#include "SMXDeviceConnection.h" #include "Helpers.h" #include <string> #include <memory> using namespace std; using namespace SMX; #include <hidsdi.h> #include <SetupAPI.h> SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::PendingCommandPacket::PendingCommandPacket() { memset(&m_OverlappedWrite, 0, sizeof(m_OverlappedWrite)); } shared_ptr<SMX::SMXDeviceConnection> SMXDeviceConnection::Create() { return CreateObj<SMXDeviceConnection>(); } SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::SMXDeviceConnection(shared_ptr<SMXDeviceConnection> &pSelf): m_pSelf(GetPointers(pSelf, this)) { memset(&overlapped_read, 0, sizeof(overlapped_read)); } SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::~SMXDeviceConnection() { Close(); } bool SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::Open(shared_ptr<AutoCloseHandle> DeviceHandle, wstring &sError) { m_hDevice = DeviceHandle; if(!HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(DeviceHandle->value(), 512)) Log(ssprintf("Error: HidD_SetNumInputBuffers: %ls", GetErrorString(GetLastError()).c_str())); // Begin the first async read. BeginAsyncRead(sError); // Request device info. RequestDeviceInfo([&] { Log(ssprintf("Received device info. Master version: %i, P%i", m_DeviceInfo.m_iFirmwareVersion, m_DeviceInfo.m_bP2+1)); m_bGotInfo = true; }); return true; } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::Close() { Log("Closing device"); if(m_hDevice) CancelIo(m_hDevice->value()); m_hDevice.reset(); m_sReadBuffers.clear(); m_aPendingCommands.clear(); memset(&overlapped_read, 0, sizeof(overlapped_read)); m_bActive = false; m_bGotInfo = false; m_pCurrentCommand = nullptr; m_iInputState = 0; } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::SetActive(bool bActive) { if(m_bActive == bActive) return; m_bActive = bActive; } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::Update(wstring &sError) { if(!sError.empty()) return; if(m_hDevice == nullptr) { sError = L"Device not open"; return; } // A read packet can allow us to initiate a write, so check reads before writes. CheckReads(sError); CheckWrites(sError); } bool SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::ReadPacket(string &out) { if(m_sReadBuffers.empty()) return false; out = m_sReadBuffers.front(); m_sReadBuffers.pop_front(); return true; } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::CheckReads(wstring &error) { DWORD bytes; int result = GetOverlappedResult(m_hDevice->value(), &overlapped_read, &bytes, FALSE); if(result == 0) { int windows_error = GetLastError(); if(windows_error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && windows_error != ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) error = wstring(L"Error reading device: ") + GetErrorString(windows_error).c_str(); return; } HandleUsbPacket(string(overlapped_read_buffer, bytes)); // Start the next read. BeginAsyncRead(error); } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::HandleUsbPacket(const string &buf) { if(buf.empty()) return; // Log(ssprintf("Read: %s\n", BinaryToHex(buf).c_str())); int iReportId = buf[0]; switch(iReportId) { case 3: // Input state. We could also read this as a normal HID button change. m_iInputState = ((buf[2] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((buf[1] & 0xFF) << 0); // Log(ssprintf("Input state: %x (%x %x)\n", m_iInputState, buf[2], buf[1])); break; case 6: // A HID serial packet. if(buf.size() < 3) return; int cmd = buf[1]; #define PACKET_FLAG_START_OF_COMMAND 0x04 #define PACKET_FLAG_END_OF_COMMAND 0x01 #define PACKET_FLAG_HOST_CMD_FINISHED 0x02 #define PACKET_FLAG_DEVICE_INFO 0x80 int bytes = buf[2]; if(3 + bytes > buf.size()) { Log("Communication error: oversized packet (ignored)"); return; } string sPacket( buf.begin()+3, buf.begin()+3+bytes ); if(cmd & PACKET_FLAG_DEVICE_INFO) { // This is a response to RequestDeviceInfo. Since any application can send this, // we ignore the packet if we didn't request it, since it might be requested for // a different program. if(m_pCurrentCommand == nullptr || !m_pCurrentCommand->m_bIsDeviceInfoCommand) break; // We're little endian and the device is too, so we can just match the struct. // We're depending on correct padding. struct data_info_packet { char cmd; // always 'I' uint8_t packet_size; // not used char player; // '0' for P1, '1' for P2: char unused2; uint8_t serial[16]; uint16_t firmware_version; char unused3; // always '\n' }; // The packet contains data_info_packet. The packet is actually one byte smaller // due to a padding byte added (it contains 23 bytes of data but the struct is // 24 bytes). Resize to be sure. sPacket.resize(sizeof(data_info_packet)); // Convert the info packet from the wire protocol to our friendlier API. const data_info_packet *packet = (data_info_packet *) sPacket.data(); m_DeviceInfo.m_bP2 = packet->player == '1'; m_DeviceInfo.m_iFirmwareVersion = packet->firmware_version; // The serial is binary in this packet. Hex format it, which is the same thing // we'll get if we read the USB serial number (eg. HidD_GetSerialNumberString). string sHexSerial = BinaryToHex(packet->serial, 16); memcpy(m_DeviceInfo.m_Serial, sHexSerial.c_str(), 33); if(m_pCurrentCommand->m_pComplete) m_pCurrentCommand->m_pComplete(); m_pCurrentCommand = nullptr; break; } // If we're not active, ignore all packets other than device info. This is always false // while we're in Open() waiting for the device info response. if(!m_bActive) break; m_sCurrentReadBuffer.append(sPacket); if(cmd & PACKET_FLAG_END_OF_COMMAND) { if(!m_sCurrentReadBuffer.empty()) m_sReadBuffers.push_back(m_sCurrentReadBuffer); m_sCurrentReadBuffer.clear(); } if(cmd & PACKET_FLAG_HOST_CMD_FINISHED) { // This tells us that a command we wrote to the device has finished executing, and // it's safe to start writing another. if(m_pCurrentCommand && m_pCurrentCommand->m_pComplete) m_pCurrentCommand->m_pComplete(); m_pCurrentCommand = nullptr; } break; } } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::BeginAsyncRead(wstring &error) { while(1) { // Our read buffer is 64 bytes. The HID input packet is much smaller than that, // but Windows pads packets to the maximum size of any HID report, and the HID // serial packet is 64 bytes, so we'll get 64 bytes even for 3-byte input packets. // If this didn't happen, we'd have to be smarter about pulling data out of the // read buffer. DWORD bytes; memset(overlapped_read_buffer, sizeof(overlapped_read_buffer), 0); if(!ReadFile(m_hDevice->value(), overlapped_read_buffer, sizeof(overlapped_read_buffer), &bytes, &overlapped_read)) { int windows_error = GetLastError(); if(windows_error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && windows_error != ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) error = wstring(L"Error reading device: ") + GetErrorString(windows_error).c_str(); return; } // The async read finished synchronously. This just means that there was already data waiting. // Handle the result, and loop to try to start the next async read again. HandleUsbPacket(string(overlapped_read_buffer, bytes)); } } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::CheckWrites(wstring &error) { if(m_pCurrentCommand && !m_pCurrentCommand->m_Packets.empty()) { // A command is in progress. See if any writes have completed. while(!m_pCurrentCommand->m_Packets.empty()) { shared_ptr<PendingCommandPacket> pFirstPacket = m_pCurrentCommand->m_Packets.front(); DWORD bytes; int iResult = GetOverlappedResult(m_hDevice->value(), &pFirstPacket->m_OverlappedWrite, &bytes, FALSE); if(iResult == 0) { int windows_error = GetLastError(); if(windows_error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && windows_error != ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) error = wstring(L"Error writing to device: ") + GetErrorString(windows_error).c_str(); return; } m_pCurrentCommand->m_Packets.pop_front(); } // Don't clear m_pCurrentCommand here. It'll stay set until we get a PACKET_FLAG_HOST_CMD_FINISHED // packet from the device, which tells us it's ready to receive another command. } // Don't send packets if there's a command in progress. if(m_pCurrentCommand) return; // Stop if we have nothing to do. if(m_aPendingCommands.empty()) return; // Send the next command. shared_ptr<PendingCommand> pPendingCommand = m_aPendingCommands.front(); for(shared_ptr<PendingCommandPacket> &pPacket: pPendingCommand->m_Packets) { // In theory the API allows this to return success if the write completed successfully without needing to // be async, like reads can. However, this can't really happen (the write always needs to go to the device // first, unlike reads which might already be buffered), and there's no way to test it if we implement that, // so this assumes all writes are async. DWORD unused; if(!WriteFile(m_hDevice->value(), pPacket->sData.data(), pPacket->sData.size(), &unused, &pPacket->m_OverlappedWrite)) { int windows_error = GetLastError(); if(windows_error != ERROR_IO_PENDING && windows_error != ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) { error = wstring(L"Error writing to device: ") + GetErrorString(windows_error).c_str(); return; } } } // Remove this command and store it in m_pCurrentCommand, and we'll stop sending data until the command finishes. m_pCurrentCommand = pPendingCommand; m_aPendingCommands.pop_front(); } // Request device info. This is the same as sending an 'i' command, but we can send it safely // at any time, even if another application is talking to the device, so we can do this during // enumeration. void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::RequestDeviceInfo(function<void()> pComplete) { shared_ptr<PendingCommand> pPendingCommand = make_shared<PendingCommand>(); pPendingCommand->m_pComplete = pComplete; pPendingCommand->m_bIsDeviceInfoCommand = true; shared_ptr<PendingCommandPacket> pCommandPacket = make_shared<PendingCommandPacket>(); string sPacket({ 5, // report ID (char) (uint8_t) PACKET_FLAG_DEVICE_INFO, // flags (char) 0, // bytes in packet }); sPacket.resize(64, 0); pCommandPacket->sData = sPacket; pPendingCommand->m_Packets.push_back(pCommandPacket); m_aPendingCommands.push_back(pPendingCommand); } void SMX::SMXDeviceConnection::SendCommand(const string &cmd, function<void()> pComplete) { shared_ptr<PendingCommand> pPendingCommand = make_shared<PendingCommand>(); pPendingCommand->m_pComplete = pComplete; // Send the command in packets. We allow sending zero-length packets here // for testing purposes. int i = 0; do { shared_ptr<PendingCommandPacket> pCommandPacket = make_shared<PendingCommandPacket>(); int iFlags = 0; int iPacketSize = min(cmd.size() - i, 61); bool bFirstPacket = (i == 0); if(bFirstPacket) iFlags |= PACKET_FLAG_START_OF_COMMAND; bool bLastPacket = (i + iPacketSize == cmd.size()); if(bLastPacket) iFlags |= PACKET_FLAG_END_OF_COMMAND; string sPacket({ 5, // report ID (char) iFlags, (char) iPacketSize, // bytes in packet }); sPacket.append(cmd.begin() + i, cmd.begin() + i + iPacketSize); sPacket.resize(64, 0); pCommandPacket->sData = sPacket; pPendingCommand->m_Packets.push_back(pCommandPacket); i += iPacketSize; } while(i < cmd.size()); m_aPendingCommands.push_back(pPendingCommand); }