
1653 lines
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;#Exchange # \x20 ; # => space
#Table PIECE
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#Table DEAD
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#ColumnType Index Dwrd Dwrd String[65] String[65] String[65] String[65]
#ColumnName MobIndex Rate0 Rate1 Script0 Script1 Script2 Script3
#RecordIn PIECE Slime 1800000 3400000 Press Q to recover your HP and E for your SP. Welcome to the world of Fiesta! I am Slime! "Welcome, nice to meet you."
#RecordIn ATTACK Slime 50 0 Every level up gives you 1 free stat point hehe.. Hi-ya! *slurk* *slurk* *slurk* Slippery attack! Hehehe.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Slime 50 0 Press C to find out what free stat point is~~ Welcome to... ouch.. that hurts. really hurts! I can bounce back from your's a unique skill of mine!
#RecordIn DEAD Slime 50 0 You can view the map larger by pressing M. - Oh no--so soon? I will tell the king about this! He'll get you for sure!
#RecordIn PIECE HeroSlime 1800000 3400000 You will suffer if you think I'm weak! You think I'm pretty? You have good taste. I'm so cute~heh. "What is this ""named"" item I'm holding?"
#RecordIn ATTACK HeroSlime 50 0 "Muhahaha, give it your best shot.! I will prevail!" I will avenge my Slime comrades! The cute ones can be dangerous too! How do you like that? Slimes aren't weaklings!
#RecordIn DAMAGED HeroSlime 50 0 "Ha, can't get me!!" "Ouch! It hurts, but I am still alive." Haha--this is far from being over! "Look at my name, I'm a Slime Hero!"
#RecordIn DEAD HeroSlime 50 0 Ouch... You've received 5000 experience points. Gather all the Slimes! It was a good fight while it lasted.
#RecordIn PIECE MushRoom 2000000 3600000 The Skills are sold by skill master Ruby in town. "This the first time we've met. Nice to meet you, my friend!" "If you look carefully, I am actually cute!" I don't like the Slimes...they crush all the mushrooms.
#RecordIn ATTACK MushRoom 50 0 Kill me after getting a quest. It will be more rewarding. How do you like my one-two punch? "Here come the punches--one, two!" "What's one plus one? Wrong, it's three! Hehe."
#RecordIn DAMAGED MushRoom 50 0 Go see NPCs with Q mark in the map for new quests. "Wow, you pack quite a punch." Hehe... doesn't hurt at all! "Well, perhaps one plus one is two afterall."
#RecordIn DEAD MushRoom 50 0 "At level 3 you can learn new skills, silly! Hehe.." I should've used the De..dempsi rol... Fiesta isn't SciFi! "Bury me in a sunny place, so I can regrow into a Mushroom legend!"
#RecordIn PIECE SpeedySlime 1800000 3400000 Wow! There are too many of your kind around here! I'm Fiesta's mascot! Everyone adores me! Welcome to the world of Fiesta! "On behalf of all the monsters in Fiesta, we welcome you!"
#RecordIn ATTACK SpeedySlime 50 0 "Come, we will see who is the strongest!" Alright... I'll go easy on you. This is my way of welcoming you! "Tell me about yourself, I'm curious."
#RecordIn DAMAGED SpeedySlime 50 0 Ouch! Why did you hit me?! What! You want to kill me? This can't be your first time! How else could you be this strong? Aaaacckk! This is not funny!
#RecordIn DEAD SpeedySlime 50 0 Gulp! Ack! Aaakkk! Oh no...I'm dying.
#RecordIn PIECE MushRoomFighter 2000000 3600000 I am a born fighter! "Our family is a great, noble family." How long have you been in the world of Fiesta? I'm a Mushroom Fighter... strong and powerful..
#RecordIn ATTACK MushRoomFighter 50 0 "That's it? Come on, you're making this easy!" Can you sense my charisma? Ha! You're already nervous. Do you know that monsters have different levels? I can feel my fellow Mushroom's dislike of you.
#RecordIn DAMAGED MushRoomFighter 50 0 You look dreadful Ugh! You must come from a notable clan. I'm the greatest monster--being evil is second nature! You are worse than the filthy slimes!
#RecordIn DEAD MushRoomFighter 50 0 I ... lost? Ugh... Ugh! You're not from around can you defeat me? Ack. Shameful!
#RecordIn PIECE Imp 2000000 3600000 Hard to run isn't it? Get a mover from store and ride it. Let's be friends! Krrooom! Krrooom! Hi! I am an Imp...the fairy of Fiesta.
#RecordIn ATTACK Imp 40 0 Go find Zach. He'll tell you about weapon license. "If you haven't reached level 5, you're gonna be hurting." "My eyes are my best feature, don't you think?" What! You think I don't look like a fairy? Why not?
#RecordIn DAMAGED Imp 40 0 Press K to enhance skills with skill point every 2 level up. Ack! Forgive me please! Did you come here for the quest? "OK,'re right...I'm too ugly to be a fairy."
#RecordIn DEAD Imp 40 0 "With production skill you can make scrolls, potions, stones." Ack! This quest is killing us. I don't like quests that require senseless killing of imps! I want to go home...
#RecordIn PIECE FireMushRoom 2000000 3600000 How can you eat mushrooms? Yuk! I like being in the shade. I don't like strong sunlight. Here it is--the sea of sand... or is this the forest of waves? "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."
#RecordIn ATTACK FireMushRoom 50 0 I'll teach you to eat mushrooms!! En garde! Take this! "If this caught you off guard, you've got some growing to do!" Giant Mushroom power!
#RecordIn DAMAGED FireMushRoom 50 0 Oh no... am I going to get eaten? This might be the crisis of my life. Seems like you need more training! "You know, if you run out of strength, you can use HP stones."
#RecordIn DEAD FireMushRoom 50 0 I knew this day would come... It is hard for me to admit that this is my end. Whoa... whoa! Oh no! "They should give monsters HP stones, too!"
#RecordIn PIECE gangImp 2000000 3600000 I just dare someone to get near me today. Where is everyone? Are they all hiding? You will not live to see another day if you try to attack me! Why is everyone bothering me lately?
#RecordIn ATTACK gangImp 40 0 Do you really think you can take on all of us by yourself? Ha! Is your coffin prepared! This is your last chance to say goodbye. My victory is imminent! Are you sure you can defeat all of us?
#RecordIn DAMAGED gangImp 40 0 "Uh oh, you're pretty good." Is that all you've got? Would you like to join my gang? I could use your strength! Please forgive me! I'll be a good Imp!
#RecordIn DEAD gangImp 40 0 Whoa...unbelievable! Who are you? How can this be? I thought two of us would be enough... we need more recruits! Well...this imp is dying...
#RecordIn PIECE Crab 2200000 3800000 You don't know what you're getting into! I don't like steamer pots! Who's using my claws as clothes pin? "Ugh...if it wasn't for my pincers, I wouldn't be here now..."
#RecordIn ATTACK Crab 40 0 Feel my wrath! You should be careful around me. You! Stop there! "Play rock, paper, pincers with me. If you win, I'll let you go."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Crab 40 0 Oh no... "If you let me go, I'll give you a secret quest, ok?" Beware! You'll pay for that! "If you don't try harder, I will cut you in half with my claws."
#RecordIn DEAD Crab 40 0 Help me!! No... What happened? I had you beaten! This is a tough loss to accept.
#RecordIn PIECE SlowSlime 2200000 3800000 la la la ~ You were born to be loved. One thing about me: I always take my time... Don't be fooled by my name! I'm actually pretty quick!
#RecordIn ATTACK SlowSlime 50 0 You shouldn't have bothered me... "By the time you regret something, it's already too late." "Here, take this!" "Hahaha! See, I'm quicker than I look."
#RecordIn DAMAGED SlowSlime 50 0 "Stop, really hurts" Defense! "At times like this, I envy the Speedy Slimes' agility." Get away...shoo...get away from me!
#RecordIn DEAD SlowSlime 50 0 So this is how it all ends? Oh...this isn't what I want... I want to be a Slime in my next life... Aaaacckk!
#RecordIn PIECE SpeedyHoneying 2200000 3800000 You are the fastest amongst us! "Faster, higher, stronger..." Did you know I was once a Bee? I want to wear fashionable clothes! I'd look so much prettier.
#RecordIn ATTACK SpeedyHoneying 30 0 Attack! Take this! Think you can handle the sting of a mighty bee? Hummm...Hummm...Hummm...
#RecordIn DAMAGED SpeedyHoneying 30 0 Haha--is that supposed to hurt? I can't even feel it! You don't have to hit me so hard! Let me go...ahh help me! Yikes! Someone help me!
#RecordIn DEAD SpeedyHoneying 30 0 You will hear from me again... I'll be back! Next time I'll shoot my stinger at you! It hurt so much! I was squealing like a pig...
#RecordIn PIECE blueCrab 2200000 3800000 Aaaah... don't you just love that ocean smell? "Oh, it's so hot. I feel like I'm being boiled alive!" Do you know why crabs walk sideways? "I'd prefer you not tell them, but steamed lobster is my favorite."
#RecordIn ATTACK blueCrab 40 0 How's that? Does it hurt?! Get ready...! I've been discovered! I will pinch you with my fearsome claws!
#RecordIn DAMAGED blueCrab 40 0 Stop! Stop! Ouch! Stop! You won't gain anything by killing me! Do you think you can defeat me easily? Hahaha! Stop tickling me. You're making me laugh.
#RecordIn DEAD blueCrab 40 0 I don't think you'll want to eat me. I have heat stroke... I give up...stop attacking me! Mark my words--you will be punished one day by my crab friends!
#RecordIn PIECE LittleHob 2200000 3800000 I'm pretty cute! Can I show you my beautiful smile? - -
#RecordIn ATTACK LittleHob 30 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LittleHob 30 0 "Even if I call for help, no one will come..." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD LittleHob 30 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Honeying 2200000 3800000 "Hey, what's over there?" I hope I get to visit someday... "Me too, me too, me too!" Smelling the flowers makes me feel stronger.
#RecordIn ATTACK Honeying 30 0 Feel the pain! Bzzz...Bzzz...Bzzz... Don't count me out just because I'm small! "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee... hmm... it's strange."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Honeying 30 0 "Wow, impressive!" How can you harm a cute Honeying like me? Help! What? Is this because I had some of the honey? No! No! No!
#RecordIn DEAD Honeying 30 0 I wonder... what's on the other side? Ouch! "I ate all the honey, but I won't do it again!" Don't hate me! An unpopular Honeying is a sad Honeying.
#RecordIn PIECE HungryWolf 2400000 4000000 That shepherd boy is a liar. Where is Little Red Riding Hood hiding? "Oooh, I'm hungry." Why am I always so hungry...
#RecordIn ATTACK HungryWolf 30 0 Muhahaha. Thanks for being my next meal! You think I'm gonna let you give up? Wow! Food! Eating you will satisfy my hunger.
#RecordIn DAMAGED HungryWolf 30 0 This is not joke! I should've picked on Little Red Riding Hood instead. My judgment has failed me... "Hey, if you aren't going to eat me, then don't kill me!"
#RecordIn DEAD HungryWolf 30 0 How can this be? Didn't you read Little Red Riding Hood...this isn't the end... "I just wanted to eat you, because I was hungry!" Why didn't you listening to me?
#RecordIn PIECE AngryWolf 2400000 4000000 I'm always angry! You better watch it! I haven't been happy lately. I wonder why? Don't get me wrong: I'm not angry because I'm hungry! Why am I always angry?
#RecordIn ATTACK AngryWolf 30 0 You! A challenge? Don't make me laugh! You seem like a good way to waste some time. You will make a nice punching bag! It's because of you. You're the one making me angry!
#RecordIn DAMAGED AngryWolf 30 0 I underestimated your strength! Uh're going to kick my butt. Wow! Appearances can be deceiving! It feels like you're hitting me with a rubber mallet!
#RecordIn DEAD AngryWolf 30 0 I have not shown you all my Aaaakkk!! My skin will be all that's left of me... Aaarrgghh! Makes me so mad!
#RecordIn PIECE Phino 2400000 4000000 "Oh my love, Phinopoly!" I'm lucky to be in Fiesta since I met Phinoply here. "Actually, I don't like Phinoply. Now you know my true feelings!" People think we're getting married...Hmm...should just propose?
#RecordIn ATTACK Phino 20 0 Come watch me. Phinoply and I will come back soon and teach you a lesson! Phino power! DIE! I should increase my stamina if I'm to be married.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Phino 20 0 Phinopoly! Help me! "You're pretty good, but Phinoply is even stronger." "If I think about my love, Phinoply, I feel no pain." "Harder please, and faster!"
#RecordIn DEAD Phino 20 0 Oh no...Phinopoly! Ugh...Phinoply...good bye...I will love you forever. Please leave us in peace! "But, but... I won't be able to propose!"
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Phino 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB Phino 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Phino 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MiniGreenky 2400000 4000000 "If you know a good way to shed some pounds, let me know!" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK MiniGreenky 30 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED MiniGreenky 30 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD MiniGreenky 30 0 I'm ready to sacrifice myself for you. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE PhinoFlie 2600000 4200000 You're so cool! My makeup looks great today! I should show Phino... Have you seen Phino? Is Phino trying to propose? He's so bashful it's hard to tell.
#RecordIn ATTACK PhinoFlie 20 0 I see you! "It hurts, doesn't it? I'll have to brag to Phino." Did you bother my friend Phino? "Phino, I'm ready to be your bride. How does that sound?"
#RecordIn DAMAGED PhinoFlie 20 0 That really hurts! Stop! I am upset! Boohoo... Back off! Hah! I feel no pain.. I'm so happy right now.
#RecordIn DEAD PhinoFlie 20 0 Oh no..! "Phino, please avenge my death!" Let us be... let us be together... This can't be...this can't be happening.
#RecordIn HELPMAIN PhinoFlie 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB PhinoFlie 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE PhinoFlie 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Ratman 2600000 4200000 Hmm... what is that smell? That Boar seems to have an alterior motive. Should I follow him? Do I look like a gutter rat? Did you hear that Phino is going to propose to Phinoply?
#RecordIn ATTACK Ratman 15 0 "Ah, so that's it! The smell was you." "Give me food, and I'll let you go!" I don't eat garbage! "You smell foul! Take a shower, please!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED Ratman 15 0 Ouch! That really hurts... Stop! Stop! You're killing me!'re hurting me! It's too early for you to have hurt me like this!
#RecordIn DEAD Ratman 15 0 No! I really didn't mean to... I wish I could find a hole to hide in. Will you revive me? Please? "Be careful out there, the rats will be watching..."
#RecordIn PIECE RatmanFighter 2600000 4200000 I won't tolerate being interrupted! Everyone is afraid of the Ratman! Welcome to the Forest of Mist. Lots of adventurers around recently... I wonder why?
#RecordIn ATTACK RatmanFighter 15 0 What? I don't think you're good enough to hunt here! I'm special... I'm the BIG CHEESE! "I am observant, and sensitive too." I caught you! Don't think you can run away so easily from me!
#RecordIn DAMAGED RatmanFighter 15 0 You're just a mouse! How dare you! Whoa! Not bad. "At times like this I have to admit, it hurts." Ah ha! You are pretty strong! This could be an exciting fight!
#RecordIn DEAD RatmanFighter 15 0 Can't stand it! I didn't think you'd be this strong... Don't let my enemies know I'm dead! "From now on, you are my leader."
#RecordIn PIECE Boar 2800000 4400000 I heard that Elderrin City was near by... There's a lot of delicious food there. I should hurry before the Ratman comes looking for me. Do I look like a bear? Sometimes even I get confused.
#RecordIn ATTACK Boar 15 0 Grrr... Grr... How do you like my claw attack? "If you think I am the same as Ratman, you are gravely mistaken!" "Are you a human, or an elf?"
#RecordIn DAMAGED Boar 15 0 Grrr...not bad! There's still a long way to go... I can barely feel your attacks... Ugh! You hit me where it hurts most!
#RecordIn DEAD Boar 15 0 I'm hungry... If only I wasn't hungry... I don't know why Ratman is on my mind... all we ever do is fight. No! I can't die like a simple pig...
#RecordIn PIECE SharpBoar 2800000 4400000 It's best not to mess with me when I'm hungry. How dare you compare me to a boar! My spider-like agility is my strength. "We aren't related, but we are loyal nonetheless."
#RecordIn ATTACK SharpBoar 15 0 You're dead meat without your friends! You've been spotted. Don't even try to hide... Don't even think about slinking off! "Ah hahaha... Once you're in my sights, you cannot escape!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED SharpBoar 15 0 Don't make me angry! Oh! You are quite strong! "Wow, you're pretty good!" You're all looks... no real skill!
#RecordIn DEAD SharpBoar 15 0 I didn't think it would end this way. - This is the most shameful moment since our pledge of brotherhood! I've been killed by a weakling!
#RecordIn PIECE Boogy 2800000 4400000 "I want to walk on soft sand, it's so wet here!" "I hate to say it, but Boars are too brutal. " My arch enemy is the sea otter. They like clams too. "The ""The Tortoise and the Hare"" moral is the triumph of turtles!"
#RecordIn ATTACK Boogy 15 0 Launching body armor! Ha ha...just kidding! "If you give me a clam, I'll let you go." "If I defeat you, the clams are all mine." "If you beat me, I'll let you enjoy everything life has to offer."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Boogy 15 0 "As you can see, I am pretty strong." I think I should make a run for it. "Wow--you're hellbent on this, aren't you?" This is... I think is the Boogy license...
#RecordIn DEAD Boogy 15 0 Don't display me as a trophy somewhere! My short legs are too slow...aaahhh.... "When you bury me, please bury me with some clams." I hope someone will replace me at my post...
