@ -627,6 +627,124 @@ public String convertToItemName(String val) {
p . sendMessage ( "Changed name tag's title to " + p . getItemInHand ( ) . getItemMeta ( ) . getDisplayName ( ) + "." ) ;
} else
if ( cmd . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "event" ) & & args . length = = 3 & & p . hasPermission ( "maintenance-mode-admin" ) ) {
if ( args [ 0 ] . equalsIgnoreCase ( "regen_chunk" ) /*DISABLED to prevent accidental execution.*/ ) {
if ( p . hasPermission ( "maintenance-mode-admin" ) ) {
//boolean result=p.getWorld().regenerateChunk(p.getLocation().getBlockX()/16, p.getLocation().getBlockZ()/16);
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Chunk regenerated: "+result+" ("+p.getLocation().getBlockX()/16+","+p.getLocation().getBlockZ()/16+")");
/ * byte [ ] worldarray = p . getWorld ( ) . getGenerator ( ) . generate ( p . getWorld ( ) , new Random ( ) , p . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) / 16 , p . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) / 16 ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
for ( int y = 0 ; y < 128 ; y + + ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Block @ (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ") is " + worldarray [ ( x * 16 + z ) * 128 + y ] ) ;
} * /
/ *
//Create a new tempworld that mimics the real world, generator-wise.
World newworld = Bukkit . createWorld ( new WorldCreator ( "newworld" ) . copy ( p . getWorld ( ) ) ) ;
p . teleport ( new Location ( newworld , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
for ( int x = - 720 ; x < 721 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = - 720 ; z < 721 ; z + + ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Creating new chunk at (" + x + "," + z + ") for world newworld." ) ;
newworld . loadChunk ( x , z , true ) ;
} * /
Location CenterPoint = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , 1627 , 67 , - 268 ) ; //Center of Twoside.
int iterations = 100 * ( Integer . valueOf ( args [ 1 ] ) + 50 ) ;
for ( int MASTER_i = - Integer . valueOf ( args [ 1 ] ) ; MASTER_i < Integer . valueOf ( args [ 1 ] ) + 1 ; MASTER_i + + ) {
p . getWorld ( ) . save ( ) ;
for ( int MASTER_j = - Integer . valueOf ( args [ 2 ] ) ; MASTER_j < Integer . valueOf ( args [ 2 ] ) + 1 ; MASTER_j + + ) {
iterations + + ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Correcting Chunk (" + MASTER_i + "," + MASTER_j + ")..." ) ;
//int rand_factor = (int)(Math.random()*200d);
int chunkx = ( MASTER_i * 16 + CenterPoint . getBlockX ( ) + 8 ) / 16 , chunkz = ( MASTER_j * 16 + CenterPoint . getBlockZ ( ) + 8 ) / 16 ;
WorldEditPlugin wep = ( WorldEditPlugin ) Bukkit . getPluginManager ( ) . getPlugin ( "WorldEdit" ) ;
final TerrainManager tm = new TerrainManager ( wep , p . getWorld ( ) ) ;
int lowest = 62 ;
for ( int y = lowest ; y > 0 ; y - - ) {
boolean found = false ;
/ *
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
if ( ! naturalBlock ( p . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( chunkx * 16 + x , y , chunkz * 16 + z ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
found = true ;
lowest - = 8 ;
y - = 7 ;
break ;
if ( found ) { break ; }
} * /
if ( ! found ) {
boolean found2 = false ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int yy = 0 ; yy < 8 ; yy + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
if ( ! naturalBlock ( p . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( chunkx * 16 + x , y + yy , chunkz * 16 + z ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
found2 = true ;
lowest - = 8 ;
y - = 7 ;
break ;
if ( ! found2 ) { break ; }
if ( ! found2 ) { break ; }
final Location loc1 = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , chunkx * 16 - 16 , Math . max ( lowest , 1 ) , chunkz * 16 - 16 ) ;
final Location loc2 = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , chunkx * 16 + 32 , 128 , chunkz * 16 + 32 ) ;
final File saveFile = new File ( "plugins/WorldEdit/schematics/world_save" ) ;
try {
tm . saveTerrain ( saveFile , loc1 , loc2 ) ;
} catch ( FilenameException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( DataException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//final ChunkSnapshot savedChunk = p.getWorld().getChunkAt(chunkx, chunkz).getChunkSnapshot();
final Player p2 = p ;
final int chunkx2 = chunkx , chunkz2 = chunkz ;
p . getWorld ( ) . regenerateChunk ( chunkx2 , chunkz2 ) ;
try {
tm . loadSchematic ( saveFile ) ;
} catch ( FilenameException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( MaxChangedBlocksException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( EmptyClipboardException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( DataException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("->Updated this layer. ("+(int)(iterations/10000d*100)+"%)");
p . getWorld ( ) . unloadChunkRequest ( chunkx2 , chunkz2 ) ;
if ( cmd . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . equalsIgnoreCase ( "event" ) & & args . length = = 1 & & p . hasPermission ( "maintenance-mode-admin" ) ) {
if ( args [ 0 ] . equalsIgnoreCase ( "halloween" ) ) {
if ( this . plugin . getConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( "halloween-enabled" ) ) {
@ -1024,117 +1142,6 @@ public String convertToItemName(String val) {
i . setItemMeta ( meta ) ;
f . getInventory ( ) . addItem ( i ) ;
if ( args [ 0 ] . equalsIgnoreCase ( "regen_chunk" ) & & 0 = = 1 /*DISABLED to prevent accidental execution.*/ ) {
if ( p . hasPermission ( "maintenance-mode-admin" ) ) {
//boolean result=p.getWorld().regenerateChunk(p.getLocation().getBlockX()/16, p.getLocation().getBlockZ()/16);
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Chunk regenerated: "+result+" ("+p.getLocation().getBlockX()/16+","+p.getLocation().getBlockZ()/16+")");
/ * byte [ ] worldarray = p . getWorld ( ) . getGenerator ( ) . generate ( p . getWorld ( ) , new Random ( ) , p . getLocation ( ) . getBlockX ( ) / 16 , p . getLocation ( ) . getBlockZ ( ) / 16 ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
for ( int y = 0 ; y < 128 ; y + + ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Block @ (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + ") is " + worldarray [ ( x * 16 + z ) * 128 + y ] ) ;
} * /
/ *
//Create a new tempworld that mimics the real world, generator-wise.
