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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace smx_config
public partial class MainWindow: Window
OnConfigChange onConfigChange;
ShowAutoLightsColor showAutoLightsColor = new ShowAutoLightsColor();
public MainWindow()
onConfigChange = new OnConfigChange(this, delegate(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args) {
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
Version1.Content = "SMXConfig version " + SMX.SMX.Version();
Version2.Content = "SMXConfig version " + SMX.SMX.Version();
AutoLightsColor.StartedDragging += delegate() { showAutoLightsColor.Start(); };
AutoLightsColor.StoppedDragging += delegate() { showAutoLightsColor.Stop(); };
AutoLightsColor.StoppedDragging += delegate() { showAutoLightsColor.Stop(); };
// This doesn't happen at the same time AutoLightsColor is used, since they're on different tabs.
Diagnostics.SetShowAllLights += delegate(bool on)
SetAllPanelsToCurrentColor.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
int SelectedPanel = AutoLightsColor.SelectedPanel % 9;
int SelectedPad = AutoLightsColor.SelectedPanel < 9? 0:1;
// Get the color of the selected pad.
SMX.SMXConfig copyFromConfig;
if(!SMX.SMX.GetConfig(SelectedPad, out copyFromConfig))
// Don't use ActivePad.ActivePads here, since the lights UI handles multiple pads on its own.
for(int pad = 0; pad < 2; ++pad)
SMX.SMXConfig config;
if(!SMX.SMX.GetConfig(pad, out config))
// Set all stepColors to the color of the selected panel.
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
config.stepColor[i*3+0] = copyFromConfig.stepColor[SelectedPanel*3+0];
config.stepColor[i*3+1] = copyFromConfig.stepColor[SelectedPanel*3+1];
config.stepColor[i*3+2] = copyFromConfig.stepColor[SelectedPanel*3+2];
SMX.SMX.SetConfig(pad, config);
private void PressedColorModeButton(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// The user pressed either the "panel colors" or "GIF animations" button.
bool pressedPanelColors = sender == PanelColorsButton;
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
SMX.SMXConfig config = activePad.Item2;
// If we're in panel colors mode, clear the AutoLightingUsePressedAnimations flag.
// Otherwise, set it.
config.configFlags &= ~SMX.SMXConfigFlags.SMXConfigFlags_AutoLightingUsePressedAnimations;
config.configFlags |= SMX.SMXConfigFlags.SMXConfigFlags_AutoLightingUsePressedAnimations;
SMX.SMX.SetConfig(activePad.Item1, config);
private void LoadUIFromConfig(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args)
bool EitherControllerConnected = args.controller[0].info.connected || args.controller[1].info.connected;
Main.Visibility = EitherControllerConnected? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Hidden;
Searching.Visibility = EitherControllerConnected? Visibility.Hidden:Visibility.Visible;
ConnectedPads.Visibility = EitherControllerConnected? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Hidden;
PanelColorP1.Visibility = args.controller[0].info.connected? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
PanelColorP2.Visibility = args.controller[1].info.connected? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
// Show the color slider or GIF UI depending on which one is set in flags.
// If both pads are turned on, just use the first one.
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
SMX.SMXConfig config = activePad.Item2;
// If SMXConfigFlags_AutoLightingUsePressedAnimations is set, show the GIF UI.
// If it's not set, show the color slider UI.
SMX.SMXConfigFlags flags = config.configFlags;
bool usePressedAnimations = (flags & SMX.SMXConfigFlags.SMXConfigFlags_AutoLightingUsePressedAnimations) != 0;
ColorPickerGroup.Visibility = usePressedAnimations? Visibility.Collapsed:Visibility.Visible;
GIFGroup.Visibility = usePressedAnimations? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
// Tell the color mode buttons which one is selected, to set the button highlight.
PanelColorsButton.Selected = !usePressedAnimations;
GIFAnimationsButton.Selected = usePressedAnimations;
// If a second controller has connected and we're on Both, see if we need to prompt
// to sync configs. We only actually need to do this if a controller just connected.
private void ConnectedPadList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ComboBoxItem selection = ConnectedPadList.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem;
ActivePad.SelectedPad newSelection;
if(selection == ConnectedPadList_P1)
newSelection = ActivePad.SelectedPad.P1;
else if(selection == ConnectedPadList_P2)
newSelection = ActivePad.SelectedPad.P2;
newSelection = ActivePad.SelectedPad.Both;
if(ActivePad.selectedPad == newSelection)
ActivePad.selectedPad = newSelection;
// Before firing and updating UI, run CheckConfiguringBothPads to see if we should
// sync the config and/or change the selection again.
// If the user selects "Both", or connects a second pad while on "Both", both pads need
// to have the same configuration, since we're configuring them together. Check if the
// configuration is out of sync, and ask the user before syncing them up so we don't
// clobber P2's configuration if this wasn't intended.
// If the user cancels, change the pad selection to P1 so we don't clobber P2.
private void CheckConfiguringBothPads(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args)
// Check if we're actually in "Both" mode with two controllers connected. If not,
// we don't have to do anything.
bool Pad1Connected = args.controller[0].info.connected;
bool Pad2Connected = args.controller[1].info.connected;
if(ActivePad.selectedPad != ActivePad.SelectedPad.Both || !Pad1Connected || !Pad2Connected)
// If the two pads have the same configuration, there's nothing to do.
