
984 lines
40 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Resources;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using SMXJSON;
namespace smx_config
// Track whether we're configuring one pad or both at once.
static class ActivePad
public enum SelectedPad {
// The actual pad selection. This defaults to both, and doesn't change if
// only one pad is selected. We don't actually show "both" in the dropdown
// unless two pads are connected, but the underlying setting remains.
public static SelectedPad selectedPad = SelectedPad.Both;
// A shortcut for when a LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs isn't available:
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, SMX.SMXConfig>> ActivePads()
// In case we're called in design mode, just return an empty list.
if(CurrentSMXDevice.singleton == null)
return new List<Tuple<int, SMX.SMXConfig>>();
return ActivePads(CurrentSMXDevice.singleton.GetState());
// Yield each connected pad which is currently active for configuration.
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, SMX.SMXConfig>> ActivePads(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args)
bool Pad1Connected = args.controller[0].info.connected;
bool Pad2Connected = args.controller[1].info.connected;
// If both pads are connected and a single pad is selected, ignore the deselected pad.
if(Pad1Connected && Pad2Connected)
if(selectedPad == SelectedPad.P1)
Pad2Connected = false;
if(selectedPad == SelectedPad.P2)
Pad1Connected = false;
yield return Tuple.Create(0, args.controller[0].config);
yield return Tuple.Create(1, args.controller[1].config);
// We know the selected pads are synced if there are two active, and when refreshing a
// UI we just want one of them to set the UI to. For convenience, return the first one.
public static SMX.SMXConfig GetFirstActivePadConfig(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args)
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePads(args))
return activePad.Item2;
// There aren't any pads connected. Just return a dummy config, since the UI
// isn't visible.
return SMX.SMXConfig.Create();
public static SMX.SMXConfig GetFirstActivePadConfig()
return GetFirstActivePadConfig(CurrentSMXDevice.singleton.GetState());
static class Helpers
// Return true if arg is in the commandline.
public static bool HasCommandlineArgument(string arg)
foreach(string s in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())
if(s == arg)
return true;
return false;
// Return true if we're in debug mode.
public static bool GetDebug()
return HasCommandlineArgument("-d");
// Return true if we were launched on startup.
public static bool LaunchedOnStartup()
return HasCommandlineArgument("-s");
// Return the last Win32 error as a string.
public static string GetLastWin32ErrorString()
int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
if(error == 0)
return "";
return new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(error).Message;
public static T DeepClone<T>(T obj)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
ms.Position = 0;
return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);
// Work around Enumerable.SequenceEqual not checking if the arrays are null.
public static bool SequenceEqual<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> first, IEnumerable<TSource> second)
if(first == second)
return true;
if(first == null || second == null)
return false;
return Enumerable.SequenceEqual(first, second);
public static Color ColorFromFloatRGB(double r, double g, double b)
byte R = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, r * 255));
byte G = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, g * 255));
byte B = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, b * 255));
return Color.FromRgb(R, G, B);
// Return a Color as an HTML color code.
public static string ColorToString(Color color)
// WPF's Color.ToString() returns #AARRGGBB, which is just wrong. Alpha is always
// last in HTML color codes. We don't need alpha, so just strip it off.
return "#" + color.ToString().Substring(3);
// Parse #RRGGBB and return a Color, or white if the string isn't in the correct format.
public static Color ParseColorString(string s)
// We only expect "#RRGGBB".
if(s.Length != 7 || !s.StartsWith("#"))
return Color.FromRgb(255,255,255);
try {
return (Color) ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(s);
return Color.FromRgb(255,255,255);
// Light values are actually in the range 0-170 and not 0-255, since higher values aren't
// any brighter and just draw more power. The auto-lighting colors that we're configuring
// need to be scaled to this range too, but show full range colors in the UI.
readonly static double LightsScaleFactor = 0.666666f;
static public Byte ScaleColor(Byte c)
return (Byte) Math.Round(c * LightsScaleFactor);
static public Byte UnscaleColor(Byte c)
Byte result = (Byte) Math.Round(Math.Min(255, c / LightsScaleFactor));
// The color values we output are quantized, since we're scaling an 8-bit value.