#RecordIn PIECE BoogyKnight 2800000 4400000 So you think I'm a Boogy? Think again! "As you can see, I'm no ordinary monster." My size alone makes people nervous. Food in the sea comes just as I like it... well-salted!
#RecordIn ATTACK BoogyKnight 15 0 "I'm much stronger! Come here, I dare you..." I believe in myself!'re scared of me too... don't run away. Strange! My attacks seem to have no effect!
#RecordIn DAMAGED BoogyKnight 15 0 I thought my armor was the strongest... I guess not. need more practice! "You're not cheating, are you?" Ugh! My body is falling apart!
#RecordIn DEAD BoogyKnight 15 0 I want to see the sea again. I can't believe I was beaten by someone like you! Shameful! I always wanted to die at sea! I've been defeated... how sad!
#RecordIn PIECE MaraCrew 2800000 4800000 Let's see... you got anything shiny? I'll be in big trouble if the instructor knows I missed training! I'm good at handling a knife! I never miss my target. "These shores, once conquered by us, have become the Sea of Greed."
#RecordIn ATTACK MaraCrew 10 0 Hand over all of your money. Take that! And that! Hehe. Watch and weep...ahh I'm so good with my knife. You dare enter these shores of war?
#RecordIn DAMAGED MaraCrew 10 0 Oh no..! "Man, you're so strong! Can't take anything from you!" Please forgive me...ouch! It hurts! You remind me of a mighty sailor I once fought.
#RecordIn DEAD MaraCrew 10 0 - I'm only doing what Mara commands me to do..have mercy on me! "Let me live, and I will show you the way to Mara." But I just got here a week ago...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MaraCrew 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB MaraCrew 800 800 "I've come to help you, sailor." "You don't think much of us pirates, do you?" Did you call me? Hold on... coming! Whoa...
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MaraCrew 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MiniPinky 3000000 5000000 La la la <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>~ I feel so good... - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK MiniPinky 10 0 You thought I looked weak didn't you? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED MiniPinky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD MiniPinky 10 0 I'll hate you for this. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SpeedyBoogy 3000000 5000000 All right! Doing my best today! "Today, I want to go to the sea.." "Mara is the captain of the Mara Pirates, and boy is she scary!" Should I ask for lessons from Captain Mara?
#RecordIn ATTACK SpeedyBoogy 10 0 "Did you see that? No? Hah, I'm just too fast for you!" You're brave to challenge me to a duel! "I'll defeat you, and end your lucky streak." "I may be small, but I pack a mighty punch!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED SpeedyBoogy 10 0 Wow! You are good...very fast. Ugh! You're quite skilled... - I'll spare your life in exchange for some giant clams.
#RecordIn DEAD SpeedyBoogy 10 0 Oh no! It looks like it's game over for me! "I have to admit, you are stronger than me." "Brothers, avenge my death!" Ugh! Please teach me...I'll be your pupil...
#RecordIn PIECE MaraElite 3000000 5000000 "If they find out I can't swim, I am in BIG trouble!" "One, two, one...! One, two, two...!...Nine! Ten!..." Give me all your money and I'll let you go! I skipped training yesterday. I wonder if the instructor noticed.
#RecordIn ATTACK MaraElite 10 0 I have trained for this day. I'll show you! "If you give me all of your money, I'll let you live." You can't even handle me and think you're a match for Mara? Ha! Hey! What are you doing here?
#RecordIn DAMAGED MaraElite 10 0 Ah ha! I can beat anyone! Ouch... ouch! It hurts! Should I just flee? I can't let you get away with that! I've forgotten the defensive move I need to counter this...
#RecordIn DEAD MaraElite 10 0 - "If I knew it would be this hard, I would have practiced more..." " apprentice, unbelievable." Can we just pretend this fight didn't happen?
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MaraElite 800 800 "Please, no more, I can't take it..." Hey everyone! To arms! It's getting dangerous! Let's show the true might of the Maras! Hey you! New kid! Come here right now and help!
#RecordIn HELPSUB MaraElite 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MaraElite 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MaraSailor 3000000 5000000 "Hey you, come here you pirate!" Time to work out. I'll start with ten jumping jacks. Let's ask Mara to hurry! I want to attack the village now! "You're living large, aren't you...bold enough to skip practice!!"
#RecordIn ATTACK MaraSailor 10 0 You need to be taught a lesson. How do you like the results of my training? I can't let you live now you've seen our hideout! I was in a foul mood...I can take it out of you!
#RecordIn DAMAGED MaraSailor 10 0 You have strange powers! "Wow, you are better than I expected." We need more help! Gather the pirates! I can easily deal with attacks like this...
#RecordIn DEAD MaraSailor 10 0 - There are all those training classes I will miss... I'm sorry Mara! "Man, I'll have to learn from this battle..."
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MaraSailor 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB MaraSailor 800 800 Ha! How dare you challenge Captain Mara. I'll take care of this. How dare you disturb Mara! Do you want to die? Fool! How dare you fight Mara? Your wish is my command.
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MaraSailor 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Mara 3200000 5200000 Hand over the money... it belongs to me now! "I'm Mara, the fearsome pirate in control of the sea!" "I'm restless, and haunted by old memories." "If you can beat me with one blow, I'll grant you a title!"
#RecordIn ATTACK Mara 10 0 This is your unlucky day! Don't think you'll walk out of here alive! I wish my brother could see me now... It's disappointing to have to waste my time with such a child.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Mara 10 0 are pretty good! You're pretty good. Why don't you join us? "I loathe you all...because of your crimes, my familly and I..." Come on! Give it your best shot!
#RecordIn DEAD Mara 10 0 Don't think this is the end. You fight well...I will not go easy on you next time. How can you do this to me? Brother...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Mara 800 800 "You are skilled...but we'll show you! Hey guys, attack!!" Ahahaha... You're no match for me. To me Mara pirates! Unite! Can anyone help me?
#RecordIn HELPSUB Mara 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Mara 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE smartPhino 3200000 5200000 "Good thing we have gravity, otherwise we would be floating..." Phino and Phinoply seem very close. I want to meet someone too. Cooperation is the key to survival in this tough world. I'm not like other Phinos. I'm made of wood from ancient trees!
#RecordIn ATTACK smartPhino 30 0 You should mentally prepare yourself...I am a strong opponent. - Do you want to be my partner? I'm much stronger than the others--don't be upset when you lose!
#RecordIn DAMAGED smartPhino 30 0 Is this all you have to show me? It doesn't seem like you can defeat me.'re turning me down. You're worthy of taking on the great Phino!
#RecordIn DEAD smartPhino 30 0 You've proven you're stronger than I am. What happened? We definitely had the advantage. "On my tombstone it should say ""Smart Phino died alone""." Results speak for themselves...
#RecordIn PIECE JokeKebing 3200000 5200000 "I'm so bored. Somebody please play with me, please!" "Yesterday, I played with Kebing's hat. It was so much fun." I hear that funny people are very popular... is that true? "You're won't hit someone as frail and pretty as myself, will you?"
#RecordIn ATTACK JokeKebing 10 0 Hey you! Play with me!! Is that a jewel on the ground?...Fooled you! Haha. Don't you think I'm the funniest person in Fiesta? I'm so upset! I overheard someone saying I'm a spineless Kebing!
#RecordIn DAMAGED JokeKebing 10 0 Ouch! It really hurts... Woah! You are not joking around. "In battle, you don't need to be funny!" "'re just joking with me, right?"
#RecordIn DEAD JokeKebing 10 0 Are you going to put me in a grave? "Hey, this is no fun..." "If it's my time to go, then it's my time to go..." "Your jokes are awful, I'm not playing with you again."
#RecordIn PIECE Kebing 3200000 5200000 Just cuz you wish it.... "Purrrr, purrrrr." Bzzz...Bzzz...Bzzz We Kebings will defend the entrance to the Luminous Stone!
#RecordIn ATTACK Kebing 10 0 Zoom~ power! Kebing attack! Kebing's skill does not compare... "Kebing kick! Wait, I don't have legs."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Kebing 10 0 Look at me. How can you harm such beauty? I don't think much of that! Did you even hit me? I don't feel any pain. Wow! You are the strongest foe I've met!
#RecordIn DEAD Kebing 10 0 Oh no! I lost to a mere human. I'm so ashamed. "Please, someone give me air!" I can't die now... I'm the hero of this story...
#RecordIn PIECE KebingSpeeder 3400000 5400000 Always keep your hopes and dreams with you. "Objectively speaking, Kebings are very cute." I'd like to go out with the other Kebings. Just so that everyoneis clear. I'm the fastest of them all!
#RecordIn ATTACK KebingSpeeder 10 0 You're quite driven! That's great! "You could say, I am so cool. " "Did you think that was the ""rolling pumpkin heads"" attack?" "If you win this challenge, I will give you something special."
#RecordIn DAMAGED KebingSpeeder 10 0 A little more gusto! A little more passion! Aaaacckk! You are too strong! Don't get in the way! "You are talented, but you don't stand a chance."
#RecordIn DEAD KebingSpeeder 10 0 Wow! You're cramping my style. I guess I'll have time to play after I'm dead. I'm just pretending to be dead!
#RecordIn PIECE LittleLizardMan 3200000 5200000 Should we head to the ocean to see some pirates? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK LittleLizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LittleLizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD LittleLizardMan 10 0 That wasn't what I wanted. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ProckZone 3400000 5400000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ProckZone 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ProckZone 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ProckZone 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE TombRaider 3400000 5400000 I have this strange urge to dig a hole. "Me too, me too, me too!!" "Ok, let's get started." I heard there are glowing weapons. Those must be worth a lot!
#RecordIn ATTACK TombRaider 10 0 Don't interfere with my work! What do you think about my shovel skills? Taste the edge of my super shovel! I've been digging for 20 years. No one is better than me!
#RecordIn DAMAGED TombRaider 10 0 "Come on... don't be mad, talk to me." Please let me go. How much do you want? How much? "I'll give you all the treasures I have--please, just let me go!!" You can't beat me with glancing blows like that.
#RecordIn DEAD TombRaider 10 0 I left too many graves untouched!! Can't believe end like this... - Just as I'd learned something interesting about this place...
#RecordIn PIECE MageBook 3400000 5400000 "Page one is about the origins of the Fire Ball, its structure..." Magic can't be learned by anyone. You have to be smart--like me! It's a misconception to think sorcerers are weak. I envy the elves. They are always learning new magic.
#RecordIn ATTACK MageBook 10 0 What? My greatness surprises you? "Magic Missile! Fire Bolt! Don't think I'll use it, do ya?" I'll show you a great trick. Poof! You're a mayfly! "Teach me a new spell, and I'll let you go!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED MageBook 10 0 Ah! I didn't think you'd be quite like this. Ugh! Did you register a license? I have great endurance! "Wait, wait! Let's talk instead of fighting!"
#RecordIn DEAD MageBook 10 0 "You've got a trick or two in your bag of secrets, eh?" You must be really good to defeat someone like me. It's just death... My last wish is to be on a nice bookshelf!
#RecordIn PIECE PunchMageBook 3400000 5400000 Does anyone want to duel me?! Anyone? Two hundred push ups. That is my goal today! I'd like to step into the ring someday. I want to demonstrate everything I know.
#RecordIn ATTACK PunchMageBook 10 0 "One, two! One, two!.." Jab! Body blow! Upper cut! Will you cheer for me when that time comes? No? DIE!! My steel fists will knock you out! Watch and see!
#RecordIn DAMAGED PunchMageBook 10 0 It's been a while since I've met my match. Be sure to keep your guard up. I don't like to pick on weaklings like you. "Refined weapons? The more advanced they are, the more they shine."
#RecordIn DEAD PunchMageBook 10 0 One more round? Oh no...I need to train more. Good bye... I will go on fighting...I have to lose three times to be defeated.
#RecordIn PIECE BabyBat 3400000 5400000 I wonder what it's like to fly... maybe I can try with these wings? Today is my day off from pre-school. I'll play with you all day! Boo...there's no one here to play with me. Will you play with me? Am I a bat or a pig? I wonder...
#RecordIn ATTACK BabyBat 10 0 "Look at me, I'm strong!" This is ticklish...isn't it? Let's be friends! No? Why? What! Did you just say that I was a stupid pig?
#RecordIn DAMAGED BabyBat 10 0 Stop... don't hit me. Mommy! This is child abuse! Waaaa. "If you don't want to be friends, just say so. No need to hit me!" "You're not strong at all. In fact, you're a weakling!"
#RecordIn DEAD BabyBat 10 0 I wanted to fly... "Now, at least I don't feel any pain...sigh."! Aaaahng.
#RecordIn PIECE GoldrySlime 3400000 5400000 Maybe there's a SilverySlime somewhere...haha. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GoldrySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoldrySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GoldrySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MarloneArcher 3400000 5400000 No one can escape my arrows! My left hand acts only as support. No one can defeat the Marlone clan! Long live the Marlones!
#RecordIn ATTACK MarloneArcher 10 0 You're just standing there! I never miss my target. You think you are better then me? How dare you! Mine is a legendary bow used by a master archer!
#RecordIn DAMAGED MarloneArcher 10 0 Ugh! I didn't expect your counterattack! Quickly! Sound the alarm! Intruders are attacking! You shouldn't have done that! What? My bow's not working!
#RecordIn DEAD MarloneArcher 10 0 Marlone! The enemy has come to attack! Marlone... Long live the Oh no. The fighters will laugh at me...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MarloneArcher 700 700 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB MarloneArcher 800 800 I will strike you down with one shot! You're so stupid. I told you not to eat so much. Hold on... I'm coming! This is for the Marlone Archers!
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MarloneArcher 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MarloneMegaton 3600000 5600000 There's not much to being a bandit--just take things by force! We're not ordinary bandits. Watch out! No one can defeat the Marlone clan! "Marlones, hip hip hurray! Hip hip hurray!"
#RecordIn ATTACK MarloneMegaton 10 0 ~whoosh~ ~whoosh~ That sound--it's not me! Time for you to experience Megaton power! Many people consider my body a deadly weapon! I'll show you how great the Marlone clan is!
#RecordIn DAMAGED MarloneMegaton 10 0 I'm not joking!! Ack! You're too strong. Stop...I said st..op! I can defend against that just by breathing in.
#RecordIn DEAD MarloneMegaton 10 0 Ugh! Marlone! "Emergency, emergency! Enemy attack!" How is this possible? careful...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MarloneMegaton 800 800 "You seemed so weak, but I underestimated you. Someone Help!" "If I didn't eat meat yesterday, I wouldn't be so slow." Hey! Come here and help me kill this thing! I need help! Can anyone assist me?
#RecordIn HELPSUB MarloneMegaton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MarloneMegaton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MarloneFighter 3600000 5600000 "I was an apprentice, and wanted to be a knight someday." Does Marlone really think that's possible? No one can defeat the Marlone clan! Power to the Marlones!
#RecordIn ATTACK MarloneFighter 10 0 Witness the strength of the Marlone Clan! You have fallen into the jaws of death! Haha. Do you think you can escape my deadly attacks? Your injuries will demonstrate the power of my mighty sword?
#RecordIn DAMAGED MarloneFighter 10 0 Where are all our enemies? "You're strong, but I can feel the situation changing." Your attacks are weak--I can take anything you throw at me! Ugh! You are too strong...this could be my end...
#RecordIn DEAD MarloneFighter 10 0 Captain! Let's hurry to Marlone! We're under attack! Help! Anyone! careful...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MarloneFighter 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB MarloneFighter 800 800 "Alright Captain, I'll take care of this!" Finally! A chance to repay the boss and show him what I'm made of "Don't worry, boss! I've got your back!" I will show you the true power of the Marlone Clan.
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MarloneFighter 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GlowWolf 3600000 5600000 "You like my name? Cool, isn't it?" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GlowWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GlowWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GlowWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MarloneSoldier 3600000 5600000 No doubt about it: the Marlone Clan is the best! "Without the Marlone Clan, nothing would make me happy." I'm proud to be a soldier in the Marlone clan! Marlone! Marlone! Marlone!
#RecordIn ATTACK MarloneSoldier 10 0 For the Marlone Clan! Witness the power of the Marlone Clan! "Here, let's see if you can withstand this attack!" I don't think you understand where you've ended up.
#RecordIn DAMAGED MarloneSoldier 10 0 You are not an easy foe! Hahaha!! You've got to be kidding... "Please, someone help me!" I'm too advanced for you..
#RecordIn DEAD MarloneSoldier 10 0 Ugh! Mar...lon... Who taught you that trick? Long live the
#RecordIn PIECE MarloneCaptain 3800000 5800000 I'm three times quicker than other fighters. Why are we gathering? Are we attacking another village? Hehe. No one can defeat the Marlone clan! Long live the Marlones!
#RecordIn ATTACK MarloneCaptain 10 0 You dare defy the Marlone Clan? You will regret it! Burning Hill is the domain of the Marlone Clan and Marlone King. "I see everything, including you! Die!" I've seen you. Don't think you can pass quietly.
#RecordIn DAMAGED MarloneCaptain 10 0 "You are hurting me, stop! It hurts!" You will never understand...the Marlone Clan honor. Do you really think you can beat a soldier from the Marlone clan? "You're strong, alright. I have to be extra careful with you!"
#RecordIn DEAD MarloneCaptain 10 0 Marlone Clan! Forever! "Marlone, please avenge my death." Marlone...I have only brought you shame! I have only brought shame to you Marlone.
#RecordIn HELPMAIN MarloneCaptain 800 800 I am better than this... "Oh no! I have to leave. Marlone Clan Fighter, fight for me." "Please, someone help me with this one!" No need to waste my energy needlessly.
