@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Monster;
import org.bukkit.entity.PigZombie ;
import org.bukkit.entity.PigZombie ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Wither ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie ;
import org.bukkit.entity.Zombie ;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory ;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory ;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack ;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack ;
@ -108,6 +109,8 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
public long check_lights_time = 0 ;
public long check_lights_time = 0 ;
public long check_spleef_game = 0 ;
public long check_spleef_game = 0 ;
public boolean harrowing_night = false ;
public boolean harrowing_night = false ;
public double randomitemchance = 800 ;
public static long SERVER_TICK_TIME = 0 ;
public int REVIVE_EFFECT = 0 ;
public int REVIVE_EFFECT = 0 ;
public Location REVIVE_EFFECT_LOC ;
public Location REVIVE_EFFECT_LOC ;
@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
public List < InvisibilityData > ninjavisible_list = null ;
public List < InvisibilityData > ninjavisible_list = null ;
public List < ReviveInventory > revive_inventory_list = null ;
public List < ReviveInventory > revive_inventory_list = null ;
public List < Chunk > chunk_queue_list = null ;
public List < Chunk > chunk_queue_list = null ;
public static List < RecyclingCenterNode > recycling_center_list = null ;
public DamageAPI DMGCALC = null ;
public DamageAPI DMGCALC = null ;
public long lastMessage = 0 ;
public long lastMessage = 0 ;
@ -177,7 +181,7 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
public final PlayerListener pl = new PlayerListener ( this ) ;
public final PlayerListener pl = new PlayerListener ( this ) ;
String pluginPrefix = "§2 [BankEconomy]" ;
String pluginPrefix = ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + "[BankEconomy]" ;
public double Warning ( LivingEntity l , int id ) {
public double Warning ( LivingEntity l , int id ) {
double hp = l . getHealth ( ) ;
double hp = l . getHealth ( ) ;
@ -216,7 +220,8 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
getCommand ( "settings" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "settings" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "maintenance" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "maintenance" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "event" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "event" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
getCommand ( "dungeon" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
//getCommand("dungeon").setExecutor(new commandBankEconomy(this));
getCommand ( "ticktime" ) . setExecutor ( new commandBankEconomy ( this ) ) ;
setupEconomy ( ) ;
setupEconomy ( ) ;
@ -229,8 +234,11 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "maintenance-mode" , Boolean . valueOf ( false ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "maintenance-mode" , Boolean . valueOf ( false ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "halloween-enabled" , Boolean . valueOf ( true ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "halloween-enabled" , Boolean . valueOf ( true ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "item-cube-numb" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "item-cube-numb" , Integer . valueOf ( 0 ) ) ;
getConfig ( ) . addDefault ( "server-tick-time" , Long . valueOf ( 143000000l ) ) ;
saveConfig ( ) ;
saveConfig ( ) ;
SERVER_TICK_TIME = getConfig ( ) . getLong ( "server-tick-time" ) ;
getAccountsConfig ( ) . options ( ) . copyDefaults ( true ) ;
getAccountsConfig ( ) . options ( ) . copyDefaults ( true ) ;
saveAccountsConfig ( ) ;
saveAccountsConfig ( ) ;
@ -261,7 +269,31 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
revive_inventory_list = new ArrayList < ReviveInventory > ( ) ;
revive_inventory_list = new ArrayList < ReviveInventory > ( ) ;
chunk_queue_list = new ArrayList < Chunk > ( ) ;
chunk_queue_list = new ArrayList < Chunk > ( ) ;
recycling_center_list = new ArrayList < RecyclingCenterNode > ( ) ;
//Add in Twoside Recycling Center.
RecyclingCenterNode Twoside_recycling_center = new RecyclingCenterNode ( this ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1617 , 67 , - 351 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1618 , 67 , - 351 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1617 , 67 , - 355 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1618 , 67 , - 355 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1622 , 67 , - 355 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1623 , 67 , - 355 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1622 , 67 , - 351 ) ) ;
Twoside_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1623 , 67 , - 351 ) ) ;
recycling_center_list . add ( Twoside_recycling_center ) ;
//Add in Sarayn Recycling Center.
RecyclingCenterNode Sarayn_recycling_center = new RecyclingCenterNode ( this ) ;
Sarayn_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1540 , 57 , 154 ) ) ;
Sarayn_recycling_center . addChest ( new Location ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) , 1541 , 57 , 154 ) ) ;
recycling_center_list . add ( Sarayn_recycling_center ) ;
//Add Recipes for new Block armor crafting.
