
445 lines
16 KiB

#include "SMXPanelAnimationUpload.h"
#include "SMXPanelAnimation.h"
#include "SMXGif.h"
#include "SMXManager.h"
#include "SMXDevice.h"
#include "Helpers.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
using namespace SMX;
// This handles setting up commands to upload panel animations to the
// controller.
// This is only meant to be used by configuration tools to allow setting
// up animations that work while the pad isn't being controlled by the
// SDK. If you want to control lights for your game, this isn't what
// you want. Use SMX_SetLights instead.
// Panel animations are sent to the master controller one panel at a time, and
// each animation can take several commands to upload to fit in the protocol packet
// size. These commands are stateful.
// XXX: should be able to upload both pads in parallel
// XXX: we can only update all animations in one go, so save the last loaded animations
// so the user doesn't have to manually load both to change one of them
// do this in SMXConfig, not the SDK
// Panel names for error messages.
static const char *panel_names[] = {
"up-left", "up", "up-right",
"left", "center", "right",
"down-left", "down", "down-right",
// These structs are the protocol we use to send offline graphics to the pad.
// This isn't related to realtime lighting.
namespace PanelLightGraphic
// One 24-bit RGB color:
struct color_t {
uint8_t rgb[3];
// 4-bit palette, 15 colors. Our graphics are 4-bit. Color 0xF is transparent,
// so we don't have a palette entry for it.
struct palette_t {
color_t colors[15];
// A single 4-bit paletted graphic.
struct graphic_t {
uint8_t data[13];
struct panel_animation_data_t
// Our graphics and palettes. We can apply either palette to any graphic. Note that
// each graphic is 13 bytes and each palette is 45 bytes.
graphic_t graphics[64];
palette_t palettes[2];
struct animation_timing_t
// An index into frames[]:
uint8_t loop_animation_frame;
// A list of graphic frames to display, and how long to display them in
// 30 FPS frames. A frame index of 0xFF (or reaching the end) loops.
uint8_t frames[64];
uint8_t delay[64];
struct master_animation_data_t
animation_timing_t animation_timings[2];
// Commands to upload data:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct upload_packet
// 'm' to upload master animation data.
uint8_t cmd = 'm';
// The panel this data is for. If this is 0xFF, it's for the master.
uint8_t panel = 0;
// For master uploads, the animation number to modify. Panels ignore this field.
uint8_t animation_idx = 0;
// True if this is the last upload packet. This lets the firmware know that
// this part of the upload is finished and it can update anything that might
// be affected by it, like resetting lights animations.
bool final_packet = false;
uint16_t offset = 0;
uint8_t size = 0;
uint8_t data[240];
#pragma pack(pop)
// Make sure the packet fits in a command packet.
static_assert(sizeof(upload_packet) <= 0xFF, "");
// The GIFs can use variable framerates. The panels update at 30 FPS.
#define FPS 30
// Helpers for converting PanelGraphics to the packed sprite representation
// we give to the pad.
namespace ProtocolHelpers
// Return a color's index in palette. If the color isn't found, return 0xFF.
// We can use a dumb linear search here since the graphics are so small.
uint8_t GetColorIndex(const PanelLightGraphic::palette_t &palette, const SMXGif::Color &color)
// Transparency is always palette index 15.
if(color.color[3] == 0)
return 15;
for(int idx = 0; idx < 15; ++idx)
PanelLightGraphic::color_t pad_color = palette.colors[idx];
if(pad_color.rgb[0] == color.color[0] &&
pad_color.rgb[1] == color.color[1] &&
pad_color.rgb[2] == color.color[2])
return idx;
return 0xFF;
// Create a palette for an animation.
// We're loading from paletted GIFs, but we create a separate small palette
// for each panel's animation, so we don't use the GIF's palette.
bool CreatePalette(const SMXPanelAnimation &animation, PanelLightGraphic::palette_t &palette)
int next_color = 0;
for(const auto &panel_graphic: animation.m_aPanelGraphics)
for(const SMXGif::Color &color: panel_graphic)
// If this color is transparent, leave it out of the palette.
if(color.color[3] == 0)
// Check if this color is already in the palette.
uint8_t existing_idx = GetColorIndex(palette, color);
if(existing_idx != 0xFF)
// Return false if we're using too many colors.
if(next_color == 15)
return false;
// Add this color.