#RecordIn HELPSUB MarloneCaptain 800 800 "Hold on, Marlone! The Captain will be there soon!" You dare challenge Marlone? Face my sword first! "Marlone, there's no need for you to waste time with this." "Just give me your orders, Marlone."
#RecordIn RACERESCUE MarloneCaptain 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Marlone 4000000 6000000 "I can't forgive you, I really can't!" Shout the Marlone Clan motto! Shout Marlone's name! Gather all the captains! Its party time! No one can match the power of the Marlone Clan!
#RecordIn ATTACK Marlone 10 0 You were the one who picked on my brother. "The strong don't always survive, but survivors are always strong." You think you can take my fast attacks? I'll tell you who I am only if you defeat me with one hit.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Marlone 10 0 "Was that an attack, or a tickle?" - "Don't get cocky, there's more where this came from!" You seem weak. I'm willing to bet you're no match for me 1 on 1!
#RecordIn DEAD Marlone 10 0 I can't die now.. I have too many things to do! Don't think this is the end. I will have my revenge! Ah is this the sad. Marlone clan! Avenge me!
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Marlone 800 800 " think can beat me, rookie?" "Marlone Clan, I am under attack!" "I need help, someone help me!" Marlone clan! To arms!
#RecordIn HELPSUB Marlone 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Marlone 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SilverySlime 4000000 6000000 Do you think there are gold slimes out there somewhere? I prefer a dark and gloomy area like this. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SilverySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SilverySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD SilverySlime 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Skeleton 4000000 6000000 I'm growing a belly. Can you see it? Hehe. I can smell blood somewhere. Hehe. "Yes sir, my captain!" I have to grease my bones make so much noise!
#RecordIn ATTACK Skeleton 10 0 How dare you break into Shining Stone? You must be crazy! Everyone! Defend Shiny Stone from invaders! What do you think? You know...I was once a respected captain... There's no reason to talk. Fight!
#RecordIn DAMAGED Skeleton 10 0 I'm sorry we didn't meet when I was alive! Ooof! I'm reminded of the pain of being alive. Your attack is quite fierce. You think I fear you? I fear no living thing!
#RecordIn DEAD Skeleton 10 0 This is my end... This mercenary has lost his edge... I can finally rest in peace. Why should I fear anything? I'm already dead!
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Skeleton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB Skeleton 800 800 I will face you... " usual, archers are the weakest." "Hey, don't you run away! Now it's my turn!" I'll do what you want...just respect me.
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Skeleton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SkelArcher 4200000 6200000 The air here is really bad. The weather is getting colder...I'm chilled to the bone. Polluted air is bad for the skin. "Aye, aye Captain!"
#RecordIn ATTACK SkelArcher 10 0 Taste my arrows! This isn't a place you just wander into. "Fellows of the Shiny Stone, defend our land!" My arrows will rip your heart out!
#RecordIn DAMAGED SkelArcher 10 0 "How can you be so fast, did you level up?" Aaacckk! I've been spotted! I ache all over... You'll give them quite a fight..
#RecordIn DEAD SkelArcher 10 0 I can't face him like this... Thank you for letting me rest in peace. Did I do everything I could?
#RecordIn HELPMAIN SkelArcher 800 800 body is coming apart...I will not let you go so easily. "OK. I'll show you some respect, but it won't be easy..." Uh oh! There's trouble. Hey! Come here!
#RecordIn HELPSUB SkelArcher 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE SkelArcher 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SkeletonSoldier 4200000 6200000 Do you recognize me? Why are there so many adventurers about? "Hey, is anyone nearby? I smell something in the air..." I'm so tired of waiting for the enemy. Let's attack first!
#RecordIn ATTACK SkeletonSoldier 10 0 "If you think I'm easy prey, you've got another thing coming." Are you one of the adventurers? Your end is near. It's time to get serious...
#RecordIn DAMAGED SkeletonSoldier 10 0 I can handle this easily. Ugh! You're quite skilled... Ridiculous! Uh oh! I have a bad feeling about this...
#RecordIn DEAD SkeletonSoldier 10 0 How can this be? I'm tougher than this! Beating me doesn't make you special! Is this the end? "I am an undead. Technically, you cannot kill me."
#RecordIn PIECE SkelWarrior 4200000 6200000 I know what you did last night. "Master of Darkness, give me peace once more.." Where? Where are the intruders? Yes Captain.
#RecordIn ATTACK SkelWarrior 10 0 This is making my blood boil! Hahaha~ "Cheer up, there's more fighting to be done!" "Yes, you set foot in the wrong place. Prepare for battle!" You must think you are skilled enough to challenge me.
#RecordIn DAMAGED SkelWarrior 10 0 "You're pretty good, but that is going to end now!" "Hit me harder, you aren't even scratching me..." You can't let your guard down in war. Undead never retreat.
#RecordIn DEAD SkelWarrior 10 0 I don't have any fight left in me! This is...the end...once again... I need help.. Attack! "A long time ago, I led a normal life..."
#RecordIn HELPMAIN SkelWarrior 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB SkelWarrior 800 800 Wait for me...sir Knight! I will teach you to fear us.. You'll regret your stupidity! It's death for you! You dare fight this mighty knight?
#RecordIn RACERESCUE SkelWarrior 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SkelKnight 4400000 6400000 I will give my life to my new master. "Skeletal Warriors, take up your positions." Let all of us defend the Shiny Stone! Calling all undead in Luminous Stone! Follow me!
#RecordIn ATTACK SkelKnight 10 0 Are you scared now?! I cannot forgive anyone who insults my master! I'll test this new skill on you. Don't try to evade. We will see how long you can stay standing.
#RecordIn DAMAGED SkelKnight 10 0 You're a worthy opponent. You can't defeat me with your half-hearted attacks! Your strength is remarkable... I can't believe it. Where are my fellows?
#RecordIn DEAD SkelKnight 10 0 "Have I disappointed you, master?" I'll be in waiting for you in hell. I refuse to believe this is the end... I'm almost out of fight...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN SkelKnight 800 800 Who's there? Who dares interrupt my sweet dreams? Warriors...Defend me! "I need help, teach my attacker a lesson!" Who...are you?
#RecordIn HELPSUB SkelKnight 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE SkelKnight 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Bat 4200000 6000000 Give me your blood! I will be able to fly someday! What did you think I was--a pig? *flap flap* My wings are just for show. Hehe...
#RecordIn ATTACK Bat 10 0 Die! You smell delicious! I will make you pay with my poison... Try this on for size!
#RecordIn DAMAGED Bat 10 0 Enough of the games! Take this! I want to fly away...but I'm too chubby. Hah! Can't even feel that! Your puny attacks can't harm my tough skin!
#RecordIn DEAD Bat 10 0 Yikes~! I should have gone on a diet... I will never die! -
#RecordIn PIECE IceViVi 4200000 6000000 "I hate this climate... hot sun, burning ground!" "There are others, similar to me." I saw some people running around that called a party? -
#RecordIn ATTACK IceViVi 10 0 Which season do you like best? "The others are ill-natured, so be careful." "Come on! Let's fight fairly, one on one!" -
#RecordIn DAMAGED IceViVi 10 0 "Your skills are great, just like mine." You're doing well. This should be a good fight! Yikes! I am losing! -
#RecordIn DEAD IceViVi 10 0 I'm melting! I'm sorry it ended so quickly. "No, please don't let me die!" -
#RecordIn PIECE ArchMageBook 4400000 6400000 Beware! I'll show you no mercy! Who would dare to cross my territory? "*sniff sniff* I smell humans! Wait, I don't have a nose..." I'm a fascinating can learn a lot.
#RecordIn ATTACK ArchMageBook 10 0 I know everything about you! There is no limit to the power of magic. Your're already a goner. "Hmm...chapter seven, fireball attack!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArchMageBook 10 0 Now you know everything about me! Your attacks are most efficient. "Your attacks are useless, but I understand you still have to try..." "This should do it, page forty, the perfect shield!"
#RecordIn DEAD ArchMageBook 10 0 I will never Don't let me die.. Let me live once more... I can see my life flashing before my eyes... Now you will never learn the skills chronicled in my pages.
#RecordIn PIECE Spider 4600000 6600000 Hmm.. Hmm... I thought I felt something move... I wonder what will I find in my web today... They say the most colorful spiders have the deadliest poisons!
#RecordIn ATTACK Spider 10 0 I dare you to tread on my webs. I'll eat you alive! You will never escape my web. You won't last long with my poison coursing through your veins?
#RecordIn DAMAGED Spider 10 0 Help me!! Woah!...I may have made a mistake... "Haha! That tickles! Stop it--no, really!" Are you the spider collecter everyone has been talking about?
#RecordIn DEAD Spider 10 0 My friends will avenge me. I didn't get a chance to use my web... How did I lose today? This can't be! I felt forboding...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Spider 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB Spider 800 800 Who dares to touch the Wild Fox? I'm always ready to help you. "Hang on, help is on the way!" "Whoever you are, your luck has run out."
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Spider 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ScareImp 4600000 6600000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ScareImp 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ScareImp 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ScareImp 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE FlyingStaff 4600000 6600000 Friendship and faith is important for all relationships! No matter how much time human I will never forget. I shine like the sun. "Why are moths drawn to fire, even though they know they will die?"
#RecordIn ATTACK FlyingStaff 10 0 I would have preferred to be friends! Aren't I great? One hit and you will be dead.. You will see! Lots of people die at my hands... like moths to the flame!
#RecordIn DAMAGED FlyingStaff 10 0 "You'd better try harder, or else!" You are similar to someone I knew long ago. "What... this can't be, not with my skills!" "You are good, really good."
#RecordIn DEAD FlyingStaff 10 0 I can handle this. Good luck to you! It was nice meeting you...truly... I don't want to die! Help! I have no regrets about dying like this...
#RecordIn PIECE MasicStaff 4600000 6600000 How long will I have to wait... It's exciting to meet so many new people ... Any way I could be a human's friend? Sometimes I am lonely. -
#RecordIn ATTACK MasicStaff 10 0 Let the judgment begin! How tough would you say I am? Let's see just how strong I am. -
#RecordIn DAMAGED MasicStaff 10 0 Is that all you can do? Ugh ~ You've hurt me... Ha! This is a waste of both of our time! -
#RecordIn DEAD MasicStaff 10 0 "You are quite good, but still missing something." What a meaningless death... You are stronger then me.. Stop.. It hurts! -
#RecordIn PIECE KingStaff 4600000 6600000 The air is too stuffy! I need fresh air! I need to walk! It's lonely at the top. There are many who would like the power of a King! "If someone wants to fight, step up!"
#RecordIn ATTACK KingStaff 10 0 You shouldn't be here. Insignificant wretch! Are you one of them? You don't belong here.
#RecordIn DAMAGED KingStaff 10 0 "You do know who I am, right? How rude!" I won't forgive you for these scars... I think you have the strength to become a King someday! I will not beg for my life if this is to be my last chapter.
#RecordIn DEAD KingStaff 10 0 I'll get you someday! Aaaacckk! Aaaahhhhhh! "I've fought death for so long, it's hard to accept..."
#RecordIn PIECE Zombie 4600000 6600000 Muhahahha~ I thought I was dead. How can I be walking around like this? *panting* Awww...hungry...I need something to eat... Damn the Templers. They made me like this on a whim.
#RecordIn ATTACK Zombie 10 0 Who are you? Did you attack me? Who are you? I need blood! Give me your blood! I'll make you a zombie too.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Zombie 10 0 I will not forget what you've done here today. I no longer feel pain... This doen't look good! Help! If you don't expect to should look happier.
#RecordIn DEAD Zombie 10 0 "I need blood..., bloood..." Time to sleep once more. What is this strange feeling? I'll return to the ground once more.
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Zombie 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB Zombie 800 800 I'll drink your blood! Hahaha... do you need assistance? I'm coming to help you... Hold on... My help will make the difference.
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Zombie 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE OldFox 4800000 6800000 I see dead people. "When they are close to me, it is cold and I can see my breath." People who don't know where they're headed usually get lost! Don't you just love the sight of a full moon in a clear sky?
#RecordIn ATTACK OldFox 10 0 Listen to yourself. Utter nonsense! It's impossible to control one's nature. Come here...I will eat you alive! You have no choice. Behold the moon in its glory!
#RecordIn DAMAGED OldFox 10 0 Hit me! I dare you! Do you have the courage to face who you are? "You're not a pushover, but you're still no match for me!" The strong ones have the tastiest livers.
#RecordIn DEAD OldFox 10 0 Time for a quick nap. This is unfair...but victory is yours. Watch your back--he hits hard! The full moon will rise again...soon...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN OldFox 800 800 I shouldn't have underestimated you. Friend! Help me! I can't do this alone...someone please help! me for a moment.
#RecordIn HELPSUB OldFox 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE OldFox 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE CemWolf 4800000 6800000 There's something in the cave that compels you to dig. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK CemWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED CemWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD CemWolf 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Fox 4800000 6800000 I want fresh meat! Let's go kill something weak. There's not much to hunt today. I'm lucky to have a friend who thinks like me. Don't confuse me with the fox in the tomb. We're very different!
#RecordIn ATTACK Fox 10 0 "The more I see you, the more hungry I get..." "I'm surprised, you're tougher than you look." "You see, my friend, I never fail to catch my prey." I can say for sure that I'm superior in every way!
#RecordIn DAMAGED Fox 10 0 I can't believe you beat me. How is this possible? It's like shooting fish in a barrel! "You hit pretty hard, but it doesn't hurt me!" Whoever was your master? He taught you well.
#RecordIn DEAD Fox 10 0 I won't let this be my end! You'd better think twice... another fox will come...oh...maybe not. I can't believe I'm going to die like this! I was not sly enough.
#RecordIn PIECE BabyWereBear 4800000 6800000 My father is the strongest Werebear on the continent of Isya. "When I grow up, I want to be a Werebear like my Dad!" Daddy bear is fat--Mommy bear is skinny--Baby bear is cute! -
#RecordIn ATTACK BabyWereBear 10 0 Don't look at me that way! Don't's OK to express pain. Aren't I cute? -
#RecordIn DAMAGED BabyWereBear 10 0 "Ouch, it hurts! I can't stand this kind of pain!" "You are strong, but you're no match for my Dad." "It usually doesn't hurt like this, who trained you? " -
#RecordIn DEAD BabyWereBear 10 0 "Father, where are you?" I'm struggling to understand... Aaaah! I can't avenge mom or dad! -
#RecordIn PIECE FireViVi 4800000 6800000 "Come on, just tell me... are you hungry?" I scorch the land and cook my enemies. "Burning, I am burning!" "Fire is a gift, but it comes with a price."
#RecordIn ATTACK FireViVi 10 0 Take that! And that! Can you feel the heat? Am I getting to you? My fire will consume you! I'm in the mood to roast some meat. Come here!
#RecordIn DAMAGED FireViVi 10 0 I won't let you extinguish my fire! Hehehe... my fire is hotter than the flames of hell... "Soon, you will be completely consumed by fire!" Who gave you that fire extinguisher?
#RecordIn DEAD FireViVi 10 0 "Oh no, my fire is dwindling!" I curse you! No~! My flame is vanishing! "If my flame is extinguished, I will surely perish!"
#RecordIn PIECE Ghost 5000000 7000000 Can anyone see me? Humans don't know the evil truth. Can you see me? The living world is just a small part of reality.
#RecordIn ATTACK Ghost 10 0 I will show you hell itself! Ha! Your confusion is amusing. "Avoid this, if you can!" You can't win. You can barely see me.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Ghost 10 0 Your attack won't even scratch me! What happened? Ahhh... this is painful! But...I'm invisible. Aren't I?
#RecordIn DEAD Ghost 10 0 I will lurk in the shadows and wait for my chance. Oh no...oh no...I am "In the end, we all pay for our mistakes." I'm drifting...
#RecordIn PIECE Robo 5000000 7000000 "Ah, more of the same..." Damn it all! Why am I always alone? I will terrorize all humankind!
#RecordIn ATTACK Robo 10 0 Feel my pain! Do you feel pain...? This is nothing... Take this cursed power! "If you rid me of this curse, I'll make you great among your kind!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED Robo 10 0 Try me! I dare you! Pathetic... that all? You are not easy to defeat!
#RecordIn DEAD Robo 10 0 "It may be my time to go, but you're next!" This isn't over... Can you see the Could that be... It's hard to admit that I lost.
#RecordIn PIECE Hob 5200000 7200000 Ok! Let's go! Ok...ok...Hahahaha... Don't take don't have rights! Am I handsome or what? See.. Now I'm blushing!
#RecordIn ATTACK Hob 10 0 One.. Two.. Three.. Boom! "What do you think...not bad, huh? There's more..." Come on! One on one! I bet you will lose! "Please, just not in the face."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Hob 10 0 "Please boss, this really hurts, stop!" What are you doing? It hurts! Stop that! I think the best thing I can do at this point is run!
#RecordIn DEAD Hob 10 0 "Ouch... hey, ouch! Wow!" My short life comes to an end here... Aaaacckk!! You win!
#RecordIn PIECE BoneImp 5200000 7200000 Come... see through these eyes! Feel my pain! All these foolhardy idiots...rampaging around. I get ten times stronger in the dark! You can tell from my name that I'm beautiful.
#RecordIn ATTACK BoneImp 10 0 "Oh, so it's playtime?" "Am I weak, or are you just strong?" There's nothing more fun than playing with humans. "One, two, three. I'm counting how many times you hit me."
