@ -10155,7 +10155,7 @@ implements Listener
l2 . setHealth ( l2 . getHealth ( ) - dmg ) ;
if ( l2 instanceof Player ) {
Player p = ( Player ) l2 ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . HURT , 0 . 5f , 1 . 0f ) ;
p . playSound ( p . getLocation ( ) , Sound . HURT_FLESH , 0 . 5f , 1 . 0f ) ;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat ( "#0.0" ) ;
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat ( "#0" ) ;
if ( this . plugin . getAccountsConfig ( ) . getBoolean ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) + ".settings.notify5" ) ) {
@ -10955,10 +10955,74 @@ implements Listener
final Player p = ( Player ) e . getDamager ( ) ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) instanceof Monster ) {
Monster m = ( Monster ) e . getEntity ( ) ;
List < MobHead > playerheads = this . plugin . getMobHeads ( p ) ;
int creeperheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperpoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int aoedmg = 0 ;
aoedmg + = creeperheads * 5 ;
aoedmg + = creeperrareheads * 20 ;
aoedmg + = creeperpoweredheads * 5 ;
aoedmg + = creeperpoweredrareheads * 30 ;
int spiderheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderpoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int slowdownpct = 0 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderheads * 5 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderrareheads * 15 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderpoweredheads * 5 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderpoweredrareheads * 30 ;
spiderrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_B ) , playerheads ) ;
int poisondur = 0 ; //Amount of poison duration (seconds) to add to the current poison amount.
poisondur + = spiderrareheads * 2 ;
poisondur + = spiderpoweredheads * 1 ;
poisondur + = spiderpoweredrareheads * 5 ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW , 60 , slowdownpct / 15 , true ) ) ;
int poisonduration = 0 ;
//First see if the mob is already a poisoned mob.
boolean found = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . mob_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . mob_list . get ( i ) . id . compareTo ( m . getUniqueId ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
//We found it. Add onto current poison duration.
this . plugin . mob_list . get ( i ) . addPoison ( poisondur * 20 ) ;
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
//We didn't find it, so add a new entry to the poison list.
MobManager newm = new MobManager ( m . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
newm . addPoison ( poisondur * 20 ) ;
this . plugin . mob_list . add ( newm ) ;
List < Entity > nearby_mobs = m . getNearbyEntities ( 2 , 2 , 2 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! ( nearby_mobs . get ( i ) instanceof Monster ) ) {
nearby_mobs . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
/ * if ( m . hasPotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW ) & & Main . SERVER_TICK_TIME - this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . lastsneaktime < = 60 ) {
m . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW ) ;
} * /
List < MobHead > playerheads = this . plugin . getMobHeads ( p ) ;
int witherskeletonheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherskeletonrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherskeletonpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
@ -11061,13 +11125,13 @@ implements Listener
//int zombierarebheads = this.plugin.getMobHeadAmt(new MobHead(MobHeadType.ZOMBIE,true,MobHeadRareType.RARE_TYPE_B), playerheads);
int zombiepoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . ZOMBIE , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int zombiepoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . ZOMBIE , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Head counts are " + zombieheads + ", " + zombierareaheads + ", " + zombiepoweredheads + ", " + zombiepoweredrareheads ) ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Life Steal is " + life_steal + "%" ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Head counts are "+zombieheads+", "+zombierareaheads+", "+zombiepoweredheads+", "+zombiepoweredrareheads);
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Life Steal is "+life_steal+"%");
life_steal + = zombieheads ;
life_steal + = zombiepoweredheads ;
life_steal + = zombierareaheads * 3 ;
life_steal + = zombiepoweredrareheads * 5 ;
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Life Steal is " + life_steal + "%" ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Life Steal is "+life_steal+"%");
if ( this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . furytime ! = 0 ) {
attack_speed + = this . plugin . getPlayerData ( p ) . furyamt ;
@ -11199,11 +11263,124 @@ implements Listener
p . getScoreboard ( ) . getTeam ( p . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ) . setSuffix ( healthbar ( p . getHealth ( ) , p . getMaxHealth ( ) , p . getFoodLevel ( ) ) ) ;
ItemStack item = p . getItemInHand ( ) ;
double critical_chance = 0 , armor_pen = 0 , life_steal = 0 , attack_speed = 0 , dmg = 0 , armor_pen_dmg = 0 ;
List < MobHead > player_mobheads = this . plugin . getMobHeads ( p ) ;
int skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON ) , player_mobheads ) ;
int powered_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , false , true ) , player_mobheads ) ;
int rare_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_A ) , player_mobheads ) ;
int powered_rare_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_A , true ) , player_mobheads ) ;
List < MobHead > playerheads = this . plugin . getMobHeads ( p ) ;
if ( e . getEntity ( ) instanceof Monster ) {
Monster m = ( Monster ) e . getEntity ( ) ;
int creeperheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int creeperpoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . CREEPER , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int aoedmg = 0 ;
aoedmg + = creeperheads * 5 ;
aoedmg + = creeperrareheads * 20 ;
aoedmg + = creeperpoweredheads * 5 ;
aoedmg + = creeperpoweredrareheads * 30 ;
int spiderheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int spiderpoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int slowdownpct = 0 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderheads * 5 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderrareheads * 15 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderpoweredheads * 5 ;
slowdownpct + = spiderpoweredrareheads * 30 ;
spiderrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SPIDER , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_B ) , playerheads ) ;
int poisondur = 0 ; //Amount of poison duration (seconds) to add to the current poison amount.
