#pragma region License /* License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2018 - 2024 OneLoneCoder.com This PGEX is located at https://github.com/gorbit99/olcPGEX_Gamepad Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Portions of this software are copyright © 2024 The FreeType Project (www.freetype.org). Please see LICENSE_FT.txt for more information. All rights reserved. */ #pragma endregion /* This PGEX was made possible by the following people: -Testers My Girlfriend (Thx for letting me borrow your time) Dragoneye Javid KrossX MaGetzUb Tutas Zleapingbear Huhlig Bispoo Lett1 Thx for KrossX for giving me a link to his original work, which helped solve a few problems */ #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #pragma region Class Declaration #ifndef OLC_PGEX_GAMEPAD #define OLC_PGEX_GAMEPAD #ifdef WIN32 #include <dinput.h> #pragma comment(lib, "dinput8.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "dxguid.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "oleaut32.lib") #include <oleauto.h> #include <wbemidl.h> #if _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_NT4 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_NT4 #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WIN2K #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WS03 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WS03 #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WIN6 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WIN6 #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7 #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8 #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WINBLUE #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP #elif _WIN32_WINNT == _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 #define CURVERSION _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10 #endif #undef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT 1 #include <Xinput.h> #undef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT CURVERSION #pragma comment(lib, "xinput9_1_0.lib") #endif #ifdef __linux__ #include <cstring> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <optional> #include <sys/inotify.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif namespace olc { #pragma region Enums #define GP_BUTTON_COUNT 18 #define GP_AXIS_COUNT 8 enum class GPButtons { FACE_D = 1, FACE_L = 0, FACE_R = 2, FACE_U = 3, L1 = 4, L2 = 6, L3 = 10, R1 = 5, R2 = 7, R3 = 11, SELECT = 8, START = 9, DPAD_L = 14, DPAD_R = 15, DPAD_U = 16, DPAD_D = 17, //UNREACHABLE ITEMS BELOW: SHOULDER = 18, }; enum class GPAxes { LX = 1, LY = 0, RX = 5, RY = 2, TL = 4, TR = 3, DX = 6, DY = 7, //UNREACHABLE ITEMS BELOW: ALL = 8, //This does not actually do anything, but is useful for detecting an icon for any analog stick control! }; #pragma endregion class GamePad : public olc::PGEX { friend class Input; friend class InputListener; public: #ifdef WIN32 GamePad(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEA lpddi); GamePad(DWORD xId); private: void startVibration(float strength = 1) const; void stopVibration() const; public: #endif #ifdef __linux__ GamePad(std::string path, int fd); void startVibration(float strength = 1) const; void stopVibration() const; #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ // TODO ctor GamePad(long id, std::string name); void startVibration(float strength = 1) const; void stopVibration() const; #endif GamePad(const GamePad &other) = delete; ~GamePad(); static void init(); static std::vector<GamePad *> &getGamepads(); float getAxis(GPAxes a); bool hasAxis(GPAxes a); const float getDeadZone()const; const float getDeadZoneOuter()const; void setDeadZone(const float deadZone); void setDeadZoneOuter(const float deadZoneOuter); HWButton getButton(GPButtons b); bool hasButton(GPButtons b); std::string getName(); std::string getId(); bool stillConnected = true; [[nodiscard]] int getAxisCount() const; [[nodiscard]] int getButtonCount() const; static GamePad *selectWithButton(olc::GPButtons b); static GamePad *selectWithAnyButton(); protected: bool OnBeforeUserUpdate(float &fElapsedTime) override; private: GamePad() = default; void poll(); static std::vector<GamePad *> gamepads; static void updateGamepads(); std::string name; int axisCount = GP_AXIS_COUNT; int buttonCount = GP_BUTTON_COUNT; float axes[GP_AXIS_COUNT]{0}; float prevAxes[GP_AXIS_COUNT]{0}; olc::HWButton buttons[GP_BUTTON_COUNT]; bool ff = false; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ public: #endif #ifdef __linux__ public: #endif bool availableButtons[GP_BUTTON_COUNT] = {false}; bool