@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.bukkit.potion.Potion ;
import com.google.common.base.Objects ;
import com.modcrafting.diablodrops.DiabloDrops ;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.CuboidClipboard ;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession ;
import com.sk89q.worldedit.MaxChangedBlocksException ;
@ -1551,12 +1552,15 @@ implements Listener
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".spleefwins" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".spleeflosses" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1" , String . valueOf ( "None" ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1lv" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1exp" , Double . valueOf ( 0 . 0d ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job2" , String . valueOf ( "None" ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job2_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job2lv" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job2exp" , Double . valueOf ( 0 . 0d ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job3" , String . valueOf ( "None" ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job3_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job3lv" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job3exp" , Double . valueOf ( 0 . 0d ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.ultimate" , String . valueOf ( "None" ) ) ;
@ -1609,6 +1613,12 @@ implements Listener
p . sendMessage ( "----------------------------" ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "Current Money Balance: $ " + df . format ( Main . economy . bankBalance ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . balance ) + ", Bank Balance: $" + df . format ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) ;
//Update account information for the stat point update.
if ( ! this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . contains ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1_30" ) ) {
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job1_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job2_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".jobs.job3_30" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . contains ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".bonus.witherskeleton" ) ) {
this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".bonus.witherskeleton" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
@ -3685,9 +3695,9 @@ implements Listener
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Digger" , p , Job . JOB5 ) ) {
//Applies to dirt, sand, and gravel blocks. A small chance that a nearby block drops an artifact piece (clay with enchantment to glow)
if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIRT | |
if ( ( e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . DIRT | |
e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . SAND | |
e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GRAVEL & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 0025 /*0.25% chance*/ ) {
e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GRAVEL ) & & Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 0025 /*0.25% chance*/ ) {
ItemStack artifact = new ItemStack ( Material . CLAY_BALL ) ;
ItemMeta meta = artifact . getItemMeta ( ) ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
@ -4448,16 +4458,42 @@ implements Listener
//****************************// Job Boofs poof here.
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . CLAY_BALL ) {
//Check to see if there is an artifact in the crafting grid.
boolean artifact = false ;
boolean artifact = false , ender_eye = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ! = null ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) = = Material . CLAY_BALL ) {
//See if it's an artifact.
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . hasItemMeta ( ) & & result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . contains ( "This clump of material seems to" ) ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . get ( j ) . contains ( "This clump of material seems to" ) ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Found the lore line." ) ;
artifact = true ;
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) = = Material . EYE_OF_ENDER ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Found the eye of ender." ) ;
ender_eye = true ;
} //DERP
if ( artifact & & ender_eye ) {
ItemStack artifact_result = new ItemStack ( Material . CLAY_BALL ) ;
ItemMeta meta = artifact_result . getItemMeta ( ) ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
lore . add ( "This clump of material seems to" ) ;
lore . add ( "be part of something ancient." ) ;
lore . add ( "" ) ;
lore . add ( ChatColor . LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "This piece has a chance to be restored" ) ;
lore . add ( ChatColor . LIGHT_PURPLE + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "to its true potential." ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
artifact_result . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
artifact_result . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . ARROW_DAMAGE , 1 ) ;
result . setResult ( artifact_result ) ;
} else {
result . setResult ( new ItemStack ( Material . AIR ) ) ;
return ; //Don't allow it to continue.
//****************************//Job Non-Boofs go below.
@ -13333,19 +13369,6 @@ implements Listener
//******************************//All Job Buff related items go in here.
if ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK | | e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_AIR ) {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
p . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP ) ;
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP , 200 , 9 ) ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB40 ) & & ! p . getAllowFlight ( ) ) {
p . setAllowFlight ( true ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Flight enabled..." ) ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastflighttime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
} else {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB40 ) ) {
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastflighttime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
//See if they are holding a line tool.
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . getMaterial ( 142 ) ) {
//Check to see if this is the first block they clicked.
@ -13362,6 +13385,19 @@ implements Listener
pd . SetClickedBlock ( checkblock . getLocation ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( pd . GetClickedBlock ( ) . distance ( checkblock . getLocation ( ) ) < = 500 ) { //Make sure the range is small enough.
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
p . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP ) ;
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP , 200 , 9 ) ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB40 ) & & ! p . getAllowFlight ( ) ) {
p . setAllowFlight ( true ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Flight enabled..." ) ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastflighttime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
} else {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB40 ) ) {
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastflighttime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
//Compare the blocks and see if they are the same.
boolean successful = true ;
int expbefore = ( int ) this . plugin . getPlayerCurrentJobExp ( p , "Builder" ) ;
@ -13494,6 +13530,15 @@ implements Listener
if ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK & & this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB5 ) ) {
//See if they are holding a line tool.
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . getMaterial ( 141 ) ) {
//Check to see if this is the first block they clicked.
PlayerData pd = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) ;
if ( pd . GetClickedBlock ( ) = = null ) {
p . sendMessage ( "Set first block. Left-click another block of the same type to build a line of that block between them. " + ChatColor . GRAY + ChatColor . ITALIC + "If you wish to cancel, right-click or swap items." ) ;
pd . SetClickedBlock ( e . getClickedBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( pd . GetClickedBlock ( ) . distance ( e . getClickedBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) < = 500 ) { //Make sure the range is small enough.
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Builder" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
p . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP ) ;
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP , 200 , 9 ) ) ;
@ -13507,15 +13552,6 @@ implements Listener
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastflighttime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
//See if they are holding a line tool.
if ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . getMaterial ( 141 ) ) {
//Check to see if this is the first block they clicked.
PlayerData pd = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) ;
if ( pd . GetClickedBlock ( ) = = null ) {
p . sendMessage ( "Set first block. Left-click another block of the same type to build a line of that block between them. " + ChatColor . GRAY + ChatColor . ITALIC + "If you wish to cancel, right-click or swap items." ) ;
pd . SetClickedBlock ( e . getClickedBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( pd . GetClickedBlock ( ) . distance ( e . getClickedBlock ( ) . getLocation ( ) ) < = 500 ) { //Make sure the range is small enough.
int expbefore = ( int ) this . plugin . getPlayerCurrentJobExp ( p , "Builder" ) ;
//Compare the blocks and see if they are the same.
boolean successful = true ;