PanelLightGraphic::color_t pad_color;
pad_color.rgb[0] = color.color[0];
pad_color.rgb[1] = color.color[1];
pad_color.rgb[2] = color.color[2];
palette.colors[next_color] = pad_color;
return true;
// Return packed paletted graphics for each frame, using a palette created
// with CreatePalette. The palette must have fewer than 16 colors.
void CreatePackedGraphic(const vector<SMXGif::Color> &image, const PanelLightGraphic::palette_t &palette,
PanelLightGraphic::graphic_t &out)
int position = 0;
memset(, 0, sizeof(;
for(auto color: image)
// Transparency is always palette index 15.
uint8_t palette_idx = GetColorIndex(palette, color);
if(palette_idx == 0xFF)
palette_idx = 0;
// If this is an odd index, put the palette index in the low 4
// bits. Otherwise, put it in the high 4 bits.
if(position & 1)[position/2] |= (palette_idx & 0x0F) << 0;
else[position/2] |= (palette_idx & 0x0F) << 4;
vector<uint8_t> get_frame_delays(const SMXPanelAnimation &animation)
vector<uint8_t> result;
int current_frame = 0;
float time_left_in_frame = animation.m_iFrameDurations[0];
// Advance time by 1/FPS seconds.
time_left_in_frame -= 1.0f / FPS;
if(time_left_in_frame <= 0.00001f)
// We've displayed this frame long enough, so advance to the next frame.
if(current_frame + 1 == animation.m_iFrameDurations.size())
current_frame += 1;
time_left_in_frame += animation.m_iFrameDurations[current_frame];
// If time_left_in_frame is still negative, the animation is too fast.
if(time_left_in_frame < 0.00001)
time_left_in_frame = 0;
return result;
// Create the master data. This just has timing information.
bool CreateMasterAnimationData(int pad, PanelLightGraphic::master_animation_data_t &master_data, const char **error)
// The second animation's graphic indices start where the first one's end.
int first_graphic = 0;
// XXX: It's possible to reuse graphics, which allows us to dedupe animation frames.
// We can store 64 total animation graphics shared across the pressed and released
// animation, and each animation can have up to 64 timed frames which point into
// the graphic list.
for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SMX_LightsType; ++type)
// All animations of each type have the same timing for all panels, since
// they come from the same GIF, so just look at the first frame.
const SMXPanelAnimation &animation = SMXPanelAnimation::GetLoadedAnimation(pad, 0, SMX_LightsType(type));
PanelLightGraphic::animation_timing_t &animation_timing = master_data.animation_timings[type];
// Check that we don't have more frames than we can fit in animation_timing.
// This is currently the same as the "too many frames" error below, but if
// we support longer delays (staying on the same graphic for multiple animation_timings)
// or deduping they'd be different.
if(animation.m_aPanelGraphics.size() > arraylen(animation_timing.frames))
*error = "The animation is too long.";
return false;
memset(&animation_timing.frames[0], 0xFF, sizeof(animation_timing.frames));
for(int i = 0; i < animation.m_aPanelGraphics.size(); ++i)
animation_timing.frames[i] = first_graphic;
// Set frame delays.
memset(&animation_timing.delay[0], 0, sizeof(animation_timing.delay));
vector<uint8_t> delays = get_frame_delays(animation);
for(int i = 0; i < delays.size() && i < 64; ++i)
animation_timing.delay[i] = delays[i];
// These frame numbers are relative to the animation, so don't add first_graphic.
// XXX: frame index, not source frame
animation_timing.loop_animation_frame = animation.m_iLoopFrame;
return true;
// Pack panel graphics.
bool CreatePanelAnimationData(PanelLightGraphic::panel_animation_data_t &panel_data,
int pad, int panel, const char **error)
// We have a single buffer of animation frames for each panel, which we pack
// both the pressed and released frames into. This is the index of the next
// frame.
int next_graphic_idx = 0;
for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SMX_LightsType; ++type)
const SMXPanelAnimation &animation = SMXPanelAnimation::GetLoadedAnimation(pad, panel, SMX_LightsType(type));
// Create this animation's 4-bit palette.
if(!ProtocolHelpers::CreatePalette(animation, panel_data.palettes[type]))
*error = SMX::CreateError(SMX::ssprintf("The %s panel uses too many colors.", panel_names[panel]));
return false;
// Create a small 4-bit paletted graphic with the 4-bit palette we created.
