@ -5132,6 +5132,12 @@ implements Listener
//If the player is a support, drop it with only 1 second of wait time.
//If the player is a support, drop it with only 1 second of wait time.
Player p = e . getPlayer ( ) ;
Player p = e . getPlayer ( ) ;
if ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & & e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasDisplayName ( ) ) {
if ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & & e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasDisplayName ( ) ) {
if ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_BLUE + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Rename Item" ) ) {
e . getItemDrop ( ) . setPickupDelay ( 0 ) ;
e . getItemDrop ( ) . teleport ( p ) ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . is_renaming_item = true ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GREEN + "Please type in chat the new name of your " + convertToItemName ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getType ( ) . name ( ) ) + "." ) ;
if ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "[Temporary Item]" ) ) {
if ( e . getItemDrop ( ) . getItemStack ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "[Temporary Item]" ) ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("This is a temporary item.");
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("This is a temporary item.");
e . getItemDrop ( ) . setPickupDelay ( 0 ) ;
e . getItemDrop ( ) . setPickupDelay ( 0 ) ;
@ -6272,6 +6278,60 @@ implements Listener
//****************************//Job Non-Boofs go below.
//****************************//Job Non-Boofs go below.
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . NAME_TAG ) {
ItemStack dye = null ;
ItemStack name_tag = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ! = null & &
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) = = Material . NAME_TAG ) {
name_tag = result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ! = null & &
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) = = Material . INK_SACK ) {
dye = result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ;
if ( dye . getData ( ) . getData ( ) = = ( byte ) 3 | |
dye . getData ( ) . getData ( ) = = ( byte ) 13 ) {
result . setResult ( new ItemStack ( Material . AIR ) ) ;
return ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Dye is valid.");
ChatColor color = null ;
if ( dye ! = null ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Dye is not null, converting color. Data is "+dye.getData().getData());
switch ( dye . getData ( ) . getData ( ) ) {
case ( byte ) 0 : { color = ChatColor . BLACK ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 1 : { color = ChatColor . RED ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 2 : { color = ChatColor . DARK_GREEN ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 4 : { color = ChatColor . BLUE ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 5 : { color = ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 6 : { color = ChatColor . DARK_AQUA ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 7 : { color = ChatColor . GRAY ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 8 : { color = ChatColor . DARK_GRAY ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 9 : { color = ChatColor . LIGHT_PURPLE ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 10 : { color = ChatColor . GREEN ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 11 : { color = ChatColor . YELLOW ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 12 : { color = ChatColor . AQUA ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 14 : { color = ChatColor . GOLD ; } break ;
case ( byte ) 15 : { color = ChatColor . WHITE ; } break ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("color resolved to "+color.toString());
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Display name is "+result.getResult().getItemMeta().getDisplayName()+". Item is "+result.getResult().toString());
if ( color ! = null & & name_tag ! = null & & name_tag . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ! = null ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Dye color is "+color);
ItemStack newresult = name_tag ;
ItemMeta meta = name_tag . getItemMeta ( ) ;
meta . setDisplayName ( color + "" + ChatColor . stripColor ( meta . getDisplayName ( ) ) ) ;
newresult . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
newresult . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
result . setResult ( newresult ) ;
} else {
result . setResult ( new ItemStack ( Material . AIR ) ) ;
return ;
ItemStack armor1 = null ;
ItemStack armor1 = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
@ -8069,11 +8129,24 @@ implements Listener
public void onEnemyKill ( EntityDeathEvent e ) {
public void onEnemyKill ( EntityDeathEvent e ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SQUID | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SLIME | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SPIDER | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SKELETON | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . CREEPER
if ( e . getEntity ( ) instanceof Monster ) {
| | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG_ZOMBIE | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . GHAST | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ENDERMAN | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . BLAZE
double chance_increase = 0 ;
| | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ENDER_DRAGON | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . WITHER | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . CHICKEN | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . SHEEP
