@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
System . out . println ( result ) ;
if ( result . equalsIgnoreCase ( "\" authentication success!\" " ) ) {
if ( result . equalsIgnoreCase ( "authentication success!" ) ) {
FileUtils . writetoFile ( new String [ ] { username , authenticationToken , "The App Authentication token is used to record your scores and verify who you are! Do not share it with others!!!" } , "authToken.txt" , false ) ;
USERNAME = username ;
AUTHTOKEN = authenticationToken ;
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
tmp . mkdir ( ) ;
try {
Result data = typeface1 . getAllData ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) ) ;
final Result data = typeface1 . getAllData ( MYROBOT . createScoreScreenCapture ( ) ) ;
System . out . println ( data ) ;
//ImageIO.write(MYROBOT.,"png",new File("test.png"));
if ( data . cool = = - 1 | | data . fine = = - 1 | | data . safe = = - 1 | | data . sad = = - 1 | | data . worst = = - 1 | | data . percent < 0f | | data . percent > 110f | | data . combo = = - 1 | | data . score = = - 1 ) {
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
File [ ] songFolderFiles = songFolder . listFiles ( ) ;
int playId = songFolderFiles . length ;
File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
final File playFolder = new File ( selectedSong . title + "/" + difficulty + "/" + playId ) ;
playFolder . mkdir ( ) ;
recordedResults = true ;
lastcool = data . cool ;
@ -384,10 +384,12 @@ public class MyRobot{
lastcombo = data . combo ;
lastscore = data . score ;
lastfail = data . fail ;
new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) . renameTo ( new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + data . cool + "_" + data . fine + "_" + data . safe + "_" + data . sad + "_" + data . worst + "_" + data . percent + ""
+ "_" + data . combo + "_" + data . score + ".png" ) ) ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , data . cool , data . fine , data . safe , data . sad , data . worst , data . percent , data . mod , data . combo , data . score , data . fail ) ) ;
File resultImage = new File ( playFolder , selectedSong . title + "_" + difficulty + "play_" + data . cool + "_" + data . fine + "_" + data . safe + "_" + data . sad + "_" + data . worst + "_" + data . percent + ""
+ "_" + data . combo + "_" + data . score + ".png" ) ;
new File ( "scoreimage.png" ) . renameTo ( resultImage ) ;
results . add ( new Result ( selectedSong . title , difficulty , data . cool , data . fine , data . safe , data . sad , data . worst , data . percent , data . mod , data . combo , data . score , data . fail , resultImage ) ) ;
SoundUtils . playSound ( "collect_item.wav" ) ;
MYROBOT . setAutoDelay ( 0 ) ;
@ -405,7 +407,7 @@ public class MyRobot{
} else {
if ( results . size ( ) > 0 ) {
recordingResults = true ;
for ( Result r : results ) {
for ( final Result r : results ) {
r . songName = r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "PIANOGIRL" ) ? "PIANO*GIRL" : ( r . songName . equalsIgnoreCase ( "16 -out of the gravity-" ) ) ? "1/6 -out of the gravity-" : r . songName ;
HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients . createDefault ( ) ;
HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost ( "" ) ;
@ -440,17 +442,33 @@ public class MyRobot{
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
HttpEntity entity = response . getEntity ( ) ;
JSONObject report = null ;
if ( entity ! = null ) {
try ( InputStream instream = entity . getContent ( ) ) {
Scanner s = new Scanner ( instream ) . useDelimiter ( "\\A" ) ;
String result = s . hasNext ( ) ? s . next ( ) : "" ;
System . out . println ( result ) ;
report = new JSONObject ( result ) ;
instream . close ( ) ;
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException | IOException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
final JSONObject finalReport = report ;
System . out . println ( "Submitting screenshot for " + r . f ) ;
Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
HashMap < String , String > s = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
s . put ( "username" , USERNAME ) ;
s . put ( "authentication_token" , AUTHTOKEN ) ;
s . put ( "playid" , Integer . toString ( finalReport . getInt ( "id" ) ) ) ;
WebUtils . POSTimage ( "http://projectdivar.com/upload" , r . f , s ) ;
} ;
t . start ( ) ;
results . clear ( ) ;