//Add Recipes for new Block armor crafting.
ShapedRecipe Melons = new ShapedRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Material . MELON , 8 ) ) ;
Melons . shape ( "a" ) ;
Melons . setIngredient ( 'a' , Material . MELON_BLOCK ) ;
Bukkit . addRecipe ( Melons ) ;
ShapedRecipe iron_helmet = new ShapedRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_HELMET ) ) ;
ShapedRecipe iron_helmet = new ShapedRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_HELMET ) ) ;
iron_helmet . shape ( "aaa" , "a a" ) ;
iron_helmet . shape ( "aaa" , "a a" ) ;
iron_helmet . setIngredient ( 'a' , Material . IRON_BLOCK ) ;
iron_helmet . setIngredient ( 'a' , Material . IRON_BLOCK ) ;
@ -774,6 +806,8 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
public void onDisable ( )
public void onDisable ( )
getConfig ( ) . set ( "server-tick-time" , Long . valueOf ( SERVER_TICK_TIME ) ) ;
saveConfig ( ) ;
PluginDescriptionFile pdf = getDescription ( ) ;
PluginDescriptionFile pdf = getDescription ( ) ;
System . out . println ( "[" + pdf . getName ( ) + "] The plugin has been disabled succesfully." ) ;
System . out . println ( "[" + pdf . getName ( ) + "] The plugin has been disabled succesfully." ) ;
@ -849,6 +883,7 @@ public class Main extends JavaPlugin
public void runTick ( ) {
public void runTick ( ) {
this . getServer ( ) . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncRepeatingTask ( this , new Runnable ( ) {
this . getServer ( ) . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncRepeatingTask ( this , new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARROW_SHOOTERS . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARROW_SHOOTERS . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
ArrowShooter shooter = ARROW_SHOOTERS . get ( i ) ;
ArrowShooter shooter = ARROW_SHOOTERS . get ( i ) ;
shooter . timer - - ;
shooter . timer - - ;
@ -881,7 +916,7 @@ public void runTick() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ninjavisible_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ninjavisible_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) > ninjavisible_list . get ( i ) . resettime ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME > ninjavisible_list . get ( i ) . resettime ) {
//Recloak this ninja if it's still alive.
//Recloak this ninja if it's still alive.
List < Entity > entities = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntities ( ) ;
List < Entity > entities = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntities ( ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < entities . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < entities . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
@ -898,7 +933,7 @@ public void runTick() {
//Put your code here...
//Put your code here...
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Server Tick "+Bukkit.getWorld("world").getFullTime() );
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Server Tick "+Main.SERVER_TICK_TIME );
if ( POLYMORPH > 0 ) {
if ( POLYMORPH > 0 ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . playEffect ( new Location ( POLYMORPH_LOC . getWorld ( ) , POLYMORPH_LOC . getX ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getY ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) ) * 2 + 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getZ ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 ) , Effect . STEP_SOUND , Material . EMERALD_BLOCK ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . playEffect ( new Location ( POLYMORPH_LOC . getWorld ( ) , POLYMORPH_LOC . getX ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getY ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) ) * 2 + 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getZ ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 ) , Effect . STEP_SOUND , Material . EMERALD_BLOCK ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . playEffect ( new Location ( POLYMORPH_LOC . getWorld ( ) , POLYMORPH_LOC . getX ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getY ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) ) * 2 + 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getZ ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 ) , Effect . STEP_SOUND , Material . WATER ) ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . playEffect ( new Location ( POLYMORPH_LOC . getWorld ( ) , POLYMORPH_LOC . getX ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getY ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) ) * 2 + 2 , POLYMORPH_LOC . getZ ( ) + ( Math . random ( ) - Math . random ( ) ) * 2 ) , Effect . STEP_SOUND , Material . WATER ) ;
@ -971,6 +1006,20 @@ public void runTick() {
List < UUID > lineofsight_check = new ArrayList < UUID > ( ) ;
List < UUID > lineofsight_check = new ArrayList < UUID > ( ) ;
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 100 = = 0 ) {
//This is for events that occur once every 5 seconds.
