@ -1,23 +1,43 @@
package sig ;
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Cursor ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Point ;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent ;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener ;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener ;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage ;
import java.io.File ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO ;
import javax.swing.JPanel ;
import sig.utils.MouseUtils ;
public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener , MouseListener {
public static Overlay OVERLAY ;
public static boolean started = false ;
BufferedImage setupWindowButton ;
BufferedImage finishButton ;
Font drawFont = new Font ( "Verdana" , Font . PLAIN , 32 ) ;
Overlay ( ) {
Overlay ( ) throws IOException {
setupWindowButton = ImageIO . read ( new File ( "setupwindow.png" ) ) ;
finishButton = ImageIO . read ( new File ( "finish.png" ) ) ;
Thread t = new Thread ( ) {
public void run ( ) {
while ( true ) {
repaint ( ) ;
try {
if ( started ) {
MyRobot . FRAME . setCursor ( new Cursor ( Cursor . CROSSHAIR_CURSOR ) ) ;
} else {
MyRobot . FRAME . setCursor ( new Cursor ( Cursor . DEFAULT_CURSOR ) ) ;
Thread . sleep ( 1000 / 60 ) ;
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( ) ;
@ -32,8 +52,18 @@ public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener,MouseListener
public void paintComponent ( Graphics g ) {
super . paintComponent ( g ) ;
if ( started ) {
g . setColor ( new Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
g . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , MyRobot . screenSize . width , MyRobot . screenSize . height ) ;
g . setFont ( drawFont ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ;
g . drawString ( "Make sure you are on the main menu screen with 'Rhythm Game' selected" , 4 , 26 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . BLACK ) ;
g . drawString ( "Make sure you are on the main menu screen with 'Rhythm Game' selected." , 5 , 28 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ;
g . drawString ( "Drag your cursor over the region your game will be displayed on your monitor." , 4 , 58 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . BLACK ) ;
g . drawString ( "Drag your cursor over the region your game will be displayed on your monitor." , 5 , 60 ) ;
g . setColor ( new Color ( 0 , 255 , 255 , 96 ) ) ;
if ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG ! = null & & MyRobot . ENDDRAG ! = null ) {
g . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height ) ;
@ -41,6 +71,31 @@ public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener,MouseListener
g . fillRect ( Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) , Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) - Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height - Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) ) ;
g . fillRect ( Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) , MyRobot . screenSize . width - Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height - Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) ) ;
} else
if ( MyRobot . CALIBRATIONSTATUS . length ( ) > 0 ) {
g . setColor ( new Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
g . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , MyRobot . screenSize . width , MyRobot . screenSize . height ) ;
g . setFont ( drawFont ) ;
g . setColor ( new Color ( 0 , 140 , 170 , 255 ) ) ;
if ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG ! = null & & MyRobot . ENDDRAG ! = null ) {
g . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height ) ;
g . fillRect ( Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , 0 , MyRobot . screenSize . width , Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) ) ;
g . fillRect ( Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) , Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) - Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height - Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) ) ;
g . fillRect ( Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) , MyRobot . screenSize . width - Math . max ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) , MyRobot . screenSize . height - Math . min ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . y , MyRobot . ENDDRAG . y ) ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ;
g . drawString ( MyRobot . CALIBRATIONSTATUS , 4 , 26 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . BLACK ) ;
g . drawString ( MyRobot . CALIBRATIONSTATUS , 5 , 28 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . WHITE ) ;
g . drawString ( "If the game changes location later on, you will have to redo this. Hit the 'Finish' button to exit!" , 4 , 58 ) ;
g . setColor ( Color . BLACK ) ;
g . drawString ( "If the game changes location later on, you will have to redo this. Hit the 'Finish' button to exit!" , 5 , 60 ) ;
g . drawImage ( finishButton , MyRobot . screenSize . width - finishButton . getWidth ( ) + 1 , 0 , this ) ;
} else
g . drawImage ( setupWindowButton , MyRobot . screenSize . width - setupWindowButton . getWidth ( ) + 1 , 0 , this ) ;
@ -49,11 +104,32 @@ public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener,MouseListener
public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e ) {
Point cursor = MouseUtils . GetCursorPosition ( MyRobot . FRAME , e ) ;
if ( started ) {
MyRobot . STARTDRAG = e . getLocationOnScreen ( ) ;
} else
if ( MyRobot . CALIBRATIONSTATUS . length ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( cursor . x > = MyRobot . screenSize . width - finishButton . getWidth ( ) + 1 & &
cursor . x < = MyRobot . screenSize . width & &
cursor . y > = 0 & &
cursor . y < = finishButton . getHeight ( ) ) {
System . exit ( 0 ) ;
} else
if ( cursor . x > = MyRobot . screenSize . width - setupWindowButton . getWidth ( ) + 1 & &
cursor . x < = MyRobot . screenSize . width & &
cursor . y > = 0 & &
cursor . y < = setupWindowButton . getHeight ( ) ) {
started = true ;
public void mouseReleased ( MouseEvent e ) {
if ( started ) {
if ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG ! = null ) {
MyRobot . ENDDRAG = e . getLocationOnScreen ( ) ;
if ( MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x > MyRobot . ENDDRAG . x ) {
int xTemp = MyRobot . STARTDRAG . x ;
@ -67,6 +143,8 @@ public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener,MouseListener
MyRobot . calibrating = true ;
public void mouseEntered ( MouseEvent e ) {
@ -78,8 +156,10 @@ public class Overlay extends JPanel implements MouseMotionListener,MouseListener
public void mouseDragged ( MouseEvent e ) {
if ( started ) {
MyRobot . ENDDRAG = e . getLocationOnScreen ( ) ;
public void mouseMoved ( MouseEvent e ) {