
32 lines
1.8 KiB

; Shine NPC table(ShineNPC.txt)
#exchange # \x20 ; # => space
;#delimiter \x20
#Table Script
#ColumnType INDEX STRING[128]
#ColumnName ScrIndex ScrString
#Record MineDigger_01 Shh! Quiet... I think the monsters have cast strange magic.
#Record MineDigger_02 You seem weak. You can get what you need from me.
#Record MineDigger_03 I made a landmine that can be used as an explosive in the mine.
#Record MineDigger_04 You can install it as you would use other items.
#Record MineDigger_05 "If you have bought a landmind from me, add it to your Skill Quick Slot to use it. "
#Record MineDigger_06 My colleagues are defending each defense position.
#Record MineSlime_01 Magritte tells you to work harder since there is not enough gold ores!
#Record MineHoneying_01 I am working hard! You are the one who is not!
#Record MineSlime_02 What? You don't even have fully-grown wings!
#Record MineHoneying_02 "Shh. Quiet! Arrgh, what is the miner still doing here?!"
#Record MineDigger_07 You! I am back with the adventurers to get back at you!
#Record MineDigger_08 You can't take the landmine out of the mine.
#Record MineSlime_03 Ha ha ha! Non-sense! Try and stop us!
#Record MineDigger_Success You have protected the gold ores. Thank you for defeating the monsters.
#Record MineHoneying_Fail Ha ha ha! You must have brought only the novice adventurers! See you later.
#Record MineDigger_Fail I should bring other adventurers... It's a hard life..
#Record KQReturn30 Move to Roumen in 30 seconds.
#Record KQReturn20 Move to Roumen in 20 seconds.
#Record KQReturn10 Move to Roumen in 10 seconds.
#Record KQReturn5 Move to Roumen in 5 seconds.