availableAxes[GP_AXIS_COUNT] = {false}; #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ private: #endif #ifdef __linux__ private: #endif float deadZone=0.2f; float deadZoneOuter=0.2f; void handleButton(int id, bool value); #ifdef WIN32 LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8A thisDevice; std::vector<int> axisPositions; LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT effect = nullptr; bool xInput = false; DWORD xId; static std::thread deviceEnumThread; static IDirectInput8A *dev; #endif #ifdef __linux__ int fd = -1; ff_effect effect{}; std::vector<int> maxAbs; std::string path; void reconnect(); bool readEvent(input_event &event) const; static void enumerateGamepads(); static GamePad *openGamepad(const std::string &path); static X11::Display *display; static std::optional<int> inotifyFd; constexpr static const int32_t buttonCodes[GP_BUTTON_COUNT]{BTN_X, BTN_A, BTN_B, BTN_Y, BTN_TL, BTN_TR, BTN_TL2, BTN_TR2, BTN_SELECT, BTN_START, BTN_THUMBL, BTN_THUMBR, 0, 0, BTN_DPAD_LEFT, BTN_DPAD_RIGHT, BTN_DPAD_UP, BTN_DPAD_DOWN}; constexpr static const int32_t axisCodes[GP_AXIS_COUNT]{ ABS_Y, ABS_X, ABS_RY, ABS_RZ, ABS_Z, ABS_RX, ABS_HAT0X, ABS_HAT0Y}; #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ long id; constexpr static const int32_t buttonCodes[GP_BUTTON_COUNT]{ 2, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 0, 14, 15, 12, 13}; #endif }; } // namespace olc #endif #pragma endregion #ifdef OLC_PGE_GAMEPAD #undef OLC_PGE_GAMEPAD #pragma region Custom Dataformat #ifdef WIN32 struct GamePadState { DWORD axes[GP_AXIS_COUNT]; DWORD povHat; BYTE buttons[GP_BUTTON_COUNT]; }; #ifndef DIDFT_OPTIONAL constexpr DWORD DIDFT_OPTIONAL = 0x80000000; #endif DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT g_aObjectFormats[27] = { {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[1]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[0]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[3]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | DIDFT_OPTIONAL, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[2]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | DIDFT_OPTIONAL, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[4]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | DIDFT_OPTIONAL, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[5]), DIDFT_AXIS | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | DIDFT_OPTIONAL, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, povHat), DIDFT_POV | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[0]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[1]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[2]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[3]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[4]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[5]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[6]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[7]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[8]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[9]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[10]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[11]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[12]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[13]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[14]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[15]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[16]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[17]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[18]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, {0, (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[19]), DIDFT_BUTTON | DIDFT_ANYINSTANCE | 0x80000000, 0}, }; DIDATAFORMAT gamepad = {sizeof(DIDATAFORMAT), sizeof(DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT), DIDF_ABSAXIS, sizeof(GamePadState), 27, g_aObjectFormats}; #endif #pragma endregion #pragma region Class Definition #pragma region Platform Dependent #pragma region Windows #ifdef WIN32 IDirectInput8A *olc::GamePad::dev = nullptr; std::thread olc::GamePad::deviceEnumThread; #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) \ { \ if ((p)) { \ (p)->Release(); \ (p) = 0; \ } \ } BOOL IsXInputDevice(const GUID *pGuidProductFromDirectInput) { IWbemLocator *pIWbemLocator = NULL; IEnumWbemClassObject *pEnumDevices = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pDevices[20] = {0}; IWbemServices *pIWbemServices = NULL; BSTR bstrNamespace = NULL; BSTR bstrDeviceID = NULL; BSTR bstrClassName = NULL; DWORD uReturned = 0; bool bIsXinputDevice = false; UINT iDevice = 0; VARIANT var; HRESULT