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Valve OK has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves RW, FX
Valve JY has flow rate=13; tunnel leads to valve TT
Valve FX has flow rate=16; tunnels lead to valves OK, LF, GO, IV
Valve TD has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves XZ, ED
Valve VF has flow rate=9; tunnels lead to valves DS, LU, TR, WO
Valve TT has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves XZ, JY
Valve KR has flow rate=8; tunnels lead to valves VL, CI, GO, JJ, TQ
Valve HN has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves YG, AA
Valve MC has flow rate=24; tunnels lead to valves MI, EE, TH, YG
Valve XM has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves AF, JL
Valve XE has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves XP, AF
Valve ZF has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves EM, EI
Valve DS has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves VF, LF
Valve AF has flow rate=7; tunnels lead to valves AW, XE, CI, BJ, XM
Valve NL has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves KF, EM
Valve LF has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves FX, DS
Valve XZ has flow rate=25; tunnels lead to valves TD, TT
Valve TQ has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves AA, KR
Valve WO has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves VF, NE
Valve TH has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves LU, MC
Valve AA has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves TQ, KF, HN, XP, TY
Valve KB has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves WP, XL
Valve IV has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves PK, FX
Valve MI has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves JF, MC
Valve EX has flow rate=22; tunnels lead to valves JL, ZZ, SL
Valve ZZ has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves EX, JS
Valve KF has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves NL, AA
Valve PK has flow rate=11; tunnels lead to valves IV, HP
Valve TR has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves DI, VF
Valve YG has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves HN, MC
Valve JL has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves EX, XM
Valve VL has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves JS, KR
Valve XP has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves AA, XE
Valve TY has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves JS, AA
Valve EM has flow rate=4; tunnels lead to valves JJ, NL, ZF, WP, AW
Valve BJ has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves WK, AF
Valve JJ has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves EM, KR
Valve RW has flow rate=14; tunnels lead to valves NE, OK
Valve EI has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves ZF, JS
Valve SL has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves HP, EX
Valve EE has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves MC, XL
Valve WK has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves BJ, JS
Valve AW has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves EM, AF
Valve XL has flow rate=21; tunnels lead to valves EE, KB
Valve JF has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves MI, ED
Valve LU has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves TH, VF
Valve CI has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves AF, KR
Valve ED has flow rate=23; tunnels lead to valves JF, TD
Valve JS has flow rate=3; tunnels lead to valves VL, ZZ, EI, TY, WK
Valve NE has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves RW, WO
Valve DI has flow rate=12; tunnel leads to valve TR
Valve WP has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves KB, EM
Valve GO has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves FX, KR
Valve HP has flow rate=0; tunnels lead to valves SL, PK