using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Threading; namespace smx_config { static class Helpers { // Return true if we're in debug mode. public static bool GetDebug() { foreach(string arg in Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()) { if(arg == "-d") return true; } return false; } // Work around Enumerable.SequenceEqual not checking if the arrays are null. public static bool SequenceEqual(this IEnumerable first, IEnumerable second) { if(first == second) return true; if(first == null || second == null) return false; return Enumerable.SequenceEqual(first, second); } public static Color ColorFromFloatRGB(double r, double g, double b) { byte R = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, r * 255)); byte G = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, g * 255)); byte B = (byte) Math.Max(0, Math.Min(255, b * 255)); return Color.FromRgb(R, G, B); } public static Color FromHSV(double H, double S, double V) { H = H % 360; S = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, S)); V = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, V)); if(H < 0) H += 360; H /= 60; if( S < 0.0001f ) return ColorFromFloatRGB(V, V, V); double C = V * S; double X = C * (1 - Math.Abs((H % 2) - 1)); Color ret; switch( (int) Math.Round(Math.Floor(H)) ) { case 0: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(C, X, 0); break; case 1: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(X, C, 0); break; case 2: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(0, C, X); break; case 3: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(0, X, C); break; case 4: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(X, 0, C); break; default: ret = ColorFromFloatRGB(C, 0, X); break; } ret -= ColorFromFloatRGB(C-V, C-V, C-V); return ret; } public static void ToHSV(Color c, out double h, out double s, out double v) { h = s = v = 0; if( c.R == 0 && c.G == 0 && c.B == 0 ) return; double r = c.R / 255.0; double g = c.G / 255.0; double b = c.B / 255.0; double m = Math.Min(Math.Min(r, g), b); double M = Math.Max(Math.Max(r, g), b); double C = M - m; if( Math.Abs(r-g) < 0.0001f && Math.Abs(g-b) < 0.0001f ) // grey h = 0; else if( Math.Abs(r-M) < 0.0001f ) // M == R h = ((g - b)/C) % 6; else if( Math.Abs(g-M) < 0.0001f ) // M == G h = (b - r)/C + 2; else // M == B h = (r - g)/C + 4; h *= 60; if( h < 0 ) h += 360; s = C / M; v = M; } } // This class just makes it easier to assemble binary command packets. public class CommandBuffer { public void Write(string s) { char[] buf = s.ToCharArray(); byte[] data = new byte[buf.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < buf.Length; ++i) data[i] = (byte) buf[i]; Write(data); } public void Write(byte[] s) { parts.AddLast(s); } public void Write(byte b) { Write(new byte[] { b }); } public void Write(char b) { Write((byte) b); } public byte[] Get() { int length = 0; foreach(byte[] part in parts) length += part.Length; byte[] result = new byte[length]; int next = 0; foreach(byte[] part in parts) { Buffer.BlockCopy(part, 0, result, next, part.Length); next += part.Length; } return result; } private LinkedList parts = new LinkedList(); }; // When enabled, periodically set all lights to the current auto-lighting color. This // is enabled while manipulating the step color slider. class ShowAutoLightsColor { private DispatcherTimer LightsTimer; public ShowAutoLightsColor() { LightsTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); // Run at 30fps. LightsTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0, 1000 / 33); LightsTimer.Tick += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(!LightsTimer.IsEnabled) return; AutoLightsColorRefreshColor(); }; } public void Start() { // To show the current color, send a lights command periodically. If we stop sending // this for a while the controller will return to auto-lights, which we won't want to // happen until AutoLightsColorEnd is called. if(LightsTimer.IsEnabled) return; // Don't wait for an interval to send the first update. //AutoLightsColorRefreshColor(); LightsTimer.Start(); } public void Stop() { LightsTimer.Stop(); // Reenable auto-lights immediately, without waiting for lights to time out. SMX.SMX.ReenableAutoLights(); } private void AutoLightsColorRefreshColor() { byte[] lights = new byte[864]; CommandBuffer cmd = new CommandBuffer(); for(int pad = 0; pad < 2; ++pad) { SMX.SMXConfig config; if(!SMX.SMX.GetConfig(pad, out config)) continue; byte[] color = config.stepColor; for( int iPanel = 0; iPanel < 9; ++iPanel ) { for( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i ) { cmd.Write( color[iPanel*3+0] ); cmd.Write( color[iPanel*3+1] ); cmd.Write( color[iPanel*3+2] ); } } } SMX.SMX.SetLights(cmd.Get()); } }; }