if ( e . getEntity ( ) . getKiller ( ) ! = null & & ( ( Player ) e . getEntity ( ) . getKiller ( ) ) . getItemInHand ( ) . getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_MOBS ) > 0 ) {
| | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . PIG | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . COW | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . OCELOT | | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . WOLF
chance_increase = ( ( Player ) e . getEntity ( ) . getKiller ( ) ) . getItemInHand ( ) . getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_MOBS ) / 2 ;
| | e . getEntity ( ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . MUSHROOM_COW ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < e . getDrops ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( e . getDrops ( ) . get ( i ) . getType ( ) = = Material . SKULL_ITEM ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) > 0 . 085 * chance_increase ) {
e . getDrops ( ) . remove ( i ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 00390625 * chance_increase ) {
ItemStack rename_token = new ItemStack ( Material . NAME_TAG ) ;
e . getDrops ( ) . add ( rename_token ) ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) instanceof LivingEntity ) {
LivingEntity f = e . getEntity ( ) ;
LivingEntity f = e . getEntity ( ) ;
if ( f instanceof Monster ) {
if ( f instanceof Monster ) {
if ( this . plugin . getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "thanksgiving-enabled" ) & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 01 ) {
if ( this . plugin . getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "thanksgiving-enabled" ) & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 01 ) {
@ -8228,15 +8301,20 @@ implements Listener
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( "Mythical Wither" ) ) {
if ( f . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( "Mythical Wither" ) ) {
e . setDroppedExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) * 4000 ) ;
e . setDroppedExp ( e . getDroppedExp ( ) * 4000 ) ;
boolean dropMythical = false ;
boolean dropMythical = false ;
boolean dropMythical2 = false ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 10 ; j + + ) {
Location dd = f . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 , Math . random ( ) * 4 , Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
Location dd = f . getLocation ( ) . add ( Math . random ( ) * 4 , Math . random ( ) * 4 , Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( dd ) . setType ( Material . CHEST ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( dd ) . setType ( Material . CHEST ) ;
Chest c = ( Chest ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( dd ) . getState ( ) ;
Chest c = ( Chest ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( dd ) . getState ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 27 ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 27 ; i + + ) {
ItemStack item = null ;
ItemStack item = null ;
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 05 & & ! dropMythical ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 1 & & ! dropMythical ) {
dropMythical = true ;
dropMythical = true ;
item = getGoodie ( 2 ) ;
item = getGoodie ( 1 ) ;
} else
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 03 & & ! dropMythical2 ) {
dropMythical2 = true ;
item = getGoodie ( 1 ) ;
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 2 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 2 ) {
item = getGoodie ( ) ;
item = getGoodie ( ) ;
@ -9994,10 +10072,10 @@ implements Listener
//Choose a random set to mark off.
//Choose a random set to mark off.
blocked_attack = true ;
blocked_attack = true ;
//Reduce all armor by one as if it was a normal hit.
//Reduce all armor by one as if it was a normal hit.
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & this . plugin . hasBonusEnchantment ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) , Main . ENCHANT_BLOCK_CHANCE ) ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & this . plugin . hasBonusEnchantment ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) , Main . ENCHANT_BLOCK_CHANCE ) ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & this . plugin . hasBonusEnchantment ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) , Main . ENCHANT_BLOCK_CHANCE ) ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & this . plugin . hasBonusEnchantment ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) , Main . ENCHANT_BLOCK_CHANCE ) ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
/ *
/ *
if ( blocks . size ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( blocks . size ( ) > 0 ) {
int armor = blocks . get ( ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * blocks . size ( ) ) ) ;
int armor = blocks . get ( ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * blocks . size ( ) ) ) ;
@ -11911,8 +11989,6 @@ implements Listener
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "" ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "" ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Slot is "+event.getSlot());
//*****************************// Job buffs here
//*****************************// Job buffs here
if ( event . getInventory ( ) . getType ( ) = = InventoryType . BREWING & & event . getSlot ( ) = = 3 ) {
if ( event . getInventory ( ) . getType ( ) = = InventoryType . BREWING & & event . getSlot ( ) = = 3 ) {
//Check if the brewing stand can start up.