// This doesn't have any real effect, but it causes #FFFFFF in the settings export
// file to be written out as #FDFDFD (which has the same value in hardware). Just
// so the common value of white is clean, snap these values to 0xFF. The end result
// will be the same.
if(result >= 0xFD)
return 0xFF;
return result;
static public Color ScaleColor(Color c)
return Color.FromRgb(ScaleColor(c.R), ScaleColor(c.G), ScaleColor(c.B));
static public Color UnscaleColor(Color c)
return Color.FromRgb(UnscaleColor(c.R), UnscaleColor(c.G), UnscaleColor(c.B));
public static Color FromHSV(double H, double S, double V)
H = H % 360;
S = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, S));
V = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, V));
if(H < 0)
H += 360;
H /= 60;
if( S < 0.0001f )
return ColorFromFloatRGB(V, V, V);
double C = V * S;
double X = C * (1 - Math.Abs((H % 2) - 1));
Color ret;
switch( (int) Math.Round(Math.Floor(H)) )
case 0: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(C, X, 0); break;
case 1: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(X, C, 0); break;
case 2: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(0, C, X); break;
case 3: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(0, X, C); break;
case 4: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(X, 0, C); break;
default: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(C, 0, X); break;
ret -= ColorFromFloatRGB(C-V, C-V, C-V);
return ret;
public static void ToHSV(Color c, out double h, out double s, out double v)
h = s = v = 0;
if( c.R == 0 && c.G == 0 && c.B == 0 )
double r = c.R / 255.0;
double g = c.G / 255.0;
double b = c.B / 255.0;
double m = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b);
double M = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b);
double C = M - m;
if( Math.Abs(r-g) < 0.0001f && Math.Abs(g-b) < 0.0001f ) // grey
h = 0;
else if( Math.Abs(r-M) < 0.0001f ) // M == R
h = ((g - b)/C) % 6;
else if( Math.Abs(g-M) < 0.0001f ) // M == G
h = (b - r)/C + 2;
else // M == B
h = (r - g)/C + 4;
h *= 60;
if( h < 0 )
h += 360;
s = C / M;
v = M;
// Return our settings directory, creating it if it doesn't exist.
public static string GetSettingsDirectory()
string result = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "/StepManiaX/";
return result;
public static byte[] ReadFileFromSettings(string filename)
string outputFilename = GetSettingsDirectory() + filename;
try {
return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(outputFilename);
} catch {
// If the file doesn't exist or can't be read for some other reason, just
// return null.
return null;
public static void SaveFileToSettings(string filename, byte[] data)
string outputFilename = GetSettingsDirectory() + filename;
string directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFilename);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(outputFilename, data);
// Read path. If an error is encountered, return "".
public static string ReadFile(string path)
try {
return System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
return "";
// Read path. If an error is encountered, return null.
public static byte[] ReadBinaryFile(string path)
try {
return System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path);
return null;
public static Dictionary<SMX.SMX.LightsType, string> LightsTypeNames = new Dictionary<SMX.SMX.LightsType, string>()
{ SMX.SMX.LightsType.LightsType_Pressed, "pressed" },
{ SMX.SMX.LightsType.LightsType_Released, "released" },
// Load any saved animations from disk.
public static void LoadSavedPanelAnimations()
for(int pad = 0; pad < 2; ++pad)
foreach(var it in LightsTypeNames)
LoadSavedAnimationType(pad, it.Key);
public static void SaveAnimationToDisk(int pad, SMX.SMX.LightsType type, byte[] data)
string filename = LightsTypeNames[type] + ".gif";
string path = "Animations/Pad" + (pad+1) + "/" + filename;
Helpers.SaveFileToSettings(path, data);
// Read a saved PanelAnimation.
// Data will always be returned. If the user hasn't saved anything, we'll return
// our default animation.
private static byte[] ReadSavedAnimationType(int pad, SMX.SMX.LightsType type)
string filename = LightsTypeNames[type] + ".gif";
string path = "Animations/Pad" + (pad+1) + "/" + filename;
byte[] gif = Helpers.ReadFileFromSettings(path);
if(gif == null)
// If the user has never loaded a file, load our default.
