using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; // All C# JSON implementations are either pretty awful or incredibly bloated, so we // just use our own. namespace SMXJSON { public class JSONError: Exception { public JSONError(string error): base(error) { } }; public class ParseError: JSONError { public ParseError(StringReader reader, string error): base(error) { } }; public static class ObjectListExtensions { public static T Get<T>(this List<object> array, int idx, T defaultValue) { if(idx < 0 || idx >= array.Count) return defaultValue; object value = array[idx]; if(!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType())) return defaultValue; return (T) value; } // Our numbers are always doubles. Add some other basic data types for convenience. public static int Get(this List<object> array, int idx, int defaultValue) { return (int) array.Get(idx, (double) defaultValue); } public static Byte Get(this List<object> array, int idx, Byte defaultValue) { return (Byte) array.Get(idx, (double) defaultValue); } public static float Get(this List<object> array, int idx, float defaultValue) { return (float) array.Get(idx, (double) defaultValue); } // Return the value of key. If it doesn't exist, or doesn't have the expected // type, return defaultValue. public static T Get<T>(this Dictionary<string, Object> dict, string key, T defaultValue) { object value; if(!dict.TryGetValue(key, out value)) return defaultValue; if(!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType())) return defaultValue; return (T) value; } // Set result to the value of key if it exists and has the correct type, and return // true. Otherwise, leave result unchanged and return false. public static bool GetValue<T>(this Dictionary<string, Object> dict, string key, ref T result) { object value; if(!dict.TryGetValue(key, out value)) return false; if(!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType())) return false; result = (T) value; return true; } // Our numbers are always doubles. Add some other basic data types for convenience. public static int Get(this Dictionary<string, Object> dict, string key, int defaultValue) { return (int) dict.Get(key, (double) defaultValue); } public static Byte Get(this Dictionary<string, Object> dict, string key, Byte defaultValue) { return (Byte) dict.Get(key, (double) defaultValue); } public static float Get(this Dictionary<string, Object> dict, string key, float defaultValue) { return (float) dict.Get(key, (double) defaultValue); } } class SerializeJSON { static public string Serialize(object obj) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); Serialize(obj, output, 0); output.Append('\n'); return output.ToString(); } // Add start-of-line indentation. static private void AddIndent(StringBuilder output, int indent) { output.Append(' ', indent*4); } // Serialize a boolean. static private void SerializeObject(bool value, StringBuilder output) { if(value) output.Append("true"); else output.Append("false"); } // Serialize a string. static private void SerializeObject(String str, StringBuilder output) { output.Append('"'); foreach(char c in str) { switch(c) { case '"': output.Append("\\\""); break; case '\\': output.Append("\\\\"); break; case '\b': output.Append("\\b"); break; case '\n': output.Append("\\n"); break; case '\r': output.Append("\\r"); break; case '\t': output.Append("\\t"); break; default: // We don't escape Unicode. Every sane JSON parser accepts UTF-8. output.Append(c); break; } } output.Append('"'); } // Serialize an array. static private void SerializeObject<T>(List<T> array, StringBuilder output, int indent) { output.Append("[\n"); bool first = true; indent += 1; foreach(T element in array) { if(first) first = false; else output.Append(",\n"); AddIndent(output, indent); Serialize(element, output, indent); } output.Append('\n'); indent -= 1; AddIndent(output, indent); output.Append(']'); } // Serialize a dictionary. static private void SerializeObject<T>(Dictionary<string, T> dict, StringBuilder output, int indent) { output.Append("{\n"); indent += 1; bool first = true; foreach(KeyValuePair<string,T> element in dict) { if(first) first = false; else output.Append(",\n"); AddIndent(output, indent); SerializeObject(element.Key, output); output.Append(':'); output.Append(' '); Serialize(element.Value, output, indent); } output.Append('\n'); indent -= 1; AddIndent(output, indent); output.Append('}'); } // Serialize an object based on its type. static public void Serialize(object obj, StringBuilder output, int indent) { if(obj == null) { output.Append("null"); return; } if(typeof(Int32).IsInstanceOfType(obj)) { output.Append(obj.ToString()); return; } if(typeof(float).IsInstanceOfType(obj)) { output.Append(obj.ToString()); return; } if(typeof(Double).IsInstanceOfType(obj)) { output.Append(obj.ToString()); return; } if(typeof(Boolean).IsInstanceOfType(obj)) { SerializeObject((Boolean) obj, output); return; } if(typeof(string).IsInstanceOfType(obj)) { SerializeObject((string) obj, output); return; } // C# generics aren't very well designed, so this is clunky. We should be able to cast // a List<string> to List<object>, but some overzealous language designers thought that // since that has some unsafe uses, we shouldn't be allowed to use it for perfectly safe // uses either (eg. read-only access). if(obj.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(List<>))) { Type valueType = obj.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]; if(valueType == typeof(object)) { SerializeObject((List<object>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Int32)) { SerializeObject((List<Int32>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(float)) { SerializeObject((List<float>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Double)) { SerializeObject((List<Double>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Boolean)) { SerializeObject((List<Boolean>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(string)) { SerializeObject((List<string>)obj, output, indent); return; } } if(obj.GetType().GetGenericTypeDefinition().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Dictionary<,>))) { Type keyType = obj.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]; if(typeof(string).IsAssignableFrom(keyType)) { Type valueType = obj.