@ -2629,9 +2629,10 @@ implements Listener
if ( totallvs > 8 0* levelsmult ) {
if ( totallvs > 1 0* levelsmult ) {
//Try to spawn a counter slime.
if ( Math . random ( ) < = COUNTER_SLIME_SPAWN_RATE ) {
Entity entity = e . getEntity ( ) . getWorld ( ) . spawnEntity ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) , EntityType . SLIME ) ;
@ -2663,7 +2664,7 @@ implements Listener
l . setMaxHealth ( 45 ) ;
l . setHealth ( 45 ) ;
ItemStack helm = new ItemStack ( Material . DIAMOND_HELMET ) ;
helm . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL , 3 2) ;
helm . addUnsafeEnchantment ( Enchantment . PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL , 24 ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setHelmet ( helm ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setHelmetDropChance ( 0 . 002f ) ;
l . getEquipment ( ) . setItemInHand ( new ItemStack ( Material . BOW ) ) ;
@ -2741,6 +2742,19 @@ implements Listener
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . INCREASE_DAMAGE , 999999 , 2 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SPEED , 999999 , 0 ) ) ;
//Try to spawn a Lightning Mage.
if ( Math . random ( ) < = POWER_SURGE_ZOMBIE_SPAWN_RATE ) {
Location ent = e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) ;
Entity entity = e . getEntity ( ) . getWorld ( ) . spawnEntity ( e . getEntity ( ) . getLocation ( ) , EntityType . ENDERMAN ) ;
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) entity ;
l . setCustomName ( ChatColor . RED + "Lightning Mage" ) ;
l . setCustomNameVisible ( false ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Suicidal Creeper spawned at "+l.getLocation().toString());
l . setMaxHealth ( 105 ) ;
l . setHealth ( 105 ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . DAMAGE_RESISTANCE , 999999 , 4 ) ) ;
l . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . INCREASE_DAMAGE , 999999 , 1 ) ) ;
@ -6833,9 +6847,6 @@ implements Listener
public void onItemChange ( PlayerItemHeldEvent e ) {
Player p = e . getPlayer ( ) ;
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] ! = null ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Durability of this item is " + p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] . getDurability ( ) ) ;
//**************************//Job Buffs begin here.
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] ! = null ) {
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getContents ( ) [ e . getNewSlot ( ) ] . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "pickaxe" ) & & this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Miner" , p , Job . JOB10 ) ) {
@ -8247,9 +8258,9 @@ implements Listener
if ( this . plugin . hasJobBuff ( "Fisherman" , p , Job . JOB30B ) ) {
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak + + ;
this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate + = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate * 0 . 05 ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.00 " ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak % 5 = = 0 ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GREEN + "" + this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak + " in a row! " + ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Current Fish Catch Rate: " + ( ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate / 0 . 002 ) ) + "%" ) ;
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GREEN + "" + this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingstreak + " in a row! " + ChatColor . GRAY + "" + ChatColor . ITALIC + "Current Fish Catch Rate: " + ( df . format ( ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . fishingrodcatchrate / 0 . 002 ) * 100 ) ) + "%" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . PlayerinJob ( p , "Fisherman" ) ) {
@ -8913,6 +8924,14 @@ implements Listener
boolean blocked_hunter_buff = false ; //Whether or not the block occurred due to the hunter buff.
//**********************************//Player buffs begin
if ( e . getDamager ( ) instanceof LightningStrike ) {
if ( e . getEntity ( ) instanceof Enderman ) {
LivingEntity l = ( LivingEntity ) e . getEntity ( ) ;
if ( l . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . RED + "Lightning Mage" ) ) {
e . setCancelled ( true ) ;
if ( e . getDamager ( ) instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) e . getDamager ( ) ;
if ( p . hasPotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . BLINDNESS ) ) {
@ -8950,95 +8969,149 @@ implements Listener
LivingEntity l2 = ( LivingEntity ) e . getDamager ( ) ;
if ( l2 . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l2 . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . RED + "Powersurge Zombie" ) ) {
int dmgamt = 0 ; //How much the bonus damage rating to do.
