@ -24,14 +24,16 @@ import sig.objects.actor.State;
public class LevelRenderer extends Object {
final static double staggerJitterWaitTime = 0 . 05 ;
final static double staggerJitterWaitTime = 0 . 03 ;
double staggerTimer = 0 ;
int staggerOffsetX = 2 ;
public final static byte MAX_RIPPLE_SIZE = ( byte ) 4 ;
public final static byte RIPPLE_CHANCE = ( byte ) 3 ;
//Ripples will store bit 8 for the direction the ripple is moving. Bits 1-7 are used as the actual value for ripples up to 64 in size (Half used for movement in each direction).
/ * *
* Ripples will store bit 8 for the direction the ripple is moving . Bits 1 - 7 are used as the actual value for ripples up to 64 in size ( Half used for movement in each direction ) .
* /
byte [ ] ripples = new byte [ RabiClone . BASE_HEIGHT / MAX_RIPPLE_SIZE ] ;
long nextRipple = 0 ;