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; ItemList in NPC
#exchange # \x20 ; # => space
; 2006.01.25
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 ShortSword - - - - -
#Record 1 ShortMace - - - - -
#Record 2 ShortBow - - - - -
#Record 3 ShortStaff - - - - -
#Record 4 AbelClaw - - - - -
#Record 5 - - - - - -
#Record 6 - - - - - -
#Record 7 SpiralSpring01 Back_CaptainsWheel01_1 Back_Rainy01_1 Back_Wreath01_2 Back_Santa01_2 Back_DiveSpear01_3
#Record 8 - - - - - -
#Record 9 Back_Pitchfork01_3 Back_Karen01_3 Back_XStick01_3 Back_NewYearBell01_3 Back_WaterGun_P Back_Shamrock_P
#Record 10 - - - - - Hat_Panda01_1
#Record 11 Back_Lollipop_P Santaknapsack05_1 AngelWing09_2 Coffin06_1 TortoiseShell06_1 Cos_PandaSuit01_1
#Record 12 Hat_Santa_2010_01_1 - - - - Back_Panda01_1
#Record 13 Cos_Santa_2010_01_1 Cos_Slumber01_A_1 Cos_TanktopFox01_2 Cos_TanktopSlime01_2 Cos_NiftyShirt00_2 Cos_UltraSuit01_2
#Record 14 MiniKaren01 MiniEasterBunny01 MiniFreloan M_Gondola01_3 M_KillerBee01_2 M_SnowBoard01_3
#Record 15 - - - - - -
#Record 16 M_SnowBoard02_3 M_SnowBoard03_3 M_SnowBoard04_3 M_SnowBoard05_3 M_Triceratops01_3 M_Crane_P
#Record 17 - - - - - -
#Record 18 Emotion_ChargdDance30_P FloraStaff01_2 FloraWand01_2 FloraClaw01_2 FloraDSword01_2 ButterflySword04
#Record 19 - - - - - -
#Record 20 - - - - - -
#Table Tab01 ;<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 LeatherBoots LeatherHelmet LeatherPants LeatherShirt - -
#Record 1 WoodenShield - - - - -
#Record 2 LitanyBoots LitanyHelmet LitanyPants LitanyArmor - -
#Record 3 FighterShield - - - - -
#Record 4 TrivialBoots TrivialHat TrivialPants TrivialShirt - -
#Record 5 NoviceBoots NoviceHat NovicePants NoviceShirt - -
#Record 6 MagicBoots MagicHat MagicPants - - -
#Record 7 ReoBoots ReoHood ReoPants - - -
#Record 8 - - - - - -
#Record 9 - - - - - -
#Record 10 - - - - - -
#Record 11 - - - - - -
#Record 12 - - - - - -
#Record 13 - - - - - -
#Record 14 Hat_CLion02_1 Hat_WPhoenix04_1 Hat_Mighty04_2 Hat_GreenAfro00_1 Hat_TPainCircus00_1 GrimjawMask00
#Record 15 - - - - - -
#Record 16 Hat_Dragon04_1 Hat_Uniform01_1 Hat_Uniform02_1 Hat_Uniform03_1 Hat_RMightywing00 Hat_TombRaider01_1
#Record 17 - - - - - -
#Record 18 Cos_Mask01_1 Cos_Mask00_1 Hat_Collect04 Hat_Cranium01 - -
#Record 19 - - - - - -
#Record 20 - - - - - -
#Record 21 MiniCypion01_2 MiniLegel01_2 MiniGa02_1 MiniOctoPretzel00_1 MiniHelga01 MiniHumar01
#Record 22 - - - - - -
#Record 23 Emotion_ChargdDance32_P FloraAxe01_2 FloraMace01_2 FloraHammer01_2 FloraBow01_2 FloraCBow01_2
#Record 24 - - - - - -
#Record 25 - - - - - -
#Record 26 - - - - - -
#Record 27 - - - - - -
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 PerfectRedEye01_01 PerfectRedEye02_01 PerfectRedEye03_01 PerfectRedEye04_01 PerfectRedEye05_01 -
#Record 1 PerfectBuleMile01_01 PerfectBuleMile02_01 PerfectBuleMile03_01 PerfectBuleMile04_01 PerfectBuleMile01_01 -
#Record 2 GoldNine08_1 GoldNine08_2 GoldNine08_3 GoldNine08_4 GoldNine08_5 -
#Record 3 - - - - - -
#Record 4 - - - - - -
#Record 5 - - - - - -
#Record 6 - - - - - -
#Record 7 Cos_GloryUnicorn01_3 Cos_DevilUnicorn01_3 Cos_2010Octo01_2 Cos_Boader01_2 Cos_Penguin01_1 Cos_HiddenCrush01_2
#Record 8 Back_GloryUnicorn01_3 Back_DevilUnicorn01_3 Hat_Shamrock01_2 Hat_Boader01_2 Hat_Penguin01_1 Cos_SwimRedP01_2
#Record 9 Hat_GloryUnicorn01_3 Hat_DevilUnicorn01_3 Cos_Shamrock01_2 Glas_Boader01_2 Cos_Java01_3 Cos_SwimRedA01_2
#Record 10 Tail_GloryUnicorn01_3 Tail_DevilUnicorn01_3 - Back_SnowBoader01_2 Hat_Xmas05_3 Cos_SwimRedS01_2
#Record 11 Cos_RedOutsparkT00_2 Cos_OrangeOutsparkT00_2 Cos_BlueOutsparkT00_2 Cos_Professor01_2 Cos_Xmas05_3 Cos_EasterBunny01_3
#Record 12 Cos_Circus00_9 Cos_Made001_Perm Cos_Stellar01_3 Hat_Professor01_2 Back_EasterBunny01_3 Hat_EasterBunny01_3
#Record 13 M_CyberHorse_P M_KingCrab01 Tail_Monkey01_3 IglooHouse01_1 SnowmanHouse01_1 H_Pineapple01_2
#Record 14 - - - - - -
#Record 15 Emotion_ChargdDance28_P ButterflyTwoHandSword04 ButterflyAxe04 ButterflyMace04 ButterflyHammer04 ButterflyBow04
#Record 16 - - - - - -
#Record 17 - - - - - -
#Record 18 - - - - - -
#Record 19 - - - - - -
#Record 20 - - - - - -