package; public interface Event{ /** * Runs a constant update event on this tile at the given position. * @param x The X Coordinate in pixel space the event is occuring in. (NOT Tile coordinates) * @param y The Y Coordinate in pixel space the event is occuring in. (NOT Tile coordinates) * @return {@code True} to keep this event alive after it runs. * {@code False} to remove this event from the game after it runs. */ public boolean perform(int x, int y); /** * Runs a player collision event on this tile at the given position. * @param x The X Coordinate in pixel space the event is occuring in. (NOT Tile coordinates) * @param y The Y Coordinate in pixel space the event is occuring in. (NOT Tile coordinates) * @return {@code True} to keep this event alive after it runs. * {@code False} to remove this event from the game after it runs. */ public boolean performCollision(int x, int y); }