hr; // CoInit if needed hr = CoInitialize(NULL); bool bCleanupCOM = SUCCEEDED(hr); // So we can call VariantClear() later, even if we never had a successful // IWbemClassObject::Get(). VariantInit(&var); // Create WMI hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(WbemLocator), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(IWbemLocator), (LPVOID *)&pIWbemLocator); if (FAILED(hr) || pIWbemLocator == NULL) goto LCleanup; bstrNamespace = SysAllocString(L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"); if (bstrNamespace == NULL) goto LCleanup; bstrClassName = SysAllocString(L"Win32_PNPEntity"); if (bstrClassName == NULL) goto LCleanup; bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString(L"DeviceID"); if (bstrDeviceID == NULL) goto LCleanup; // Connect to WMI hr = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(bstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, &pIWbemServices); if (FAILED(hr) || pIWbemServices == NULL) goto LCleanup; // Switch security level to IMPERSONATE. CoSetProxyBlanket(pIWbemServices, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE); hr = pIWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum(bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &pEnumDevices); if (FAILED(hr) || pEnumDevices == NULL) goto LCleanup; // Loop over all devices for (;;) { // Get 20 at a time hr = pEnumDevices->Next(10000, 20, pDevices, &uReturned); if (FAILED(hr)) goto LCleanup; if (uReturned == 0) break; for (iDevice = 0; iDevice < uReturned; iDevice++) { // For each device, get its device ID hr = pDevices[iDevice]->Get(bstrDeviceID, 0L, &var, NULL, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && var.vt == VT_BSTR && var.bstrVal != NULL) { // Check if the device ID contains "IG_". If it does, then it's // an XInput device This information can not be found from // DirectInput if (wcsstr(var.bstrVal, L"IG_")) { // If it does, then get the VID/PID from var.bstrVal DWORD dwPid = 0, dwVid = 0; WCHAR *strVid = wcsstr(var.bstrVal, L"VID_"); if (strVid && swscanf_s(strVid, L"VID_%4X", &dwVid) != 1) dwVid = 0; WCHAR *strPid = wcsstr(var.bstrVal, L"PID_"); if (strPid && swscanf_s(strPid, L"PID_%4X", &dwPid) != 1) dwPid = 0; // Compare the VID/PID to the DInput device DWORD dwVidPid = MAKELONG(dwVid, dwPid); if (dwVidPid == pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1) { bIsXinputDevice = true; goto LCleanup; } } } VariantClear(&var); SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices[iDevice]); } } LCleanup: VariantClear(&var); if (bstrNamespace) SysFreeString(bstrNamespace); if (bstrDeviceID) SysFreeString(bstrDeviceID); if (bstrClassName) SysFreeString(bstrClassName); for (iDevice = 0; iDevice < 20; iDevice++) SAFE_RELEASE(pDevices[iDevice]); SAFE_RELEASE(pEnumDevices); SAFE_RELEASE(pIWbemLocator); SAFE_RELEASE(pIWbemServices); if (bCleanupCOM) CoUninitialize(); return bIsXinputDevice; } void olc::GamePad::init() { HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); DirectInput8Create(hinst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput8A, (LPVOID *)&dev, NULL); pge->pgex_Register(new olc::GamePad()); deviceEnumThread = std::thread{[&]() { auto enumFunction = [](LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEA lpddi, LPVOID pvRef) { if (!(lpddi->dwDevType & DI8DEVTYPE_GAMEPAD)) { return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } auto result = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<olc::GamePad *> *>(pvRef); if (!IsXInputDevice(&lpddi->guidProduct)) { bool found = false; for (auto &gamepad : *result) { if (gamepad->getId() == lpddi->tszInstanceName) { found = true; if (!gamepad->stillConnected) { gamepad->stillConnected = true; } break; } } if (found) { return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } result->push_back(new olc::GamePad{lpddi}); } return DIENUM_CONTINUE; }; while (true) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; i++) { XINPUT_STATE state; DWORD dwResult = XInputGetState(i, &state); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bool found = false; for (auto &gamepad : gamepads) { if (gamepad->getId() == std::to_string(i)) { found = true; if (!gamepad->stillConnected) { gamepad->stillConnected = true; } break; } } if (found) { continue; } gamepads.push_back(new GamePad{i}); } } dev->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_GAMECTRL, enumFunction, (LPVOID)&gamepads, DIEDFL_ALLDEVICES); } }}; deviceEnumThread.detach(); } void olc::GamePad::updateGamepads() {} inline olc::GamePad::GamePad(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCEA lpddi) { name = lpddi->tszInstanceName; dev->CreateDevice(lpddi->guidInstance, &thisDevice, NULL); DIDEVCAPS caps; caps.