#pragma once #include #include #include #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" #include "olcUTIL_DataFile.h" class Crawler; class ItemInfo; class ItemProps; typedef std::string IT; typedef std::string ITCategory; typedef std::function ItemScript; class Item{ friend class Inventory; private: uint32_t amt; ItemInfo*it; public: Item(); Item(uint32_t amt,IT item); uint32_t Amt(); std::string Name(); std::string Description(); ITCategory Category(); Decal*Decal(); ItemScript&OnUseAction(); bool IsBlank(); static Item BLANK; }; class Inventory{ public: static void AddItem(IT it,uint32_t amt=1); static uint32_t GetItemCount(IT it); static Item GetItem(IT it); //Auto-executes its use function and removes the amt specified from the inventory. Multiple amounts will cause the item to execute its useFunc multiple times. static void UseItem(IT it,uint32_t amt=1); static void RemoveItem(IT it,uint32_t amt=1); static std::vector&get(ITCategory itemCategory); static bool SwapItems(IT it,IT it2); private: static void InsertIntoSortedInv(IT item); static bool ExecuteAction(IT item); static std::map_inventory; static std::map>sortedInv; }; class ItemProps{ friend class ItemInfo; utils::datafile*scriptProps; utils::datafile*customProps; public: ItemProps(utils::datafile*scriptProps,utils::datafile*customProps); int GetIntProp(std::string prop); float GetFloatProp(std::string prop); std::string GetStringProp(std::string prop); }; class ItemInfo{ friend class Inventory; std::string name; std::string description; std::string category; Decal*img; //Returns true if the item can be used, false otherwise std::string useFunc=""; //Custom properties for this specific item's script. static utils::datafile NOPROPS; ItemProps customProps; private: static void InitializeScripts(); public: static void InitializeItems(); ItemInfo(); std::string Name(); std::string Description(); ITCategory Category(); Decal*Decal(); ItemScript&OnUseAction(); /* For the useFunc, return true if the item can be used, false otherwise. */ };