Stdout(output:="", sciteCheck := true){ ;output to console - sciteCheck reduces Stdout/Stdin performance,so where performance is necessary disable it accordingly Global ___console___ If (sciteCheck && ProcessExist("SciTE.exe") && GetScriptParentProcess() = "SciTE.exe"){ ;if script parent is scite,output to scite console & return FileAppend, %output%`n, * Return } ;CONOUT$ is a special file windows uses to expose attached console output ( output ? ( !___console___? (DllCall("AttachConsole", "int", -1) || DllCall("AllocConsole")) & (___console___:= true) : "" ) & FileAppend(output . "`n","CONOUT$") : DllCall("FreeConsole") & (___console___:= false) & StdExit() ) } Stdin(output:="", sciteCheck := true){ ;output to console & wait for input & return input Global ___console___ If (sciteCheck && ProcessExist("SciTE.exe") && GetScriptParentProcess() = "SciTE.exe"){ ;if script parent is scite,output to scite console & return FileAppend, %output%`n, * Return } ( output ? ( !___console___? (DllCall("AttachConsole", "int", -1) || DllCall("AllocConsole")) & (___console___:= true) : "" ) & FileAppend(output . "`n","CONOUT$") & (Stdin := FileReadLine("CONIN$",1)) : DllCall("FreeConsole") & (___console___:= false) & StdExit() ) Return Stdin } StdExit(){ If GetScriptParentProcess() = "cmd.exe" ;couldn't get this: 'DllCall("GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent", CTRL_C_EVENT, 0)' to work so... ControlSend, , {Enter}, % "ahk_pid " . GetParentProcess(GetCurrentProcess()) } FileAppend(str, file){ FileAppend, %str%, %file% } FileReadLine(file,lineNum){ FileReadLine, retVal, %file%, %lineNum% return retVal } ProcessExist(procName){ Process, Exist, % procName Return ErrorLevel } GetScriptParentProcess(){ return GetProcessName(GetParentProcess(GetCurrentProcess())) } GetParentProcess(PID) { static function := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "kernel32.dll", "ptr"), "astr", "Process32Next" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : ""), "ptr") if !(h := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "uint", 2, "uint", 0)) return VarSetCapacity(pEntry, sz := (A_PtrSize = 8 ? 48 : 36)+(A_IsUnicode ? 520 : 260)) Numput(sz, pEntry, 0, "uint") DllCall("Process32First" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : ""), "ptr", h, "ptr", &pEntry) loop { if (pid = NumGet(pEntry, 8, "uint") || !DllCall(function, "ptr", h, "ptr", &pEntry)) break } DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", h) return Numget(pEntry, 16+2*A_PtrSize, "uint") } GetProcessName(PID) { static function := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "kernel32.dll", "ptr"), "astr", "Process32Next" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : ""), "ptr") if !(h := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "uint", 2, "uint", 0)) return VarSetCapacity(pEntry, sz := (A_PtrSize = 8 ? 48 : 36)+260*(A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1)) Numput(sz, pEntry, 0, "uint") DllCall("Process32First" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : ""), "ptr", h, "ptr", &pEntry) loop { if (pid = NumGet(pEntry, 8, "uint") || !DllCall(function, "ptr", h, "ptr", &pEntry)) break } DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", h) return StrGet(&pEntry+28+2*A_PtrSize, A_IsUnicode ? "utf-16" : "utf-8") } GetCurrentProcess() { return DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") } #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 2 ;with this each hotkey can have more than 1 "thread" allowing us to execute "space::" again ;even though it's still stuck in the loop. ;space:: ;toggle:=!toggle ;loop { ; send, {Numpad0} ;send the Enter key, which needs to be in brackets, then text "/oos" followed by another enter. ; sleep, 100 ; send, {Numpad0} ; sleep, 100 ; send, {Numpad0} ; sleep, 2000 ; send, {Z} ; sleep, 27500 ;sleep for 5000 milliseconds/5 seconds ;} until !toggle ;return WinActivate, FINAL FANTASY XIV ;Normal - 0xAAAAAA ;Good - 0xB569FF 160 284 ;Excellent - 0xEEEEEE 233 282 ;BGR ;Crafting Window - 0xFFFFFF 1283 655 ;Action Ready - 0x636663 ;Action Not Ready - 3E3F3E ;100% Quality - 0x60DC97 336 269 WaitForCraftingWindow() { global toggle Stdout("Waiting for Crafting Window...") sleep, 500 loop { MouseGetPos,MouseX,MouseY PixelGetColor,color,%MouseX%,%MouseY% Stdout(color . " " . MouseX . " " . MouseY) sleep, 50 } until (CraftingWindowOpen() or !toggle) send, {Numpad0} sleep, 50 send, {Numpad0} sleep, 50 send, {Numpad0} sleep, 150 if (!CraftingWindowOpen()) { return true } else { return false } } ChooseBestProgressStep(ByRef step,ByRef cp) { if (cp >= 32) { PressKeyWithModifier("Shift","2") ProgressStep(step,cp,32) } else if (cp >= 18) { send, {2} ProgressStep(step,cp,16) } else { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(step,cp,0) } } ProgressStep(ByRef step,ByRef cp,cpcost,stepamt=1) { cp -= cpcost step += stepamt } WaitForReady() { global toggle loop { Stdout("Waiting for Ready...") sleep, 250 } until (ActionReady()) if (!toggle) { return false } else { return true } } CraftingRotationTemplate(ByRef STEP) { global toggle CP = 252 FINALSTEP = 13 if (!WaitForReady()) { return } loop { if (IsMaxQuality()) { STEP := FINALSTEP } Switch STEP { Case 1: send, {5} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) Case 2: if (IsExcellent()) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18,2) WaitForReady() PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","1") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,56,0) } TricksOfTheTrade(CP) PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","1") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,56) Case 