#include "Pathfinding.h" #include "DEFINES.h" #include "Crawler.h" INCLUDE_game void Pathfinding::Initialize(){ nodes = new sNode[game->WORLD_SIZE.x * game->WORLD_SIZE.y]; for (int x = 0; x < game->WORLD_SIZE.x; x++) for (int y = 0; y < game->WORLD_SIZE.y; y++) { nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].x = x; // ...because we give each node its own coordinates nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].y = y; geom2d::recttile=game->GetTileCollision(game->GetCurrentLevel(),{float(x*24),float(y*24)}); nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].bObstacle = tile.pos!=game->NO_COLLISION.pos||tile.size!=game->NO_COLLISION.size; tile=game->GetTileCollision(game->GetCurrentLevel(),{float(x*24),float(y*24)},true); nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].bObstacleUpper = tile.pos!=game->NO_COLLISION.pos||tile.size!=game->NO_COLLISION.size; nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].parent = nullptr; nodes[y * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].bVisited = false; } for (int x = 0; x < game->WORLD_SIZE.x; x++) for (int y = 0; y < game->WORLD_SIZE.y; y++) { if(y>0) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x + 0)]); if(yWORLD_SIZE.y-1) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x + 0)]); if (x>0) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 0) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x - 1)]); if(xWORLD_SIZE.x-1) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 0) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x + 1)]); if (y>0 && x>0) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x - 1)]); if (yWORLD_SIZE.y-1 && x>0) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x - 1)]); if (y>0 && xWORLD_SIZE.x-1) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y - 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x + 1)]); if (yWORLD_SIZE.y - 1 && xWORLD_SIZE.x-1) nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].vecNeighbours.push_back(&nodes[(y + 1) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + (x + 1)]); } // Manually position the start and end markers so they are not nullptr nodeStart = &nodes[(game->WORLD_SIZE.y / 2) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + 1]; nodeEnd = &nodes[(game->WORLD_SIZE.y / 2) * game->WORLD_SIZE.x + game->WORLD_SIZE.x-2]; } std::vector Pathfinding::Solve_AStar(vf2d startPos,vf2d endPos,float maxRange,bool upperLevel){ float dist=sqrt(pow(endPos.x-startPos.x,2)+pow(endPos.y-startPos.y,2)); if(dist>maxRange*24)return {}; nodeStart=&nodes[int(startPos.y/24)*game->WORLD_SIZE.x+int(startPos.x/24)]; nodeEnd=&nodes[int(endPos.y/24)*game->WORLD_SIZE.x+int(endPos.x/24)]; geom2d::rectposPerimeter{{int(std::min(startPos.x,endPos.x)),int(std::min(startPos.y,endPos.y))},{int(abs(endPos.x-startPos.x)),int(abs(endPos.y-startPos.y))}}; posPerimeter.pos={int(std::clamp(posPerimeter.pos.x-maxRange*24,0.f,game->WORLD_SIZE.x*24.f)),int(std::clamp(posPerimeter.pos.y-maxRange*24,0.f,game->WORLD_SIZE.y*24.f))}; posPerimeter.size={int(std::clamp(posPerimeter.size.x+maxRange*24*2,0.f,game->WORLD_SIZE.x*24.f-posPerimeter.pos.x)),int(std::clamp(posPerimeter.size.y+maxRange*24*2,0.f,game->WORLD_SIZE.y*24.f-posPerimeter.pos.y))}; for (int x = 0; x < game->WORLD_SIZE.x; x++){ for (int y = 0; y < game->WORLD_SIZE.y; y++){ if(geom2d::overlaps(posPerimeter,vi2d{x*24,y*24})){ nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].bVisited = false; } else { nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].bVisited = true; } nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].fGlobalGoal = INFINITY; nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].fLocalGoal = INFINITY; nodes[y*game->WORLD_SIZE.x + x].parent = nullptr; // No parents } } auto distance = [](sNode* a, sNode* b) // For convenience { return sqrtf((a->x - b->x)*(a->x - b->x) + (a->y - b->y)*(a->y - b->y)); }; auto heuristic = [distance](sNode* a, sNode* b) { return distance(a, b); }; sNode *nodeCurrent = nodeStart; nodeStart->fLocalGoal = 0.0f; nodeStart->fGlobalGoal = heuristic(nodeStart, nodeEnd); std::list listNotTestedNodes; listNotTestedNodes.push_back(nodeStart); while (!listNotTestedNodes.empty() && nodeCurrent != nodeEnd) { listNotTestedNodes.sort([](const sNode* lhs, const sNode* rhs){ return lhs->fGlobalGoal < rhs->fGlobalGoal; } ); while(!listNotTestedNodes.empty() && listNotTestedNodes.front()->bVisited) listNotTestedNodes.pop_front(); if (listNotTestedNodes.empty()) break; nodeCurrent = listNotTestedNodes.front(); nodeCurrent->bVisited = true; for (auto nodeNeighbour : nodeCurrent->vecNeighbours) { if (!nodeNeighbour->bVisited && ((!upperLevel && nodeNeighbour->bObstacle == 0)||(upperLevel && nodeNeighbour->bObstacleUpper==0))) listNotTestedNodes.push_back(nodeNeighbour); float fPossiblyLowerGoal = nodeCurrent->fLocalGoal + distance(nodeCurrent, nodeNeighbour); if (fPossiblyLowerGoal < nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal) { nodeNeighbour->parent = nodeCurrent; nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal = fPossiblyLowerGoal; nodeNeighbour->fGlobalGoal = nodeNeighbour->fLocalGoal + heuristic(nodeNeighbour, nodeEnd); } } } if (nodeEnd != nullptr) { int pathLength=INFINITE; sNode *p = nodeEnd; std::vectorfinalPath; while (p->parent != nullptr) { if(pathLength==INFINITE){ pathLength=1; } else { pathLength++; } finalPath.push_back({float((*p).x),float((*p).y)}); p = p->parent; } std::reverse(finalPath.begin(),finalPath.end()); return finalPath; } else { return {}; } }