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS); thisDevice->GetCapabilities(&caps); DIPROPDWORD bufferSize; bufferSize.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); bufferSize.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD); bufferSize.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; bufferSize.diph.dwObj = 0; bufferSize.dwData = 128; thisDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &bufferSize.diph); ff = caps.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK; thisDevice->SetDataFormat(&gamepad); auto enumDOFunction = [](LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA lpddoi, LPVOID pvRef) { IDirectInputDevice8A *thisDevice; std::vector<int> *axisPositions; std::tie(thisDevice, axisPositions) = *reinterpret_cast< std::tuple<IDirectInputDevice8A *, std::vector<int> *> *>(pvRef); // Axis if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_AXIS) { DIPROPRANGE range; range.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE); range.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER); range.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYID; range.diph.dwObj = lpddoi->dwType; range.lMin = -1000; range.lMax = 1000; thisDevice->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &range.diph); axisPositions->push_back((lpddoi->dwType >> 8) & 0xffff); } // Button if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_BUTTON) { } // POVhat if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_POV) { } return DIENUM_CONTINUE; }; for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { availableButtons[i] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < GP_AXIS_COUNT; i++) { availableAxes[i] = true; } auto input = std::make_tuple(thisDevice, &axisPositions); thisDevice->EnumObjects(enumDOFunction, &input, DIDFT_ALL); int min = 0x7fffffff; for (auto p : axisPositions) min = std::min(min, p); for (auto &p : axisPositions) p -= min; for (int i = 0; i < GP_AXIS_COUNT; i++) axes[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { buttons[i].bHeld = false; buttons[i].bPressed = false; buttons[i].bReleased = false; } if (ff) { DIPERIODIC periodic; periodic.dwMagnitude = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; periodic.lOffset = 0; periodic.dwPhase = 0; periodic.dwPeriod = DWORD(0.05f * DI_SECONDS); DIEFFECT eff; eff.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT); eff.dwDuration = INFINITE; eff.dwFlags = DIEFF_POLAR | DIEFF_OBJECTOFFSETS; eff.dwSamplePeriod = 0; eff.dwGain = DI_FFNOMINALMAX; eff.cAxes = 2; DWORD axes[] = {DIJOFS_X, DIJOFS_Y}; eff.rgdwAxes = axes; LONG lDirection[2] = {0, 0}; eff.rglDirection = lDirection; eff.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(periodic); eff.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &periodic; thisDevice->CreateEffect(GUID_Sine, &eff, &effect, NULL); if (effect) { effect->Download(); effect->Stop(); } else { ff = false; } } thisDevice->Acquire(); } inline olc::GamePad::GamePad(DWORD xId) : xId(xId), xInput(true) { XINPUT_CAPABILITIES caps; XInputGetCapabilities(xId, 0, &caps); for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { availableButtons[i] = true; } for (int i = 0; i < GP_AXIS_COUNT; i++) { availableAxes[i] = true; } name = "XInput Controller"; } void olc::GamePad::poll() { if (!stillConnected) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { buttons[i].bPressed = false; buttons[i].bReleased = false; } if (!xInput) { DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA data[128]; if (FAILED(thisDevice->Poll())) { thisDevice->Acquire(); stillConnected = false; return; } DWORD items = 128; thisDevice->GetDeviceData(sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), data, &items, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < items; i++) { // Button if (data[i].dwOfs >= (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[0]) && data[i].dwOfs <= (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[19])) { int id = data[i].dwOfs - FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, buttons[0]); bool pressed = data[i].dwData & 0x80; handleButton(id, pressed); } // POVhat if (data[i].dwOfs == FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, povHat)) { switch (data[i].dwData / DI_DEGREES / 45) { case 0: axes[6] = 0; axes[7] = -1; break; case 1: axes[6] = 1; axes[7] = -1; break; case 2: axes[6] = 1; axes[7] = 0; break; case 3: axes[6] = 1; axes[7] = 1; break; case 4: axes[6] = 0; axes[7] = 1; break; case 5: axes[6] = -1; axes[7] = 1; break; case 6: axes[6] = -1; axes[7] = 