List < Entity > world_entities = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntities ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < world_entities . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( world_entities . get ( i ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . WITHER ) {
Wither l = ( Wither ) world_entities . get ( i ) ;
if ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) < l . getHealth ( ) + 5 + ( 0 . 2 * ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) / l . getHealth ( ) ) ) ) {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
l . setHealth ( l . getHealth ( ) + 5 + ( 0 . 2 * ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) / l . getHealth ( ) ) ) ) ;
//Bukkit.broadcastMessage("Healed "+(+5+(0.2*(l.getMaxHealth()/l.getHealth())))+" health. "+df.format(l.getHealth())+"/"+l.getMaxHealth()+" HP");
for ( int zx = 0 ; zx < Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) . length ; zx + + ) {
for ( int zx = 0 ; zx < Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) . length ; zx + + ) {
Player p = Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ zx ] ;
Player p = Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) [ zx ] ;
//p.sendMessage("That's item slot #"+p.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot());
//p.sendMessage("That's item slot #"+p.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot());
@ -993,11 +1042,11 @@ public void runTick() {
Bukkit . getPlayer ( "sigonasr2" ) . sendMessage ( "New Time: " + Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getTime ( ) ) ;
Bukkit . getPlayer ( "sigonasr2" ) . sendMessage ( "New Time: " + Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getTime ( ) ) ;
} * /
} * /
//last_world_time = Bukkit.getWorld("world").getFullTime() ;
//last_world_time = Main.SERVER_TICK_TIME ;
if ( p . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( p . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world" ) = = 0 ) {
//Bukkit.getWorld("world").spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB);
//Bukkit.getWorld("world").spawnEntity(p.getLocation(), EntityType.EXPERIENCE_ORB);
//Bukkit.getWorld("world").dropItemNaturally(p.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.DIRT));
//Bukkit.getWorld("world").dropItemNaturally(p.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.DIRT));
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 10 = = 0 ) {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) & & Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 10 = = 0 ) {
Location testloc = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , 1551 , 69 , - 275 ) ;
Location testloc = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , 1551 , 69 , - 275 ) ;
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . distanceSquared ( testloc ) < 900 ) {
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . distanceSquared ( testloc ) < 900 ) {
@ -1035,7 +1084,7 @@ public void runTick() {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . hasStorm ( ) & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 20 = = 0 ) {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . hasStorm ( ) & & Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 20 = = 0 ) {
Item i = null ;
Item i = null ;
int item = ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
int item = ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) ;
switch ( item ) {
switch ( item ) {
@ -1046,7 +1095,7 @@ public void runTick() {
i . setTicksLived ( 3600 ) ;
i . setTicksLived ( 3600 ) ;
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 90 = = 0 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 90 = = 0 ) {
for ( int i = - 15 ; i < = 15 ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = - 15 ; i < = 15 ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < = 15 ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < = 15 ; j + + ) {
for ( int k = - 15 ; k < = 15 ; k + + ) {
for ( int k = - 15 ; k < = 15 ; k + + ) {
@ -1095,12 +1144,17 @@ public void runTick() {
List < Entity > nearby = p . getNearbyEntities ( 30 , 30 , 30 ) ;
List < Entity > nearby = p . getNearbyEntities ( 30 , 30 , 30 ) ;
boolean exists = false ;
boolean exists = false ;
for ( int m = 0 ; m < nearby . size ( ) ; m + + ) {
for ( int m = 0 ; m < nearby . size ( ) ; m + + ) {
if ( nearby . get ( m ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( nearby . get ( m ) instanceof LivingEntity ) {
LivingEntity ev = ( LivingEntity ) nearby . get ( m ) ;
LivingEntity ev = ( LivingEntity ) nearby . get ( m ) ;
if ( nearby . get ( m ) . getType ( ) = = EntityType . ZOMBIE ) {
if ( ev . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & ev . getCustomName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "Charge Zombie III" ) ) {
if ( ev . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & ev . getCustomName ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "Charge Zombie III" ) ) {
exists = true ;
exists = true ;
break ;
} else {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 5 ) {
ev . remove ( ) ;
@ -1141,7 +1195,6 @@ public void runTick() {
zombie . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . FIRE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
zombie . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . FIRE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
zombie . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WATER_BREATHING , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
zombie . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WATER_BREATHING , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
zombie . setTicksLived ( 1 ) ;
zombie . setTicksLived ( 1 ) ;
//p.sendMessage("Command is: "+"npc create Boss --type EnderDragon --at "+(p.getLocation().getBlockX()+i)+":-50:"+(p.getLocation().getBlockZ()+j));
