The open source repository for the action RPG game in development by Sig Productions titled 'Adventures in Lestoria'!
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AdventuresInLestoria/Adventures in Lestoria/assets/config/gfx
sigonasr2 e748bff898 Refactored monster list to use shared pointers instead of unique pointers. Converted all raw monster pointers that needed to store monster data to use weak pointers instead in case a monster gets despawned while owning object is still alive. Implemented Witch's auto attack, added turn_towards_direction function for homing ability. Fixed player reflections being drawn without additive blending. Added 30s cooldown to Trapper's Explosive trap ability. Release Build 10345. 8 months ago
backdrops.txt Fix player spawn locations being a whole tile off. Change map background scrolling to not be fixed, but to utilize the entire image across the span of a map. Add a foreground background layer to provide 2 potential parallax backgrounds. Release Build 9091. 11 months ago
gfx.txt Refactored monster list to use shared pointers instead of unique pointers. Converted all raw monster pointers that needed to store monster data to use weak pointers instead in case a monster gets despawned while owning object is still alive. Implemented Witch's auto attack, added turn_towards_direction function for homing ability. Fixed player reflections being drawn without additive blending. Added 30s cooldown to Trapper's Explosive trap ability. Release Build 10345. 8 months ago
themes.txt Add in input helper text when navigating using keyboard/gamepads. Fix scrollwheel navigation for ScrollingWindowComponent referencing the wrong variable to add to (after the targeted scroll destination change). 1 year ago