0; break; case 7: axes[6] = -1; axes[7] = -1; break; default: axes[6] = 0; axes[7] = 0; } int x = int(axes[6]), y = int(axes[7]); handleButton(14, x == -1); handleButton(15, x == 1); handleButton(16, y == -1); handleButton(17, y == 1); } // Axis if (data[i].dwOfs >= (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[0]) && data[i].dwOfs <= (DWORD)FIELD_OFFSET(GamePadState, axes[5])) { int id = ((data[i].dwOfs - offsetof(GamePadState, axes[0])) / 4); int val = data[i].dwData; axes[axisPositions[id]] = val / 1000.0f; } } } else { XINPUT_STATE state; ZeroMemory(&state, sizeof(XINPUT_STATE)); int res = XInputGetState(xId, &state); if (res == ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) { stillConnected = false; return; } axes[2] = -state.Gamepad.sThumbRY / 32768.0f; axes[5] = state.Gamepad.sThumbRX / 32768.0f; axes[0] = -state.Gamepad.sThumbLY / 32768.0f; axes[1] = state.Gamepad.sThumbLX / 32768.0f; axes[4] = state.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger / 255.0f; axes[3] = state.Gamepad.bRightTrigger / 255.0f; bool u, d, l, r; u = state.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP; d = state.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN; l = state.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT; r = state.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT; axes[6] = float(r - l); axes[7] = float(d - u); WORD buttonCodes[]{ XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_SHOULDER, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_SHOULDER, 0, 0, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB, 0, 0, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP, XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { if(i==6||i==7)continue; bool pressed = state.Gamepad.wButtons & buttonCodes[i]; handleButton(i, pressed); } handleButton(6, axes[4] > 0.75f); handleButton(7, axes[3] > 0.75f); } } void olc::GamePad::startVibration(float strength) const { if (xInput) { if (strength < 0) strength = 0; if (strength > 1) strength = 1; XINPUT_VIBRATION vib; ZeroMemory(&vib, sizeof(XINPUT_VIBRATION)); vib.wLeftMotorSpeed = short(65535 * strength); vib.wRightMotorSpeed = short(65535 * strength); XInputSetState(xId, &vib); } else if (ff) { DIEFFECT gainMod; gainMod.dwGain = DWORD(DI_FFNOMINALMAX * strength); effect->SetParameters(&gainMod, DIEP_GAIN); effect->Download(); effect->Start(1, DIES_SOLO); } } void olc::GamePad::stopVibration() const { if (xInput) startVibration(0); else { if (ff) effect->Stop(); } } olc::GamePad::~GamePad() {} std::string olc::GamePad::getId() { return xInput ? std::to_string(xId) : name; } #endif #pragma endregion #pragma region Linux #ifdef __linux__ X11::Display *olc::GamePad::display{}; std::optional<int> olc::GamePad::inotifyFd = std::nullopt; olc::GamePad *olc::GamePad::openGamepad(const std::string &path) { // Parse the bit array from ioctl auto getNthBit = [](const unsigned char *bits, int n) { return (bits[n / 8] >> (n % 8)) & 1; }; // Open the file, if can't, it's definitely not a device we can use int fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { close(fd); return nullptr; } // Get the key events the device could send unsigned char keyBits[KEY_CNT]; ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(keyBits)), keyBits); // All gamepads *should* have BTN_GAMEPAD if (!getNthBit(keyBits, BTN_GAMEPAD)) { close(fd); return nullptr; } return new olc::GamePad{path, fd}; } // Create a gamepad from a path to the event file olc::GamePad::GamePad(std::string path, int fd) : path{std::move(path)}, availableAxes{false}, availableButtons{false}, effect{}, fd{fd} { // Parse the bit array from ioctl auto getNthBit = [](const unsigned char *bits, int n) { return (bits[n / 8] >> (n % 8)) & 1; }; // Query the deviceName of the device, if it has one char deviceName[256] = ""; if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCGNAME(256), deviceName) > 0) { this->name = deviceName; } else { this->name = "Undefined"; } // Get the buttons the device reports unsigned char keyBits[KEY_CNT]; ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(keyBits)), keyBits); // Get the axes the device reports unsigned char axisBits[ABS_CNT]; ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(axisBits)), axisBits); for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { availableButtons[i] = getNthBit(keyBits, buttonCodes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < GP_AXIS_COUNT; i++) { availableAxes[i] = getNthBit(axisBits, axisCodes[i]); input_absinfo absinfo{}; ioctl(fd, EVIOCGABS(axisCodes[i]), &absinfo); maxAbs.push_back(absinfo.maximum); } unsigned