Iterator < EnderDragon > e_list = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntitiesByClass ( EnderDragon . class ) . iterator ( ) ;
Iterator < EnderDragon > e_list = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getEntitiesByClass ( EnderDragon . class ) . iterator ( ) ;
boolean first = false ;
boolean first = false ;
while ( e_list . hasNext ( ) ) {
while ( e_list . hasNext ( ) ) {
@ -1159,9 +1212,9 @@ public void runTick() {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 20 = = 0 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 20 = = 0 ) {
for ( int d = 0 ; d < chunk_queue_list . size ( ) ; d + + ) {
for ( int d = 0 ; d < chunk_queue_list . size ( ) ; d + + ) {
if ( ! chunk_queue_list . get ( d ) . isLoaded ( ) ) {
if ( chunk_queue_list . get ( d ) = = null | | ! chunk_queue_list . get ( d ) . isLoaded ( ) ) {
chunk_queue_list . remove ( 0 ) ;
chunk_queue_list . remove ( 0 ) ;
} else {
} else {
break ;
break ;
@ -1173,7 +1226,7 @@ public void runTick() {
List < String > debugmessages = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
List < String > debugmessages = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
FileConfiguration customchunk = reloadChunksConfig ( chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) . getX ( ) , chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) . getZ ( ) ) ;
FileConfiguration customchunk = reloadChunksConfig ( chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) . getX ( ) , chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) . getZ ( ) ) ;
if ( ! customchunk . contains ( "animal-reset2" ) ) {
if ( ! customchunk . contains ( "animal-reset2" ) ) {
customchunk . set ( "animal-reset2" , Long . valueOf ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 17280000 ) ) ;
customchunk . set ( "animal-reset2" , Long . valueOf ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 17280000 ) ) ;
Chunk c = chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) ;
Chunk c = chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) ;
Random r = new Random ( ) ;
Random r = new Random ( ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
@ -1245,8 +1298,8 @@ public void runTick() {
} else {
} else {
//Check the value and regenerate if necessary.
//Check the value and regenerate if necessary.
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) > customchunk . getLong ( "animal-reset2" ) ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME > customchunk . getLong ( "animal-reset2" ) ) {
customchunk . set ( "animal-reset2" , Long . valueOf ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 17280000 ) ) ;
customchunk . set ( "animal-reset2" , Long . valueOf ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 17280000 ) ) ;
Chunk c = chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) ;
Chunk c = chunk_queue_list . get ( 0 ) ;
Random r = new Random ( ) ;
Random r = new Random ( ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
@ -1450,8 +1503,10 @@ public void runTick() {
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 1 . 75d , 4 ) ) ;
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 1 . 75d , 4 ) ) ;
if ( l ! = null & & l . isValid ( ) ) {
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 20 ) ) ;
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 20 ) ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
} else
} else
@ -1482,8 +1537,10 @@ public void runTick() {
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 2 , 8 ) ) ;
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) * 2 , 8 ) ) ;
if ( l ! = null & & l . isValid ( ) ) {
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 21 ) ) ;
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 21 ) ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
} else
} else
@ -1502,8 +1559,10 @@ public void runTick() {
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) / 4 , 10 ) ) ;
l . setMaxHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) / 4 , 10 ) ) ;
if ( l ! = null & & l . isValid ( ) ) {
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 11 ) ) ;
l . setHealth ( Warning ( l . getMaxHealth ( ) , 11 ) ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
l . setTicksLived ( 6400 ) ;
} else
} else
@ -1664,7 +1723,7 @@ public void runTick() {
if ( p . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world_nether" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( p . getWorld ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( "world_nether" ) = = 0 ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 60 = = 0 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 60 = = 0 ) {
for ( int i = - 15 ; i < = 15 ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = - 15 ; i < = 15 ; i + + ) {
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < = 15 ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < = 15 ; j + + ) {
for ( int k = - 5 ; k < = 5 ; k + + ) {
for ( int k = - 5 ; k < = 5 ; k + + ) {
@ -1707,7 +1766,7 @@ public void runTick() {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 600 = = 0 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 600 = = 0 ) {
if ( turnedon = = false & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getTime ( ) > 13000 ) {
if ( turnedon = = false & & Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getTime ( ) > 13000 ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("It's night now...");
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("It's night now...");
turnedon = true ;
turnedon = true ;
@ -1737,7 +1796,7 @@ public void runTick() {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) % 10 = = 0 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME % 10 = = 0 ) {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "spleef4insession" ) ) {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "spleef4insession" ) ) {
//Check to see if we fall off.