Uri url = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Resources/" + filename);
StreamResourceInfo info = Application.GetResourceStream(url);
gif = new byte[info.Stream.Length];
info.Stream.Read(gif, 0, gif.Length);
return gif;
// Load a PanelAnimation from disk.
private static void LoadSavedAnimationType(int pad, SMX.SMX.LightsType type)
byte[] gif = ReadSavedAnimationType(pad, type);
string error;
SMX.SMX.LightsAnimation_Load(gif, pad, type, out error);
// Some broken antivirus software locks files when they're read. This is horrifying and
// breaks lots of software, including WPF's settings class. This is a race condition,
// so try to work around this by trying repeatedly. There's not much else we can do about
// it other than asking users to use a better antivirus.
public static void SaveApplicationSettings()
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
try {
} catch(IOException e)
Console.WriteLine("Error writing settings. Trying again: " + e);
MessageBox.Show("Settings couldn't be saved.\n\nThis is usually caused by faulty antivirus software.",
"Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
// Create a .lnk.
public static void CreateShortcut(string outputFile, string targetPath, string arguments)
Type shellType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("WScript.Shell");
dynamic shell = Activator.CreateInstance(shellType);
dynamic shortcut = shell.CreateShortcut(outputFile);
shortcut.TargetPath = targetPath;
shortcut.Arguments = arguments;
shortcut.WindowStyle = 0;
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
// The threshold sliders in the advanced tab affect different panels and sensors depending
// on the user's settings. This handles managing which sensors each slider controls.
static public class ThresholdSettings
public struct PanelAndSensor
public PanelAndSensor(int panel, int sensor)
this.panel = panel;
this.sensor = sensor;
public int panel;
public int sensor;
public static List<string> thresholdSliderNames = new List<string>()
"up-left", "up", "up-right",
"left", "center", "right",
"down-left", "down", "down-right",
"cardinal", "corner",
// These correspond with ThresholdSlider.Type.
static Dictionary<string, int> panelNameToIndex = new Dictionary<string, int>() {
{ "up-left", 0 },
{ "up", 1 },
{ "up-right", 2 },
{ "left", 3 },
{ "center", 4 },
{ "right", 5 },
{ "down-left", 6 },
{ "down", 7 },
{ "down-right", 8 },
// The cardinal and corner sliders write to the down and up-right panels, and
// are then synced to the other panels.
{ "cardinal", 7 },
{ "corner", 2 },
// Save and load the list of custom threshold sensors to settings. These aren't saved to the pad, we
// just keep them in application settings.
static List<PanelAndSensor> cachedCustomSensors;
static public void SetCustomSensors(List<PanelAndSensor> panelAndSensors)
List<object> result = new List<object>();
foreach(PanelAndSensor panelAndSensor in panelAndSensors)
List<int> panelAndSensorArray = new List<int>() { panelAndSensor.panel, panelAndSensor.sensor };
// Set CustomSensors from a [[1,1],[2,2]] array. This is what we save to settings and
// export to JSON.
static public void SetCustomSensorsJSON(List<object> panelAndSensors)
Properties.Settings.Default.CustomSensors = SerializeJSON.Serialize(panelAndSensors);
// Clear the cache. Set it to null instead of assigning panelAndSensors to it to force
// it to re-parse at least once, to catch problems early.
cachedCustomSensors = null;
// Return the sensors that are controlled by the custom-sensors slider. The other
// threshold sliders will leave these alone.
static public List<PanelAndSensor> GetCustomSensors()
// Properties.Settings.Default.CustomSensors = "[[0,0], [1,0]]";
// This is only ever changed with calls to SetCustomSensors.
if(cachedCustomSensors != null)
return Helpers.DeepClone(cachedCustomSensors);
List<PanelAndSensor> result = new List<PanelAndSensor>();
if(Properties.Settings.Default.CustomSensors == "")
return result;
try {
// This is a list of [panel,sensor] arrays:
// [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0]]
List<object> sensors = GetCustomSensorsJSON();
foreach(object panelAndSensorObj in sensors)
List<object> panelAndSensor = (List<object>) panelAndSensorObj;
int panel = panelAndSensor.Get(0, -1);
int sensor = panelAndSensor.Get(1, -1);
if(panel == -1 || sensor == -1)
result.Add(new PanelAndSensor(panel, sensor));
} catch(ParseError) {
return result;
cachedCustomSensors = result;
return Helpers.DeepClone(cachedCustomSensors);
static public List<object> GetCustomSensorsJSON()
try {
return SMXJSON.ParseJSON.Parse<List<object>>(Properties.Settings.Default.CustomSensors);
} catch(ParseError) {
// CustomSensors is empty by default. We could test if it's empty, but as a more general
// safety, just catch any JSON errors in case something invalid is saved to it.
