    ClassName = Thief

    BaseHealth = 100
    BaseAtk = 10

    # Amount of health gained per level.
    HealthGrowthRate = 5
    # Amount of attack gained per level.
    AtkGrowthRate = 0.2

    FullRender = unknown_full_render.png

    Right Click Ability
        Name = ???
        Short Name = ???
        Description = ???
        Icon = block.png
        Cooldown = 8
        Mana Cost = 5
        # Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
        CancelCast = 0

        #RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
        Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 192
        Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 192

        Precast Time = 0
        Casting Range = 0
        Casting Size = 0
    Ability 1
        Name = ???
        Short Name = ???
        Description = ???
        Icon = block.png
        Cooldown = 6
        Mana Cost = 30
        # Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
        CancelCast = 0

        #RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
        Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
        Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192

        Precast Time = 0
        Casting Range = 0
        Casting Size = 0
    Ability 2
        Name = ???
        Short Name = ???
        Description = ???
        Icon = block.png
        Cooldown = 6
        Mana Cost = 25
        # Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
        CancelCast = 0

        #RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
        Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
        Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192

        Precast Time = 0
        Casting Range = 0
        Casting Size = 0
    Ability 3
        Name = ???
        Short Name = ???
        Description = ???
        Icon = block.png
        Cooldown = 40
        Mana Cost = 75
        # Whether or not this ability cancels casts.
        CancelCast = 0

        #RGB Values. Color 1 is the circle at full cooldown, Color 2 is the color at empty cooldown.
        Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 192
        Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 192

        Precast Time = 0
        Casting Range = 0
        Casting Size = 0