//Check if the brewing stand can start up.
@ -12817,6 +12893,9 @@ implements Listener
//****************************//End job buffs.
//****************************//End job buffs.
if ( event . getInventory ( ) . getType ( ) = = InventoryType . FURNACE ) {
if ( event . getCursor ( ) ! = null | | event . getCurrentItem ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( event . getCursor ( ) ! = null | | event . getCurrentItem ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( event . getCursor ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . SULPHUR ) {
if ( event . getCursor ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . SULPHUR ) {
//This is a broken Halloween item...Maybe. Let's find out.
//This is a broken Halloween item...Maybe. Let's find out.
@ -12995,43 +13074,16 @@ implements Listener
} , 1 ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
if ( event . getSlot ( ) ! = - 999 ) {
ItemStack item = event . getCurrentItem ( ) ;
if ( event . getInventory ( ) . getType ( ) = = InventoryType . ANVIL )
if ( item ! = null & & item . hasItemMeta ( ) & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( lore . get ( i ) . contains ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "[Halloween]" ) ) {
event . setCancelled ( true ) ;
return ;
if ( item ! = null & & item . hasItemMeta ( ) ) {
String tempname = "" ;
if ( item . getItemMeta ( )
. hasDisplayName ( ) ) {
tempname = item . getItemMeta ( )
. getDisplayName ( ) ;
if ( ! tempname . equals ( event
. getInventory ( ) . getItem ( 0 )
. getItemMeta ( )
. getDisplayName ( ) ) & & event
. getInventory ( ) . getItem ( 0 )
. getItemMeta ( )
. getDisplayName ( ) . contains ( Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x00A7 ) ) ) {
item . setItemMeta ( event . getInventory ( ) . getItem ( 0 ) . getItemMeta ( ) ) ;
if ( isViewingEnderCube ( p ) ) {
if ( isViewingEnderCube ( p ) ) {
//If we are viewing an ender cube, every single click should prompt an update for all viewers of it. In case it does something.
//If we are viewing an ender cube, every single click should prompt an update for all viewers of it. In case it does something.
ItemCube_updateSameEnderCube ( getViewingEnderCubeID ( p ) , p ) ;
final Player p2 = p ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
ItemCube_save ( p2 , getViewingEnderCubeID ( p2 ) , Cube . ENDER ) ;
ItemCube_updateSameEnderCube ( getViewingEnderCubeID ( p2 ) , p2 ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
if ( event . getCursor ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( event . getCursor ( ) ! = null ) {
//Regardless of the inventory, if we try to put it inside a chest, got to try to insert it in there.
//Regardless of the inventory, if we try to put it inside a chest, got to try to insert it in there.
@ -15793,6 +15845,26 @@ implements Listener
public void onPlayerChat ( PlayerChatEvent e ) {
public void onPlayerChat ( PlayerChatEvent e ) {
//Check if they are withdrawing or depositing money.
//Check if they are withdrawing or depositing money.
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( e . getPlayer ( ) ) . is_renaming_item ) {
boolean found = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] ! = null & &
e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . hasDisplayName ( ) & &
e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_BLUE + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Rename Item" ) ) {
found = true ;
ItemMeta meta = e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) ;
meta . setDisplayName ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
e . getPlayer ( ) . sendMessage ( "The Item name has been changed to: " + ChatColor . YELLOW + e . getPlayer ( ) . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) ) ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( e . getPlayer ( ) ) . is_renaming_item = false ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
e . getPlayer ( ) . sendMessage ( ChatColor . RED + "Something bad happened! Please let the administrator know about this event. Your name change did not go through." ) ;
if ( e . getPlayer ( ) . getName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( this . plugin . last_bank_deposit_user ) & & this . plugin . last_bank_deposit_use_time + 200 > Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
if ( e . getPlayer ( ) . getName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( this . plugin . last_bank_deposit_user ) & & this . plugin . last_bank_deposit_use_time + 200 > Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
//Parse the amount.
