#pragma once #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" #include "Animation.h" #include "olcUTIL_Animate2D.h" enum MonsterStrategy{ RUN_TOWARDS, SHOOT_AFAR }; enum MonsterName{ SLIME_GREEN, SLIME_BLUE, SLIME_RED, SLIME_YELLOW, }; struct MonsterData{ private: int hp; int atk; float moveSpd;//1.0=100% float size; std::vector animations; MonsterStrategy strategy; MonsterName type; public: MonsterData(); //When specifying animations, the first one will become the default animation. MonsterData(MonsterName type,int hp,int atk,std::vectoranimations,float moveSpd=1.0f,float size=1.0f,MonsterStrategy strategy=RUN_TOWARDS); int GetHealth(); int GetAttack(); float GetMoveSpdMult(); float GetSizeMult(); MonsterName GetType(); MonsterStrategy GetAIStrategy(); std::vectorGetAnimations(){ return animations; } }; struct Monster{ private: vf2d pos; int hp,maxhp; int atk; float moveSpd; float size; MonsterStrategy strategy; Animate2D::Animationanimation; Animate2D::AnimationState internal_animState; float randomFrameOffset=0.f; float deathTimer=0.f; MonsterName type; AnimationState GetDeathAnimationName(); public: Monster(); Monster(vf2d pos,MonsterData data); vf2d&GetPos(); int GetHealth(); int GetAttack(); float GetMoveSpdMult(); float GetSizeMult(); Animate2D::Frame GetFrame(); void UpdateAnimation(AnimationState state); bool Update(float fElapsedTime); void Hurt(int damage); }; struct MonsterSpawner{ private: vf2d pos; int range; std::vector>monsters; bool triggered; public: MonsterSpawner(); //For the monster list, the second pair item is the position relative to the spawner to spawn the monster. MonsterSpawner(vf2d pos,int range,std::vector>MONSTER_LIST); bool SpawnTriggered(); int GetRange(); vf2d GetPos(); void SetTriggered(bool trigger,bool spawnMonsters=true); };