@ -2219,7 +2219,8 @@ implements Listener
//Special reasons that should always happen.
if ( e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . SPAWNER | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_IRONGOLEM | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BREEDING | |
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_SNOWMAN | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . BUILD_WITHER | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . LIGHTNING | |
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . SPAWNER_EGG | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_DEFENSE | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_INVASION ) {
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . SPAWNER_EGG | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_DEFENSE | | e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . VILLAGE_INVASION | |
e . getSpawnReason ( ) = = SpawnReason . CUSTOM ) {
return true ;
@ -6635,9 +6636,16 @@ implements Listener
final public void FatalSurvivor ( Player p ) {
final public void FatalSurvivor ( final Player p ) {
p . setHealth ( p . getMaxHealth ( ) ) ;
p . setMaximumNoDamageTicks ( 100 ) ;
p . setNoDamageTicks ( 100 ) ;
Bukkit . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) { //After 5 seconds, set the no Damage Ticks back to normal.
p . setMaximumNoDamageTicks ( 20 ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
p . sendMessage ( "You used your " + ChatColor . YELLOW + "Lv10 Fatal Survivor" + ChatColor . WHITE + " buff. Your health has been restored." + ChatColor . AQUA + " It will be recharged in one hour." ) ;
Bukkit . broadcastMessage ( ChatColor . YELLOW + p . getName ( ) + ChatColor . WHITE + " has died...and revived through sheer willpower!" ) ;
p . setFireTicks ( 0 ) ;
@ -6703,7 +6711,6 @@ implements Listener
final double player_starthp = p . getHealth ( ) ;
if ( p . getNoDamageTicks ( ) < p . getMaximumNoDamageTicks ( ) / 2 . 0f & & this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) + ".settings.notify5" ) & & e . getCause ( ) ! = DamageCause . ENTITY_ATTACK & & e . getCause ( ) ! = DamageCause . ENTITY_EXPLOSION & & e . getDamage ( ) ! = 0 ) {
final Main plugin = this . plugin ;
@ -6915,11 +6922,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( l . getHealth ( ) > = 1 ) {
LivingEntity enderdragon = ( LivingEntity ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . spawnEntity ( new Location ( l . getWorld ( ) , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) , - 250 , l . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) ) , EntityType . ENDER_DRAGON ) ;
enderdragon . setCustomName ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "Charge Zombie III" ) ;
enderdragon . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . DAMAGE_RESISTANCE , 127 , 999999 ) ) ;
enderdragon . setMaxHealth ( 200 ) ;
enderdragon . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getHealth ( ) / l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 200 , 7 ) ) ;
enderdragon . setNoDamageTicks ( 999999 ) ;
enderdragon . setRemoveWhenFarAway ( false ) ;
enderdragon . remove ( ) ;
Iterator < EnderDragon > e_list = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntitiesByClass ( EnderDragon . class ) . iterator ( ) ;