Complete Java Project template for running and creating Jar files for Java projects, with built-in fast-pixel blitting engine.

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# JavaProjectTemplate
Provides a Java pipeline for building applications and deploying a JAR with ease. Providing a base graphical engine (fast pixel blitting) with support for input should be enough to get any project going.
3 years ago
The system will also use the SigScript updating system to keep files up-to-date.
## Usage:
3 years ago
**./sig** - Shows a menu with all scripts. Example output:
gitpod /workspace/JavaProjectTemplate (main) $ ./sig
Usage: ./sig <command> {args}
==== Current Configuration =====================
PROJECT_NAME JavaProjectTemplate
MAIN_CLASS sig.JavaProjectTemplate
Command List:
build Builds and runs the project.
clean Cleans up and removes unused files.
commit Adds a commit message and pushes project to github repository.
jar Builds a runnable jar file using ${MAIN_CLASS} as an entry point and then runs the newly generated jar.
3 years ago
Configuration is modified at the top of the script file while the command list includes all included modules inside of `scripts`.