#RecordIn DAMAGED BoneImp 10 0 I've got tough skin. Your attacks won't hurt me. "Easy, easy... you'll give me scars!" You're not skilled enough yet... I think I've seen you before. Are you stalking me?
#RecordIn DEAD BoneImp 10 0 "I will miss this place, with its ocean breeze and green trees." No! You murderer. Wait a minute...I'm not a human... I knew there was someone stronger than me. I'm useless with this broken armor!
#RecordIn PIECE earthSpider 4600000 6600000 "One, two, three, four... I have way too many legs!" "I've built my house with blood, sweat and tears...don't damage it." "You know, I have a critical weakpoint." "Do you know the phrase ""United we stand, divided we fall""?"
#RecordIn ATTACK earthSpider 10 0 "See, that hurts? So, why did you attack me?" I will guarantee that today will be the worst day of your life. What makes you think I'm going to tell you what my weakpoint is? Killing you alone isn't much of a challenge.
#RecordIn DAMAGED earthSpider 10 0 "You are dangerous, I can tell!" You challenged me with this? You're really brave... I think you have found my weak "You should go and get more friends, you're too weak alone."
#RecordIn DEAD earthSpider 10 0 Today wasn't my lucky day... I can't admit defeat! Avenge me! Help! Please...
#RecordIn PIECE Goblin 5200000 7200000 For the honor of the Goblins! I will do anything for the King! His wish is my command. To the village! Time to kill humans! All cheer the Goblin King!
#RecordIn ATTACK Goblin 10 0 You dare to invade our land? How dare you! I will take you prisoner. The Goblin Kingdom is under attack! To arms! "Goblins, attack! Get the invaders!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED Goblin 10 0 Yikes~! Aaaacckk! I need back up! How dare you attack the Goblin Kingdom? "Your hits are useless, they have no effect on me!"
#RecordIn DEAD Goblin 10 0 Long live our Goblin Kingdom! What did I drink last night? A brave Goblin...dies fighting! "Friends, take my place."
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Goblin 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB Goblin 800 800 "Hang on, I'm on my way! Whoa~" "You should have practiced, now you need help!" I'm here my master! Now it's my turn! Let's see what you've got.
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Goblin 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Prock 5200000 7200000 This garden is the only thing that makes me happy. Goblins and Werebears are rude! I heard there's some kind of plant that can cure that illness... hmm... "Do you know nepenthez? I've heard of it, but not sure what it is."
#RecordIn ATTACK Prock 10 0 You're the one who ruined my garden. Now you shall pay! Prepare for battle! Did my mouth catch you by surprise? "I'm able to chew through stone, you will be soft by comparison."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Prock 10 0 Don't think you will leave this place alive! I will eat you...I will eat all of you. You are just one bite away from dying! Hey stop hitting should look after plants!
#RecordIn DEAD Prock 10 0 My..gar...den..! I didn't prepare any last words... You saw my ugly side... The only thing I gained...was failure.
#RecordIn PIECE GoblinSwordman 5400000 7400000 I am a Goblin Swordman! Fear me! My King! Your wish is my command. No one knows the secret of our swordsmanship! All hail the Goblin King!
#RecordIn ATTACK GoblinSwordman 10 0 Did you hear that? The sound of a cold wind! What do you think of my swordsmanship? "Hah, you will be the tribe's sacrifice!" Where did you come from? How dare you step into our domain?
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoblinSwordman 10 0 "Wow, your power is stronger than mine! How can this be?" I'm intimidated by your level of skill. How did you find the courage to attack us? Did you really think you can survive all alone?
#RecordIn DEAD GoblinSwordman 10 0 Your powers are impressive. I...invaders! Long live the Goblin Kingdom! My brethren will avenge me!
#RecordIn HELPMAIN GoblinSwordman 800 800 "You're strong, but I will win!" I need help...too strong for me. Someone please help! Help! Hurry! I need help!
#RecordIn HELPSUB GoblinSwordman 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE GoblinSwordman 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE WereBear 5400000 7400000 I can't control the urge within! I need to find some blood... blood... It's been so long since I've seen my son... I'd love to see him. You dummy. Who told you that bears were cute?
#RecordIn ATTACK WereBear 10 0 You will regret the full moon! Die! I can crush stone with my paws. You would make a perfect meal for my son! We are the most savage creatures alive.
#RecordIn DAMAGED WereBear 10 0 Your strength...makes me hesitate. I doubt you can harm a hair on my head. "Try harder. You are not even scratching me, you weakling!" Ugh... I didn't think there was anyone who could hurt me.
#RecordIn DEAD WereBear 10 0 Will I finally be rid of this curse? It's been a long time since I've felt such peace... I can't believe I was slain by someone like you! I don't want to die...
#RecordIn PIECE GoblinMage 5600000 7600000 I sense that today will bring misfortune. "Yes, King. Your wish is my command." Hmm... something's wrong here. I should call the captain over. There have been many adventurers attacking us. Why?
#RecordIn ATTACK GoblinMage 10 0 I call on my powers to attack our enemies! "God of Death, I call on you! Deal our foes a mighty blow!" "Dark forces, cast evil curses on our enemies!" See how the God of death enjoys your anger.
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoblinMage 10 0 I must focus my powers for protection! How did you break through my defensive wall... "Dark forces, infuse me with your power!" Dark forces are working to weaken me.
#RecordIn DEAD GoblinMage 10 0 "Ancestors, revive me!" Damn you...someone inform the king! My king... I have failed you... Our camp is in danger!
#RecordIn HELPMAIN GoblinMage 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB GoblinMage 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE GoblinMage 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SandMushroom 5600000 7600000 - My full name is Sand Mushroom Swordman.. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SandMushroom 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SandMushroom 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD SandMushroom 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GoblinCaptain 5600000 7600000 I bring orders from the King. Every goblin must listen! "Yes King, your wish is my command." I wonder what's making my blood run cold. I can't imagine the King daydreaming like this...
#RecordIn ATTACK GoblinCaptain 10 0 Taste my sword! Hahaha... You are brave to attack Goblin Kingdom! You won't leave alive! I will chop you in two. Wait and see! You are already dead.
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoblinCaptain 10 0 That's it? This certainly can't be my demise .. The Goblin Kingdom is forever! "Unless you kill me, you'll go no further."
#RecordIn DEAD GoblinCaptain 10 0 This is a bad sign. You are a great swordsman... I admit defeat... Oh... my plan... was foiled. My...King...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN GoblinCaptain 800 800 So embarrassing to be beaten by this weakling... It's been a while since I've faced someone like you...I need help. All Goblin soldiers should fight...To arms! -
#RecordIn HELPSUB GoblinCaptain 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE GoblinCaptain 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GobleKing 5800000 7800000 The dark force will always be with us Goblins! Long live the Goblins! The Goblin Kingdom is forever! Gwahahaha~ We will conquer the filthy humans!
#RecordIn ATTACK GobleKing 10 0 It's hard to believe you have come this far! I'll let no one interrupt my plans! I'm the King. Feel my wrath! "If you defeat me with one blow, you will earn quite a reputation!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED GobleKing 10 0 "You're good, but I'm only getting started!" Even with a large've a long way to go to kill me. Is this all you have? You are one sorry excuse for a human! "You are good, but not good enough."
#RecordIn DEAD GobleKing 10 0 Oh no...this can't be...No~ My plans are not finished...we will meet again. I've never met anyone like you. So strong and quick. Celebrate your victory while you still can.
#RecordIn HELPMAIN GobleKing 800 800 I need help! Someone protect me~ Ugh...this is proving difficult. Punish my attacker... I command you! I will show you the true power of the Goblins!
#RecordIn HELPSUB GobleKing 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE GobleKing 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MiniLips 5800000 7800000 - "I'm tiny, but my lips take up half of my face!" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK MiniLips 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED MiniLips 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD MiniLips 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Harkan 6200000 8200000 What beautiful eyes you have. Hey cutie! Stop what you're doing and play with me! "Hey, what are you doing sweetheart?" "Where is my twin? Where, I wonder..."
#RecordIn ATTACK Harkan 10 0 This is how I truly feel~ Please accept my feelings for you. "Don't be surprised, I love you." Wait. What's happening?
#RecordIn DAMAGED Harkan 10 0 Hey... isn't that a bit forward? I don't like aggressive moves...I'm not that easy. "Don't worry, I forgive you." Why are you so hostile?
#RecordIn DEAD Harkan 10 0 I thought we had a connection. "I, I was... just kidding... didn't think you'd be so upset..." Every rose has its thorns. You are just cruel. I did nothing to provoke you.
#RecordIn PIECE WeakenedOgre 5800000 7800000 I heard one of my distant cousins married a princess. I wish I could find a wife... "Marriage, children, happiness... what do these things mean to me?" I wish I was a teenager again.
#RecordIn ATTACK WeakenedOgre 10 0 How stupid of you to underestimate my strength. You'll regret it. Whoa! I'm not a coward! Uh oh! "Don't judge me by how I look, or you'll be sorely surprised."
#RecordIn DAMAGED WeakenedOgre 10 0 "Oh, Is that all you have?" I'm stronger than people think! You can't overcome destiny. You will die! I'm not as powerful as I used to be...
#RecordIn DEAD WeakenedOgre 10 0 Oh no... how was this possible? "If I was ten years younger, you would have been dead..." "Ogres, please avenge me!" Old age weakened me too much.
#RecordIn PIECE KingCall 6000000 8000000 Crush them all! I'm going to eat everything in sight! "Smash 'em all, eat 'em all!" Smash 'em all! Eat 'em all!
#RecordIn ATTACK KingCall 10 0 I will crush you! It's feeding time! Come here... "Smash, smash.. Bash..!" "Crush, bash!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED KingCall 10 0 Ahhhhh.... "Oh, it hurts... stop that!" You will suffer for your insolence. Crrr...ack.
#RecordIn DEAD KingCall 10 0 Aaaahhh I'm dying!
#RecordIn PIECE LightingViVi 6200000 8200000 Can dreams really come true? "I love it, when the air crackles around me!" I like Ice Vivi more than Fire Vivi. -
#RecordIn ATTACK LightingViVi 10 0 "Hey, what are your dreams? Hopes? Desires?" Our meeting is no coincidence... it was meant to be! I deliver when I have to! -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LightingViVi 10 0 It's a sad day when merely asking questions can get you killed. "I'm sorry to say, but your are a weakling." What's happening? I thought I had you beaten! -
#RecordIn DEAD LightingViVi 10 0 Not fair... I had so much to do! I will admit my defeat... it is my fate. You of all people... how did you defeat me? -
#RecordIn PIECE VampireBat 6200000 8200000 "Young blood is the best, but it's so hard to come by." Aha! A fresh source of blood. Welcome! I hear vampires wear black capes. Maybe I should wear one too. -
#RecordIn ATTACK VampireBat 10 0 "Hey, keep your neck clean for me! Hahah" Gross! Your blood tastes awful! "Now, this is definitely something different..." -
#RecordIn DAMAGED VampireBat 10 0 Stand still. I can't get a clean bite. "Can't you see I'm busy? I'm eating, here!" "Garlic, crosses, holy water. None have any effect on me." -
#RecordIn DEAD VampireBat 10 0 No...not yet... How can you kill me on an empty stomache? Aaaacckk!! -
#RecordIn PIECE Prisoner 6200000 8200000 I ate nothing but scraps for fifteen years. "My, I've been pardoned! Should I go back?" I have to succeed! I mustn't be caught! "Run away, or you will be caught by the torturer!"
#RecordIn ATTACK Prisoner 10 0 Who do you think you are? I trained a lot in prison...and am ready to fight! I don't have time for games! You resemble a torturer. Are you related?
#RecordIn DAMAGED Prisoner 10 0 I can't waste my time with you. This power...the torturer must be nearby. Hey lets talk this out! I don't want to die! I've been trained by the Torturer for years! You can't hurt me!
#RecordIn DEAD Prisoner 10 0 If only I was able to escape from this place. I can finally be free... You should run now! The Torturer is much stronger than I am! I guess I'll never taste ice cream again.
#RecordIn PIECE Torturer 6400000 8400000 Who said I'm an amateur? I'm an expert... at torture! La la la...who can I torture today? Hehe. I want to test out a skill I learned last night...who'll be first? I love hearing prisoner's screams!
#RecordIn ATTACK Torturer 10 0 I'll show you all of my many painful techniques. We've only just begun! I have new techniques I want to try out! Hah! I have found someone to practice on! "Hey, have you seen any escapees? If not, I'll just torture you."
#RecordIn DAMAGED Torturer 10 0 "You have talent. As my student, I will teach you everything." What kind of torture is this? I should add it to my repertoire! "Good, good. That's the spirit!" I have to admit your skills are pretty good.
#RecordIn DEAD Torturer 10 0 "Please, forgive me, I'll never torture again!" I was just following orders! Forgive me! I don't want to die.. Please forgive me. So many interrogations left unfinished...
#RecordIn PIECE DeadTreeSoul 6400000 8400000 "Always, always be careful of fires!" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK DeadTreeSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DeadTreeSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD DeadTreeSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SeniorTorturer 6400000 8400000 Life is boring here...I need a change! "When I was a torturer, I had drive..." I really enjoy seeing others suffer! Don't you? I really should get out into the daylight.
#RecordIn ATTACK SeniorTorturer 10 0 Do you want to die? What do you want? You are such a weakling! Watch and learn! This is how to go about torturing someone! You are begging for mercy already? I haven't even begun!
#RecordIn DAMAGED SeniorTorturer 10 0 Is this all you can do? Whoa! Where did you learn those moves? Were you a torturer? Take your best shot!
#RecordIn DEAD SeniorTorturer 10 0 Maybe I am too old? It seems that my checkered life ends here... But... but... no one is supposed to know who I am! My life has been a waste...
#RecordIn PIECE DisHarkan 6400000 8400000 I miss my tea and cheesecake. I am one of the great Harkans. I don't like this's stuffy and smells like mold. -
#RecordIn ATTACK DisHarkan 10 0 "Hey, nice to see you. Got any tea for me?" How about these curves? Love at first sight? The air here is posion to my delicate skin. -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DisHarkan 10 0 "OK, OK... that hurts. Can we talk this through?" Stop that! that all you can do? So pathetic. -
#RecordIn DEAD DisHarkan 10 0 No...! Is this what you wanted? My death? You managed to turn things around... -
#RecordIn PIECE KaraSolider 6400000 8400000 Templer is too scary. Way too scary! "Should I hunt for animals in the mountains, or for humans at sea?" I want to master magic too...then I can be strong like Templer. I'm tired. I had to deliver a big package earlier.
#RecordIn ATTACK KaraSolider 10 0 You are going to die by my hand! "If I take you to Templer, I'll get a promotion." Die! You foul beast! "After all my hard work, killing you will be my reward."
#RecordIn DAMAGED KaraSolider 10 0 Ouch! You are dangerous! Aaaacckk! Oh no! I've been taken by surprise! Hah...Stop tickling me... You think I'm an easy target? We will see.
#RecordIn DEAD KaraSolider 10 0 Tell Templer that I am sorry~ "Templer, avenge me.." "I slipped, and you took advantage..." Not the reward I was expecting...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN KaraSolider 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB KaraSolider 800 800 I'm coming to help you Templer! It's your turn now... come here! "I'm here for you, Templer." I'm here! Hold on!
#RecordIn RACERESCUE KaraSolider 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KaraTempler 6400000 8400000 Our soldiers aren't doing well these days. "Somewhere, there is a legendary magic book. I must find it." "Karasian soldiers are stupid, but their loyalty is unmatched." What are the soldiers doing? I need more items.
#RecordIn ATTACK KaraTempler 10 0 "You've got two choices: fire, or curses. Which do you prefer?" What are you looking at? You will suffer for your insolence. "For you, I'll use my most powerful magic."
#RecordIn DAMAGED KaraTempler 10 0 I'll test my powers on you. Making your last ditch effort? Give it your best shot! You're harder to deal with than I thought. What? Are you trying to make me laugh? Try harder!
#RecordIn DEAD KaraTempler 10 0 Aaaakkkk~ I was over confident. No! How? I didn't think you were that strong! I will have my revenge on you.
#RecordIn HELPMAIN KaraTempler 800 800 I can't let this happen~ My magic isn't working! Someone help me! Come quickly--help! Please... anyone... I need help here.