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: if ((IsGood() or IsExcellent()) and CP > 160) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) } else { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } } loop { Stdout("Waiting for Ready...") sleep, 250 } until (ActionReady() or STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1) Stdout("STEP " . STEP . ": " . CP) } until (STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1 or !toggle) } QuickCraftRotation(ByRef STEP) { global toggle CP = 252 FINALSTEP = 3 GREATSTRIDES = 0 INNOVATION = 0 DURABILITY := 40 SIDESTEPS = 0 ACTIVATESIDESTEP := false if (!WaitForReady()) { return } loop { if (IsMaxQuality()) { STEP := FINALSTEP } if (INNOVATION > 0) { INNOVATION := INNOVATION - 1 } if (GREATSTRIDES > 0) { GREATSTRIDES := GREATSTRIDES - 1 } Switch STEP { Case 1: send, {5} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) Case 2: if (DURABILITY = 10) { STEP := 99 send, {1} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } else { STEP := 1 } if (GREATSTRIDES = 0) { TricksOfTheTrade(CP) PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","5") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,32) GREATSTRIDES := 4 } else if (!IsGood() and !IsExcellent() and INNOVATION = 0) { send, {4} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) INNOVATION := 4 } else if (IsGood() or IsExcellent()) { ChooseBestProgressStep(STEP,CP) DURABILITY := DURABILITY - 10 GREATSTRIDES := 0 } else { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) DURABILITY := DURABILITY - 10 GREATSTRIDES := 0 } Case 3: send, {1} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } loop { Stdout("Waiting for Ready...") sleep, 250 } until (ActionReady() or STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1) Stdout("STEP " . STEP . ": " . CP) } until (STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1 or !toggle) } CraftingRotation(ByRef STEP) { global toggle CP = 252 FINALSTEP = 13 SIDESTEPS = 0 ACTIVATESIDESTEP := false if (!WaitForReady()) { return } loop { if (IsMaxQuality()) { STEP := FINALSTEP } Switch STEP { Case 1: send, {5} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) Case 2: if (IsExcellent()) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18,2) WaitForReady() PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","1") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,56,0) } TricksOfTheTrade(CP) PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","1") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,56) Case 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: if ((IsGood() or IsExcellent()) and CP > 160) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) } else { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } Case 8: if (CP >= 176) { ACTIVATESIDESTEP := true SIDESTEPS = 0 } TricksOfTheTrade(CP) send, {3} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,88) sleep, 2000 Case 9: TricksOfTheTrade(CP) if (ACTIVATESIDESTEP) { Stdout("SIDESTEP " . SIDESTEPS) SIDESTEPS := SIDESTEPS+1 ;1 PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } else { send, {4} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) } Case 10, 11, 12: if (ACTIVATESIDESTEP) { Stdout("SIDESTEP " . SIDESTEPS) if (SIDESTEPS >= 2) { ACTIVATESIDESTEP := false if (CP >= 194) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) } else { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } STEP = 8 } else { SIDESTEPS := SIDESTEPS+1 ;2,3 PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } } else { if (CP > 54) { PressKeyWithModifier("Shift","2") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,32) } else if (CP >= 18) { send, {2} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,18) } else { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","3") ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } } Case 13: send, {1} ProgressStep(STEP,CP,0) } loop { Stdout("Waiting for Ready...") sleep, 250 } until (ActionReady() or STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1) Stdout("STEP " . STEP . ": " . CP) } until (STEP >= FINALSTEP + 1 or !toggle) } PressKeyWithModifier(modifier,key) { Send, {%modifier% down} sleep, 50 Send, %key% sleep, 50 Send, {%modifier% up} } TricksOfTheTrade(ByRef cp) { if IsGood() { PressKeyWithModifier("Ctrl","2") cp += 20 loop { sleep, 250 } until ActionReady() } } ActionReady() { PixelGetColor,ScreenCol,1912,700 if (SubStr(ScreenCol,3,6) = "636663") { return true } else { return false } } CraftingWindowOpen() { PixelGetColor,ScreenCol,1283,655 if (SubStr(ScreenCol,3,6) = "FFFFFF") { return true } else { return false } } IsMaxQuality() { PixelGetColor,ScreenCol,336,269 if (SubStr(ScreenCol,3,6) = "60DC97") { return true } else { return false } } IsGood() { PixelGetColor,ScreenCol,160,284 if (SubStr(ScreenCol,7,2) = "FF") { return true } else { return false } } IsExcellent() { PixelGetColor,ScreenCol,233,282 if (SubStr(ScreenCol,3,6) = "EEEEEE") { return true } else { return false } } STEP = -9999 toggle := false ;Stdout("Toggle1: " . toggle) F11:: { toggle := !toggle Stdout("Toggle1: " . toggle) } return F12:: loop { if !toggle { Stdout("Toggle was false. Toggle is now " . toggle) toggle = true break } Stdout("Crafting is on. Starting craft...") STEP = 1 if (WaitForCraftingWindow()) { ;CraftingRotation(STEP) QuickCraftRotation(STEP) } else { toggle = false Stdout("Toggle4: " . toggle) } sleep, 250 } return