Warrior { ClassName = Warrior Right Click Ability { Name = Block Cooldown = 15 Mana Cost = 0 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128 } Ability 1 { Name = Battlecry Cooldown = 12 Mana Cost = 40 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0 } Ability 2 { Name = Ground Slam Cooldown = 15 Mana Cost = 50 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0 } Ability 3 { Name = Sonic Slash Cooldown = 40 Mana Cost = 60 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0 } }