#RecordIn HELPSUB KaraTempler 800 800 Hey! I can help you! I'm coming... just hold on... I can easily handle this. -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE KaraTempler 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KingSpider 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KingSpider 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KingSpider 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KingSpider 10 0 Somebody help me up! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Pixy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Pixy 10 0 I'll carve you up with my trident! Haha - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Pixy 10 0 "Ouch, my head hurts!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Pixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArchonJuinor 7800000 8800000 "Welcome everyone, this is the town of Uruga!" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArchonJuinor 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArchonJuinor 10 0 Cree..aaak. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArchonJuinor 10 0 "I believed in you, how could you do this to me? I hate you." - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Orc 7800000 8800000 Uuurgg. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Orc 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Orc 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Orc 10 0 How could I have been defeated. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Pinky 7800000 8800000 Woohoo! This is great weather! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Pinky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Pinky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Pinky 10 0 "Oh no, the world is spinning..." - - -
#RecordIn PIECE MiniJewelKeeper 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK MiniJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED MiniJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD MiniJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE LittleRunningBas 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK LittleRunningBas 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LittleRunningBas 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD LittleRunningBas 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KingMushRoom 7800000 8800000 I need food. Can anyone hear me? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KingMushRoom 10 0 I threw three punches in less than a second. Did you see 'em? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KingMushRoom 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KingMushRoom 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GoldenBat 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GoldenBat 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoldenBat 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GoldenBat 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE OrcHunter 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK OrcHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED OrcHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD OrcHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Nox 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Nox 10 0 Great! I'll test my new moves on you! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Nox 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Nox 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Lips 7800000 8800000 "Oh no! Where are you, my love?" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Lips 10 0 Who are you? You're not the one I love! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Lips 10 0 "It's me, the love of your life!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Lips 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Incubus 7800000 8800000 Whose dreams shall I play in today? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Incubus 10 0 I can make you dream anything I want! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Incubus 10 0 "Don't waste your time, it'll just make us both tired." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Incubus 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Greenky 7800000 8800000 - It won't be so easy to find me in the bushes. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Greenky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Greenky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Greenky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Archon 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Archon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Archon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Archon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE NaiadSoul 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK NaiadSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED NaiadSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD NaiadSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Stonie 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Stonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Stonie 10 0 "No matter how sharp your sword, you cannot hurt me." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Stonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE CloverTrumpy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK CloverTrumpy 10 0 My sword will show no mercy. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED CloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD CloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE RatmanKnight 7800000 8800000 "I like this red armor, but it's a bit heavy." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK RatmanKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED RatmanKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD RatmanKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE LizardMan 7800000 8800000 Once I walked on four am I walking on two legs now? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK LizardMan 10 0 haha...Die!...haha...who are you? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD LizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SparkDog 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD SparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE JewelKeeper 7800000 8800000 I can feel it...can feel it. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK JewelKeeper 10 0 I think I can get what I want from you. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED JewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD JewelKeeper 10 0 My jewels... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ElvenTree 7800000 8800000 "A long, long time ago the Elf tribe lived here." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ElvenTree 10 0 I can't forgive anyone who interrupts my peace. You shall perish! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ElvenTree 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ElvenTree 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE HeartTrumpy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK HeartTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED HeartTrumpy 10 0 You are just wasting your energy attacking me...foolish one! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD HeartTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ElfKnightSoul 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ElfKnightSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ElfKnightSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ElfKnightSoul 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE RedStonie 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK RedStonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED RedStonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD RedStonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE BlueCloverTrumpy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Navar 7800000 8800000 "Have you ever been a mercenary? Hah, it's not easy, eh?" - It hurts! This is hard to take... I'm almost dead. Only strong men survive wars.
#RecordIn ATTACK Navar 10 0 If you defeat me I will let you go... Ha! It's been a long time since we've had a proper battle. What makes you so proud? I have spotted you... there is no way to evade me now.
#RecordIn DAMAGED Navar 10 0 Are you even attacking? I don't feel it! Which mercenary team do you belong to? I don't know why I waste my time with you.. You are weak... you attacks couldn't even kill a fly.
#RecordIn DEAD Navar 10 0 Yikes~! It used to be peaceful here...a long time ago. "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away...*poof*" -
#RecordIn HELPMAIN Navar 800 800 I didn't expect you to be so strong... I must be getting old...I can't keep this up. "Hey, come here and clean this up." Someone help me... please!
#RecordIn HELPSUB Navar 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE Navar 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GiantSparkDog 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GiantSparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GiantSparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GiantSparkDog 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GiantPixy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GiantPixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GiantPixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GiantPixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GoldJewelKeeper 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GoldJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GoldJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GoldJewelKeeper 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE OrcCaptain 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK OrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED OrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD OrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SpadeGuardTrumpy 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE NaiadDemon 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK NaiadDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED NaiadDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD NaiadDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE NavarHenter 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK NavarHenter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED NavarHenter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD NavarHenter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE GreedyLizardMan 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GreedyLizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GreedyLizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD GreedyLizardMan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Shylph 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Shylph 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Shylph 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Shylph 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE NoxHunter 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK NoxHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED NoxHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD NoxHunter 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE OldArchon 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK OldArchon 10 0 Don't you have any respect for the elderly? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED OldArchon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD OldArchon 10 0 Can't believe I am getting beaten by a youngster! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE DiaTrumpy 7800000 8800000 The world's most valuable treasure is a diamond. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK DiaTrumpy 10 0 I destroy anyone who gets in my way. I'll break you into pieces! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DiaTrumpy 10 0 What? My arrows aren't working! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD DiaTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE RunningBas 7800000 8800000 You don't want to start anything with me. You'll regret it! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK RunningBas 10 0 Let's see if you can defeat me. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED RunningBas 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD RunningBas 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE SpadeTrumpy 7800000 8800000 Let me introduce myself. I am Spade...the gentleman among cards. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SpadeTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SpadeTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD SpadeTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ElfKnightDemon 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ElfKnightDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ElfKnightDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ElfKnightDemon 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE AncientStonie 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK AncientStonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED AncientStonie 10 0 "If you attack without a plan, your weapon will break." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD AncientStonie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE BlackIncubus 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK BlackIncubus 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED BlackIncubus 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD BlackIncubus 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE LizardManKnight 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK LizardManKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED LizardManKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD LizardManKnight 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE JokerTrumpy 7800000 8800000 Who's the man? I am! Hah! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK JokerTrumpy 10 0 Do you want to feel my power? No? There is no turning back now!! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED JokerTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD JokerTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Kebing 3400000 5400000 Why am I always guarding the entrance? Am I a gatekeeper? "If you're alone, I suggest you return and help your people first." - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Kebing 10 0 "I'm not a normal Kebing, you can't evade me!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Kebing 10 0 "If I were you, I would go back and level up. Hahaha!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Kebing 10 0 What? Who taught you how to fight like that? - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_TombRaider 3400000 5400000 I'm bored. Wanna dig around here for buried treasure? Hmm...should I go looking for treasure chests? - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_TombRaider 10 0 "Don't touch anything here, it's all mine!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_TombRaider 10 0 "Hey hey, let's talk this out. We don't need to fight." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_TombRaider 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_MageBook 3400000 5400000 Try and catch me...come on.... - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_MageBook 10 0 You're boring me. Is that all you can do? Weak! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_MageBook 10 0 All your attacks are pathetic. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_MageBook 10 0 Hold on.. I still have energy to fight! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_MarloneArcher 3400000 5400000 It's a great honor to assist King Marlone! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_MarloneArcher 10 0 No one can escape my aim! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_MarloneArcher 10 0 I'm a master archer! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_MarloneArcher 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_MarloneMegaton 3400000 5400000 I wonder whats inside the box! I'm hungry...there's never enough food around here! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_MarloneMegaton 10 0 "Hey, give me something to eat!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_MarloneMegaton 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_MarloneMegaton 10 0 "If I wasn't so hungry, you'd be a cinch." - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_MarloneFighter 3400000 5400000 Curiosity killed the cat. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_MarloneFighter 10 0 What are you here for? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_MarloneFighter 10 0 Whoa! You're pretty strong! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_MarloneFighter 10 0 I have brought shame to King Marlone! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_kingMarlone 3400000 5400000 "Muhahaha, Don't be a chicken...come get me." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_kingMarlone 10 0 "Are you brave or merely foolish? Either way, you're in trouble!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_kingMarlone 10 0 Muhaha...don't you think you need more help! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_kingMarlone 10 0 This is shameful! I'm so embarrassed. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_ArchMageBook 4400000 6400000 I like this cave more then I like shiny stones! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_ArchMageBook 10 0 "Hey, wow! Finally, food!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_ArchMageBook 10 0 "Heh, you're not that strong. Such a disappointment." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_ArchMageBook 10 0 Good bye... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Spider 4400000 6400000 I felt like someone was watching me just now.. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Spider 10 0 Were you the one looking at me? How dare you disturb my peace! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Spider 10 0 How is this possible? My cobweb shield failed me! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Spider 10 0 I'm not gonna die alone like this. I'm taking you with me!...Kapow!! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_FlyingStaff 4400000 6400000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_FlyingStaff 10 0 "You didn't come here alone, did you? No, you can't be that dumb." - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_FlyingStaff 10 0 You're worthless... you deserve to be laughed at! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_FlyingStaff 10 0 Are you proud of this? Look at me! Are you proud? - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Zombie 4400000 6400000 "Do you smell that? Humans..Come out, come out where ever you are!" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Zombie 10 0 Don't be afraid...I will make you a Zombie too! Come here... - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Zombie 10 0 "Nice try, but I'm already dead! Fool, you will die!!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Zombie 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_OldFox 4400000 6400000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_OldFox 10 0 I didn't know I could be so forceful... - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_OldFox 10 0 I'll make a tomb for you here... - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_OldFox 10 0 Watch your back. This place has many eyes. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Zombieking 4400000 6400000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Zombieking 10 0 I can't let you leave now that you've seen me here. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Zombieking 10 0 How did you get this far with such a lack of skill? - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Zombieking 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_BoneImp 5200000 7200000 How in the world did you get here? This place isn't easy to find! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_BoneImp 10 0 You must really want to see me if you've come all the way here... - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_BoneImp 10 0 I have no ill will towards you! Stop this senseless fighting! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_BoneImp 10 0 Whoa...I'm going to tell the Giant Goblin about you. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Goblin 5200000 7200000 I think riding a cart on rails will be fun! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Goblin 10 0 "Hey, I'll get in the cart...can you push me? I want to go fast!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Goblin 10 0 are so violent! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Goblin 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Prock 5200000 7200000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Prock 10 0 You seem happy to see me! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Prock 10 0 I'm not the same Prock you knew. You will learn to fear me! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Prock 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_GoblinSwordman 5200000 7200000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_GoblinSwordman 10 0 Where are you trying to go? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_GoblinSwordman 10 0 You lack the skill to face off against the Giant Goblin King. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_GoblinSwordman 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_WereBear 5200000 7200000 This place is so isolated! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_WereBear 10 0 I've been waiting for you...for a long time. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_WereBear 10 0 "If you defeat me, I will tell you where the Giant Goblin is." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_WereBear 10 0 "Oh no, I'm dying...well...the Giant Goblin King is just there!" - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_GoblinMage 5200000 7200000 "Hey, Goblins! Stop jumping around--the ground is shaking!" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_GoblinMage 10 0 You are between a rock and a hard place. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_GoblinMage 10 0 What will you do with nowhere to run? - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_GoblinMage 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_GiantGobleKing 5200000 7200000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_GiantGobleKing 10 0 Everyone attack! Let's teach them a lesson they'll never forget! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_GiantGobleKing 10 0 Try and run! You won't get far! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_GiantGobleKing 10 0 "For now, I will let you go...let's set a time to face off again!" - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Pinky 7800000 8800000 "Don't you think I'm pretty? My eyes, nose..." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Pinky 10 0 "Oh, you came all this way to see me? How sweet!!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Pinky 10 0 "Hey, stop! What are you doing?" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Pinky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Pixy 7800000 8800000 Have you ever wondered why this is called 'The Land of Trials?' - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Pixy 10 0 "So you're the troublemaker, eh?" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Pixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Pixy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Greenky 7800000 8800000 There isn't even any grass here. How barren! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Greenky 10 0 "I'm so bored... Oh, I know, I'll bite off your head for fun!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Greenky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Greenky 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Nox 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Nox 10 0 No one can stand the wrath of my sword! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Nox 10 0 Hmm... this isn't as fun as I thought it would be. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Nox 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_OrcCaptain 7800000 8800000 "Waiting around for others... sorry, it's just not my style." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_OrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_OrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_OrcCaptain 10 0 We'll ruin your village! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_GiantOrcCaptain 7800000 8800000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_GiantOrcCaptain 10 0 How can you still be alive! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_GiantOrcCaptain 10 0 "Enjoy this moment, you'll have plenty of time to regret it." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_GiantOrcCaptain 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_WeakenedOgre 4800000 6800000 Don't judge a book by its cover... I'm actually a nice guy. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_WeakenedOgre 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_WeakenedOgre 10 0 "Easy, easy...can't you see I am weak?" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_WeakenedOgre 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_KingCall 4800000 6800000 I can feel someone watching me. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_KingCall 10 0 Bring it! I'll destroy anyone who dares fight me? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_KingCall 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_KingCall 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Harkan 4800000 6800000 Count me in...I want to level up too! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Harkan 10 0 Today's goal: kill twenty of you! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Harkan 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Harkan 10 0 I've died so many times... I've lost count! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_VampireBat 4800000 6800000 I can feel it...feel it... - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_VampireBat 10 0 You came all the way here to meet your end at my hands. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_VampireBat 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_VampireBat 10 0 "I can't believe this, the world is spinning." - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Prisoner 4800000 6800000 "I don't have people chasing me, or places to run to..." "My hero, Captain Papillon! I'd like to meet you just once." - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Prisoner 10 0 "How does it feel, attacking with a spoon? " - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Prisoner 10 0 "Hit me once, get hit twice! That's my motto!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Prisoner 10 0 One more round! I'm not done with you yet! - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Torturer 4800000 6800000 Which torture is good for the torturer and the tortured? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Torturer 10 0 Attack! I'm tickling your feet! Hehe... - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Torturer 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Torturer 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Torturerking 4800000 6800000 I hear there are people trying to hunt me down. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Torturerking 10 0 I'll make sure you remain here forever..hehehe. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Torturerking 10 0 Punish them! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Torturerking 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_CloverTrumpy 8000000 9000000 I miss the grand days of the Trumphy Kingdom! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_CloverTrumpy 10 0 Have we met before? You look familiar. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_CloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_CloverTrumpy 10 0 Everyone knows about you now. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_BlueCloverTrumpy 8000000 9000000 Someone got wind of our plans. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 You must be Brave to come here! I can no longer allow you to move freely! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 I won't let you take what remains of the Trumphy Kingdom! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_BlueCloverTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_HeartTrumpy 8000000 9000000 I'm a medic--I treat Trumphy soldiers. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_HeartTrumpy 10 0 "Please, don't get in my way..." - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_HeartTrumpy 10 0 Hah...easy as cake to treat these wounds. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_HeartTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_SpadeGuardTrumpy 8000000 9000000 I'm always ready to fight off invaders! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 Stand up and fight! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 This will teach you not to mess with us ever again.. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_SpadeGuardTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_SpadeTrumpy 8000000 9000000 My purpose in life is to defend the Great Kingdom of Trumphy! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_SpadeTrumpy 10 0 I wonder if you're even worthy of being here... - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_SpadeTrumpy 10 0 Hmm... you all are not as easy to defeat as I thought you'd be. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_SpadeTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_DiaTrumpy 8000000 9000000 The Trumphy Kingdom will rise again! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_DiaTrumpy 10 0 No shield or armor can withstand my arrows! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_DiaTrumpy 10 0 "Just remember, there's more like me out there. I will be avenged!" - - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_DiaTrumpy 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE D_Harpy 8000000 9000000 Bow down at my feet! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK D_Harpy 10 0 Haha...I wonder how long you will last? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED D_Harpy 10 0 How dare you harm me? It's very foolish of you to anger me... - -
#RecordIn DEAD D_Harpy 10 0 - - - -
; PIECE FireNix 8000000 9000000 Kek! Eeeeck!!! - - -
; ATTACK FireNix 10 0 Kiya!! - - -
; DAMAGED FireNix 10 0 - - -
; DEAD FireNix 10 0 Keeeee... - - -
; PIECE FireSpirit 8000000 9000000 Kagh! - - -
; ATTACK FireSpirit 10 0 Kueh? - - -
; DAMAGED FireSpirit 10 0 Kek! Keck!!! - - -
; DEAD FireSpirit 10 0 Ku...Kwe... - - -
; PIECE FlameHoneying 8000000 9000000 Burn up Honeying!!! - - -
; ATTACK FlameHoneying 10 0 Blaze up Honeying Brass! - - -
; DAMAGED FlameHoneying 10 0 Oh... wha...? No fun? - - -
; DEAD FlameHoneying 10 0 All burnt up... - - -
; PIECE CoreGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 He he... - - -
; ATTACK CoreGuardian-U 10 0 You got some nerve coming over here... - - -
; DAMAGED CoreGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; DEAD CoreGuardian-U 10 0 This can't be... - - -
; PIECE MineMole 8000000 9000000 Huh? - - -
; ATTACK MineMole 10 0 Wha..? - - -
; DAMAGED MineMole 10 0 Kang? - - -
; DEAD MineMole 10 0 Woops. - - -
; PIECE RubyGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 Shoo shoot! - - -
; ATTACK RubyGuardian-U 10 0 shoo shoo shoot! I'm not making this noise with my mouth. - - -
; DAMAGED RubyGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; DEAD RubyGuardian-U 10 0 Darn it... - - -
; PIECE FlameSpirit 8000000 9000000 Wooo waaa!!! - - -
; ATTACK FlameSpirit 10 0 I'll kill you all!!! - - -
; DAMAGED FlameSpirit 10 0 Hey be afraid. - - -
; DEAD FlameSpirit 10 0 - - -
; PIECE KidMon 8000000 9000000 Yah ap! - - -
; ATTACK KidMon 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED KidMon 10 0 Hurts right? - - -
; DEAD KidMon 10 0 - - -
; PIECE Miner 8000000 9000000 He het! - - -
; ATTACK Miner 10 0 Jewels are all mine! - - -
; DAMAGED Miner 10 0 Mine I tell you! - - -
; DEAD Miner 10 0 You are mine... - - -
; PIECE UndeadMiner 8000000 9000000 Yay yeah! - - -
; ATTACK UndeadMiner 10 0 Look at all my muscle. - - -
; DAMAGED UndeadMiner 10 0 I'm a best on this mine! - - -
; DEAD UndeadMiner 10 0 - - -
; PIECE KartMiner 8000000 9000000 Ka ka kat! - - -
; ATTACK KartMiner 10 0 You think you can see this at your supermarket? - - -
; DAMAGED KartMiner 10 0 I'm going to die here! - - -
; DEAD KartMiner 10 0 Darn it... - - -
; PIECE LavaVivi 8000000 9000000 Grrrr... - - -
; ATTACK LavaVivi 10 0 Kya!!! - - -
; DAMAGED LavaVivi 10 0 Kyang!! - - -
; DEAD LavaVivi 10 0 - - -
; PIECE JewelTree 8000000 9000000 Look at me! Yay! - - -
; ATTACK JewelTree 10 0 You want some jewel on your body too? - - -
; DAMAGED JewelTree 10 0 I can grow jewel everywhere! - - -
; DEAD JewelTree 10 0 - - -
; PIECE MagmaTon 8000000 9000000 Was that hot enough? - - -
; ATTACK MagmaTon 10 0 I'll melt you like a butter! - - -
; DAMAGED MagmaTon 10 0 Hahahaha!!! Ha? - - -
; DEAD MagmaTon 10 0 - - -
; PIECE FlameMinemole 8000000 9000000 "Yap, yap, ya" - - -
; ATTACK FlameMinemole 10 0 Hurty? Scratchy? - - -
; DAMAGED FlameMinemole 10 0 Ha ha Scratchy? - - -
; DEAD FlameMinemole 10 0 - - -
; PIECE RedNix 8000000 9000000 Kiya!! - - -
; ATTACK RedNix 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED RedNix 10 0 Ki ya ya ya! - - -
; DEAD RedNix 10 0 - - -
; PIECE CrystalGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 You'll get hurt. - - -
; ATTACK CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 Why.. Did.. You come... - - -
; DAMAGED CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; DEAD CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 Want... to..go.. Back... - - -
; PIECE LavaMagmaton 8000000 9000000 I'm stronger then you. - - -
; ATTACK LavaMagmaton 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED LavaMagmaton 10 0 I'm no match for weakling like you. - - -
; DEAD LavaMagmaton 10 0 - - -
; PIECE GuardianMaster 8000000 9000000 Foolish... - - -
; ATTACK GuardianMaster 10 0 Don't be greedy - - -
; DAMAGED GuardianMaster 10 0 - - -
; DEAD GuardianMaster 10 0 You cannot avoid my curse... - - -
; PIECE Gagoyle 8000000 9000000 Grrrr... - - -
; ATTACK Gagoyle 10 0 I'm not a beast... - - -
; DAMAGED Gagoyle 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Gagoyle 10 0 - - -
; PIECE GiantMagmaton 8000000 9000000 Laughable... - - -
; ATTACK GiantMagmaton 10 0 Such amateurs. - - -
; DAMAGED GiantMagmaton 10 0 - - -
; DEAD GiantMagmaton 10 0 How come... - - -
; PIECE BellowKnight 8000000 9000000 Man... - - -
; ATTACK BellowKnight 10 0 What an idiot. - - -
; DAMAGED BellowKnight 10 0 Ha... - - -
; DEAD BellowKnight 10 0 - - -
; PIECE BellowKnight-S 8000000 9000000 - - -
; ATTACK BellowKnight-S 10 0 Kugh... - - -
; DAMAGED BellowKnight-S 10 0 "Hugh, lungs... kidney..." - - -
; DEAD BellowKnight-S 10 0 - - -
; PIECE BellowKnight-G 8000000 9000000 You are... - - -
; ATTACK BellowKnight-G 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED BellowKnight-G 10 0 Who... are ... you!! - - -
; DEAD BellowKnight-G 10 0 - - -
; PIECE BellowknightRord 8000000 9000000 You'll be sorry... - - -
; ATTACK BellowknightRord 10 0 Such foolishness... - - -
; DAMAGED BellowknightRord 10 0 So... - - -
; DEAD BellowknightRord 10 0 Going back are we... - - -
; PIECE D_FlameHoneying 8000000 9000000 Aren't you glad to see me? - - -
; ATTACK D_FlameHoneying 10 0 Didn't we met before? - - -
; DAMAGED D_FlameHoneying 10 0 You told me I was cute! - - -
; DEAD D_FlameHoneying 10 0 - - -
; PIECE D_LavaVivi 8000000 9000000 Kigh... Betrayer! - - -
; ATTACK D_LavaVivi 10 0 Vivi... Vivi.. Family... - - -
; DAMAGED D_LavaVivi 10 0 - - -
; DEAD D_LavaVivi 10 0 - - -
; PIECE D_CoreGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 Are you here for jewels too? - - -
; ATTACK D_CoreGuardian-U 10 0 There isn't such thing here! - - -
; DAMAGED D_CoreGuardian-U 10 0 Go back! - - -
; DEAD D_CoreGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; PIECE D_RubyGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 Shoo shoo shoot! - - -
; ATTACK D_RubyGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED D_RubyGuardian-U 10 0 Do you know Kickboxing? - - -
; DEAD D_RubyGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; PIECE D_CrystalGuardian-U 8000000 9000000 Master is watching... - - -
; ATTACK D_CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED D_CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 That's him... - - -
; DEAD D_CrystalGuardian-U 10 0 - - -
; PIECE D_GuardianMaster 8000000 9000000 I'm king of dark force... - - -
; ATTACK D_GuardianMaster 10 0 So sad... - - -
; DAMAGED D_GuardianMaster 10 0 Light... - - -
; DEAD D_GuardianMaster 10 0 I so a light in you. - - -
; PIECE CaimanJunier 8000000 9000000 Krrrrr... - - -
; ATTACK CaimanJunier 10 0 Kwang! - - -
; DAMAGED CaimanJunier 10 0 - - -
; DEAD CaimanJunier 10 0 Krrrr. I'll be back... - - -
; PIECE Kaiman 8000000 9000000 - - -
; ATTACK Kaiman 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED Kaiman 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Kaiman 10 0 Kiya!! - - -
; PIECE LivingTotem 8000000 9000000 Oink Oink - - -
; ATTACK LivingTotem 10 0 Oink? - - -
; DAMAGED LivingTotem 10 0 What's up? - - -
; DEAD LivingTotem 10 0 Oink? Oink! - - -
; PIECE Slug 8000000 9000000 Shoong Shoong... - - -
; ATTACK Slug 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED Slug 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Slug 10 0 Chirp... - - -
; PIECE Shadow 8000000 9000000 I hate the dark... - - -
; ATTACK Shadow 10 0 I'm not dark... - - -
; DAMAGED Shadow 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Shadow 10 0 I can see the light... - - -
; PIECE RhinoceLoad 8000000 9000000 "Kugh, pugh..." - - -
; ATTACK RhinoceLoad 10 0 This is my swamp! - - -
; DAMAGED RhinoceLoad 10 0 - - -
; DEAD RhinoceLoad 10 0 - - -
; PIECE MadSlug 8000000 9000000 Kiwooooo... - - -
; ATTACK MadSlug 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED MadSlug 10 0 - - -
; DEAD MadSlug 10 0 Phick! Phing... - - -
; PIECE RedShadow 8000000 9000000 I'm not the - - -
; ATTACK RedShadow 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED RedShadow 10 0 - - -
; DEAD RedShadow 10 0 you... - - -
; PIECE Raplan 8000000 9000000 Aren't I beautiful? - - -
; ATTACK Raplan 10 0 I'm something huh? - - -
; DAMAGED Raplan 10 0 My sweet scent are intoxicating no? - - -
; DEAD Raplan 10 0 Ang... - - -
; PIECE BigMudMan 8000000 9000000 Kururu.. - - -
; ATTACK BigMudMan 10 0 Kuru... - - -
; DAMAGED BigMudMan 10 0 - - -
; DEAD BigMudMan 10 0 Kooooo... - - -
; PIECE LivingStatue 8000000 9000000 "Oh, ohhhh..." - - -
; ATTACK LivingStatue 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED LivingStatue 10 0 - - -
; DEAD LivingStatue 10 0 Urgh... - - -
; PIECE Phouch 8000000 9000000 Ouchy Ouchy. - - -
; ATTACK Phouch 10 0 Ong Ong Ouchy - - -
; DAMAGED Phouch 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Phouch 10 0 Moooo - - -
; PIECE LivingStone 8000000 9000000 - - -
; ATTACK LivingStone 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED LivingStone 10 0 - - -
; DEAD LivingStone 10 0 - - -
; PIECE Weasel 8000000 9000000 Shiek - - -
; ATTACK Weasel 10 0 Kiya!! - - -
; DAMAGED Weasel 10 0 - - -
; DEAD Weasel 10 0 Sheeek! - - -
; PIECE RhinoceHunter 8000000 9000000 There is only battle for me! - - -
; ATTACK RhinoceHunter 10 0 Come on! I'll take you all on! - - -
; DAMAGED RhinoceHunter 10 0 - - -
; DEAD RhinoceHunter 10 0 Why you little... - - -
; PIECE CaimanGiant 8000000 9000000 Kugh! - - -
; ATTACK CaimanGiant 10 0 - - -
; DAMAGED CaimanGiant 10 0 - - -
; DEAD CaimanGiant 10 0 I'll take every single one of you. - - -
; PIECE ShadowMaster 8000000 9000000 I? - - -
; ATTACK ShadowMaster 10 0 Why are you attacking me? - - -
; DAMAGED ShadowMaster 10 0 Why... - - -
; DEAD ShadowMaster 10 0 Finally.. - - -
; PIECE BlackShadow 8000000 9000000 I want to get away... - - -
; ATTACK BlackShadow 10 0 Please free me... - - -
; DAMAGED BlackShadow 10 0 - - -
; DEAD BlackShadow 10 0 "Ha, Ha ha ha..." - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Helga 8000000 9000000 I am the king of Hellgate! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Helga 10 0 Kugh... It's not my fault! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Helga 10 0 I'm back again? I didn't know... I really didn't... - -
#RecordIn DEAD Helga 10 0 I can go back now... Ah... - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel01 8000000 9000000 I didn't kill them. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel01 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel01 10 0 I was foolish... - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel01 10 0 Those who seek power... will not escape death. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel02 8000000 9000000 What are you? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel02 10 0 Who am I? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel03 8000000 9000000 Who am I? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel03 10 0 What are you? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel04 8000000 9000000 How did I living again? - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel04 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel04 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel04 10 0 I've already choose death... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel05 8000000 9000000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel05 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel05 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel05 10 0 He cannot revive.. Again... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel06 8000000 9000000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel06 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel06 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel06 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel07 8000000 9000000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel07 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel07 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel07 10 0 He...must... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE B_SubHel08 8000000 9000000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK B_SubHel08 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED B_SubHel08 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD B_SubHel08 10 0 be... destroyed. - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Imp 2000000 3600000 What a surprise! Did I scare you? Come here! Let's be friends. Gollum! Gollum!! Gollum!! "Hi, I'm an elf of the Fiesta, Imp!"
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Imp 40 0 "You're taking me easy, right? That's a mistake~" It'll be a bit painful if you are not a level 5. This is my charming beautiful big eye~ What!! I don't look Iike a sprite?? Why? What makes you think like that?!!
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Imp 40 0 Are you kidding? You're just alone! Don't be so hasty! He-he.. Please forgive me... "You came because of the quest, too?" Ah!! Sorry!! You're right. I'm ugly...
#RecordIn DEAD T_Imp 40 0 My...precious... "Ah, the Quest is killing monster~~" I hate the quest that gets the Imps~~ I'll go back!!
#RecordIn PIECE T_GangImp 2000000 3600000 "Let anybody be caught, that person is dead!" Everyone is scared. I can't see even an ant. I'm different from the Imps who are na?ve. You better know about this! "Spit-spit!! Lately, so many guys are distressing me."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_GangImp 40 0 Are you kidding? You're just alone! Don't be so hasty! Did you prepare your grave? Now is the time to say goodbye to your life. I can feel my victory from the beginning. Hah! Do you think you can beat us all?
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_GangImp 40 0 Well...You're quite good. Is that all? Wow! Don't you want to work under me? I'm sorry!! I'll be a good Imp!!
#RecordIn DEAD T_GangImp 40 0 I can't believe it. Who are you? How could this happen... "Oops, it's a shame. I thought two would be enough. I need to recruit some more." Gosh~ Help the Imp~ I'm going to get killed~
#RecordIn PIECE T_HungryWolf 2400000 4000000 You're annoying... Where did this Red Riding Hood hide? Oh~~~ I'm hungry~~ Why am I always hungry...?
#RecordIn ATTACK T_HungryWolf 30 0 Hahaha~ Thank you for the daily bread. "Well, just give up right now~ Ha!" Wow~ Food~ Behave yourself!!
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_HungryWolf 30 0 Man...he's strong... I should have aimed at the Red Riding Hood... You need to be ready to suffer if you really want to hunt. "Hey, if you are not going to eat it, then don't kill!"
#RecordIn DEAD T_HungryWolf 30 0 No...not this... What are you doing?!!! "I was just going to eat it, I am really hungry..." "How come you ignore my words? It's me, a Hungry Wolf!!"
#RecordIn PIECE T_Ratman 2600000 4200000 Hey...don't be so hard upon me... "This is the year of the rat, you know?!" Hey...don't be so hard upon me... "This is the year of the rat, you know?!"
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Ratman 15 0 "You know, I'm precious." This year is the year of what? "You know, I'm precious." This year is the year of what?
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Ratman 15 0 This is the year of Ratman!! Someone's trying to kill the rat~ Help me~ This is the year of Ratman!! Someone's trying to kill the rat~ Help me~
#RecordIn DEAD T_Ratman 15 0 How could you...kill me... Hey...control yourself... How could you...kill me... Hey...control yourself...
#RecordIn PIECE T_Boar 2800000 4400000 I heard there's a city called Elderine or something around here... "When I get there, there will be lots of food." I should get going before the Ratman comes after smelling this. "You thought I was a bear, right? Sometimes I feel I am a bear, too. Ha-ha."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Boar 15 0 (Snoring) How is it? Does it hurt? Huh? Don't think Ratman and I are the same level. "Hm-hm. Are you a mortal, elf, or a dark elf?"
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Boar 15 0 I go crazy when I get angry... I didn't even start~! Ha-ha! It was a foxy attack. Yuck!! You hit a fatal spot!!
#RecordIn DEAD T_Boar 15 0 I'm hungry... If I were not hungry... "Ratman, a little rascal...Why does he come to my mind right now?" "No, I'm not that easy pig, I can't lose like this..."
#RecordIn PIECE T_Kebing 3200000 5200000 Who do it? Kebing do it~ Pop! (groaning...) "We, Kebings, are guarding the entrance of the Tower!"
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Kebing 10 0 Kebing super power~ Kebing punch! Kebing Death Blo...Uh-uh...there's no death blow... "Kebing Kick!! Oops, do I have legs at all?"
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Kebing 10 0 Take my attack!!! Ah! No~~~ It hurts~~~ Did you hit me? I didn't even feel the touch~ are dead strong...krr...
#RecordIn DEAD T_Kebing 10 0 That's not fair~~ It's a shame that you got beaten by a mortal. Are you an elf? CPR~~ Hurry~~ I can't be dead!! I am a hero!!
#RecordIn PIECE T_SkelArcher00 4200000 6200000 The air is not fresh here. "It's getting colder, really. The weather chilled me to the bone." Impure air is the enemy of the skin... "Plearsure to see you, offering."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_SkelArcher00 10 0 Take this skeleton arrow!! This place cannot be entered without permission. Skeletons of the Tower! Let's defeat the enemies!! My arrow will aim at your heart.
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_SkelArcher00 10 0 You're so fast! What did you do? Burning~! "Oh, every joint aches." It won't be a dull game. That's good.
#RecordIn DEAD T_SkelArcher00 10 0 You've lost all your items. Thank you for giving me back the peaceful sleep. I've done my share. little one...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_SkelArcher00 800 800 "Huh, look here." "OK, I recognize you. But it won't be that easy~" "Hey, there's a problem here." Hey!! Come here!! Quick!! Hurry!!
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_SkelArcher00 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_SkelArcher00 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_SkelArcher01 4200000 6200000 The air is not fresh here. "It's getting colder, really. The weather chilled me to the bone." Impure air is the enemy of the skin... "Plearsure to see you, offering."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_SkelArcher01 10 0 Take this skeleton arrow!! This place cannot be entered without permission. Skeletons of the Tower! Let's defeat the enemies!! My arrow will aim at your heart.
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_SkelArcher01 10 0 You're so fast! What did you do? Burning~! "Oh, every joint aches." It won't be a dull game. That's good.
#RecordIn DEAD T_SkelArcher01 10 0 You've lost all your items. Give me the rest... All items are disappeared. little one...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_SkelArcher01 800 800 "Huh, look here." I can't adimit it! "Hey, there's a problem here." Hey!! Come here!! Quick!! Hurry!!
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_SkelArcher01 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_SkelArcher01 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_SkelArcher02 4200000 6200000 The air is not fresh here. "It's getting colder, really. The weather chilled me to the bone." Impure air is the enemy of the skin... "Plearsure to see you, offering."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_SkelArcher03 10 0 Take this skeleton arrow!! This place cannot be entered without permission. Skeletons of the Tower! Let's defeat the enemies!! My arrow will aim at your heart.
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_SkelArcher04 10 0 You're so fast! What did you do? Burning~! "Oh, every joint aches." It won't be a dull game. That's good.
#RecordIn DEAD T_SkelArcher05 10 0 You've lost all your items. Thank you for giving me back the peaceful sleep. I've done my share. little one...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_SkelArcher06 800 800 Krrr~ my precious body is breaking into pieces. I'll never let you go easily. "OK, I recognize you. But it won't be that easy~" "Hey, there's a problem here." Hey!! Come here!! Quick!! Hurry!!