//Check to see if we fall off.
if ( ( p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) < 1585 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) > 1600 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) < 24 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) > 39 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) < 86 . 5d ) & & (
if ( ( p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) < 1585 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getX ( ) > 1600 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) < 24 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getZ ( ) > 39 | | p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) < 86 . 5d ) & & (
@ -2243,7 +2302,7 @@ public void runTick() {
public String healthbar ( double curHP , double maxHP ) {
public String healthbar ( double curHP , double maxHP ) {
//█ ▌
int bits = ( int ) ( Math . ceil ( curHP / maxHP * 10 ) ) ;
int bits = ( int ) ( Math . ceil ( curHP / maxHP * 10 ) ) ;
String bar = " " ;
String bar = " " ;
if ( bits > 6 ) {
if ( bits > 6 ) {
@ -2256,16 +2315,16 @@ public String healthbar(double curHP,double maxHP) {
bar + = ChatColor . RED + "" ;
bar + = ChatColor . RED + "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bits / 2 ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bits / 2 ; i + + ) {
bar + = "█" ;
bar + = Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x2588 ) ;
if ( bits % 2 ! = 0 ) {
if ( bits % 2 ! = 0 ) {
bar + = "▌" ;
bar + = Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x258C ) ;
return bar ;
return bar ;
public String healthbar ( double curHP , double maxHP , int hunger ) {
public String healthbar ( double curHP , double maxHP , int hunger ) {
//█ ▌
int bits = ( int ) ( Math . ceil ( curHP / maxHP * 10 ) ) ;
int bits = ( int ) ( Math . ceil ( curHP / maxHP * 10 ) ) ;
String bar = " " ;
String bar = " " ;
if ( hunger = = 20 ) {
if ( hunger = = 20 ) {
@ -2290,10 +2349,10 @@ public String healthbar(double curHP,double maxHP,int hunger) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bits / 2 ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < bits / 2 ; i + + ) {
bar + = "█" ;
bar + = Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x2588 ) ;
if ( bits % 2 ! = 0 ) {
if ( bits % 2 ! = 0 ) {
bar + = "▌" ;
bar + = Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x258C ) ;
return bar ;
return bar ;
@ -2327,7 +2386,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
eve . event = 1 ;
eve . event = 1 ;
eve . data = p . getExp ( ) ;
eve . data = p . getExp ( ) ;
eve . data2 = p . getLevel ( ) ;
eve . data2 = p . getLevel ( ) ;
eve . expiretime = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 1200 ;
eve . expiretime = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 1200 ;
explorers . add ( eve ) ;
explorers . add ( eve ) ;
@ -2348,7 +2407,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
deadpoint = - 1 ;
deadpoint = - 1 ;
* /
* /
if ( explorers . get ( i ) . event = = - 1 | | explorers . get ( i ) . expiretime < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorers . get ( i ) . event = = - 1 | | explorers . get ( i ) . expiretime < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
explorers . remove ( i ) ;
explorers . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
i - - ;
@ -2405,7 +2464,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
boolean testing = false ;
boolean testing = false ;
if ( testing | | ! notallowed ) {
if ( testing | | ! notallowed ) {
if ( testing | | ( ( unmatched / 9610 . 0d * 100 ) > 7 & & ( unmatched / 9610 . 0d * 100 ) < 8 . 35 & & ( last_boss_dungeon_time = = 0 | | last_boss_dungeon_time < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) ) ) {
if ( testing | | ( ( unmatched / 9610 . 0d * 100 ) > 7 & & ( unmatched / 9610 . 0d * 100 ) < 8 . 35 & & ( last_boss_dungeon_time = = 0 | | last_boss_dungeon_time < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < 0 . 25 ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < 0 . 25 ) {
//Empty the whole area.
//Empty the whole area.
