@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public class Panel extends JPanel implements Runnable,KeyListener { |
public double nanaY = 0; |
public int button = 0; |
public HashMap<Integer,Boolean> MOUSE = new HashMap<>(); |
private Point<Integer> mousePosition = new Point<Integer>(0,0); |
private MouseScrollValue scrollWheel=null; |
public static final int UPDATE_LOOP_FRAMERATE = 244; |
public static final long UPDATE_LOOP_NANOTIME = (long)((1d/UPDATE_LOOP_FRAMERATE)*1000000000l); |
@ -163,12 +162,16 @@ public class Panel extends JPanel implements Runnable,KeyListener { |
this.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener(){ |
@Override |
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { |
mousePosition.set(e.getX(),e.getY()); |
Mouse.x=e.getX(); |
Mouse.y=e.getY(); |
Mouse.mousePosition.set(e.getX(),e.getY()); |
} |
@Override |
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { |
mousePosition.set(e.getX(),e.getY()); |
Mouse.x=e.getX(); |
Mouse.y=e.getY(); |
Mouse.mousePosition.set(e.getX(),e.getY()); |
} |
}); |
this.addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener(){ |
@ -764,121 +767,6 @@ public class Panel extends JPanel implements Runnable,KeyListener { |
if (y > y3) return; |
} |
} |
/* |
* void PixelGameEngine::FillTexturedTriangle(const std::vector<olc::vf2d>& vPoints, std::vector<olc::vf2d> vTex, std::vector<olc::Pixel> vColour, olc::Sprite* sprTex) |
{ |
olc::vi2d p1 = vPoints[0]; |
olc::vi2d p2 = vPoints[1]; |
olc::vi2d p3 = vPoints[2]; |
if (p2.y < p1.y){std::swap(p1.y, p2.y); std::swap(p1.x, p2.x); std::swap(vTex[0].x, vTex[1].x); std::swap(vTex[0].y, vTex[1].y); std::swap(vColour[0], vColour[1]);} |
if (p3.y < p1.y){std::swap(p1.y, p3.y); std::swap(p1.x, p3.x); std::swap(vTex[0].x, vTex[2].x); std::swap(vTex[0].y, vTex[2].y); std::swap(vColour[0], vColour[2]);} |
if (p3.y < p2.y){std::swap(p2.y, p3.y); std::swap(p2.x, p3.x); std::swap(vTex[1].x, vTex[2].x); std::swap(vTex[1].y, vTex[2].y); std::swap(vColour[1], vColour[2]);} |
olc::vi2d dPos1 = p2 - p1; |
olc::vf2d dTex1 = vTex[1] - vTex[0]; |
int dcr1 = vColour[1].r - vColour[0].r; |
int dcg1 = vColour[1].g - vColour[0].g; |
int dcb1 = vColour[1].b - vColour[0].b; |
int dca1 = vColour[1].a - vColour[0].a; |
olc::vi2d dPos2 = p3 - p1; |
olc::vf2d dTex2 = vTex[2] - vTex[0]; |
int dcr2 = vColour[2].r - vColour[0].r; |
int dcg2 = vColour[2].g - vColour[0].g; |
int dcb2 = vColour[2].b - vColour[0].b; |
int dca2 = vColour[2].a - vColour[0].a; |
float dax_step = 0, dbx_step = 0, dcr1_step = 0, dcr2_step = 0, dcg1_step = 0, dcg2_step = 0, dcb1_step = 0, dcb2_step = 0, dca1_step = 0, dca2_step = 0; |
olc::vf2d vTex1Step, vTex2Step; |
if (dPos1.y) |
{ |
dax_step = dPos1.x / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
vTex1Step = dTex1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcr1_step = dcr1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcg1_step = dcg1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcb1_step = dcb1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dca1_step = dca1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
} |
if (dPos2.y) |
{ |
dbx_step = dPos2.x / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
vTex2Step = dTex2 / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
dcr2_step = dcr2 / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
dcg2_step = dcg2 / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
dcb2_step = dcb2 / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
dca2_step = dca2 / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
} |
olc::vi2d vStart; |
olc::vi2d vEnd; |
int vStartIdx; |
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) |
{ |
if (pass == 0) |
{ |
vStart = p1; vEnd = p2; vStartIdx = 0; |
} |
else |
{ |
dPos1 = p3 - p2; |
dTex1 = vTex[2] - vTex[1]; |
dcr1 = vColour[2].r - vColour[1].r; |
dcg1 = vColour[2].g - vColour[1].g; |
dcb1 = vColour[2].b - vColour[1].b; |
dca1 = vColour[2].a - vColour[1].a; |
dcr1_step = 0; dcg1_step = 0; dcb1_step = 0; dca1_step = 0; |
if (dPos2.y) dbx_step = dPos2.x / (float)abs(dPos2.y); |
if (dPos1.y) |
{ |
dax_step = dPos1.x / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
vTex1Step = dTex1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcr1_step = dcr1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcg1_step = dcg1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dcb1_step = dcb1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
