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; ItemList in NPC
#exchange # \x20 ; # => space
; 2006.01.25
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 Splitter AvantGardeSword SerpentSword - - -
#Record 1 Claymore Flamberge GiantSword - - -
#Record 2 Halberd BikingAxe GiantAxe - - -
#Record 3 WarMace BattleMace GiantMace - - -
#Record 4 WarHammer BattleHammer GiantHammer - - -
#Record 5 WarBow BattleBow GiantBow - - -
#Record 6 WarCrossBow BattleCrossBow GiantCrossBow - - -
#Record 7 FairyStaff BattleStaff GiantStaff - - -
#Record 8 FairyWand BattleWand GiantWand - - -
#Record 9 RingClaw ZabadClaw RedeyeClaw - - -
#Record 10 RingDoubleSword ZabadDoubleSword RedeyeDoubleSword - - -
#Record 11 ElvenBlade SentinelBlade MoonLightBlade - - -
#Table Tab01 ;<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 BrigandineArmor - - - - -
#Record 1 LightPlateBoots LightPlateHelmet LightPlatePants LightPlateArmor - -
#Record 2 HalfPlateBoots HalfPlateHelmet HalfPlatePants HalfPlateArmor - -
#Record 3 MightyPlateBoots MightyPlateHelmet MightyPlatePants - - -
#Record 4 FSplendor AvantGardeShield LionHeartShield - - -
#Record 5 PlateArmor - - - - -
#Record 6 FieldPlateBoots FieldPlateHelmet FieldPlatePants FieldPlateArmor - -
#Record 7 FullPlateBoots FullPlateHelmet FullPlatePants FullPlateArmor - -
#Record 8 HolyBoots HolyHelmet HolyPants - - -
#Record 9 Splendor ReflectionShield Towershield - - -
#Record 10 HunterArmor - - - - -
#Record 11 MasterBoots MasterHat MasterPants MasterArmor - -
#Record 12 DuskBoots DuskHat DuskPants DuskArmor - -
#Record 13 DarknessBoots DarknessHat DarknessPants - - -
#Record 14 NatureShirt - - - - -
#Record 15 ElementBoots ElementHat ElementPants ElementShirt - -
#Record 16 SuperiorHat SuperiorPants SuperiorShirt SuperiorBoots - -
#Record 17 wisdomBoots wisdomHat wisdomPants - - -
#Record 18 LupeArmor - - - - -
#Record 19 StellaBoots StellaHood StellaPants StellaArmor - -
#Record 20 LunaBoots LunaHood LunaPants LunaArmor - -
#Record 21 OrdoBoots OrdoHood OrdoPants - - -
#Record 22 FoliageShoes FoliageHelmet FoliagePants FoliageArmor - -
#Record 23 IronfalconShoes IronfalconHelmet IronfalconPants IronfalconArmor - -
#Record 24 VineShoes VineHelmet VinePants - - -
#ColumnType BYTE String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33] String[33]
#ColumnName Rec Column00 Column01 Column02 Column03 Column04 Column05
#Record 0 StrBronzeRing ConBronzeRing DexBronzeRing IntBronzeRing MenBronzeRing -
#Record 1 PoiBronzeNeck DiseBronzeNeck CurBronzeNeck - - -
#Record 2 WeaponEndure08 EnchantSocketAdd EnchantSocketReload RandomOption RandomOption_Recover -
#Record 3 - - - - - -
#Record 4 - - - - - -
#Record 5 - - - - - -