poisondur + = spiderrareheads * 2 ;
poisondur + = spiderpoweredheads * 1 ;
poisondur + = spiderpoweredrareheads * 5 ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW , 60 , slowdownpct / 15 , true ) ) ;
int poisonduration = 0 ;
//First see if the mob is already a poisoned mob.
boolean found = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . plugin . mob_list . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( this . plugin . mob_list . get ( i ) . id . compareTo ( m . getUniqueId ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
//We found it. Add onto current poison duration.
this . plugin . mob_list . get ( i ) . addPoison ( poisondur * 20 ) ;
found = true ;
break ;
if ( ! found ) {
//We didn't find it, so add a new entry to the poison list.
MobManager newm = new MobManager ( m . getUniqueId ( ) ) ;
newm . addPoison ( poisondur * 20 ) ;
this . plugin . mob_list . add ( newm ) ;
List < Entity > nearby_mobs = m . getNearbyEntities ( 2 , 2 , 2 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! ( nearby_mobs . get ( i ) instanceof Monster ) ) {
nearby_mobs . remove ( i ) ;
i - - ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nearby_mobs . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ! nearby_mobs . get ( i ) . getUniqueId ( ) . equals ( m ) ) {
LivingEntity m2 = ( LivingEntity ) nearby_mobs . get ( i ) ;
m2 . damage ( e . getDamage ( ) * ( aoedmg / 100 . 0d ) ) ;
int witherskeletonheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherskeletonrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherskeletonpoweredheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherskeletonpoweredrareheads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . WITHER_SKELETON , true , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int witherduration = 0 , witheramplifier = 0 ;
try {
Iterator < PotionEffect > effects = m . getActivePotionEffects ( ) . iterator ( ) ;
//Figure out potion effects when player joins.
while ( effects . hasNext ( ) ) {
PotionEffect nexteffect = effects . next ( ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Effect Type is "+nexteffect.getType().getName()+", amplifier is "+nexteffect.getAmplifier()+", duration is "+nexteffect.getDuration());
if ( witherskeletonheads + witherskeletonrareheads + witherskeletonpoweredheads + witherskeletonpoweredrareheads > 0 & & nexteffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( PotionEffectType . WITHER . getName ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
witherduration = nexteffect . getDuration ( ) ;
witheramplifier = nexteffect . getAmplifier ( ) ;
if ( nexteffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( PotionEffectType . SLOW . getName ( ) ) = = 0 & & nexteffect . getAmplifier ( ) = = 6 & & nexteffect . getDuration ( ) < = 60 ) {
m . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . SLOW ) ;
//Bukkit.getLogger().info("Removed slow.");
//p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.JUMP, 200, nexteffect.getAmplifier()+1, true));
break ;
/ * if ( nexteffect . getType ( ) . getName ( ) . compareTo ( PotionEffectType . JUMP . getName ( ) ) = = 0 ) {
p . removePotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP ) ;
p . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . JUMP , 360000 , nexteffect . getAmplifier ( ) + 2 , true ) ) ;
} * /
effects . remove ( ) ;
} catch ( ConcurrentModificationException ex_e ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . warning ( "Potion Effect Collection not accessible while trying to remove slow debuff." ) ;
if ( witherskeletonpoweredrareheads > 0 ) {
if ( witherduration = = 0 ) { witherduration = 400 ; }
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Adding potion effect WITHER with amplifier " + ( witheramplifier + 2 * witherskeletonpoweredrareheads ) + " + duration " + witherduration ) ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WITHER , witherduration , witheramplifier + 2 * witherskeletonpoweredrareheads ) , true ) ;
} else if ( witherskeletonpoweredheads > 0 ) {
if ( witherduration = = 0 ) { witherduration = 100 ; }
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Adding potion effect WITHER with amplifier " + ( witheramplifier + 1 * witherskeletonpoweredrareheads ) + " + duration " + witherduration ) ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WITHER , witherduration , witheramplifier + 1 * witherskeletonpoweredrareheads ) , true ) ;
} else if ( witherskeletonrareheads > 0 ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Adding potion effect WITHER with amplifier 2 + duration " + ( witherduration + 300 * witherskeletonrareheads ) ) ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WITHER , witherduration + 300 * witherskeletonrareheads , 2 ) , true ) ;
} else if ( witherskeletonheads > 0 ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Adding potion effect WITHER with amplifier 0 + duration " + ( witherduration + 100 * witherskeletonrareheads ) ) ;
m . addPotionEffect ( new PotionEffect ( PotionEffectType . WITHER , witherduration + 100 * witherskeletonrareheads , 0 ) , true ) ;
int skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON ) , playerheads ) ;
int powered_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , false , true ) , playerheads ) ;
int rare_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_A ) , playerheads ) ;
int powered_rare_skeleton_heads = this . plugin . getMobHeadAmt ( new MobHead ( MobHeadType . SKELETON , true , MobHeadRareType . RARE_TYPE_A , true ) , playerheads ) ;
/ * if ( skeleton_heads > 0 ) {
Bukkit . getLogger ( ) . info ( "Found " + skeleton_heads + " skeleton mob heads." ) ;