//Parse the amount.
double val = 0 ;
double val = 0 ;
@ -16006,9 +16078,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . contains ( "Ender Item Cube" ) & & Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . contains ( "Ender Item Cube" ) & & Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( Integer . valueOf ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . substring ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . indexOf ( "#" ) ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) ) = = cube_id ) {
if ( Integer . valueOf ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . substring ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . indexOf ( "#" ) ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) ) = = cube_id ) {
//It is! We need to close it out and re-open with the updated properties of the cube.
//It is! We need to close it out and re-open with the updated properties of the cube.
Inventory new_inven = player . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) ;
ItemCube_load ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] , cube_id , Cube . ENDER ) ;
Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . closeInventory ( ) ;
Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . openInventory ( new_inven ) ;
@ -16026,7 +16096,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . contains ( "Ender Item Cube" ) & & Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . contains ( "Ender Item Cube" ) & & Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( Integer . valueOf ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . substring ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . indexOf ( "#" ) ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) ) = = cube_id ) {
if ( Integer . valueOf ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . substring ( Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getTitle ( ) . indexOf ( "#" ) ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) ) = = cube_id ) {
//It is! "Add" it to that inventory list too.
//It is! "Add" it to that inventory list too.
p layer. getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . addItem ( add_item ) ;
Bukkit . getOnlineP layers ( ) [ i ] . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . addItem ( add_item ) ;
@ -16034,6 +16104,57 @@ implements Listener
private void ItemCube_save ( Player p , int identifier , Cube size ) {
FileConfiguration f = this . plugin . reloadItemCubeConfig ( identifier ) ;
int slots = - 1 ;
String heading = "" ;
switch ( size ) {
case SMALL : {
slots = 9 ;
heading = "" ;
} break ;
case LARGE : {
slots = 54 ;
heading = "Large" ;
} break ;
case ENDER : {
slots = 27 ;
heading = "Ender" ;
} break ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
f . set ( "item-" + i , p . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . getItem ( i ) ) ;
this . plugin . saveItemCubeConfig ( f , identifier ) ;
private void ItemCube_load ( Player p , int identifier , Cube size ) {
FileConfiguration f = this . plugin . reloadItemCubeConfig ( identifier ) ;
int slots = - 1 ;
String heading = "" ;
switch ( size ) {
case SMALL : {
slots = 9 ;
heading = "" ;
} break ;
case LARGE : {
slots = 54 ;
heading = "Large" ;
} break ;
case ENDER : {
slots = 27 ;
heading = "Ender" ;
} break ;
p . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . clear ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < slots ; i + + ) {
if ( f . contains ( "item-" + i ) ) {
p . getOpenInventory ( ) . getTopInventory ( ) . addItem ( f . getItemStack ( "item-" + i ) ) ;
private ItemStack ItemCube_add ( Player p , int identifier , Cube size , ItemStack insert_item ) {
private ItemStack ItemCube_add ( Player p , int identifier , Cube size , ItemStack insert_item ) {
//Helper function for InsertIntoItemCube(). Inserts the item into the correct cube.
//Helper function for InsertIntoItemCube(). Inserts the item into the correct cube.
//If this is an Ender Item Cube, also attempts to refresh the inventories of any players viewing it.
//If this is an Ender Item Cube, also attempts to refresh the inventories of any players viewing it.
@ -17410,7 +17531,7 @@ implements Listener
} else {
} else {
color = DyeColor . getByWoolData ( ( byte ) data ) . name ( ) ;
color = DyeColor . getByWoolData ( ( byte ) data ) . name ( ) ;
return String . valueOf ( color + " " + name ) ;
return String . valueOf ( convertToItemName ( co lor + " " + name ) ) ;