double dmgamt1 = 0 , dmgamt2 = 0 , dmgamt3 = 0 , dmgamt4 = 0 ;
ItemStack item = l . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ;
if ( item ! = null ) {
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
dmgamt + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
dmgamt1 + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "diamond" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 5 ;
dmgamt1 + = 5 ;
if ( l instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) l ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . EXPLODE , 0 . 5f , 1 . 8f ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 3 ;
dmgamt / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt1 + = 3 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 1 ;
dmgamt / = 8 ;
dmgamt1 + = 1 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 2 ;
dmgamt / = 4 ;
dmgamt1 + = 2 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt1 / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt + = 1 . 5 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt1 / = 8 ;
dmgamt + = 8 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt1 / = 4 ;
dmgamt + = 4 ;
item = l . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ;
if ( item ! = null ) {
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
dmgamt + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
dmgamt2 + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "diamond" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 7 ;
dmgamt2 + = 7 ;
if ( l instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) l ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . EXPLODE , 0 . 5f , 1 . 8f ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt2 + = 5 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt2 + = 2 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt2 + = 4 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 5 ;
dmgamt / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt2 / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt + = 1 . 5 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 2 ;
dmgamt / = 8 ;
dmgamt2 / = 8 ;
dmgamt + = 8 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt2 / = 4 ;
dmgamt + = 4 ;
dmgamt / = 4 ;
item = l . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ;
if ( item ! = null ) {
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
dmgamt + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
dmgamt3 + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "diamond" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 4 ;
dmgamt3 + = 4 ;
if ( l instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) l ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . EXPLODE , 0 . 5f , 1 . 8f ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 2 ;
dmgamt / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt3 + = 2 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 1 ;
dmgamt / = 8 ;
dmgamt3 + = 1 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 1 ;
dmgamt / = 4 ;
dmgamt3 + = 1 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt3 / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt + = 1 . 5 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt3 / = 8 ;
dmgamt + = 8 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt3 / = 4 ;
dmgamt + = 4 ;
item = l . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ;
if ( item ! = null ) {
Map < Enchantment , Integer > map = item . getEnchantments ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Enchantment , Integer > entry : map . entrySet ( ) ) {
dmgamt + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
dmgamt4 + = entry . getValue ( ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "diamond" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 2 ;
dmgamt4 + = 2 ;
if ( l instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) l ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . EXPLODE , 0 . 5f , 1 . 8f ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 1 ;
dmgamt / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt4 + = 1 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 0 ;
dmgamt / = 8 ;
dmgamt4 + = 0 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt + = 1 ;
dmgamt / = 4 ;
dmgamt4 + = 1 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "iron" ) ) {
dmgamt4 / = 1 . 5 ;
dmgamt + = 1 . 5 ;
e . setDamage ( e . getDamage ( ) + dmgamt ) ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "leather" ) ) {
dmgamt4 / = 8 ;
dmgamt + = 8 ;
if ( item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "gold" ) | | item . getType ( ) . name ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "chain" ) ) {
dmgamt4 / = 4 ;
dmgamt + = 4 ;
e . setDamage ( ( e . getDamage ( ) + dmgamt1 + dmgamt2 + dmgamt3 + dmgamt4 ) / dmgamt ) ;
e . setDamage ( e . getDamage ( ) + Math . pow ( dmgamt , 1 . 65 ) ) ;
if ( l . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . RED + "Wolf Minion" ) ) {
@ -9423,7 +9496,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) instanceof LivingEntity ) {
LivingEntity l = ( ( Projectile ) e . getDamager ( ) ) . getShooter ( ) ;
if ( l . getCustomName ( ) ! = null & & l . getCustomName ( ) . contains ( ChatColor . RED + "Silencer" ) ) {
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . BLINDNESS , 9 0, 64 ) ) ;
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . BLINDNESS , 6 0, 64 ) ) ;
@ -9562,6 +9635,11 @@ implements Listener
e . setDamage ( 0 ) ;
//Choose a random set to mark off.
blocked_attack = true ;
//Reduce all armor by one as if it was a normal hit.
