#define OLC_PGE_APPLICATION #include #include "pixelGameEngine.h" // use this for drawing stuff to screen using namespace olc; class BallGame : public olc::PixelGameEngine { public: BallGame() { sAppName = "Example"; } public: std::vector data; int TILE_WIDTH=16; int TILE_HEIGHT=16; int tileOffsetX=0; int tileOffsetY=0; int TV_WIDTH=TILE_WIDTH*8; int TV_HEIGHT=TILE_HEIGHT*7; int MAP_WIDTH=256; int MAP_HEIGHT=240; int TV_POSX=256/4; int TV_POSY=240/4; bool OnUserCreate() override { SetPixelMode(olc::Pixel::ALPHA); ConsoleCaptureStdOut(true); // Called once at the start, so create things here for (int i=0;i<256*240;i++) { data.push_back(rand()%255); } return true; } bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override { if (GetKey(olc::RIGHT).bPressed) { tileOffsetX=std::clamp(tileOffsetX+1,0,MAP_WIDTH); } if (GetKey(olc::LEFT).bPressed) { tileOffsetX=std::clamp(tileOffsetX-1,0,MAP_WIDTH); } if (GetKey(olc::UP).bPressed) { tileOffsetY=std::clamp(tileOffsetY-1,0,MAP_HEIGHT); } if (GetKey(olc::DOWN).bPressed) { tileOffsetY=std::clamp(tileOffsetY+1,0,MAP_HEIGHT); } for (int x=0;x