Wizard { ClassName = Wizard Auto Attack { DamageMult = 1 Radius = 100 Speed = 200 Cooldown = 0.85 # When bullet makes contact, how fast the bullet will fade out. BulletHitFadeoutTime = 0.2 # How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet. ParticleFrequency = 0.03 # Specify a minimum and maximum range ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,1 ParticleSizeRange = 0,2 ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.5 ParticleSpeedRange = -30,30 SplashEffectFadeoutTime = 0.25 } Right Click Ability { Name = Teleport Cooldown = 8 Mana Cost = 5 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 0, 0, 64, 255 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 0, 0, 128, 255 Precast Time = 0 Casting Range = 0 Casting Size = 0 TeleportRange = 650 AnimationTime = 0.35 IframeTime = 0.35 # The minimum tile range required for a teleport. TilesMin = 1 # The maximum tile range a teleport is allowed to go. TilesMax = 8 # Number of teleport particles to spawn. ParticleCount = 16 ParticleRange = 33.33 ParticleLifetimeMin = 0 ParticleLifetimeMax = 0.3 ParticleSize = 0.3 ParticleFadetime = 0.2 ParticleSpeedMin = -5 ParticleSpeedMax = 5 ParticleColor = 0, 0, 0, 255 } Ability 1 { Name = Firebolt Cooldown = 6 Mana Cost = 30 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 255 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 255 Precast Time = 0 Casting Range = 0 Casting Size = 0 # Damage multiplier of the initial hit. InitialDamageMult = 1 BulletSpeed = 275 Radius = 100 #Coloring of the bullet. BulletColor = 240, 120, 60, 255 # When bullet makes contact, how fast the bullet will fade out. BulletHitFadeoutTime = 0.2 WorldShakeTime = 0.25 BulletHitExplosionRange = 250 # WARNING! This is how much damage multipled from the original damage of a fire bolt, not the base damage of the player. BulletHitExplosionDamageMult = 3 BulletHitExplosionFadeoutTime = 0.25 BulletHitExplosionColor = 240, 120, 60, 255 # The number of particles that spawn when a fire bolt explodes on contact. BulletHitExplosionParticleCount = 72 BulletHitExplosionParticleLifetimeRange = 0,0.5 BulletHitExplosionParticleSizeRange = 0,2 BulletHitExplosionParticleFadeoutTimeRange = 0,0.4 BulletHitExplosionParticleSpeedRange = -150,150 # Specific color randomization ranges for the explosion particles. BulletHitExplosionParticleRedRange = 255,255 BulletHitExplosionParticleGreenRange = 60,250 BulletHitExplosionParticleBlueRange = 60,60 BulletHitExplosionParticleAlphaRange = 255,255 # How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet. ParticleFrequency = 0.03 # Specify a minimum and maximum range ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,1 ParticleSizeRange = 0,2 ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.3 ParticleXSpeedRange = -60,60 ParticleYSpeedRange = -60,-60 # Specific color randomization ranges for the fire bolt particles. ParticleRedRange = 255,255 ParticleGreenRange = 0,250 ParticleBlueRange = 0,0 ParticleAlphaRange = 255,255 } Ability 2 { Name = Lightning Bolt Cooldown = 6 Mana Cost = 25 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 255 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 255 Precast Time = 0 Casting Range = 0 Casting Size = 0 # Damage multiplier of the initial hit. DamageMult = 4 BulletSpeed = 230 Radius = 150 #Coloring of the bullet. BulletColor = 255, 255, 255, 255 BulletFadeoutTime = 0.2 # How far away to look for nearby enemies to chain lightning to. LightningChainDistance = 600 # Damage multiplier for enemies hit by lightning chain. LightningChainDamageMult = 2 # How fast the chain lightning chases its target (Frequency updates in seconds). LightningChainFrequency = 0.05 LightningChainLifetime = 0.25 LightningChainSplashLifetime = 0.5 LightningChainSplashFadeoutTime = 0.25 LightningChainSplashRotationRange = 0,3.14159 # How long the splash effect lasts. SplashLifetime = 0.3 SplashFadeoutTime = 0.25 SplashRotationRange = 0,3.14159 # How much time passes before another particle spawns from the bullet. ParticleFrequency = 0.01 # The darkest and brightest amount this particle will be colored (applied to R,G,and B components simultaneously) ParticleColorRange = 150,250 ParticleSpawnRadiusRange = -24,24 ParticleLifetimeRange = 0,0.1 ParticleSizeRange = 1,1.5 ParticleFadeoutTime = 0.4 ParticleSpeedMultRange = 0.9,1 } Ability 3 { Name = Meteor Cooldown = 40 Mana Cost = 75 #RGB Values. Color 1 is the left side of the bar, Color 2 is the right side. Cooldown Bar Color 1 = 64, 0, 0, 255 Cooldown Bar Color 2 = 128, 0, 0, 255 Precast Time = 1.5 Casting Range = 900 Casting Size = 400 } }