@ -908,6 +908,29 @@ implements Listener
e . setResult ( result ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Cook" , owner , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_FISH | |
e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . BAKED_POTATO | |
e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_CHICKEN | |
e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . GRILLED_PORK | |
e . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKED_BEEF ) {
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( e . getResult ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
lore = e . getResult ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
} else {
lore . add ( "This food item was fabulously" ) ;
lore . add ( "created by cook " + ChatColor . YELLOW + owner + "," ) ;
lore . add ( "restoring more hunger and" ) ;
lore . add ( "saturation than normal, and" ) ;
lore . add ( "healing 1 Heart of health." ) ;
ItemMeta meta = e . getResult ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
ItemStack newstack = e . getResult ( ) ;
newstack . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
e . setResult ( newstack ) ;
//*************************//Not Job Buffies below.
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( owner , "Digger" ) ) {
@ -948,11 +971,12 @@ implements Listener
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( owner , "Cook" , 0 . 20 , 80 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , owner ) > = 20 & & crafteditem ) {
ItemStack result = e . getResult ( ) ;
result . setAmount ( result . getAmount ( ) + 1 ) ;
e . setResult ( result ) ;
} * /
@ -4667,6 +4691,85 @@ implements Listener
return ;
//Find out if there is only 1 item in the crafting matrix. It also have to be an armor/tool.
boolean check = false ;
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ! = null ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Checking item "+result.getMatrix()[i].getType().name());
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "helmet" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chestplate" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leggings" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "boots" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "pickaxe" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "spade" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "axe" ) | |
result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "hoe" ) ) {
check = true ;
count + + ;
if ( check & & count = = 1 ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Found only 1 piece inside.");
for ( int i = 0 ; i < e . getInventory ( ) . getViewers ( ) . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , e . getInventory ( ) . getViewers ( ) . get ( i ) . getName ( ) , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
allowed = true ;
if ( ! allowed ) {
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Not allowed!");
result . setResult ( new ItemStack ( Material . AIR ) ) ;
return ;
} else {
ItemStack myitem = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < result . getMatrix ( ) . length ; i + + ) {
if ( result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ! = null & & result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
myitem = result . getMatrix ( ) [ i ] ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "set item: " + i ) ;
break ;
boolean weak = false ;
//Check if it's a weak piece.
if ( myitem . hasItemMeta ( ) & & myitem . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
if ( myitem . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . RED + "-400% Durability" ) ) {
weak = true ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "It's a weak piece" ) ;
ItemStack offering = null ;
int itemcount = 0 ;
String myname = myitem . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( myname . contains ( "helmet" ) ) { itemcount = 5 ; if ( myname . contains ( "chainmail" ) ) { itemcount = 3 ; } if ( ! weak ) { itemcount * = 9 ; } }
if ( myname . contains ( "chestplate" ) ) { itemcount = 8 ; if ( myname . contains ( "chainmail" ) ) { itemcount = 5 ; } if ( ! weak ) { itemcount * = 9 ; } }
if ( myname . contains ( "leggings" ) ) { itemcount = 7 ; if ( myname . contains ( "chainmail" ) ) { itemcount = 4 ; } if ( ! weak ) { itemcount * = 9 ; } }
if ( myname . contains ( "boots" ) ) { itemcount = 4 ; if ( myname . contains ( "chainmail" ) ) { itemcount = 2 ; } if ( ! weak ) { itemcount * = 9 ; } }
if ( myname . contains ( "pickaxe" ) ) { itemcount = 3 ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "spade" ) ) { itemcount = 1 ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "axe" ) ) { itemcount = 3 ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "hoe" ) ) { itemcount = 2 ; }
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Offering itemcount is "+itemcount);
//We now have myitem. Check type.
if ( myname . contains ( "diamond" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "iron" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_INGOT , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "wood" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . WOOD , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "gold" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . GOLD_INGOT , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "chainmail" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_INGOT , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
if ( myname . contains ( "stone" ) ) { offering = new ItemStack ( Material . COBBLESTONE , ( int ) ( itemcount * 0 . 07 ) + 1 ) ; }
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Offering is "+offering.toString());
result . setResult ( offering ) ;
//****************************//Job Non-Boofs go below.
@ -4907,204 +5010,6 @@ implements Listener
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
//It could be with iron, gold, or diamond blocks. Try them out.
/ *
boolean iron = false , gold = false , diamond = false ;
boolean helmet = false , chestplate = false , leggings = false , boots = false ;
ItemStack [ ] craftwith = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_HELMET ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . IRON_BOOTS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . GOLD_LEGGINGS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . GOLD_CHESTPLATE ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . GOLD_HELMET ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLD_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . GOLD_BOOTS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
} else
if ( ( craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) | | ( craftwith [ 3 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 4 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 5 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 6 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 7 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 8 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BLOCK & &
craftwith [ 0 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 1 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR & &
craftwith [ 2 ] . getType ( ) = = Material . AIR ) ) {
ItemStack newarmor = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS ) ;
result . setResult ( newarmor ) ;
* /
private void restoreItems ( CraftingInventory craft , ClickType click , Player p , double restore_chance ) {
@ -5149,6 +5054,7 @@ implements Listener
//This is something we just crafted.