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < 16 ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = - 15 ; j < 16 ; j + + ) {
@ -2437,9 +2496,9 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
} else {
} else {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . warning ( ( "File does not exist." ) ) ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . warning ( ( "File does not exist." ) ) ;
last_boss_dungeon_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 12000 ;
last_boss_dungeon_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 12000 ;
} else {
} else {
last_boss_dungeon_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 12000 ;
last_boss_dungeon_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 12000 ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Disparity is "+(unmatched/6727.0d*100)+"%");
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Disparity is "+(unmatched/6727.0d*100)+"%");
@ -2850,12 +2909,12 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < supportmoblist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < supportmoblist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( Bukkit . getPlayer ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . p . getName ( ) ) ! = null ) {
if ( Bukkit . getPlayer ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . p . getName ( ) ) ! = null ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . registeredtime < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . registeredtime < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( j ) ;
supportmoblist . get ( i ) . id . remove ( j ) ;
j - - ;
j - - ;
/ * if ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . registeredtime < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
/ * if ( supportmoblist . get ( i ) . registeredtime < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
supportmoblist . remove ( i ) ;
supportmoblist . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
i - - ;
} * /
} * /
@ -2949,10 +3008,10 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( ! SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbufflist . contains ( p ) ) {
if ( ! SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbufflist . contains ( p ) ) {
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbufflist . add ( p ) ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbufflist . add ( p ) ;
p2 . sendMessage ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "[Aura]" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "HP buff (+10) from Support " + ChatColor . DARK_RED + p . getName ( ) ) ;
p2 . sendMessage ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "[Aura]" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "HP buff (+10) from Support " + ChatColor . DARK_RED + p . getName ( ) ) ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbuff_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 260 ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbuff_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 260 ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . updatePlayerSpd ( ) ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . updatePlayerSpd ( ) ;
} else {
} else {
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbuff_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 260 ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . hpbuff_time = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 260 ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . updatePlayerSpd ( ) ;
SPEED_CONTROL . get ( k ) . updatePlayerSpd ( ) ;
@ -3005,7 +3064,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD ) {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria = 100 ;
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria < 40 & & GLOBAL_villagetimer < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria < 40 & & GLOBAL_villagetimer < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
//Start checking for villagers. Start going up if they aren't there.
//Start checking for villagers. Start going up if they aren't there.
boolean village = false ;
boolean village = false ;
List < Entity > lister = p . getNearbyEntities ( 10 , 10 , 10 ) ;
List < Entity > lister = p . getNearbyEntities ( 10 , 10 , 10 ) ;
@ -3015,7 +3074,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
village = true ;
village = true ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . villagecriteria = 100 ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
GLOBAL_villagetimer = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 6000 ;
GLOBAL_villagetimer = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 6000 ;
break ;
break ;
@ -3043,10 +3102,10 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD ) {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . WOOD ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria = 100 ;
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_templetimer < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_templetimer < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . templecriteria = 100 ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
GLOBAL_templetimer = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 36000 ;
GLOBAL_templetimer = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 36000 ;
@ -3071,20 +3130,20 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . SAND ) {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LOG | | lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . SAND ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria = 100 ;
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_cavetimer < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_cavetimer < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . cavecriteria = 100 ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
GLOBAL_cavetimer = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 3000 ;
GLOBAL_cavetimer = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 3000 ;
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) < 30 & & p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) > 10 & & lookat . getLightLevel ( ) < 6 ) {
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) < 30 & & p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) > 10 & & lookat . getLightLevel ( ) < 6 ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria - = 20 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria - = 20 ;
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_undergroundtimer < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_undergroundtimer < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria = 100 ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
GLOBAL_undergroundtimer = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 3000 ;
GLOBAL_undergroundtimer = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 3000 ;
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) > 50 ) {
if ( p . getLocation ( ) . getY ( ) > 50 ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . undergroundcriteria = 100 ;
@ -3100,10 +3159,10 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LAVA ) {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . LAVA ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria - = 5 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria - = 5 ;
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_nethertimer < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria < = 0 & & GLOBAL_nethertimer < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria = 100 ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Explorer" , 0 . 50 , 50 ) ;
GLOBAL_nethertimer = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + 6000 ;
GLOBAL_nethertimer = Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME + 6000 ;
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . DIRT ) {
if ( lookat . getType ( ) = = Material . DIRT ) {
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria = 100 ;
explorerlist . get ( i ) . nethercriteria = 100 ;
@ -3173,7 +3232,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animallist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < animallist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( animallist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ) {
if ( animallist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME ) {
//Remove it.
//Remove it.
animallist . remove ( i ) ;
animallist . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
i - - ;
@ -3182,7 +3241,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < furnacelist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < furnacelist . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . FURNACE | | Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . BURNING_FURNACE ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . FURNACE | | Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getType ( ) = = Material . BURNING_FURNACE ) {
if ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) & & ( ( Furnace ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getState ( ) ) . getBurnTime ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME & & ( ( Furnace ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( furnacelist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getState ( ) ) . getBurnTime ( ) = = 0 ) {
//Remove it.