return new List<object>();
const int SensorLeft = 0;
const int SensorRight = 1;
const int SensorUp = 2;
const int SensorDown = 3;
static public List<PanelAndSensor> GetInnerSensors()
return new List<PanelAndSensor>()
new PanelAndSensor(1,SensorDown), // up panel, bottom sensor
new PanelAndSensor(3,SensorRight), // left panel, right sensor
new PanelAndSensor(5,SensorLeft), // right panel, left sensor
new PanelAndSensor(7,SensorUp), // down panel, top sensor
static public List<PanelAndSensor> GetOuterSensors()
return new List<PanelAndSensor>()
new PanelAndSensor(1,SensorUp), // up panel, top sensor
new PanelAndSensor(3,SensorLeft), // left panel, left sensor
new PanelAndSensor(5,SensorRight), // right panel, right sensor
new PanelAndSensor(7,SensorDown), // down panel, bottom sensor
// Return the sensors controlled by the given slider. Most of the work is done
// in GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal. This just handles removing overlapping
// sensors. If inner-sensors is enabled, the inner sensors are removed from the normal
// thresholds.
// This is really inefficient: it calls GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal a lot,
// and the filtering is a linear search, but it doesn't matter.
// If includeOverridden is true, include sensors that would be controlled by this slider
// by default, but which have been overridden by a higher priority slider, or which are
// disabled by checkboxes. This is used for the UI.
static public List<PanelAndSensor> GetControlledSensorsForSliderType(string Type, bool advancedMode, bool includeOverridden)
List<PanelAndSensor> result = GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal(Type, advancedMode, includeOverridden);
// inner-sensors, outer-sensors and custom thresholds overlap each other and the standard
// sliders. inner-sensors and outer-sensors take over the equivalent sensors in the standard
// sliders, and custom thresholds take priority over everything else.
// We always pass false to includeOverridden here, since we need to know the real state of the
// sliders we're removing.
if(Type == "inner-sensors" || Type == "outer-sensors")
// Remove any sensors controlled by the custom threshold.
RemoveFromSensorList(result, GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal("custom-sensors", advancedMode, false));
else if(Type != "custom-sensors")
// This is a regular slider. Remove any sensors controlled by inner-sensors, outer-sensors
// or custom-sensors.
RemoveFromSensorList(result, GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal("inner-sensors", advancedMode, false));
RemoveFromSensorList(result, GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal("outer-sensors", advancedMode, false));
RemoveFromSensorList(result, GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal("custom-sensors", advancedMode, false));
return result;
static private void RemoveFromSensorList(List<PanelAndSensor> target, List<PanelAndSensor> sensorsToRemove)
foreach(PanelAndSensor panelAndSensor in sensorsToRemove)
static private List<PanelAndSensor> GetControlledSensorsForSliderTypeInternal(string Type, bool advancedMode, bool includeOverridden)
// inner-sensors and outer-sensors do nothing if their checkbox is disabled. We do this here because we
// need to skip this for the RemoveFromSensorList logic above.
if(Type == "inner-sensors" && !Properties.Settings.Default.UseInnerSensorThresholds)
return new List<PanelAndSensor>();
if(Type == "outer-sensors" && !Properties.Settings.Default.UseOuterSensorThresholds)
return new List<PanelAndSensor>();
// Special sliders:
if(Type == "custom-sensors") return GetCustomSensors();
if(Type == "inner-sensors") return GetInnerSensors();
if(Type == "outer-sensors") return GetOuterSensors();
List<PanelAndSensor> result = new List<PanelAndSensor>();
// Check if this slider is shown in this mode.
// Hide the combo sliders in advanced mode.
if(Type == "cardinal" || Type == "corner")
return result;
// Only these sliders are shown in normal mode.
if(Type != "up" && Type != "center" && Type != "cardinal" && Type != "corner")
return result;
// If advanced mode is disabled, save to all panels this slider affects. The down arrow controls
// all four cardinal panels. (If advanced mode is enabled we'll never be a different cardinal
// direction, since those widgets won't exist.) If it's disabled, just write to our own panel.
List<int> saveToPanels = new List<int>();
int ourPanelIdx = panelNameToIndex[Type];
foreach(int panelIdx in saveToPanels)
for(int sensor = 0; sensor < 4; ++sensor)
result.Add(new PanelAndSensor(panelIdx, sensor));
return result;
// If the user disables inner-sensors after setting a value and control of those thresholds
// goes back to other sliders, the old inner-sensors thresholds will still be set in config
// until the user changes them, which is confusing. Make sure the value of each slider is
// actually set to config, even if the user doesn't change them.
// This isn't perfect. If the user assigns the first up sensor to custom and then removes it,
// so that sensor goes back to the normal up slider, this will sync the custom value to up.
