#ifndef SEASONI_H #define SEASONI_H #include "pixelGameEngine.h" #include "splash.h" #include "soundwaveEngine.h" #include "defines.h" #include "flags.h" using namespace olc; #define 됐어 class Map; enum class ItemName; class Object; enum class ActionType; class Entity; class Effect; class Cutscene; class TILE; namespace Battle{ class Move; } class SeasonI:public PixelGameEngine{ public: SeasonI(){sAppName="Season I: Winters of Loneliness";} bool OnUserCreate()override; void SetupMoveList(); 됐어 void SetupItemList(); 됐어 void SetupPartyMemberStats(); 됐어 void SetupAnimations(); 됐어 void SetupObjectInfo(); 됐어 void SetupEncounters(); 됐어 void SetupBattleProperties(); 됐어 void SetupCutscenes(); void SetupMapList(); void SetGameFlag(Flag flag,bool val); 됐어 void LoadMap(Map*map); void SaveMap(Map*map); void AddItemToPlayerInventory(ItemName item); Decal*CreateSprite(std::string spriteName); Object*CreateObjectInfo(Object*obj,std::string spriteFileName,vi2d size,Flag enableFlag=Flag::NONE,Flag disableFlag=Flag::NONE); 됐어 vi2d grid(int x, int y); bool GetGameFlag(int flag); 됐어 bool GetGameFlag(Flag flag); 됐어 //You're probably trying to add an object to the world. Use this function inside of AddObjectToWorld(CreateObject(...)) //You only need to use this function if you want to create an object from pre-defined OBJ_INFO variables. Object*CreateObject(int id,vd2d pos); Object* AddObjectToWorld(Object*obj); void LoadEncounter(Map*map,vd2d pos,int chance,int id,bool successful); bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime)override; void updateGame(); void keyUpdates(); void drawGame(); ActionType GetCurrentCutsceneAction(); void HandleRollingCounters(); void HandleRollingCounters(int i,int(&counter)[4][3],int(&display)[4][3],Entity*member,int maxVal,int currentVal,int targetVal,bool pp=false); void HandleBattle(); void HandleCutscenes(); bool TabHeld(); bool UpPressed(); bool DownPressed(); bool LeftPressed(); bool RightPressed(); bool BackPressed(); bool UpHeld(); bool DownHeld(); bool LeftHeld(); bool RightHeld(); bool BackHeld(); bool UpReleased(); bool DownReleased(); bool LeftReleased(); bool RightReleased(); bool BackReleased(); bool PlayerCanMove(); bool NPCCanMove(); void UpdatePlayerTrail(vd2d newMovement,Direction newFacingDir); void SetupRollingHitpointCounters(); void AdvanceMessageBox(); //CAMERA UPDATES MUST BE LAST!!! COLLISIONS RELY ON THE GAME POSITION STATES REMAINING THE SAME! void cameraUpdate(); void StartEffect(Effect*eff); void PopulateBattleMoveList(int partyMemberSlot,bool overworld=false); void SetupTargetSelect(); //Can run this after target selection to reset states. void ConfirmPlayerTargetSelection(); std::vector GetEntitiesInRange(int targetEnt, vd2d channelPos, Battle::Move*move); int CalculateSpeedGridMovementAmount(int spd); void PopulateMovementGrid(vd2d pos,int range); //Returns 0 if not found. int getProperty(Property prop,Battle::Move*move); void HandleInventoryNavigation(); void PerformOverworldMove(Battle::Move*move,int partyMemberSlot); void PopulateEquipMenuItems(); void CursorControl(int&cursor,int max); //Returns a version of str with a/an and a space prepended to it followed by the str itself. std::string A_An(std::string str,bool capitalized=false); void DrawTargetRangeGrid(vd2d pos,int range,Pixel outlinecol,Pixel box1col,Pixel box2col,bool connectedborder); void DrawTargetRangeGrid(vd2d pos,int range); void DrawMovementGrid(Pixel outlinecol,Pixel box1col,Pixel box2col); void drawCheckerboardBox(const olc::vi2d &pos, const olc::vi2d &size, olc::Pixel p = olc::WHITE, olc::Pixel alternatingCol = olc::WHITE, const olc::vi2d &checkerboardSize = {3,3}, olc::Pixel p2 = olc::DARK_GREY, olc::Pixel p3 = olc::VERY_DARK_GREY); bool OverworldMenuOpen(); void DrawRollingCounter(const olc::vi2d &pos,int val,int*rollcounter,int*rolloffset); void DrawGameWorld(); void DrawDialogBox(const vi2d &pos, const vi2d &size, Pixel p, Pixel p2, Pixel p3); //The player's money count. It's shown in a box that is WIDTH/4 and HEIGHT/6 in size. void DrawMoneyBox(vf2d pos,vf2d size={(int)(WIDTH/4),(int)(HEIGHT/6)}); void CalculateChangeInEquipmentStats(int partyMemberSlot,int itemSlot,int&equipAttack,int&equipDefense,int&newAttack,int&newDefense); void CalculateEquipmentStats(int partyMemberSlot,int&atk,int&def); std::string Wrap(std::string str,int width,bool proportional,vd2d scale); void DrawBattleMoveList(int partyMemberSlot); vf2d AutoScaleText(std::string str,int targetWidth,vf2d scale={1,1},bool prop=true); std::string ParseBattleMessage(Entity*ent,std::string baseStr); void DrawArrow(); bool MoveCameraTowardsPoint(vd2d targetPos,PriorityDirection dir,double spd,bool secondRun=false); bool MoveObjectTowardsPoint(Object*obj,vd2d targetPos,PriorityDirection dir,double moveSpd,bool secondRun=false); int CalculateHealing(Entity*user); int getMemberIDComparingObject(Object*obj); int CalculateDamage(Entity*attacker,Entity*defender,bool includeDefenses=true); //Returns true if the key is meant to be continuously repeated because of being held down. //dir should be UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT bool KeyRepeat(Key dir); bool MessageBoxAllowedToAdvance(); void CheckGrid(int x,int y,vd2d pos,int lifetime); bool startsWithVowel(std::string str); void drawBox(const olc::vi2d &pos, const olc::vi2d &size, olc::Pixel p = olc::WHITE, olc::Pixel p2 = olc::DARK_GREY, olc::Pixel p3 = olc::VERY_DARK_GREY); std::string GetTargetName(int target); void OnTextEntryComplete(const std::string&text)override; void GetAnyKeyPress(olc::Key keypress)override; bool Collision(vd2d pos); void DrawInventory(); void ChoiceMade(int choice); void StartCutscene(Cutscene*cutscene); void DrawTriggers(); void SaveGameSaveData(int saveSlot); void LoadGameSaveData(int saveSlot); int ReadIntFromStream(std::ifstream&f); float ReadFloatFromStream(std::ifstream&f); double ReadDoubleFromStream(std::ifstream&f); std::string ReadStringFromStream(std::ifstream&f); void CenterCameraOnPlayer(); int GetPointQuadrantRelativeToLine(vi2d x1y1,vi2d x2y2,vi2d point); TILE GetSafeTileData(std::vector>&data); char GetTileDegreeSafely(std::vector>&data); //When using for testing, make sure you RELEASE the key when you are done! void PressTestKey(Key k); //When using for testing, make sure you RELEASE the key when you are done! void HoldTestKey(Key k); void ReleaseTestKey(Key k); void ResetTestKeys(); }; extern SeasonI*GAME; #endif