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Resulting item is "+result.getResult().getAmount()+" "+result.getResult().getType());
CraftingInventory result = e . getInventory ( ) ;
if ( result = = null ) { return ; } //No point in checking here if the resulting inventory is blank.
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Resulting item is "+result.getResult().getAmount()+" "+result.getResult().getType());
Player p = Bukkit . getPlayer ( e . getWhoClicked ( ) . getName ( ) ) ;
@ -5169,7 +5075,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Weaponsmith" ) ) {
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Weaponsmith" ) | | this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Weaponsmith" , p , Job . JOB40 ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . ARROW ) {
crafteditem = true ;
@ -5338,9 +5244,7 @@ implements Listener
//***********************************//End job buff stuff
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Blacksmith" ) | | this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB40 ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
/ *
if ( result . getResult ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . STONE_HOE ) {
@ -5511,34 +5415,57 @@ implements Listener
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 5 & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 5 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
ItemStack resulting = result . getResult ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB30A ) & & crafteditem ) {
ItemMeta meta = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( meta . hasLore ( ) ) {
lore = meta . getLore ( ) ;
lore . add ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "+" + ( ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p . getName ( ) ) - 29 ) * 2 ) + " " + ChatColor . BLUE + "Health" ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
resulting . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB5 ) & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 5 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 10 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB10 ) & & crafteditem ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 10 , p ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , p ) > = 20 & & crafteditem ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT | | e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
int lowestamt = 9999 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) < lowestamt ) {
lowestamt = crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB20 ) & & crafteditem ) {
ItemStack [ ] crafteditems = result . getMatrix ( ) ;
if ( e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT | | e . getClick ( ) = = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
int lowestamt = 9999 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) < lowestamt ) {
lowestamt = crafteditems [ i ] . getAmount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < lowestamt ; j + + ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < lowestamt ; j + + ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
} else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
@ -5547,19 +5474,93 @@ implements Listener
} else {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < crafteditems . length ; i + + ) {
if ( crafteditems [ i ] ! = null & & crafteditems [ i ] . getType ( ) ! = Material . AIR ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 30 ) {
ItemStack replenishitem = crafteditems [ i ] . clone ( ) ;
replenishitem . setAmount ( 1 ) ;
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( replenishitem ) ;
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , p , Job . JOB40 ) & & crafteditem ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 5 ) {
resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 30 , p ) ;
} else {
resulting = EnchantItem ( result . getResult ( ) , 20 , p ) ;
resulting . setAmount ( ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 2 ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
if ( hasJobBuff ( "Cook" , p , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
ItemStack resulting = result . getResult ( ) ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( resulting . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
lore = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
} else {
lore . add ( "This food item was fabulously" ) ;
lore . add ( "created by cook " + ChatColor . YELLOW + p . getName ( ) + "," ) ;
lore . add ( "restoring more hunger and" ) ;
lore . add ( "saturation than normal, and" ) ;
lore . add ( "healing 1 Heart of health." ) ;
ItemMeta meta = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
resulting . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
result . setResult ( resulting ) ;
ItemStack item = result . getResult ( ) ;
int amount = 1 ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Digger" ) ) {
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . SANDSTONE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Digger" , 0 . 02 * amount , 6 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BRICK ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Digger" , 0 . 04 * amount , 8 * amount ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Cook" ) ) {
if ( e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_RIGHT & & e . getClick ( ) ! = ClickType . SHIFT_LEFT ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 003125 * amount , 1 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 016875 * amount , 1 . 50 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MUSHROOM_SOUP ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 009375 * amount , 3 . 75 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_PIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0375 * amount , 15 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0875 * amount , 35 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 10625 * amount , 21 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 1125 * amount , 45 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem = = true ) {
//This is an ugly fix for the problem...But it works somehow.
//Player newp = Bukkit.getPlayer(p.getName().toLowerCase());
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( new ItemStack ( item . getType ( ) , amount , item . getDurability ( ) , item . getData ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
} * /
//***********************************//End job buff stuff
/ *
//this.plugin.tempinventory = Bukkit.getPlayer(e.getWhoClicked().getName()).getInventory().getContents();
CraftingInventory result = e . getInventory ( ) ;
@ -11078,6 +11079,43 @@ implements Listener
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Digger" , 0 . 04 * amount , 8 * amount ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Cook" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 003125 * amount , 1 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 016875 * amount , 1 . 50 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MUSHROOM_SOUP ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 009375 * amount , 3 . 75 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_PIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0375 * amount , 15 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0875 * amount , 35 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 10625 * amount , 21 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 1125 * amount , 45 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem = = true ) {
//This is an ugly fix for the problem...But it works somehow.