// That's because we don't know which thresholds were actually being controlled by the up slider
// before it was changed. This is tricky to fix and not a big problem.
private static void SyncSliderThresholdsForConfig(ref SMX.SMXConfig config)
bool AdvancedModeEnabled = Properties.Settings.Default.AdvancedMode;
foreach(string sliderName in thresholdSliderNames)
List<PanelAndSensor> controlledSensors = GetControlledSensorsForSliderType(sliderName, AdvancedModeEnabled, false);
if(controlledSensors.Count == 0)
PanelAndSensor firstSensor = controlledSensors[0];
foreach(PanelAndSensor panelAndSensor in controlledSensors)
config.panelSettings[panelAndSensor.panel].fsrLowThreshold[panelAndSensor.sensor] =
config.panelSettings[panelAndSensor.panel].fsrHighThreshold[panelAndSensor.sensor] =
public static void SyncSliderThresholds()
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
SMX.SMXConfig config = activePad.Item2;
SyncSliderThresholdsForConfig(ref config);
SMX.SMX.SetConfig(activePad.Item1, config);
public static bool IsAdvancedModeRequired()
return false;
// This class just makes it easier to assemble binary command packets.
public class CommandBuffer
public void Write(string s)
char[] buf = s.ToCharArray();
byte[] data = new byte[buf.Length];
for(int i = 0; i < buf.Length; ++i)
data[i] = (byte) buf[i];
public void Write(byte[] s) { parts.AddLast(s); }
public void Write(byte b) { Write(new byte[] { b }); }
public void Write(char b) { Write((byte) b); }
public byte[] Get()
int length = 0;
foreach(byte[] part in parts)
length += part.Length;
byte[] result = new byte[length];
int next = 0;
foreach(byte[] part in parts)
Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, result, next, part.Length);
next += part.Length;
return result;
private LinkedList<byte[]> parts = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
// Manage launching on startup.
static class LaunchOnStartup
public static string GetLaunchShortcutFilename()
string startupFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup);
return startupFolder + "/StepManiaX.lnk";
// Enable or disable launching on startup.
public static bool Enable
get {
return Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchOnStartup;
set {
if(Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchOnStartup == value)
// Remember whether we want to be launched on startup. This is used as a sanity
// check in case we're not able to remove our launch shortcut.
Properties.Settings.Default.LaunchOnStartup = value;
string shortcutFilename = GetLaunchShortcutFilename();
string filename = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
Helpers.CreateShortcut(shortcutFilename, filename, "-s");
} else {
try {
} catch {
// If there's an error deleting the shortcut (most likely it doesn't exist),
// don't do anything.
// When enabled, periodically set all lights to the current auto-lighting color. This
// is enabled while manipulating the step color slider.
class ShowAutoLightsColor
private DispatcherTimer LightsTimer;
public ShowAutoLightsColor()
LightsTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
// Run at 30fps.
LightsTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, 1000 / 33);
LightsTimer.Tick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Start()
// To show the current color, send a lights command periodically. If we stop sending
// this for a while the controller will return to auto-lights, which we won't want to
// happen until AutoLightsColorEnd is called.
// Don't wait for an interval to send the first update.
public void Stop()
// Reenable pad auto-lighting. If we're running animations in SMXPanelAnimation,
// this will be overridden by it once it sends lights.
private void AutoLightsColorRefreshColor()
CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer();
for(int pad = 0; pad < 2; ++pad)
// Use this panel's color. If a panel isn't connected, we still need to run the
// loop below to insert data for the panel.
byte[] color = new byte[9*3];
SMX.SMXConfig config;
if(SMX.SMX.GetConfig(pad, out config))
color = config.stepColor;
for( int iPanel = 0; iPanel < 9; ++iPanel )
for( int i = 0; i < 25; ++i )
// Auto-lights colors in the config packet are scaled so the firmware
// doesn't have to do it, but here we're setting the panel color to
// the auto-light color directly to preview the color. SetLights
// will apply the scaling, so we need to remove it.
cmd.Write( Helpers.UnscaleColor(color[iPanel*3+0]) );
cmd.Write( Helpers.UnscaleColor(color[iPanel*3+1]) );
cmd.Write( Helpers.UnscaleColor(color[iPanel*3+2]) );
static class SMXHelpers
// Export configurable values in SMXConfig to a JSON string.
public static string ExportSettingsToJSON(SMX.SMXConfig config)
// The user only uses one of low or high thresholds. Only export the
// settings the user is actually using.