SMX.SMXConfig config1 = args.controller[0].config;
SMX.SMXConfig config2 = args.controller[1].config;
if(ConfigurationsSynced(config1, config2))
string messageBoxText = "The two pads have different settings. Do you want to " +
"match P2 settings to P1 and configure both pads together? (This won't affect panel colors.)";
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(messageBoxText, "StepManiaX", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.None);
if(result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
SyncP2FromP1(config1, config2);
// Switch to P1.
ActivePad.selectedPad = ActivePad.SelectedPad.P1;
// Return true if the two pads have the same configuration, so we can configure them together
// without clobbering separate configurations.
bool ConfigurationsSynced(SMX.SMXConfig config1, SMX.SMXConfig config2)
if(!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(config1.GetLowThresholds(), config2.GetLowThresholds()))
return false;
if(!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(config1.GetHighThresholds(), config2.GetHighThresholds()))
return false;
if(!Enumerable.SequenceEqual(config1.enabledSensors, config2.enabledSensors))
return false;
return true;
// Copy the P2 pad configuration to P1.
// This only copies settings that we actually configure, and it doesn't copy pad
// colors, which is separate from pad selection.
void SyncP2FromP1(SMX.SMXConfig config1, SMX.SMXConfig config2)
// Copy P1's configuration to P2.
Array.Copy(config1.enabledSensors, config2.enabledSensors, config1.enabledSensors.Count());
SMX.SMX.SetConfig(1, config2);
// Refresh which items are visible in the connected pads list, and which item is displayed as selected.
private void RefreshConnectedPadList(LoadFromConfigDelegateArgs args)
bool TwoControllersConnected = args.controller[0].info.connected && args.controller[1].info.connected;
// Only show the dropdown if two controllers are connected.
ConnectedPadList.Visibility = TwoControllersConnected? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
// Only show the P1/P2 text if only one controller is connected, since it takes the place
// of the dropdown.
P1Connected.Visibility = (!TwoControllersConnected && args.controller[0].info.connected)? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
P2Connected.Visibility = (!TwoControllersConnected && args.controller[1].info.connected)? Visibility.Visible:Visibility.Collapsed;
// Set the current selection.
ActivePad.SelectedPad selectedPad = ActivePad.selectedPad;
case ActivePad.SelectedPad.P1: ConnectedPadList.SelectedItem = ConnectedPadList_P1; break;
case ActivePad.SelectedPad.P2: ConnectedPadList.SelectedItem = ConnectedPadList_P2; break;
case ActivePad.SelectedPad.Both: ConnectedPadList.SelectedItem = ConnectedPadList_Both; break;
private void FactoryReset_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
int pad = activePad.Item1;
private void ExportSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Save the current thresholds on the first available pad as a preset.
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
int pad = activePad.Item1;
SMX.SMXConfig config = activePad.Item2;
string json = SMXHelpers.ExportSettingsToJSON(config);
Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
dialog.FileName = "StepManiaX settings";
dialog.DefaultExt = ".smxcfg";
dialog.Filter = "StepManiaX settings (.smxcfg)|*.smxcfg";
bool? result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if(result == null || !(bool) result)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dialog.FileName, json);
private void ImportSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Prompt for a file to read.
Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
dialog.FileName = "StepManiaX settings";
dialog.DefaultExt = ".smxcfg";
dialog.Filter = "StepManiaX settings (.smxcfg)|*.smxcfg";
bool? result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if(result == null || !(bool) result)
string json = Helpers.ReadFile(dialog.FileName);
// Apply settings from the file to all active pads.
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
int pad = activePad.Item1;
SMX.SMXConfig config = activePad.Item2;
SMXHelpers.ImportSettingsFromJSON(json, ref config);
SMX.SMX.SetConfig(pad, config);
private void LoadGIF(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// If the "load idle GIF" button was pressed, load the released animation.
// Otherwise, load the pressed animation.
bool pressed = sender == this.LoadPressed;
// Prompt for a file to read.
Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
dialog.FileName = "Select an animated GIF";
dialog.DefaultExt = ".gif";
dialog.Filter = "Animated GIF (.gif)|*.gif";
bool? result = dialog.ShowDialog();
if(result == null || !(bool) result)
byte[] buf = Helpers.ReadBinaryFile(dialog.FileName);
SMX.SMX.LightsType type = pressed? SMX.SMX.LightsType.LightsType_Pressed:SMX.SMX.LightsType.LightsType_Released;
foreach(Tuple<int,SMX.SMXConfig> activePad in ActivePad.ActivePads())
int pad = activePad.Item1;
// Load the animation.
string error;
if(!SMX.SMX.LightsAnimation_Load(buf, pad, type, out error))
// Any errors here are problems with the GIF, so there's no point trying
// to load it for the second pad if the first returns an error. Just show the
// error and stop.
MessageBox.Show(error, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
// Return without saving to settings on error.
// Save the GIF to disk so we can load it quickly later.
Helpers.SaveAnimationToDisk(pad, type, buf);
// Refresh after loading a GIF to update the "Leave this application running" text.