//Player newp = Bukkit.getPlayer(p.getName().toLowerCase());
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( new ItemStack ( item . getType ( ) , amount , item . getDurability ( ) , item . getData ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
} * /
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Weaponsmith" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . ARROW ) {
@ -11298,98 +11336,6 @@ implements Listener
crafteditem = true ;
/ * if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 00 , 1 ) ;
if ( e . getBlock ( ) . getType ( ) = = Material . MELON_BLOCK ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 10 , 10 ) ;
} * /
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Farmer" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MELON ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 10 , 10 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_SEEDS ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Farmer" , 0 . 04 , 8 ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Cook" ) ) {
boolean crafteditem = false ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 003125 * amount , 1 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 016875 * amount , 1 . 50 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MUSHROOM_SOUP ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 009375 * amount , 3 . 75 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_PIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0375 * amount , 15 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 0875 * amount , 35 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 10625 * amount , 21 . 25 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Cook" , 0 . 1125 * amount , 45 * amount ) ;
crafteditem = true ;
if ( this . plugin . getJobLv ( "Cook" , p ) > = 10 & & crafteditem = = true ) {
//This is an ugly fix for the problem...But it works somehow.
//Player newp = Bukkit.getPlayer(p.getName().toLowerCase());
p . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( new ItemStack ( item . getType ( ) , amount , item . getDurability ( ) , item . getData ( ) . getData ( ) ) ) ;
/ *
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Support" ) ) {
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . BREAD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . MUSHROOM_SOUP ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . COOKIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_CARROT ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . GOLDEN_APPLE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . PUMPKIN_PIE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_SWORD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 015 * amount , 3 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_CHESTPLATE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_HELMET | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_BOOTS | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . IRON_LEGGINGS ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 025 * amount , 5 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_SWORD ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 075 * amount , 8 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_HELMET | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_BOOTS | | item . getType ( ) = = Material . DIAMOND_LEGGINGS ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 20 * amount , 20 * amount ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) = = Material . CAKE ) {
this . plugin . gainMoneyExp ( p , "Support" , 0 . 03 * amount , 2 * amount ) ;
} * /
private void handleCrafting ( InventoryClickEvent event ) {
@ -11580,16 +11526,51 @@ implements Listener
if ( PlayerinJob ( ( Player ) player , "Blacksmith" ) ) {
ItemStack resulting = clone ;
if ( hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) , Job . JOB30A ) & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
ItemMeta meta = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( meta . hasLore ( ) ) {
lore = meta . getLore ( ) ;
lore . add ( ChatColor . YELLOW + "+" + ( ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) - 29 ) * 2 ) + " " + ChatColor . BLUE + "Health" ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
resulting . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 10 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 10 , ( Player ) player ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 10 , ( Player ) player ) ;
} else
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 5 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
ItemStack resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 5 , ( Player ) player ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
if ( getJobLv ( "Blacksmith" , player . getName ( ) ) > = 5 & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Valid item. Going to attempt to enchant.");
resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 5 , ( Player ) player ) ;
if ( hasJobBuff ( "Blacksmith" , ( Player ) player , Job . JOB40 ) & & validItem_Blacksmith ( post ) ) {
if ( Math . random ( ) < = 0 . 5 ) {
resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 30 , ( Player ) player ) ;
} else {
resulting = EnchantItem ( clone , 20 , ( Player ) player ) ;
resulting . setAmount ( ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * 4 ) + 2 ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
if ( hasJobBuff ( "Cook" , ( Player ) player , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
ItemStack resulting = clone ;
List < String > lore = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ;
if ( resulting . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
lore = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
} else {
lore . add ( "This food item was fabulously" ) ;
lore . add ( "created by cook " + ChatColor . YELLOW + player . getName ( ) + "," ) ;
lore . add ( "restoring more hunger and" ) ;
lore . add ( "saturation than normal, and" ) ;
lore . add ( "healing 1 Heart of health." ) ;
ItemMeta meta = resulting . getItemMeta ( ) ;
meta . setLore ( lore ) ;
resulting . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
player . getInventory ( ) . setItem ( i , resulting ) ;
//Bukkit.getPlayer("sigonasr2").sendMessage("Item amounts differ. New count: "+newItemsCount);
@ -13845,6 +13826,10 @@ implements Listener
public boolean isFood ( ItemStack i ) {
public void onPlayerInteract ( PlayerInteractEvent e )
@ -14154,6 +14139,13 @@ implements Listener
if ( ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_AIR | | ( e . getAction ( ) = = Action . RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK & & p . isSneaking ( ) ) ) & & p . getItemInHand ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & & p . getItemInHand ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
if ( isFood ( p . getItemInHand ( ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
//******************************//End Job related buffs.
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Explorer" ) ) {