//Remove it.
furnacelist . remove ( i ) ;
furnacelist . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
i - - ;
@ -3206,7 +3265,7 @@ public void checkJukeboxes() {
if ( ( ( Jukebox ) jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getJukebox ( ) . getState ( ) ) . getPlaying ( ) ! = jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getDisk ( ) ) {
if ( ( ( Jukebox ) jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getJukebox ( ) . getState ( ) ) . getPlaying ( ) ! = jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getDisk ( ) ) {
jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . setDisk ( ( ( Jukebox ) jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getJukebox ( ) . getState ( ) ) . getPlaying ( ) ) ;
jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . setDisk ( ( ( Jukebox ) jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getJukebox ( ) . getState ( ) ) . getPlaying ( ) ) ;
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getSongStart ( ) > jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getSongDuration ( ) * 20 + 60 ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getSongStart ( ) > jukeboxlist . get ( i ) . getSongDuration ( ) * 20 + 60 ) {
//Check to see if players are closer to one or the other.
//Check to see if players are closer to one or the other.
boolean closest = true ;
boolean closest = true ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < jukeboxlist . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < jukeboxlist . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
@ -3258,7 +3317,7 @@ public void updateTime() {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("New Brewing time: "+brewingstandlist.get(i).getBrewingTime());
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("New Brewing time: "+brewingstandlist.get(i).getBrewingTime());
if ( brewingstandlist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) & & ( ( BrewingStand ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( brewingstandlist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getState ( ) ) . getBrewingTime ( ) = = 0 ) {
if ( brewingstandlist . get ( i ) . getTime ( ) < Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME & & ( ( BrewingStand ) Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getBlockAt ( brewingstandlist . get ( i ) . getLoc ( ) ) . getState ( ) ) . getBrewingTime ( ) = = 0 ) {
//Remove it.
//Remove it.
brewingstandlist . remove ( i ) ;
brewingstandlist . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
i - - ;
@ -3278,31 +3337,10 @@ public void updateTime() {
if ( last_world_time = = 0 ) {
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . setFullTime ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - 4 ) ;
last_world_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) ;
} else {
int raisecount = 0 ;
while ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time > = 2 ) {
last_world_time + = 2 ;
raisecount + + ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . setFullTime ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - raisecount ) ;
/ *
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time + hold_diff > = 2 ) {
last_world_time = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) + ( ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time + ( hold_diff / 2 ) ) / 2 ) ;
accumulator - = ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time + ( hold_diff / 2 ) ) / 2 ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . setFullTime ( last_world_time ) ;
hold_diff = 0 ;
} else {
hold_diff + = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time ;
accumulator + = Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) - last_world_time ;
Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . setFullTime ( last_world_time ) ;
* /
, 10 , 10 ) ;
, 8 , 8 ) ;
@SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" )
@SuppressWarnings ( "deprecation" )
@ -3313,11 +3351,11 @@ public void payDay(int time)
public void run ( )
public void run ( )
for ( Player allOnlineP : Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) ) {
for ( Player allOnlineP : Bukkit . getOnlinePlayers ( ) ) {
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( "§2<=========[§dInterest§2 ]=========>") ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + "<=========[" + ChatColor . LIGHT_PURPLE + "Interest" + ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + " ]=========>") ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00" ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( "§6 The money interest has been delivered to all players. (" + df . format ( ( double ) ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * 100 ) ) + "% interest rate)" ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GOLD + "The money interest has been delivered to all players. (" + df . format ( ( double ) ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * 100 ) ) + "% interest rate)" ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( "§6 Your Balance: $" + df . format ( ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) + " -> $" + df . format ( ( ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) + getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) ) ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GOLD + "Your Balance: $" + df . format ( ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) + " -> $" + df . format ( ( ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) + getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) ) ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( "§2 <==========================>" ) ;
allOnlineP . sendMessage ( ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + "<==========================>" ) ;
getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" , ( ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) + getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) ) ;
getAccountsConfig ( ) . set ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" , ( ( Main . this . getConfig ( ) . getDouble ( "payday.amount" ) * ( getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) + getAccountsConfig ( ) . getDouble ( allOnlineP . getName ( ) + ".money" ) ) ) ) ;
//Main.economy.depositPlayer(allOnlineP.getName(), (Main.this.getConfig().getDouble("payday.amount")*Main.economy.bankBalance(allOnlineP.getName()).balance));
//Main.economy.depositPlayer(allOnlineP.getName(), (Main.this.getConfig().getDouble("payday.amount")*Main.economy.bankBalance(allOnlineP.getName()).balance));
@ -3335,7 +3373,7 @@ public void payDay(int time)
if ( getConfig ( ) . getString ( "fed.mobs" ) . length ( ) > 4 ) {
if ( getConfig ( ) . getString ( "fed.mobs" ) . length ( ) > 4 ) {
String [ ] mobslist = moblist . split ( "," ) ;
String [ ] mobslist = moblist . split ( "," ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mobslist . length ; i + = 2 ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mobslist . length ; i + = 2 ) {
if ( Bukkit . getWorld ( "world" ) . getFullTime ( ) > Long . valueOf ( mobslist [ i + 1 ] ) ) {
if ( Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME > Long . valueOf ( mobslist [ i + 1 ] ) ) {
expired_uuids . add ( UUID . fromString ( mobslist [ i ] ) ) ;
expired_uuids . add ( UUID . fromString ( mobslist [ i ] ) ) ;
} else {
} else {
//Send this back for holding on until next time.