dca1_step = dca1 / (float)abs(dPos1.y); |
} |
vStart = p2; vEnd = p3; vStartIdx = 1; |
} |
if (dPos1.y) |
{ |
for (int i = vStart.y; i <= vEnd.y; i++) |
{ |
int ax = int(vStart.x + (float)(i - vStart.y) * dax_step); |
int bx = int(p1.x + (float)(i - p1.y) * dbx_step); |
olc::vf2d tex_s(vTex[vStartIdx].x + (float)(i - vStart.y) * vTex1Step.x, vTex[vStartIdx].y + (float)(i - vStart.y) * vTex1Step.y); |
olc::vf2d tex_e(vTex[0].x + (float)(i - p1.y) * vTex2Step.x, vTex[0].y + (float)(i - p1.y) * vTex2Step.y); |
olc::Pixel col_s(vColour[vStartIdx].r + uint8_t((float)(i - vStart.y) * dcr1_step), vColour[vStartIdx].g + uint8_t((float)(i - vStart.y) * dcg1_step), |
vColour[vStartIdx].b + uint8_t((float)(i - vStart.y) * dcb1_step), vColour[vStartIdx].a + uint8_t((float)(i - vStart.y) * dca1_step)); |
olc::Pixel col_e(vColour[0].r + uint8_t((float)(i - p1.y) * dcr2_step), vColour[0].g + uint8_t((float)(i - p1.y) * dcg2_step), |
vColour[0].b + uint8_t((float)(i - p1.y) * dcb2_step), vColour[0].a + uint8_t((float)(i - p1.y) * dca2_step)); |
if (ax > bx) { std::swap(ax, bx); std::swap(tex_s, tex_e); std::swap(col_s, col_e); } |
float tstep = 1.0f / ((float)(bx - ax)); |
float t = 0.0f; |
for (int j = ax; j < bx; j++) |
{ |
olc::Pixel pixel = PixelLerp(col_s, col_e, t); |
if (sprTex != nullptr) pixel *= sprTex->Sample(tex_s.lerp(tex_e, t)); |
Draw(j, i, pixel); |
t += tstep; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
*/ |
public void FillTexturedTriangle(List<Point<Double>>vPoints,List<Point<Double>>vTex,List<Color>vColour,Sprite sprTex){ |
try { |
@ -1006,6 +894,81 @@ public class Panel extends JPanel implements Runnable,KeyListener { |
} |
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {} |
} |
/*void PixelGameEngine::DrawCircle(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t radius, Pixel p, uint8_t mask) |
{ // Thanks to IanM-Matrix1 #PR121
if (radius < 0 || x < -radius || y < -radius || x - GetDrawTargetWidth() > radius || y - GetDrawTargetHeight() > radius) |
return; |
if (radius > 0) |
{ |
int x0 = 0; |
int y0 = radius; |
int d = 3 - 2 * radius; |
while (y0 >= x0) // only formulate 1/8 of circle
{ |
// Draw even octants
if (mask & 0x01) Draw(x + x0, y - y0, p);// Q6 - upper right right
if (mask & 0x04) Draw(x + y0, y + x0, p);// Q4 - lower lower right
if (mask & 0x10) Draw(x - x0, y + y0, p);// Q2 - lower left left
if (mask & 0x40) Draw(x - y0, y - x0, p);// Q0 - upper upper left
if (x0 != 0 && x0 != y0) |
{ |
if (mask & 0x02) Draw(x + y0, y - x0, p);// Q7 - upper upper right
if (mask & 0x08) Draw(x + x0, y + y0, p);// Q5 - lower right right
if (mask & 0x20) Draw(x - y0, y + x0, p);// Q3 - lower lower left
if (mask & 0x80) Draw(x - x0, y - y0, p);// Q1 - upper left left
} |
if (d < 0) |
d += 4 * x0++ + 6; |
else |
d += 4 * (x0++ - y0--) + 10; |
} |
} |
else |
Draw(x, y, p); |
} */ |
public void Draw_Circle(int x, int y, int radius, Color col) { |
Draw_Circle(x,y,radius,col,(byte)0xFF); |
} |
//The mask indicates which pie slices to draw, each bit of the mask represents 1/8th of a pie slice. By default all pie slices are drawn.
public void Draw_Circle(int x, int y, int radius, Color col, byte mask) { |
if (radius < 0 || x < -radius || y < -radius || x - JavaProjectTemplate.WINDOW_WIDTH > radius || y - JavaProjectTemplate.WINDOW_HEIGHT > radius) |
return; |
if (radius > 0) |
{ |
int x0 = 0; |
int y0 = radius; |
int d = 3 - 2 * radius; |
while (y0 >= x0) // only formulate 1/8 of circle
{ |
// Draw even octants
if ((mask & 0x01)!=0) Draw(x + x0, y - y0, col);// Q6 - upper right right
if ((mask & 0x04)!=0) Draw(x + y0, y + x0, col);// Q4 - lower lower right
if ((mask & 0x10)!=0) Draw(x - x0, y + y0, col);// Q2 - lower left left
if ((mask & 0x40)!=0) Draw(x - y0, y - x0, col);// Q0 - upper upper left
if (x0 != 0 && x0 != y0) |
{ |
if ((mask & 0x02)!=0) Draw(x + y0, y - x0, col);// Q7 - upper upper right
if ((mask & 0x08)!=0) Draw(x + x0, y + y0, col);// Q5 - lower right right
if ((mask & 0x20)!=0) Draw(x - y0, y + x0, col);// Q3 - lower lower left
if ((mask & 0x80)!=0) Draw(x - x0, y - y0, col);// Q1 - upper left left
} |
if (d < 0) |
d += 4 * x0++ + 6; |
else |
d += 4 * (x0++ - y0--) + 10; |
} |
} |
else |
Draw(x, y, col); |
} |
Color ColorLerp(Color c1, Color c2, float t) |
{ return new Color((int)((c2.r * t) + c1.r * (1.0f - t)),(int)((c2.g * t) + c1.g * (1.0f - t)),(int)((c2.b * t) + c1.b * (1.0f - t)),(int)((c2.a * t) + c1.a * (1.0f - t))); } |