;	Shine NPC table(ShineNPC.txt)		
#ignore	\o042		; 인용부호 무시
#exchange	#	\x20	; # => space
;#delimiter	\x20		
#Table	Script		
#ColumnType	INDEX	STRING[64]	
#ColumnName	ScrIndex	ScrString	
#Record	Cancel	Cancel	
#Record	Yes	Yes	
#Record	No	No	
;	경고 및 에러메시지		
#Record	RecallDisableField	This location is not accessible via Warping.	
#Record	KQEntryInCamp0	You have entered Kingdom Quest field.	
#Record	KQEntryInCamp1	Please close active Vendor to enter the Kingdom Quest.	
; 20060626 추가			
#Record	PresentBoxInvenFull	"Inventory is full, the box cannot be opened."	
#Record	PresentBoxInformCall	Loading the box information.  Please check again soon.	
; 20060804 추가			
#Record	LevelLimit	The level limit for this area is (%d-%d).	
#Record	PartyLimitedField	"To enter the map, please leave your party."	
; 20070221			
#Record	ButtonOK	OK	
#Record	ButtonCancel	Cancel	

; 20080530			
#Record	DeamonDead	We honor those who returned Helga to his ancient home.	

; 20080514			
#Record	NeedPartyOrQuest	You must belong in a party to enter.	
#Record	NeedItem	You must have the admission item to enter Instance Dungeon.	
#Record	CannotAddAnymore	You can not enter because Instance Dungeon is currently full. 	

; 20091008			
#Record	BoothInterior	Repairing	