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_SkelArcher07 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_SkelArcher08 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Skeleton 4000000 6000000 I'm getting fat lately. I smell the blood around here...Ha-ha... "Yes, sir! Captain!" "I need oiling, gosh! It's so annoying to hear every joint's creaking sound."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Skeleton 10 0 How reckless you are! You dare to invade the Tower! Ah...last night was of bad omen... How was my attack? I was once a famous mercenary! Ha-ha! Say no more!! Let's fight!
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Skeleton 10 0 It makes me unhappy that I couldn't meet you when I was a mercenary. It was a powerful attack...I could even hit upon my former life... What a sharp attack! Living things won't threaten me anymore.
#RecordIn DEAD T_Skeleton 10 0 this... Talents of a mercenary...must become rusted... This is the real eternal rest... I cannot feel any fear even in this moment...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_Skeleton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_Skeleton 800 800 Come and get me! What! Hello! Are you out of your mind? I had an itch for fighting. I'm coming! "I'll get it done for sure, just entertain me after that."
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_Skeleton 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_SkelWarrior 4200000 6200000 I know what I did at lastnight. "Oh, the Lord of Darkness...please give us your peace again..." What? Where did the enemy turn up? This is nothing at all!!
#RecordIn ATTACK T_SkelWarrior 10 0 "Oh, that thrills me again!! Ha-ha!" Let's fight more! Put out your strength! "Right, this is the battlefield! Ha-hah!" "You're my match. Since you stimulated me, you'll be above the average..."
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_SkelWarrior 10 0 "Yeah, that's right! You're quite good." "Hey, put out your strength! More!" Danger comes when you least expect it! Be alert at the battlefield! "We, Undead, have no words like retreat."
#RecordIn DEAD T_SkelWarrior 10 0 This moment in my life.... It is...not...over...Do... it again... "Everyone, bring it on!!" I...was an ordinary the past...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_SkelWarrior 800 800 Ugh. - - -
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_SkelWarrior 800 800 Hah! How dare you challenge the must be insane~ Curse your foolishness. Who challenged the Knight? You must be indiscreet!!
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_SkelWarrior 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_ArchMageBook00 4400000 6400000 I'm not a merciful person. So be careful. Someone broke into my territory. Who are you? "I can smell the mortals...Hm...Right, I don't have a nose...Oops..." Read me~! You can get amazing finformation~!!
#RecordIn ATTACK T_ArchMageBook00 10 0 I already have a good grasp of you! Magic has the infinite potential. You are already dead! "Magic Book page 245, Attack with Immortal Inferno magic!!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_ArchMageBook00 10 0 You already know all about me? It was a nice attack! You better try even though your attack cannot hurt me. "Then, Perfect Shield of page 366!!"
#RecordIn DEAD T_ArchMageBook00 10 0 I will never die! Someone give me a life again...please... Old memories come and go in my mind's eye. "Tigers leave only their skins when they die, and books leave their cover when..."
#RecordIn PIECE T_ArchMageBook01 4400000 6400000 I'm not a merciful person. So be careful. Someone broke into my territory. Who are you? "I can smell the mortals...Hm...Right, I don't have a nose...Oops..." Read me~! You can get amazing finformation~!!
#RecordIn ATTACK T_ArchMageBook01 10 0 I already have a good grasp of you! Magic has the infinite potential. You are already dead! "Magic Book page 245, Attack with Immortal Inferno magic!!"
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_ArchMageBook01 10 0 You already know all about me? It was a nice attack! You better try even though your attack cannot hurt me. "Then, Perfect Shield of page 366!!"
#RecordIn DEAD T_ArchMageBook01 10 0 I will never die! Someone give me a life again...please... Old memories come and go in my mind's eye. "Tigers leave only their skins when they die, and books leave their cover when..."
#RecordIn PIECE T_FlyingStaff00 4600000 6600000 Friendship and loyalty are very valuable in every relationship. There is one mortal who I can never forget in my life. Is my body's splendor as bright as it can even make one's eyesight blind? Why does a garden tiger moth go into the fire even though it knows it will die there...?
#RecordIn ATTACK T_FlyingStaff00 10 0 It would be better if we met as a friend... "Objectively, I am so great! Don't you agree?" This attack will strike you a fatal blow. Many ones get nearer to see my splendor even though they know they will die...
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_FlyingStaff00 10 0 You'll be dangeroud if you don't put forth your strength a litte more... You...look familiar with that one... This will be a boring battle. You...are special...very special...
#RecordIn DEAD T_FlyingStaff00 10 0 I can accept it. I wish you good luck. I'm so happy to know you...really... What can I the end of the moment... I don't regret to be vanished like this...never...
#RecordIn PIECE T_OldFox 4800000 6800000 I see the dead. "If they stand by the side, we can feel the signs of cold spirit...we even have a chill..." You're annoying... Do you know how beautiful it is to see the moon in the very dark blue night sky?
#RecordIn ATTACK T_OldFox 10 0 Do you see the steam of your breath? I am alright! Liver!! Give me a liver!! Uh-uh. Sorry to show you this shameful conduct. I was in excitement. "On the day a full moon comes up, will you go out with me to see it?"
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_OldFox 10 0 Go on. You...have the courage to look back? You were...a tought fellow... Your liver must be very tasty because you are this strong. I want to taste it so bad.
#RecordIn DEAD T_OldFox 10 0 I'll go get some sleep. I didn't even get married! You...behind...behind you... A full moon comes up...a little...later...
#RecordIn HELPMAIN T_OldFox 800 800 Oops~ I thought you're an easy man? "Hey, friend~ Help me~" It's impossilbe to work alone. Wait...a little me...a little...
#RecordIn HELPSUB T_OldFox 800 800 "Oh, you're scaring me." Please...take my hand... - -
#RecordIn RACERESCUE T_OldFox 800 800 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Zombie 4400000 6400000 "I can smell you. Don't hide, come out mortals..." - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Zombie 10 0 Don't be afraid. I'll make you zombie. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Zombie 10 0 I'ma zombie. I don't feel any pain. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_Zombie 10 0 It's strange...something's wrong... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Ghost 5000000 7000000 Will I be seen? Mortals never know what the truth of the darkness is... Do you see me? What you see is not everything. Did you know that?
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Ghost 10 0 I'll bury you in the dark!! "Look at you, who are thrown into confusion! It's ridiculous! Ha!" Dodge if you can! "How can you beat me, you can't even see me!! Ha-ha."
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Ghost 10 0 Your attack is useless to me. Ah...What happened... Ah! It's painful! How can it be!! You can't see me...How...
#RecordIn DEAD T_Ghost 10 0 "I'll live in your shadow, and watch you." "Oh, no...I...I am going... to be vanished..." The price for the guilt shall be paid at last. No!! No!! It' can't be!!!
#RecordIn PIECE T_IceViVi 4200000 6000000 Hot sun and blazing earth are very attractive! Did you know that there are some more who look like me? "Sometime I see a crowd of mortals, is it a party?" -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_IceViVi 10 0 Which season do you like? "They are all tough, so you better be careful." "If you really want to do a match, let's do a man-to-man fight." -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_IceViVi 10 0 It is boring to be locked up in the Tower. "Ah, you are quite good. This one must be a good match." Uh-uh...I'm inferior in strength. -
#RecordIn DEAD T_IceViVi 10 0 Am I going to melt? I feel sorry for this is an end. No. I don't want to disappear like this! -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Prock 5200000 7200000 My only joy is gardening. Goblin or Werebear is very rude. WA-Doo-Wariwari- Boom-Boom... "Do you know what Nefendes is? I'm familiar with this name, but I can't remember what this is..."
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Prock 10 0 You're the one who ruined my garden. You better be ready for this! Are you surprised to see my big mouth? I can even swallow the stone. But I don't think you're harder than stone.
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Prock 10 0 Don't ever think you'll go alive! No! I'll eat you! I'll swallow you guys all~!! You are a bite to me. "Hey, hey! You should protect the plant! Stop attacking!!"
#RecordIn DEAD T_Prock 10 0 ...there's nothing to say at the end... Yuck...I made an ugly scene. Only disgraceful scars left.
#RecordIn PIECE T_Spider00 7800000 8800000 Get out! This is mine!! Shoo~ this sound is not made from the mouth. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Spider01 10 0 Gosh...did I get caught? Shoo! Isn't it good? - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Spider02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_Spider03 10 0 Somebody...please make me stand... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_Spider01 7800000 8800000 Get out! This is mine!! - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_Spider02 10 0 Gosh...did I get caught? - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_Spider03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_Spider04 10 0 Somebody...please make me stand... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_KingSpider 7800000 8800000 Get out! This is mine!! Sh~ Sh~ - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_KingSpider 10 0 Gosh...did I get caught? Take my cobweb~!! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_KingSpider 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_KingSpider 10 0 Somebody...please make me stand... - - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_KingCall 4800000 6800000 Someone is seeking my life. Come on! Get me! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_KingCall 10 0 Iyzel is my father! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_KingCall 10 0 It's us!!! Yah!!! "No, no, no! It was a lie! Don't! Don't come!!" - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_KingCall 10 0 I can't die like this... Bye... - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_FlyingStaff01 4600000 6600000 Friendship and loyalty are very valuable in every relationship. There is one mortal who I can never forget in my life. Is my body's splendor as bright as it can even make one's eyesight blind? Why does a garden tiger moth go into the fire even though it knows it will die there...?
#RecordIn ATTACK T_FlyingStaff02 10 0 "Long ago, I thinke there was a master named Wishis." "Objectively, I am so great! Don't you agree?" This attack will strike you a fatal blow. Many ones get nearer to see my splendor even though they know they will die...
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_FlyingStaff03 10 0 You'll be dangeroud if you don't put forth your strength a litte more... You...look familiar with that one... This will be a boring battle. You...are special...very special...
#RecordIn DEAD T_FlyingStaff04 10 0 I want to go back to Wishis... I'm so happy to know you...really... What can I the end of the moment... I don't regret to be vanished like this...never...
#RecordIn PIECE T_DustGolem 7800000 8800000 I will kill Krr!! Kyak..!! Shoo~ Shoo~ -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_DustGolem 10 0 (Crying...) - Krr! Ka-hap! -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_DustGolem 10 0 Ah! It hurts...I don't want to die... Meow? Meow? I...I...I am strange...I feel strange... -
#RecordIn DEAD T_DustGolem 10 0 Meow... - -
#RecordIn PIECE T_StoneGolem 7800000 8800000 Whoo!! Yuk!! Krr!!! Ah!!! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_StoneGolem 10 0 Whoo!! "Come on! You, disgusting creature!" Woo... -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_StoneGolem 10 0 Woo... Krr... -
#RecordIn DEAD T_StoneGolem 10 0 ......krr...... can...disapea... -
#RecordIn PIECE T_PoisonGolem 7800000 8800000 Ugh...... Krr... - -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_PoisonGolem 10 0 in my poison... Don't! Don't come! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_PoisonGolem 10 0 Don't...don't get... closer... I'm scared... - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_PoisonGolem 10 0 Ah....... Ah...I...Disapear.... Now...barely... -
#RecordIn PIECE T_IronGolem 7800000 8800000 You'll die...You...will Don't come closer. You'll die. You'll get hurt. It'll be painful. Don't come. Don't come! -
#RecordIn ATTACK T_IronGolem 10 0 Don't come...don't get closer... You'll get hurt. You. You'll get hurt. "It hurts, it really hurts." -
#RecordIn DAMAGED T_IronGolem 10 0 "Ah, it hurts...It's so painful...I don't want to feel pain..." - - -
#RecordIn DEAD T_IronGolem 10 0 i...can...go...back....... I'm going back... now... Thank you...You made me go back to the rest... -
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkArchon 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Monsters of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkArchon 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkArchon 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkArchon 50 0 Should... Kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigDarkArchon 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Monsters of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigDarkArchon 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigDarkArchon 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigDarkArchon 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkBat 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkBat 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkBat 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkBat 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_MasicBat 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_MasicBat 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_MasicBat 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_MasicBat 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkMasFlyingStaff 1800000 1800000 Woo....... Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkMasFlyingStaff 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkMasFlyingStaff 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkMasFlyingStaff 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DefGoblinSwordman 1800000 1800000 Woo....... Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DefGoblinSwordman 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DefGoblinSwordman 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DefGoblinSwordman 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_MagGoblinSwordman 1800000 1800000 Woo....... Mortals cannot be forgiven. Monsters of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_MagGoblinSwordman 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_MagGoblinSwordman 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_MagGoblinSwordman 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkGreenky 1800000 1800000 "Iyzel, please give us the strength!" Mortals cannot be forgiven. "Fellows, let's defend the Crystal Tower together!" For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkGreenky 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkGreenky 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How strong mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkGreenky 50 0 Shoud...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkJewelKeeper 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. "Go back, all of you mortals!" For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkJewelKeeper 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkJewelKeeper 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkJewelKeeper 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigJewelKeeper 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. "Go back, all of you mortals!" For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigJewelKeeper 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigJewelKeeper 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigJewelKeeper 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_GoldJewelKeeper 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_GoldJewelKeeper 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_GoldJewelKeeper 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_GoldJewelKeeper 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigGoldJewelKeeper 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigGoldJewelKeeper 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigGoldJewelKeeper 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigGoldJewelKeeper 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkKingMushRoom 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkKingMushRoom 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkKingMushRoom 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkKingMushRoom 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_KingMushRoom 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_KingMushRoom 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_KingMushRoom 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_KingMushRoom 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkLegendaryTree 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Monsters of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkLegendaryTree 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkLegendaryTree 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkLegendaryTree 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkLips 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkLips 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkLips 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkLips 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigDarkLips 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigDarkLips 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigDarkLips 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigDarkLips 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_SkinLips1 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_SkinLips1 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_SkinLips1 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_SkinLips1 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_SkinLips2 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_SkinLips2 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_SkinLips2 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_SkinLips2 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkLizardMan 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkLizardMan 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkLizardMan 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkLizardMan 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkComLizardMan 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkComLizardMan 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkComLizardMan 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkComLizardMan 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_LizardManGuardian 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_LizardManGuardian 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_LizardManGuardian 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_LizardManGuardian 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkMarloneArcher 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkMarloneArcher 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkMarloneArcher 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkMarloneArcher 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkNavar 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkNavar 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkNavar 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkNavar 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_CurseDarkNavar 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_CurseDarkNavar 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_CurseDarkNavar 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_CurseDarkNavar 50 0 Mortals cannot be forgiven at all! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkOrc 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkOrc 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkOrc 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkOrc 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_CurseDarkOrc 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_CurseDarkOrc 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_CurseDarkOrc 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_CurseDarkOrc 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_HeavyOrc 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_HeavyOrc 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_HeavyOrc 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_HeavyOrc 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkPinky 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkPinky 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkPinky 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkPinky 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkPixy 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkPixy 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkPixy 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkPixy 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkShylph 1800000 1800000 All we want is only peace! I want to enjoy eternity in the Tower of liberal Iyzel. "Time will flow, but emortality won't change." Is there an intruder?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkShylph 50 0 Mortals! Cursed be the mortals who disturb our peace. Woo...Intruders! Foolish mortals!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkShylph 50 0 "Finally, we are going back to the time of Eternity!" Shall I be vanished like this? I want to stay a bit more. How come we couldn't defend the Crystal Tower...
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkShylph 50 0 All we want is only peace! Disrupters of peace! You will be doomed. Should...kill them all... "You beat me, but do you guys think that you can go back alive?"
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSkelArcher 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSkelArcher 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSkelArcher 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSkelArcher 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkOneSkelArcher 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkOneSkelArcher 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkOneSkelArcher 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkOneSkelArcher 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_RangerSkelArcher 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_RangerSkelArcher 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_RangerSkelArcher 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_RangerSkelArcher 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSoulSkeleton 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSoulSkeleton 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSoulSkeleton 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSoulSkeleton 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSkeletonKnight 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSkeletonKnight 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSkeletonKnight 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSkeletonKnight 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSkeletonCom 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSkeletonCom 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSkeletonCom 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSkeletonCom 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSkelWarrior 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSkelWarrior 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSkelWarrior 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSkelWarrior 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkSpakeDog 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkSpakeDog 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkSpakeDog 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkSpakeDog 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigDarkSpakeDog 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigDarkSpakeDog 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigDarkSpakeDog 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigDarkSpakeDog 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkStonie 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkStonie 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkStonie 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkStonie 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkStonieCom 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkStonieCom 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkStonieCom 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkStonieCom 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_SkinStonie 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_SkinStonie 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_SkinStonie 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_SkinStonie 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_SkinRedStonie 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_SkinRedStonie 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_SkinRedStonie 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_SkinRedStonie 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_TombRaider 1800000 1800000 "Gosh, we got caught!" Mortals cannot be forgiven. I didn't even find the jewel! Where will the jewel of Iyzel be hidden?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_TombRaider 50 0 "Mortals, you are unexcusable!" We can easily eject mortals at anytime! I have the power! You better run away quickly!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_TombRaider 50 0 Krrr...... How feeble mortals' efforts are! Oh! Attack harder!
#RecordIn DEAD C_TombRaider 50 0 Should...kill them all... No! The jewel is in front of my eyes... I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ Oh...How can it be my last moment in front of the jewel of Iyzel...?
#RecordIn PIECE C_MagTombRaider 1800000 1800000 "Gosh, we got caught!" Mortals cannot be forgiven. I didn't even find the jewel! Where will the jewel of Iyzel be hidden?
#RecordIn ATTACK C_MagTombRaider 50 0 "Mortals, you are unexcusable!" We can easily eject mortals at anytime! I have the power! You better run away quickly!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_MagTombRaider 50 0 Krrr...... How feeble mortals' efforts are! Oh! Attack harder!