World newworld = Bukkit . createWorld ( new WorldCreator ( "newworld" ) . copy ( p . getWorld ( ) ) ) ;
p . teleport ( new Location ( newworld , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
for ( int x = - 720 ; x < 721 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = - 720 ; z < 721 ; z + + ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Creating new chunk at (" + x + "," + z + ") for world newworld." ) ;
newworld . loadChunk ( x , z , true ) ;
} * /
Location CenterPoint = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , 1627 , 67 , - 268 ) ; //Center of Twoside.
int iterations = 100 * ( Integer . valueOf ( args [ 1 ] ) + 50 ) ;
for ( int MASTER_i = Integer . valueOf ( args [ 1 ] ) ; MASTER_i < 51 ; MASTER_i + + ) {
p . getWorld ( ) . save ( ) ;
for ( int MASTER_j = - 50 ; MASTER_j < 51 ; MASTER_j + + ) {
iterations + + ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "" ) ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "BEGINNING Chunk (" + MASTER_i + "," + MASTER_j + ") correction..." ) ;
//int rand_factor = (int)(Math.random()*200d);
int chunkx = ( MASTER_i * 16 + CenterPoint . getBlockX ( ) + 8 ) / 16 , chunkz = ( MASTER_j * 16 + CenterPoint . getBlockZ ( ) + 8 ) / 16 ;
WorldEditPlugin wep = ( WorldEditPlugin ) Bukkit . getPluginManager ( ) . getPlugin ( "WorldEdit" ) ;
final TerrainManager tm = new TerrainManager ( wep , p . getWorld ( ) ) ;
int lowest = 62 ;
for ( int y = lowest ; y > 0 ; y - - ) {
boolean found = false ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
if ( ! naturalBlock ( p . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( chunkx * 16 + x , y , chunkz * 16 + z ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
found = true ;
lowest - - ;
break ;
if ( found ) { break ; }
if ( ! found ) {
boolean found2 = false ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < 16 ; x + + ) {
for ( int yy = 1 ; yy < 4 ; yy + + ) {
for ( int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z + + ) {
if ( ! naturalBlock ( p . getWorld ( ) . getBlockAt ( chunkx * 16 + x , y + yy , chunkz * 16 + z ) . getType ( ) ) ) {
found2 = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found2 ) { break ; }
if ( ! found2 ) { break ; }
final Location loc1 = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , chunkx * 16 - 16 , lowest , chunkz * 16 - 16 ) ;
final Location loc2 = new Location ( p . getWorld ( ) , chunkx * 16 + 32 , 128 , chunkz * 16 + 32 ) ;
final File saveFile = new File ( "plugins/WorldEdit/schematics/world_save" ) ;
try {
tm . saveTerrain ( saveFile , loc1 , loc2 ) ;
} catch ( FilenameException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( DataException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ex . printStackTrace ( ) ;
//final ChunkSnapshot savedChunk = p.getWorld().getChunkAt(chunkx, chunkz).getChunkSnapshot();
final Player p2 = p ;
final int chunkx2 = chunkx , chunkz2 = chunkz ;
p . getWorld ( ) . regenerateChunk ( chunkx2 , chunkz2 ) ;
try {
tm . loadSchematic ( saveFile ) ;
} catch ( FilenameException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( MaxChangedBlocksException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( EmptyClipboardException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( DataException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
} catch ( IOException e ) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "->Updated this layer. (" + ( int ) ( iterations / 10000d * 100 ) + "%)" ) ;
p . getWorld ( ) . unloadChunkRequest ( chunkx2 , chunkz2 ) ;
if ( args [ 0 ] . equalsIgnoreCase ( "halloween" ) & & args [ 1 ] . equalsIgnoreCase ( "end" ) ) {
p . sendMessage ( ChatColor . GRAY + "Ending Harrowing night... Did you make sure it was night time? If not, type this command again after /time night instead." ) ;
this . plugin . harrowing_night = true ;