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[1]; if(valueType == typeof(object)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, object>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Int32)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, Int32>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(float)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, float>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Double)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, Double>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(Boolean)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, Boolean>)obj, output, indent); return; } if(valueType == typeof(string)) { SerializeObject((Dictionary<string, string>)obj, output, indent); return; } } } throw new JSONError("Unsupported type: " + obj.GetType()); } } class ParseJSON { static private void SkipWhitespace(StringReader reader) { while(true) { int c = reader.Peek(); switch(c) { case ' ': case '\n': case '\t': reader.Read(); continue; default: return; } } } // Parse JSON. On error, return null. public static Object Parse(string json) { return ParseWithExceptions(new StringReader(json)); } // Parse JSON, expecting a specific outer type. On parse error, return a default value. public static T Parse<T>(string json) where T: new() { Object result = Parse(json); if(!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType())) return new T(); return (T) result; } // Parse JSON. On error, raise JSONError. // // Most of the time, errors aren't expected and putting exception handling around every // place JSON is parsed can be brittle. Parse() can be used instead to just return // a default value. public static Object ParseWithExceptions(StringReader reader) { Object result = ParseJSONValue(reader); SkipWhitespace(reader); // Other than whitespace, we should be at the end of the file. if(reader.Read() != -1) throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected data at the end of the string"); return result; } private static Object ParseJSONValue(StringReader reader) { SkipWhitespace(reader); int nextCharacter = reader.Peek(); switch(nextCharacter) { case '"': return ReadJSONString(reader); case '{': return ReadJSONDictionary(reader); case '[': return ReadJSONArray(reader); } if(nextCharacter == '-' || (nextCharacter >= '0' && nextCharacter <= '9')) return ReadJSONNumber(reader); if(reader.Peek() == 'n') { // The only valid value this can be is "null". Expect(reader, 'n'); Expect(reader, 'u'); Expect(reader, 'l'); Expect(reader, 'l'); return null; } if(reader.Peek() == 't') { Expect(reader, 't'); Expect(reader, 'r'); Expect(reader, 'u'); Expect(reader, 'e'); return true; } if(reader.Peek() == 'f') { Expect(reader, 'f'); Expect(reader, 'a'); Expect(reader, 'l'); Expect(reader, 's'); Expect(reader, 'e'); return true; } throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token"); } // Skip whitespace, then read one character, which we expect to have a specific value. static private void Expect(StringReader reader, char character) { SkipWhitespace(reader); if(reader.Read() != character) throw new ParseError(reader, "Expected " + character); } static private List<Object> ReadJSONArray(StringReader reader) { Expect(reader, '['); List<Object> result = new List<Object>(); while(true) { SkipWhitespace(reader); if(reader.Peek() == ']') { reader.Read(); return result; } if(result.Count > 0) { int comma = reader.Read(); if(comma == -1) throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected EOF reading array"); if(comma != ',') throw new ParseError(reader, "Expected ',', got " + comma + " reading array"); SkipWhitespace(reader); } Object value = ParseJSONValue(reader); result.Add(value); } } static private Dictionary<string, Object> ReadJSONDictionary(StringReader reader) { Expect(reader, '{'); Dictionary<string, Object> result = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); while(true) { string key = ReadJSONString(reader); Expect(reader, ':'); Object value = ParseJSONValue(reader); result.Add(key, value); SkipWhitespace(reader); switch(reader.Read()) { case '}': return result; case ',': continue; case -1: throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected EOF reading dictionary"); default: throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token reading dictionary"); } } } static private string ReadJSONString(StringReader reader) { Expect(reader, '"'); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); while(true) { int c = reader.Read(); if(c == -1) throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected EOF reading string"); if(c == '"') break; // XXX: untested if(c == '\\') { c = reader.Read(); switch(c) { case '"': case '\\': case '/': result.Append((char) c); break; case 'b': result.Append('\b'); break; case 'n': result.Append('\n'); break; case 'r': result.Append('\r'); break; case 't': result.Append('\t'); break; case 'u': { // Parse a \u1234 escape. int codePoint = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { codePoint *= 10; c = reader.Read(); if(c == -1) throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected EOF reading string"); if(c < '0' || c > '9') throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token " + c + " reading Unicode escape"); codePoint += c - (int) '0'; } result.Append((char) codePoint); break; } default: throw new ParseError(reader, "Unrecognized escape sequence in string: \\" + (char) c); } continue; } result.Append((char) c); } return result.ToString(); } static private double ReadJSONNumber(StringReader reader) { StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder(); bool negative = false; if(reader.Peek() == '-') { negative = true; reader.Read(); } int nextCharacter = reader.Read(); if(nextCharacter == '0') number.Append((char) nextCharacter); else { if(nextCharacter < '1' || nextCharacter > '9') throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token reading number"); number.Append((char) nextCharacter); while(reader.Peek() >= '0' && reader.Peek() <= '9') number.Append((char) reader.Read()); } if(reader.Peek() == '.') { number.Append(reader.Read()); if(reader.Peek() < '0' || reader.Peek() > '9') throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token reading number"); while(reader.Peek() >= '0' && reader.Peek() <= '9') number.Append((char) reader.Read()); } if(reader.Peek() == 'e' || reader.Peek() == 'E') { number.Append((char) reader.Read()); if(reader.Peek() == '+' || reader.Peek() == '-') number.Append((char) reader.Read()); if(reader.Peek() < '0' || reader.Peek() > '9') throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected token reading number"); while(true) { nextCharacter = reader.Read(); if(nextCharacter < '0' || nextCharacter > '9') break; number.Append((char) nextCharacter); } } double result; if(!Double.TryParse(number.ToString(), out result)) throw new ParseError(reader, "Unexpected error parsing number \"" + number.ToString() + "\""); if(negative) result = -result; return result; } } }