Glenn Maynard
Show a warning if an incorrect sensor DIP switch is detected.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add the PlatformFlags_FSR config flag.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix auto-lighting not reactivating quickly.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix the checkmark next to the preset buttons not reflecting the current preset.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Compare individualPanelFSR in SamePreset, and add placeholder FSR presets.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix the application window being created when launched on startup. It should only launch to the tray.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add labels to the DIP switch display.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Scale the diagnostics bars differently for FSRs.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Reorder the diags threshold bars (only cosmetic).
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add the initial floor lighting button in the UI.
This also refactors the panel button code to rely less on WPF bindings.
They just get in the way for anything nontrivial. Doing it this way
lets us treat the panel buttons as an interface for setting colors, to
handle the different fields that are set for the panel colors and floor
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix exception if ThresholdSlider refreshes when no pads are active.
GetFirstActivePadConfig returns a dummy config if nothing is connected, which
didn't have any of its arrays created. Fill in dummy arrays for enabledSensors,
etc. so refreshes don't throw exceptions if they're updated right when the
last controller disconnects. (This is a rare race condition and I've only
seen it while stepping in the debugger and disconnecting while stopped.)
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Handle FSR thresholds in the threshold sliders.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add config fields for FSR sensitivity and the platform strip color.
This also sets pack:1 so we don't rely on compiler struct alignment.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Set all lights in the UI when previewing light colors.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add support for uploading animations to the panel, if it supports it.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add a progress window.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Allow launching on startup.
If this is used to play GIF animations on the pad, being able to have
it launch on startup is useful.
This is disabled by default and there's no UI to enable it yet.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Allow minimizing to the tray.
This allows running GIF animations in the background.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add a UI to set panel animations.
This is driven by the config tool, which needs to stay running.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Put the step color widgets in a StackPanel.
Doing this in a separate commit since it changes a lot of indentation but
doesn't really change much code.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add SMXPanelAnimation.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Select an enabled panel in the panel color UI by default.
This fixes the default always being up-left (which is usually disabled),
causing the color slider to not do anything until you select a different
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix AutoLightsColorRefreshColor calling SetColor with an incomplete array.
This could cause access violations, because it calls the native SMX_SetColor
with a color array that's too small.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Pad the configuration struct to 250 bytes, so the SDK.DLL ABI doesn't change when fields are added.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix the auto-lights preview when dragging the color slider being dimmer than the actual auto-lights.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix calls to ActivePads() causing exceptions in design mode.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Fix the debug build.
6 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add a version display based on the git tag.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add a separate sanity check for SMX.dll existing, since Windows gives the same error if a DLL is missing or one of its dependencies is missing.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add an early check for SMX.dll not loading.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Remove unused SetUpdateCallback. We set the update callback on start.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Add a default exception handler. The default Windows one doesn't always show a message properly.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Allow configuring two pads together (the existing behavior), or selecting a single pad from a dropdown to configure them separately.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Implement exporting and importing platform settings to a file.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Committing various trivial changes that MSVC decided to make after updating.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Increase the minimum difference between the upper and lower thresholds to 10.
Having this at 5 is causing confusion, since the hardware isn't actually designed
to have the thresholds so close together. This was set to 5 for internal testing,
but it's not actually useful to have them so close together. The thresholds exist
to prevent ghosting and strobing on the panels, and putting the thresholds very
close together prevents them from doing that.
7 years ago
Glenn Maynard
Import for release.
7 years ago