123 lines
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123 lines
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7 years ago
#ifndef SMXDevice_H
#define SMXDevice_H
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
#include "Helpers.h"
namespace SMX
struct SMXDeviceInfo
// If true, this controller is set to player 2.
bool m_bP2 = false;
// This device's serial number.
char m_Serial[33];
// This device's firmware version (normally 1).
uint16_t m_iFirmwareVersion;
// Low-level SMX device handling.
class SMXDeviceConnection
static shared_ptr<SMXDeviceConnection> Create();
SMXDeviceConnection(shared_ptr<SMXDeviceConnection> &pSelf);
bool Open(shared_ptr<AutoCloseHandle> DeviceHandle, wstring &error);
void Close();
// Get the device handle opened by Open(), or NULL if we're not open.
shared_ptr<AutoCloseHandle> GetDeviceHandle() const { return m_hDevice; }
void Update(wstring &sError);
// Devices are inactive by default, and will just read device info and then idle. We'll
// process input state packets, but we won't send any commands to the device or process
// any commands from it. It's safe to have a device open but inactive if it's being used
// by another application.
void SetActive(bool bActive);
bool GetActive() const { return m_bActive; }
bool IsConnected() const { return m_hDevice != nullptr; }
bool IsConnectedWithDeviceInfo() const { return m_hDevice != nullptr && m_bGotInfo; }
SMXDeviceInfo GetDeviceInfo() const { return m_DeviceInfo; }
// Read from the read buffer. This only returns data that we've already read, so there aren't
// any errors to report here.
bool ReadPacket(string &out);
// Send a command. This must be a single complete command: partial writes and multiple
// commands in a call aren't allowed.
void SendCommand(const string &cmd, function<void()> pComplete=nullptr);
uint16_t GetInputState() const { return m_iInputState; }
void RequestDeviceInfo(function<void()> pComplete = nullptr);
void CheckReads(wstring &error);
void BeginAsyncRead(wstring &error);
void CheckWrites(wstring &error);
void HandleUsbPacket(const string &buf);
weak_ptr<SMXDeviceConnection> m_pSelf;
shared_ptr<AutoCloseHandle> m_hDevice;
bool m_bActive = false;
// After we open a device, we request basic info. Once we get it, this is set to true.
bool m_bGotInfo = false;
list<string> m_sReadBuffers;
string m_sCurrentReadBuffer;
struct PendingCommandPacket {
string sData;
OVERLAPPED m_OverlappedWrite;
// Commands that are waiting to be sent:
struct PendingCommand {
list<shared_ptr<PendingCommandPacket>> m_Packets;
// This is only called if m_bWaitForResponse if true. Otherwise, we send the command
// and forget about it.
function<void()> m_pComplete;
// If true, once we send this command we won't send any other commands until we get
// a response.
bool m_bIsDeviceInfoCommand = false;
list<shared_ptr<PendingCommand>> m_aPendingCommands;
// If set, we've sent a command out of m_aPendingCommands and we're waiting for a response. We
// can't send another command until the previous one has completed.
shared_ptr<PendingCommand> m_pCurrentCommand = nullptr;
// We always have a read in progress.
OVERLAPPED overlapped_read;
char overlapped_read_buffer[64];
uint16_t m_iInputState = 0;
// The current device info. We retrieve this when we connect.
SMXDeviceInfo m_DeviceInfo;