//Send this back for holding on until next time.
@ -3839,7 +3877,9 @@ public void payDay(int time)
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_AXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_axe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_AXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_axe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SPADE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_shovel ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_boots ; } else
@ -3848,6 +3888,7 @@ public void payDay(int time)
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . iron_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_PICKAXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_pickaxe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_boots ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_AXE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_axe ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_leggings ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . golden_chestplate ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_helmet ; } else
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) { enchant_data = ENCHANTMENT_DATA . diamond_helmet ; } else
@ -3913,6 +3954,8 @@ public void payDay(int time)
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
boolean silk_touch = false ;
boolean fortune = false ;
if ( PlayerinJob ( p , "Enchanter" ) ) {
if ( PlayerinJob ( p , "Enchanter" ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Enchanter" , p ) > = 20 ) {
if ( getJobLv ( "Enchanter" , p ) > = 20 ) {
@ -3934,6 +3977,9 @@ public void payDay(int time)
} else
} else
if ( item . getType ( ) . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "pickaxe" ) ) {
if ( item . getType ( ) . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "pickaxe" ) ) {
mult = 0 . 045d ;
mult = 0 . 045d ;
} else
if ( item . getType ( ) . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "axe" ) ) {
mult = 0 . 045d ;
} else {
} else {
if ( item . hasItemMeta ( ) & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( item . hasItemMeta ( ) & & item . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ! = null ) {
@ -4009,11 +4055,20 @@ public void payDay(int time)
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS . getName ( ) ) {
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS . getName ( ) ) {
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Enchanter" , 0 . 50 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult , 40 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Enchanter" , 0 . 50 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult , 40 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult ) ;
fortune = true ;
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . SILK_TOUCH . getName ( ) ) {
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getName ( ) = = Enchantment . SILK_TOUCH . getName ( ) ) {
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Enchanter" , 0 . 50 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult , 40 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult ) ;
gainMoneyExp ( p , "Enchanter" , 0 . 50 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult , 40 * entry . getValue ( ) * mult ) ;
silk_touch = true ;
if ( fortune & & silk_touch ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 5 ) {
item . removeEnchantment ( Enchantment . SILK_TOUCH ) ;
} else {
item . removeEnchantment ( Enchantment . LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS ) ;
return item ;
return item ;
@ -4531,11 +4586,26 @@ public void payDay(int time)
return false ;
return false ;
public boolean is_ItemCube ( ItemStack i ) {
if ( i . hasItemMeta ( ) & & i . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) & & i . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ! = null ) {
//Check to see if the Lore contains anything.
for ( int j = 0 ; j < i . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . size ( ) ; j + + ) {
if ( i . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . get ( j ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . AQUA + "Contains 9 item slots." ) ) {
return true ;
if ( i . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . get ( j ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( ChatColor . AQUA + "Contains 54 item slots." ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
public double getEnchantmentNumb ( String s ) {
public double getEnchantmentNumb ( String s ) {
//Parse the string for spaces.
//Parse the string for spaces.
String [ ] enchant = s . split ( " " ) ;
String [ ] enchant = s . split ( " " ) ;
if ( enchant [ 0 ] . contains ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "" ) ) {
if ( enchant [ 0 ] . contains ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "" ) ) {
String newstring = ( ( enchant [ 0 ] . replace ( ChatColor . YELLOW . getChar ( ) , ' ' ) ) . replace ( '%' , ' ' ) ) . replace ( '§' , ' ' ) ;
String newstring = ( ( enchant [ 0 ] . replace ( ChatColor . YELLOW . getChar ( ) , ' ' ) ) . replace ( '%' , ' ' ) ) . replace ( Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x00A7 ) , Character . toString ( ( char ) 0x0020 ) ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Enchant number is "+Double.valueOf(newstring));
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Enchant number is "+Double.valueOf(newstring));
return Double . valueOf ( newstring ) ;
return Double . valueOf ( newstring ) ;
} else {
} else {