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
if ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null ) { p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . setDurability ( ( short ) ( p . getInventory ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getDurability ( ) + 1 ) ) ; }
/ *
if ( blocks . size ( ) > 0 ) {
int armor = blocks . get ( ( int ) ( Math . random ( ) * blocks . size ( ) ) ) ;
@ -10354,6 +10432,12 @@ implements Listener
final boolean blocked = blocked_attack ;
final boolean blocked_hunter = blocked_hunter_buff ;
final Main plug = this . plugin ;
int helm_dura = - 1 , chest_dura = - 1 , legs_dura = - 1 , boots_dura = - 1 ;
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null ) { helm_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { chest_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null ) { legs_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null ) { boots_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
final int prev_helm_dura = helm_dura , prev_chest_dura = chest_dura , prev_legs_dura = legs_dura , prev_boots_dura = boots_dura ;
if ( p . getNoDamageTicks ( ) < p . getMaximumNoDamageTicks ( ) / 2 . 0f ) {
p . getServer ( ) . getScheduler ( ) . scheduleSyncDelayedTask ( this . plugin , new Runnable ( ) {
@ -10365,12 +10449,12 @@ implements Listener
int helm_dura = - 1 , chest_dura = - 1 , legs_dura = - 1 , boots_dura = - 1 ;
boolean weak_helm = false , weak_chest = false , weak_legs = false , weak_boots = false ;
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null ) { helm_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { chest_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { chest_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null ) { legs_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null ) { boots_dura = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getDurability ( ) ; }
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Durability of items are: " + helm_dura + "," + chest_dura + "," + legs_dura + "," + boots_dura ) ;
int gained_back = 0 ;
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & helm_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -10383,7 +10467,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & chest_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -10396,7 +10480,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & legs_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -10410,7 +10494,7 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & boots_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
@ -10423,13 +10507,13 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & helm_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
double dura_numb = 0 ;
if ( plug . containsEnchantment ( lore . get ( i ) , "Durability" ) ) {
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( "Durability" ) ;
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( lore . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! weak_helm ) { dura_numb + = 300 ; /*Bukkit.getLogger().info("1 not weak.");*/ }
if ( Math . random ( ) * dura_numb > 100 ) {
@ -10437,13 +10521,13 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & chest_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
double dura_numb = 0 ;
if ( plug . containsEnchantment ( lore . get ( i ) , "Durability" ) ) {
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( "Durability" ) ;
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( lore . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! weak_chest ) { dura_numb + = 300 ; /*Bukkit.getLogger().info("2 not weak.");*/ }
if ( Math . random ( ) * dura_numb > 100 ) {
@ -10451,13 +10535,13 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & legs_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
double dura_numb = 0 ;
if ( plug . containsEnchantment ( lore . get ( i ) , "Durability" ) ) {
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( "Durability" ) ;
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( lore . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! weak_legs ) { dura_numb + = 300 ; /*Bukkit.getLogger().info("3 not weak.");*/ }
if ( Math . random ( ) * dura_numb > 100 ) {
@ -10465,13 +10549,13 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & boots_dura ! = - 1 & & p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . hasItemMeta ( ) & &
p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . hasLore ( ) ) {
List < String > lore = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getLore ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < lore . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
double dura_numb = 0 ;
if ( plug . containsEnchantment ( lore . get ( i ) , "Durability" ) ) {
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( "Durability" ) ;
dura_numb + = plug . getEnchantmentNumb ( lore . get ( i ) ) ;
if ( ! weak_boots ) { dura_numb + = 300 ; /*Bukkit.getLogger().info("4 not weak.");*/ }
if ( Math . random ( ) * dura_numb > 100 ) {
@ -10479,10 +10563,10 @@ implements Listener
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) boots_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setBoots ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) legs_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setLeggings ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) chest_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setChestplate ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) helm_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setHelmet ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ! = null & & boots_dura ! = - 1 ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getBoots ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) boots_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setBoots ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ! = null & & legs_dura ! = - 1 ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getLeggings ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) legs_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setLeggings ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ! = null & & chest_dura ! = - 1 ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getChestplate ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) chest_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setChestplate ( i ) ; }
if ( p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ! = null & & helm_dura ! = - 1 ) { ItemStack i = p . getEquipment ( ) . getHelmet ( ) ; i . setDurability ( ( short ) helm_dura ) ; p . getEquipment ( ) . setHelmet ( i ) ; }
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Durability of items now are: " + helm_dura + "," + chest_dura + "," + legs_dura + "," + boots_dura ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
@ -11428,12 +11512,12 @@ implements Listener
public void onInventoryClickEvent ( InventoryClickEvent event ) {
Player p = ( Player ) event . getWhoClicked ( ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_GRAY + "" ) ;
if ( p . hasPermission ( "group.moderator" ) ) {
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + "" ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_GREEN + "" ) ;
if ( p . hasPermission ( "group.administrators" ) ) {
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "" ) ;
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setPrefix ( ChatColor . DARK_PURPLE + "" ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Slot is "+event.getSlot());