A multi-universe randomizer for Rabi-Ribi. Multi universe will attempt to randomize locations such that multiple players must work together to find each others' items, which then unlocks new paths in each player's world. A separate client will allow playe

28 lines
1013 B

#Use ./sig release <windows|mac|linux> to create a custom installer based on OS.
source ${LANGUAGE}/scripts/version_info
FILES=$(cat ${LANGUAGE}/scripts/.package.files)
if [ "$1" = "windows" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Windows..."
echo "Not implemented yet."
elif [ "$1" = "mac" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Mac..."
echo "Not implemented yet."
elif [ "$1" = "linux" ];then
echo "Creating a package for Linux..."
cd ..
mkdir -vp RabiCloneOut/in
for f in $FILES
cp -Rv --parents $PROJECT_NAME/$f RabiCloneOut/in
jpackage --verbose --input RabiCloneOut/in/RabiClone --main-jar bin/RabiClone.jar --main-class sig.RabiClone --type app-image --dest RabiCloneOut
cp -Rv RabiCloneOut/RabiClone/lib/app/* RabiCloneOut/RabiClone
jpackage --verbose --app-image RabiCloneOut/RabiClone --name RabiClone
rm -Rfv RabiCloneOut
cd RabiClone
echo "Done!"
echo "Usage: "
echo " ./sig release <windows|mac|linux>"