#ifndef OBJECT_H #define OBJECT_H #include "pixelGameEngine.h" #include "flags.h" #include "animation.h" #include "defines.h" #include "layers.h" #include "item.h" #include "states.h" using namespace olc; struct Interaction{ std::vector messages={}; Item*item=nullptr; Flag flag=Flag::NONE; }; class Object{ private: vd2d scale={1,1}; vd2d pos; public: int id; Animation*spr; int frameIndex=0; int frameCount=0; int animationSpd=12; //How many frames to wait between each frame. Setting to 0 pauses the animation. std::string name; Pixel color=WHITE; vd2d originPoint={0,0}; bool drawn=false; Flag disableFlag=Flag::NONE; Flag enableFlag=Flag::NONE; int objArrElement; //Which element in the object array this object is located in. For sorting purposes. bool temp=false; //If set to true, it's marked for deletion after cutscene handling. bool enc=false; //If set to true, it's not included in the main list of entities for map saving because it's from an encounter. bool dead=false; //If set to true, this object was properly part of an Entity and got declared as dead. int blinkFrames=0; //Frame count of how much time is left for the image to be blinking. Used when enemies take damage. //animationSpd is how long to wait before switching frames. bool highlighted=false; //Whether or not this object has been declared as highlighted by a target range selector. bool Collision(vd2d pos) { GAME->SetDrawTarget(layer::COLLISION); Pixel collisionData = GAME->GetDrawTarget()->GetPixel((int)pos.x-cameraPos.x,(int)pos.y-cameraPos.y); return collisionData!=MAGENTA; } //A grid version of the constructor. used ONLY for battle setups. Object(int id,std::string name,int gridx,int gridy,Animation*spr,vd2d scale={1,1},Pixel color=WHITE,int animationSpd=1,bool temp=false) :Object(id,name,{gridx*32-(spr->width*0.5)*(scale.x-1),gridy*32-(spr->spr->sprite->height-4)*(scale.y-1)},spr,scale,color,animationSpd,temp) {} Object(int id,std::string name,vd2d pos,Animation*spr,vd2d scale={1,1},Pixel color=WHITE,int animationSpd=1,bool temp=false) { this->spr=spr; this->pos=pos; this->id=id; this->name=name; this->color=color; this->animationSpd=animationSpd; SetScale(scale); this->temp=temp; } virtual Object* CreateType(int id,std::string name,vd2d pos,Animation*spr,vd2d scale={1,1},Pixel color=WHITE,int animationSpd=1,bool temp=false)=0; //When the player tries to interact with this object. virtual Interaction Interact()=0; virtual void ChoiceMade(int choice)=0; virtual void DialogClosed()=0; void SetScale(vd2d scale) { this->scale=scale; if (spr!=nullptr) { this->originPoint={spr->width/2*scale.x,(spr->spr->sprite->height-4)*scale.y}; } } vd2d GetScale() { return scale; } vd2d GetPos() { return pos; } void Move(vd2d move); void SetPos(vd2d pos) { Move(pos-this->pos); } vd2d GetPosWithOrigin() { return GetPos()+originPoint; } bool SmoothMove(vd2d move) { const int wiggleRoom=5; vd2d originPos = {pos.x+originPoint.x,pos.y-1+originPoint.y}; if (!Collision(originPos+move)) { Move(move); return true; } else if (move.x!=0&&!Collision({originPos.x+move.x,originPos.y})) { Move({move.x,0}); return true; } else if (move.y!=0&&!Collision({originPos.x,originPos.y+move.y})) { Move({0,move.y}); return true; } else if (move.x>0) { for (int i=0;i0) { for (int i=0;i> shopItems); extern std::mapITEMLIST; class Shopkeeper_Obj : public Object{ DynamicObject(Shopkeeper_Obj) std::vector> itemList; std::string welcomeMessage="Welcome! Please choose an option: [BUY,SELL,FDSAJIVDSAJ]\ >0:Please take a look through our wares.\ >1:What would you like to sell?\ >2:Are you okay?<"; Interaction Interact()override{ if (GAME_FLAGS[(int)Flag::SHOPKEER_BRANCH1]) { GAME_FLAGS[(int)Flag::SHOPKEER_BRANCH1]=false; switch (MESSAGE_BOX_DIALOG_ANSWER) { case 2:{ return {{"No! Stay away! [Okay,Ignore]\ >0:Yeah I thought so.\ >1:...<"}}; }break; } } else { return {{welcomeMessage},flag:Flag::SHOPKEER_BRANCH1}; } } void ChoiceMade(int choice)override{ if (GAME_FLAGS[(int)Flag::SHOPKEER_BRANCH1]) { if (choice!=2) { GAME_FLAGS[(int)Flag::SHOPKEER_BRANCH1]=false; } } } void DialogClosed()override{ GAME_STATE = GameState::SHOPKEEPER_MENU; SetupShop( { {ITEMLIST[ItemName::EGG],8}, {ITEMLIST[ItemName::COOKIE],4}, {ITEMLIST[ItemName::PIZZA],36}, } ); } }; #endif