// These are the graphics we'll send to the controller.
for(const auto &panel_graphic: animation.m_aPanelGraphics)
if(next_graphic_idx > arraylen(
*error = "The animation has too many frames.";
return false;
ProtocolHelpers::CreatePackedGraphic(panel_graphic, panel_data.palettes[type],[next_graphic_idx]);
// Apply color scaling to the palette, in the same way SMXManager::SetLights does.
// Do this after we've finished creating the graphic, so this is only applied to
// the final result and doesn't affect palettization.
for(PanelLightGraphic::color_t &color: panel_data.palettes[type].colors)
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
color.rgb[i] = uint8_t(color.rgb[i] * 0.6666f);
return true;
// Create upload packets to upload a block of data.
void CreateUploadPackets(vector<PanelLightGraphic::upload_packet> &packets,
const void *data_block, int size,
uint8_t panel, int animation_idx)
const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *) data_block;
for(int offset = 0; offset < size; )
PanelLightGraphic::upload_packet packet;
packet.panel = panel;
packet.animation_idx = animation_idx;
packet.offset = offset;
int bytes_left = size - offset;
packet.size = min(sizeof(PanelLightGraphic::upload_packet::data), bytes_left);
memcpy(, buf + offset, packet.size);
offset += packet.size;
namespace LightsUploadData
vector<string> commands[2];
// Prepare the loaded graphics for upload.
bool SMX_LightsUpload_PrepareUpload(int pad, const char **error)
// Check that all panel animations are loaded.
for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SMX_LightsType; ++type)
const SMXPanelAnimation &animation = SMXPanelAnimation::GetLoadedAnimation(pad, 0, SMX_LightsType(type));
*error = "Load all panel animations before preparing the upload.";
return false;
// Create master animation data.
PanelLightGraphic::master_animation_data_t master_data;
memset(&master_data, 0xFF, sizeof(master_data));
if(!ProtocolHelpers::CreateMasterAnimationData(pad, master_data, error))
return false;
// Create panel animation data.
PanelLightGraphic::panel_animation_data_t all_panel_data[9];
memset(&all_panel_data, 0xFF, sizeof(all_panel_data));
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
if(!ProtocolHelpers::CreatePanelAnimationData(all_panel_data[panel], pad, panel, error))
return false;
// We successfully created the data, so there's nothing else that can fail from
// here on.
// Create upload packets.
vector<PanelLightGraphic::upload_packet> packets;
for(int type = 0; type < NUM_SMX_LightsType; ++type)
const auto &master_data_block = master_data.animation_timings[type];
ProtocolHelpers::CreateUploadPackets(packets, &master_data_block, sizeof(master_data_block), 0xFF, type);
for(int panel = 0; panel < 9; ++panel)
const auto &panel_data_block = all_panel_data[panel];
ProtocolHelpers::CreateUploadPackets(packets, &panel_data_block, sizeof(panel_data_block), panel, type);
// The last packet has the final_packet flag set, to let the master know we're finished.
packets.back().final_packet = true;
// Make a list of strings containing the packets. We don't need the
// structs anymore, so this is all we need to keep around.
vector<string> &pad_commands = LightsUploadData::commands[pad];
for(const auto &packet: packets)
string command((char *) &packet, sizeof(packet));
return true;
// Start sending a prepared upload.
// The commands to send to upload the data are in pad_commands[pad].
void SMX_LightsUpload_BeginUpload(int pad, SMX_LightsUploadCallback pCallback, void *pUser)
// XXX: should we disable panel lights while doing this?
shared_ptr<SMXDevice> pDevice = SMXManager::g_pSMX->GetDevice(pad);
vector<string> asCommands = LightsUploadData::commands[pad];
int iTotalCommands = asCommands.size();
// Queue all commands at once. As each command finishes, our callback
// will be called.
for(int i = 0; i < asCommands.size(); ++i)
const string &sCommand = asCommands[i];
pDevice->SendCommand(sCommand, [i, iTotalCommands, pCallback, pUser](string response) {
// Command #i has finished being sent.
// If this isn't the last command, make sure progress isn't 100.
// Once we send 100%, the callback is no longer valid.
int progress = (i*100) / (iTotalCommands-1);
if(i != iTotalCommands-1)
progress = min(progress, 99);
// We're currently in the SMXManager thread. Call the user thread from
// the user callback thread.
SMXManager::g_pSMX->RunInHelperThread([pCallback, pUser, progress]() {
pCallback(progress, pUser);