#RecordIn DEAD C_MagTombRaider 50 0 Should...kill them all... No! The jewel is in front of my eyes... I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ Oh...How can it be my last moment in front of the jewel of Iyzel...?
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkVampireBat 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkVampireBat 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkVampireBat 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkVampireBat 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_MagVampireBat 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_MagVampireBat 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_MagVampireBat 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_MagVampireBat 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkZombie 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkZombie 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkZombie 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkZombie 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_JewelGolem 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_JewelGolem 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_JewelGolem 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_JewelGolem 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_LizardManIyzel 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_LizardManIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_LizardManIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_LizardManIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_DarkLizardManIyzel 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_DarkLizardManIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_DarkLizardManIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_DarkLizardManIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_OrcIyzel 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_OrcIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_OrcIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_OrcIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_CurseOrcIyzel 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_CurseOrcIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_CurseOrcIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_CurseOrcIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_SkelArcherIyzel 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_SkelArcherIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_SkelArcherIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_SkelArcherIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_OneSkelArcherIyzel 1800000 1800000 Protect the Holy Relic of Iyzel! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_OneSkelArcherIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_OneSkelArcherIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_OneSkelArcherIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE C_BigSpakeDogIyzel 1800000 1800000 We can never be beaten by spiritless mortals! Mortals cannot be forgiven. Fellows of the Crystal Tower! For Iyzel!
#RecordIn ATTACK C_BigSpakeDogIyzel 50 0 "Go back, mortals!" "Let mortals go back to their territory, please!" This is the Holy place of Iyzel! Go back!
#RecordIn DAMAGED C_BigSpakeDogIyzel 50 0 "Iyzel, please help us!" Is the power of mortals that much? Oh! How incomprehensible mortals are!
#RecordIn DEAD C_BigSpakeDogIyzel 50 0 Should...kill them all... Shall I be vanished like this for sure? I can't go back to the time of eternity like this~~ oh no~~~ I will never forgive!
#RecordIn PIECE E_JackO01 1800000 3400000 I wish I could remember where set my body... All this hopping around is making my head hurt. "When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>tis near Halloween." There is something haunting in the light of the moon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_JackO01 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_JackO01 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_JackO01 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE E_JackO02 1800000 3400000 I wish I could remember where set my body... All this hopping around is making my head hurt. "When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>tis near Halloween." There is something haunting in the light of the moon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_JackO02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_JackO02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_JackO02 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE E_JackO03 1800000 3400000 I wish I could remember where set my body... All this hopping around is making my head hurt. "When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>tis near Halloween." There is something haunting in the light of the moon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_JackO03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_JackO03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_JackO03 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE E_JackO04 1800000 3400000 I wish I could remember where set my body... All this hopping around is making my head hurt. "When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>tis near Halloween." There is something haunting in the light of the moon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_JackO04 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_JackO04 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_JackO04 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE E_JackO05 1800000 3400000 I wish I could remember where set my body... All this hopping around is making my head hurt. "When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, <EFBFBD><EFBFBD>tis near Halloween." There is something haunting in the light of the moon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_JackO05 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_JackO05 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_JackO05 10 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE BSpikeHorn 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK BSpikeHorn 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED BSpikeHorn 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD BSpikeHorn 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE DApe 10000 20000 I need to get stronger! How could such a small human hope to defeat me? - -
#RecordIn ATTACK DApe 100 5000 "I will smash you into dust. Don't worry, it will be a quick death!" It won't even take all my strength to smash you. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DApe 100 5000 Is that all you've got? Fights are only fun if the opponent fights back! - -
#RecordIn DEAD DApe 100 5000 I wasn't strong enough... How is this possible... - -
#RecordIn PIECE DLich 10000 20000 The eternal darkness empowers me. You will never break free from the darkness. The era of darkness will come soon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK DLich 100 5000 You will give me your soul for all eternity! Your soul will beg to be freed from my grasp. "If you die by my hands, you will find rest in the darkness." -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DLich 100 5000 This pain only cleanses me! Do not resist the darkness! Devote your life to me. -
#RecordIn DEAD DLich 100 5000 "You may have defeated me, but your time will come..." Greater horrors still await you... The power of darkness will bring me back... -
#RecordIn PIECE DNepilim 10000 20000 I am a creature of the darkness. Only death awaits those who defy me! This continent will be destroyed when the vortex of chaos opens. Impure creatures must be purified. -
#RecordIn ATTACK DNepilim 100 5000 I will give you the gift of death. "Try as you might, human, you will never defeat me." "Resistance is futile, human!" -
#RecordIn DAMAGED DNepilim 100 5000 Make it easier on yourself by giving up now! Your efforts are in vain! Now this is fun! -
#RecordIn DEAD DNepilim 100 5000 How could I have been defeated by the likes of you... Impossible... I underestimated the strength of humans... -
#RecordIn PIECE FElfArc 10000 20000 Surrender to the power of darkness. No prey is better to hunt than humans! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FElfArc 100 5000 I will pierce your heart with my crossbow! The hunt begins. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FElfArc 100 5000 It's going to take more than that to defeat me! "You're quite resilient, for prey!" - -
#RecordIn DEAD FElfArc 100 5000 I go now to be consumed by the darkness... My crossbow has failed me... - -
#RecordIn PIECE FElfCle 10000 20000 Only death can cleanse the light. We are here to bring darkness to Isya. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FElfCle 100 5000 My mace calls for your destruction! No mere human can stop us! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FElfCle 100 5000 It is not too late to submit to death. "Finally, a human with some spirit!" - -
#RecordIn DEAD FElfCle 100 5000 "No, I cannot die..." We are but pawns in this great mission... - -
#RecordIn PIECE FElfFig 10000 20000 "Do not worry, your death will be painless." "Does anyone want to play? My game is deadly, though." - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FElfFig 100 5000 Death will be swift upon you! My dagger is quick! Death might find you when you don't expect it! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FElfFig 100 5000 I can all the pain you wish to deliver. You're good at this game! - -
#RecordIn DEAD FElfFig 100 5000 I was just starting to have some fun... "Beaten at my own game, but I regret nothing..." - -
#RecordIn PIECE FElfMag 10000 20000 Nothing compares to the power of darkness. "Power of darkness, fill me with strength!" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FElfMag 100 5000 I'll still enjoy killing you though! I will absorb your magic! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FElfMag 100 5000 The darkness is leaving me... "My magic is fading, why won't you fall?" - -
#RecordIn DEAD FElfMag 100 5000 This can't be the end... I have no place in a world without magic... - -
#RecordIn PIECE FElfSage 10000 20000 Weak humans all need to be punished. My will is absolute! No one can escape from me! The dark will be upon this land soon. -
#RecordIn ATTACK FElfSage 100 5000 "Prepare to die, human!" "Is that all you've brought to this battle? Don<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>t make me laugh, worm!" "Concede, and we will take you as a slave." -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FElfSage 100 5000 Can't you fight any harder than this? I must find the strength to destroy this vermin! Your resistance angers us. -
#RecordIn DEAD FElfSage 100 5000 "No, not at a human's hands..." My will has failed me... Another shall replace me... -
#RecordIn PIECE FKnight 10000 20000 No opponent stays alive for long against me. I trust no one but my sword. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FKnight 100 5000 Beg for mercy and your life! This fight will end before it begins. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FKnight 100 5000 "This is fun, but it's time for the real fight to start!" I didn't expect you to be so strong! - -
#RecordIn DEAD FKnight 100 5000 "Ah, finally a good battle..." My trust has deceived me... - -
#RecordIn PIECE FKnuckleman 10000 20000 Destruction is my specialty! I take good care of my fists. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FKnuckleman 100 5000 "You should have brought stronger armor, this will be easy!" Flee if you are scared; you do not want me to catch you. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FKnuckleman 100 5000 You're no match for me! "Are my skills slipping, or are yours just superior?" - -
#RecordIn DEAD FKnuckleman 100 5000 Maybe I was too confident... I should have taken better care of my fists... - -
#RecordIn PIECE FRanger 10000 20000 Luck favors the strong. My arrows always find their mark. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FRanger 100 5000 "Does this hurt, human?" "This will be fun, just don't give up!" - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FRanger 100 5000 I must shoot faster! You're doing much better than I expected. - -
#RecordIn DEAD FRanger 100 5000 My luck seems to have ended here... "No, I'm not the best after all..." - -
#RecordIn PIECE FSpearman 10000 20000 We train with the threat of death! Effectively wielding a spear in battle requires skill and finesse. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK FSpearman 100 5000 You cannot avoid my spear! "Watch my spear closely, it may strike you at any time!" - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED FSpearman 100 5000 "I grow annoyed at your resistance, my spear will find you yet!" I did not think you would be so challenging of an opponent! - -
#RecordIn DEAD FSpearman 100 5000 "No, my spear has failed me..." My spear is broken... - -
#RecordIn PIECE GTornado 10000 20000 "We're the air elementals, protectors of the black smoke." I will never tell this secret. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK GTornado 100 5000 We cannot allow humans to defile this place! "You should not be here, human." - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED GTornado 100 5000 "Elementals, give me your power!" I will not allow you to learn this secret! - -
#RecordIn DEAD GTornado 100 5000 There are still others... The vortex will destroy you eventually... - -
#RecordIn PIECE Chimera 10000 20000 "Horror, chaos, death..." This will all end soon. We share the spoils from the game we hunt. -
#RecordIn ATTACK Chimera 100 5000 Despair will consume your hopes. Fair warning: you will not leave here alive. "I'm happy to see humans here, they're delicious!" -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Chimera 100 5000 Do not fight destiny! "Accept your death, human." Life only becomes more painful the longer you live. -
#RecordIn DEAD Chimera 100 5000 "I will return to destroy you, human..." It cannot be! How did a human defeat me... "Don't relish in your victory just yet, this is not over..." -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_LeoPard 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_LeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_LeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_LeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Mist 10000 20000 I need new sacrifices. "I may not have a body, but I am still powerful." - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Mist 100 5000 Your soul will be mine! Your pain will echo in the breeze! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Mist 100 5000 Human fate is sealed. You're not even worth the fight. - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Mist 100 5000 I will still have your soul one day... I fade into eternity... - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Pergy 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Pergy 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Pergy 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Pergy 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Psyken 10000 20000 Welcome to my home! May I offer you some death? "Darn, I killed my pet human again. Time to get a new one." "I wish my knife was bigger, like a dagger." -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Psyken 100 5000 You should never enter someone's home and then try to fight them. Prepare for pain! Die! -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Psyken 100 5000 This pain is making me angry! That hurts! I'm going to hurt you back! "I'm giving my best, but it might not be enough." -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Psyken 100 5000 "No, not in my own home..." I guess you wouldn't make a good pet... I only wanted to play... -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_PsykenDog 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_PsykenDog 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_PsykenDog 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_PsykenDog 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Ruga 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Ruga 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Ruga 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Ruga 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Wraith 10000 20000 They will kill every living human. Do not fear death. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Wraith 100 5000 Maybe death will make you realize your wrong doings. I will destroy your body and consume your soul. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Wraith 100 5000 Can you feel the pain? Your efforts are for nothing. - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Wraith 100 5000 I guess I am the one to die... I put a curse on you... - -
#RecordIn PIECE SElfFig 10000 20000 "We made a bet, who can kill the most humans." "I'm bored, will anyone play with me?" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SElfFig 100 5000 This should help me become stronger! I like you human! Let's play! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SElfFig 100 5000 You're nothing but vermin to me! "You play rough, human." - -
#RecordIn DEAD SElfFig 100 5000 "No, I cannot be dying..." I lost the game... - -
#RecordIn PIECE SElfMag 10000 20000 I want to test my power. "I need to test my magic, but on what?" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK SElfMag 100 5000 There's not much that pleases me more than seeing terrified humans! The perfect target! Stand still! - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED SElfMag 100 5000 Do think I will be defeated so easily? Fool! Maybe I should have practiced on a weaker target. - -
#RecordIn DEAD SElfMag 100 5000 This the end for me... Now I will never become powerful... - -
#RecordIn PIECE Tornado 10000 20000 The strength of our power derives from the dust of the void. No humans allowed in here! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Tornado 100 5000 Have you come to die? Let me grant that wish. "I have never seen a human before, let's see what you're made of!" - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Tornado 100 5000 I will not be defeated by a human! I never knew humans were so reckless! - -
#RecordIn DEAD Tornado 100 5000 Everything is going dark... Defeat... - -
#RecordIn PIECE Wape 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK WApe 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED WApe 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD WApe 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE WLeoPard 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK WLeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED WLeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD WLeoPard 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Spider 10000 20000 - - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Spider 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Spider 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Spider 100 5000 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE IncubusG 10000 20000 "Welcome to my party, everyone!" Luxury is what I strive to achieve. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK IncubusG 100 5000 "I hate dishonorable, disgusting people like you!" "Nothing will delay my party, so you must die!" - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED IncubusG 100 5000 You've ruined my clothes! How dare you! What a weak human. - -
#RecordIn DEAD IncubusG 100 5000 The party is over for me... "No, my party isn't even over yet..." - -
#RecordIn PIECE Psy_Statue 10000 20000 I guard the house from intruders. My will... control... obedience... - -
#RecordIn ATTACK Psy_Statue 100 5000 Intruder alert! Destroy! If I get rid of you... my life will continue. - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED Psy_Statue 100 5000 "Defenses failing, backup requested." My life... is slipping... - -
#RecordIn DEAD Psy_Statue 100 5000 Task... Failed... "Goodbye, world..." - -
#RecordIn PIECE E_XKebing_Chat 60000 60000 "Argh, those humans are starting again." This time we'll stop them! "We have reinforcement this time, so it won't be easy!" -
#RecordIn ATTACK E_XKebing_Chat 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED E_XKebing_Chat 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD E_XKebing_Chat 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_Honeying 3000 6000 Red team go!! Blue team is nothing!! I won't forgive you if you lose!!!! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_Honeying 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_Honeying 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_Honeying 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_Kebing 6000 9000 Don't lose to the Red Team!! B~~lu~~~e team!! Fighting!! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_Kebing 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_Kebing 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_Kebing 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_DadNPC 10000 15000 It's good to come outside for sometime!! Shoot!! Shoot!! Ah~~~~what ..the.. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_DadNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_DadNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_DadNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_MomNPC 12000 17000 Is this sports called Football? I have seen this for first time but it's pretty fun. It's worth comeing out here. - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_MomNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_MomNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_MomNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_DanielNPC 5000 9000 Wow! So cool! I want to be a football Slime also!! "I don't know, anybody win!!!" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_DanielNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_DanielNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_DanielNPC 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE WindyWitch 1800000 1800000 What a beautiful blizzard. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK WindyWitch 50 0 "Die, intruder! Die!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED WindyWitch 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD WindyWitch 50 0 Turned into the blizzard winds<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> - - -
#RecordIn PIECE WindyGiant 1800000 1800000 "Wolf, elephant, bear; which shall I have for dinner?" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK WindyGiant 50 0 I'll send you crying to you mommy! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED WindyGiant 50 0 Haha! Is that all you've got?! - - -
#RecordIn DEAD WindyGiant 50 0 "You have defeated me, but more will take my place!" - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArkGuard 1800000 1800000 I'm bored. Let's cause some trouble tonight. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArkGuard 50 0 "Haha! King Albireo, grant me your power!" - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArkGuard 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArkGuard 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArkNovice 1800000 1800000 "Whew, when will this training finally be over?" - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArkNovice 50 0 It hurts but you gotta stay strong! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArkNovice 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArkNovice 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArkArch 1800000 1800000 3.1415926534... 5? Hmm. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArkArch 50 0 Here's Pi in your eye! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArkArch 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArkArch 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArkMech 1800000 1800000 Another night shift. *sigh* - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArkMech 50 0 Where is the guard?? All I have is a screwdriver! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArkMech 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArkMech 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ArkMaster 1800000 1800000 He's been meditating a lot these days. - - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ArkMaster 50 0 This would be easier if we used a rocket! - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ArkMaster 50 0 Are you really going to beat up an old man?? - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ArkMaster 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE ValeArkGuard 5000 9000 He left his colleagues. I can't?rest in peace until I kill him and Garuda - -
#RecordIn ATTACK ValeArkGuard 200 0 I cannot die twice. - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED ValeArkGuard 200 0 My grudge is stronger than your attack. - - -
#RecordIn DEAD ValeArkGuard 1000 0 I haven't had revenge yet<EFBFBD><EFBFBD> - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_Honeying_14 3000 6000 Go Red team! The Blue team doesn't stand a chance! "I came all the way out here to watch in the freezing weather, so don't lose or I'll never forgive you" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_Honeying_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_Honeying_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_Honeying_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_Kebing_14 6000 9000 Don't lose to the Red team!! "Brrr, it's freezing. Go Red team!" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_Kebing_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_Kebing_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_Kebing_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_DadNPC_14 10000 15000 ...The field is soooooo cold Come on! Shoot! Ah... What... the... - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_DadNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_DadNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_DadNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_MomNPC_14 12000 17000 Is this what you call soccer?! "This is my first time watching, but it's worth seeing!" - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_MomNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_MomNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_MomNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn PIECE KDSoccer_DanielNPC_14 5000 9000 Wow! This is so cool! I don't really get what's going on but somebody win! - -
#RecordIn ATTACK KDSoccer_DanielNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DAMAGED KDSoccer_DanielNPC_14 50 0 - - - -
#RecordIn DEAD KDSoccer_DanielNPC_14 50 0 - - - -