full = false ;
break ;
if ( ! full ) {
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( finalitem ) ;
} else {
p . getWorld ( ) . dropItemNaturally ( p . getLocation ( ) , finalitem ) ; //Drop item on the ground if our inventory is full. That way we don't lose it.
@ -8296,12 +8289,208 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
public String [ ] getJobs ( Player p ) {
String [ ] string = { this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job1" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job2" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p . getName ( ) + ".jobs.job3" ) } ;
return string ;
public String [ ] getJobs ( String p ) {
String [ ] string = { this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job1" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job2" ) , this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job3" ) } ;
return string ;
public boolean PlayerinJob ( String p , String job ) {
String [ ] jobs = getJobs ( p ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < jobs . length ; i + + ) {
if ( job . equalsIgnoreCase ( jobs [ i ] ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public boolean PlayerinJob ( Player p , String job ) {
String [ ] jobs = getJobs ( p ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < jobs . length ; i + + ) {
if ( job . equalsIgnoreCase ( jobs [ i ] ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public int getJobLv ( String job , String p ) {
if ( PlayerinJob ( p , job ) ) {
int slot = - 1 ;
//Check which slot contains our job.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getString ( p + ".jobs.job" + ( i + 1 ) ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( job ) ) {
slot = i ;
break ;
if ( slot ! = - 1 ) {
return this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getInt ( p + ".jobs.job" + ( slot + 1 ) + "lv" ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
return 0 ;
public boolean validItem_Weaponsmith ( ItemStack i ) {
if ( i . getType ( ) = = Material . ARROW | |
//i.getType()==Material.WOODEN_SWORD ||
i . getType ( ) = = Material . FLINT_AND_STEEL | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . BOW | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SWORD | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SWORD | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) {
return true ;
else {
return false ;
public boolean validItem_Blacksmith ( ItemStack i ) {
if ( i . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_BOOTS | |
//i.getType()==Material.WOODEN_SWORD ||
i . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_HELMET | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_LEGGINGS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SPADE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HOE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HOE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HOE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS | |
i . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) {
return true ;
else {
return false ;
public ItemStack EnchantItem ( ItemStack item , int lv ) {
boolean protection = false ; //Set to true when a protection enchantment has been given.
boolean silktouch = false ; //Set to true if silk touch OR fortune is set. Only one of these can be there.
boolean enhanceddmg = false ; //Set to true if a damage increasing enchantment has been given.
//First figure out which item this is.
final EnchantLevelDatabase ENCHANTMENT_DATA = new EnchantLevelDatabase ( ) ;
List < StoreValues > enchant_data = new ArrayList < StoreValues > ( ) ; //OMGGGG. forgot to initialize the dang list!
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HOE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HOE ) {
enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_hoe ;
} else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . stone_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_pants ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_tunic ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . LEATHER_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . leather_cap ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_chestplate ; }
int enchantments = 0 ;
int iterations = 0 ;
while ( enchantments = = 0 & & iterations < 100 ) { //Attempt to enchant it, up to 100 tries.
iterations + + ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Enchant data size is "+enchant_data.size());
for ( int i = 0 ; i < enchant_data . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Comparing level "+lv+" to enchant requirement: "+enchant_data.get(i).enchantlevel);
if ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchantlevel = = lv ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Checking "+enchant_data.get(i).enchant.getName());
if ( Math . random ( ) < = enchant_data . get ( i ) . chance ) {
//This enchantment can be added. (Assuming it's compatible.)
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_FALL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_FIRE . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . PROTECTION_PROJECTILE . getName ( ) ) & & ! protection ) {
protection = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_ALL . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . DAMAGE_UNDEAD . getName ( ) ) & & ! enhanceddmg ) {
enhanceddmg = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else
if ( ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . SILK_TOUCH . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS . getName ( ) | |
enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_MOBS . getName ( ) ) & & ! silktouch ) {
silktouch = true ;
enchantments + + ;
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
} else {
//It's not a special condition enchantment. Just make sure it doesn't exist and add it.
if ( ! item . containsEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant ) ) {
item . addEnchantment ( enchant_data . get ( i ) . enchant , enchant_data . get ( i ) . level ) ;
//see if we should try for a second/third/fourth enchantment.
boolean keepgoing = false ;
if ( lv = = 5 ) {
if ( enchantments = = 1 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 07 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
} else
if ( enchantments = = 2 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 045 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
} else
if ( enchantments = = 3 & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 03 ) {
keepgoing = true ;
if ( ! keepgoing ) {
break ;
return item ;
// HACK! The API doesn't allow us to easily determine the resulting number of
// crafted items, so we're forced to compare the inventory before and after.
private void schedulePostDetection ( final HumanEntity player , final ItemStack compareItem ) {
final ItemStack [ ] preInv = player . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) ;
final int ticks = 1 ;
// Clone the array. The content may (was for me) be mutable.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < preInv . length ; i + + ) {
preInv [ i ] = preInv [ i ] ! = null ? preInv [ i ] . clone ( ) : null ;
@ -8331,6 +8520,26 @@ public ItemStack getGoodie() {
if ( compareItem . getTypeId ( ) = = post . getTypeId ( ) & & compareItem . getDurability ( ) = = post . getDurability ( ) & &
compareItem . getItemMeta ( ) . equals ( post . getItemMeta ( ) ) & & compareItem . getEnchantments ( ) . equals ( post . getEnchantments ( ) ) ) {
newItemsCount + = post . getAmount ( ) ;
//Do any enchants we need to do here.
if ( PlayerinJob ( ( Player ) player , "Weaponsmith" ) ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Weaponsmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 10 & & validItem_Weaponsmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
if ( PlayerinJob ( ( Player ) player , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 10 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 10 ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
} else
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 5 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( post , 5 ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Item amounts differ. New count: "+newItemsCount);