Dictionary<string, Object> dict = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
List<int> fsrLowThresholds = new List<int>();
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
dict.Add("fsrLowThresholds", fsrLowThresholds);
List<int> fsrHighThresholds = new List<int>();
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
dict.Add("fsrHighThresholds", fsrHighThresholds);
List<int> panelLowThresholds = new List<int>();
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
dict.Add("panelLowThresholds", panelLowThresholds);
List<int> panelHighThresholds = new List<int>();
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
dict.Add("panelHighThresholds", panelHighThresholds);
// Store the enabled panel mask as a simple list of which panels are selected.
bool[] enabledPanels = config.GetEnabledPanels();
List<int> enabledPanelList = new List<int>();
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
dict.Add("enabledPanels", enabledPanelList);
// Store panel colors.
List<string> panelColors = new List<string>();
for(int PanelIndex = 0; PanelIndex < 9; ++PanelIndex)
// Scale colors from the hardware value back to the 0-255 value we use in the UI.
Color color = Color.FromRgb(config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+0], config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+1], config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+2]);
color = Helpers.UnscaleColor(color);
dict.Add("panelColors", panelColors);
dict.Add("advancedMode", Properties.Settings.Default.AdvancedMode);
dict.Add("useOuterSensorThresholds", Properties.Settings.Default.UseOuterSensorThresholds);
dict.Add("useInnerSensorThresholds", Properties.Settings.Default.UseInnerSensorThresholds);
dict.Add("customSensors", ThresholdSettings.GetCustomSensorsJSON());
return SMXJSON.SerializeJSON.Serialize(dict);
// Import a saved JSON configuration to an SMXConfig.
public static void ImportSettingsFromJSON(string json, ref SMX.SMXConfig config)
Dictionary<string, Object> dict;
try {
dict = SMXJSON.ParseJSON.Parse<Dictionary<string, Object>>(json);
} catch(ParseError e) {
MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error importing configuration", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
// Read the thresholds. If any values are missing, we'll leave the value in config alone.
List<Object> newPanelLowThresholds = dict.Get("fsrLowThresholds", new List<Object>());
List<Object> newPanelHighThresholds = dict.Get("fsrHighThresholds", new List<Object>());
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
for(int sensor = 0; sensor < 4; ++sensor)
config.panelSettings[panel].fsrLowThreshold[sensor] = (byte) newPanelLowThresholds.Get(panel, (int) config.panelSettings[panel].fsrLowThreshold[sensor]);
config.panelSettings[panel].fsrHighThreshold[sensor] = (byte) newPanelHighThresholds.Get(panel, (int) config.panelSettings[panel].fsrHighThreshold[sensor]);
List<Object> newPanelLowThresholds = dict.Get("panelLowThresholds", new List<Object>());
List<Object> newPanelHighThresholds = dict.Get("panelHighThresholds", new List<Object>());
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
config.panelSettings[panel].loadCellLowThreshold = newPanelLowThresholds.Get(panel, config.panelSettings[panel].loadCellLowThreshold);
config.panelSettings[panel].loadCellHighThreshold = newPanelHighThresholds.Get(panel, config.panelSettings[panel].loadCellHighThreshold);
List<Object> enabledPanelList = dict.Get<List<Object>>("enabledPanels", null);
if(enabledPanelList != null)
bool[] enabledPanels = new bool[9];
for(int i = 0; i < enabledPanelList.Count; ++i)
int panel = enabledPanelList.Get(i, 0);
// Sanity check:
if(panel < 0 || panel >= 9)
enabledPanels[panel] = true;
List<Object> panelColors = dict.Get<List<Object>>("panelColors", null);
if(panelColors != null)
for(int PanelIndex = 0; PanelIndex < 9 && PanelIndex < panelColors.Count; ++PanelIndex)
string colorString = panelColors.Get(PanelIndex, "#FFFFFF");
Color color = Helpers.ParseColorString(colorString);
color = Helpers.ScaleColor(color);
config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+0] = color.R;
config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+1] = color.G;
config.stepColor[PanelIndex*3+2] = color.B;
// Older exported settings don't have advancedMode. Set it to true if it's missing.
Properties.Settings.Default.AdvancedMode = dict.Get<bool>("advancedMode", true);
Properties.Settings.Default.UseOuterSensorThresholds = dict.Get<bool>("useOuterSensorThresholds", false);
Properties.Settings.Default.UseInnerSensorThresholds = dict.Get<bool>("useInnerSensorThresholds", false);
List<object> customSensors = dict.Get<List<object>>("customSensors", null);
if(customSensors != null)