char features[1 + FF_MAX / 8] = {0}; ioctl(fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_FF, sizeof(features)), features); // effect data common to both types memset(&effect, 0, sizeof(effect)); effect.replay.delay = 0; effect.replay.length = 0xffff; effect.id = -1; effect.direction = 0; if (ff = getNthBit(features, FF_PERIODIC)) { // Support Vibrations based on FF_PERIODIC effect.u.periodic.waveform = FF_SINE; effect.u.periodic.period = 100; effect.u.periodic.magnitude = 0x7fff; effect.u.periodic.offset = 0; effect.u.periodic.phase = 0; effect.u.periodic.envelope.attack_length = 0; effect.u.periodic.envelope.attack_level = 0x7fff; effect.u.periodic.envelope.fade_length = 0; effect.u.periodic.envelope.fade_level = 0x7fff; effect.type = FF_PERIODIC; if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCSFF, &effect) == -1) { perror("Error:"); } } else if (ff = getNthBit(features, FF_RUMBLE)) { // Support Vibrations based on FF_RUMBLE effect.type = FF_RUMBLE; effect.u.rumble.weak_magnitude = 0x7fff; ; effect.u.rumble.strong_magnitude = 0x7fff; ; if (ioctl(fd, EVIOCSFF, &effect) == -1) { perror("Error:"); } } } bool olc::GamePad::readEvent(input_event &event) const { return read(fd, &event, sizeof(input_event)) == sizeof(input_event); } void olc::GamePad::poll() { XResetScreenSaver(display); struct stat filestat {}; fstat(fd, &filestat); if (filestat.st_nlink == 0) { stillConnected = false; } if (!stillConnected) { return; } for (auto &button : buttons) { button.bPressed = false; button.bReleased = false; } input_event event{}; while (readEvent(event)) { if (event.type == EV_KEY && ((event.code & BTN_GAMEPAD) == BTN_GAMEPAD || (event.code & BTN_DPAD_UP) == BTN_DPAD_UP)) { for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { if (event.code == buttonCodes[i]) { bool pressed = event.value; handleButton(i, pressed); if (i >= 14) { if (i == 14) axes[6] = -float(pressed); if (i == 15) axes[6] = float(pressed); if (i == 16) axes[7] = -float(pressed); if (i == 17) axes[7] = float(pressed); } if (i == 6) axes[4] = float(pressed); if (i == 7) axes[3] = float(pressed); } } } if (event.type == EV_ABS) { for (int i = 0; i < GP_AXIS_COUNT; i++) { if (event.code == axisCodes[i]) { float value = float(event.value) / maxAbs[i]; axes[i] = value; if (i == 6) { handleButton(14, event.value == -1); handleButton(15, event.value == 1); } if (i == 7) { handleButton(17, event.value == 1); handleButton(16, event.value == -1); } if (i == 4) handleButton(6, axes[4] >= 0.75f); if (i == 3) handleButton(7, axes[3] >= 0.75f); } } } } } void olc::GamePad::updateGamepads() { // If for some reason we aren't set up to listen for new gamepads, find all // the existing ones and set up for listening next frame if (!inotifyFd) { enumerateGamepads(); return; } alignas(alignof(inotify_event)) uint8_t buf[sizeof(inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1]; while (read(*inotifyFd, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) { const inotify_event *event = reinterpret_cast<inotify_event *>(buf); if (event->mask & IN_CREATE) { std::string path = "/dev/input/" + std::string{event->name}; GamePad *gp = openGamepad(path); if (gp != nullptr) { gamepads.push_back(gp); } } } // If something's wrong with the inotfiy file descriptor, close it and let // enumerateGamepads() try to set things up again next frame if (errno != EAGAIN) { char *errname = strerror(errno); close(*inotifyFd); inotifyFd = std::nullopt; } } void olc::GamePad::enumerateGamepads() { DIR *dir = opendir("/dev/input"); for (dirent *elem = readdir(dir); elem != nullptr; elem = readdir(dir)) { std::string path = "/dev/input/" + std::string{elem->d_name}; bool found = false; for (auto &gamepad : gamepads) { if (gamepad->path == path) { found = true; if (gamepad->stillConnected) { break; } gamepad->stillConnected = true; gamepad->reconnect(); break; } } if (found) { continue; } GamePad *gp = openGamepad(path); if (gp != nullptr) { gamepads.push_back(gp); } } closedir(dir); // Now that we've found all the existing gamepads, set up to listen for any // new ones that might show up if (!inotifyFd) { inotifyFd = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK); if (*inotifyFd < 0) return; if (inotify_add_watch(*inotifyFd, "/dev/input", IN_CREATE) < 0) { close(*inotifyFd); inotifyFd = std::nullopt; return; } } } std::string olc::GamePad::getId() { return path; } void olc::GamePad::startVibration(float strength) const { if (!ff) return; if (strength < 0) strength = 0; if (strength > 1) strength = 1; int g = int(0xFFFF * strength); input_event gain{}; gain.type = EV_FF; gain.code = FF_GAIN; gain.value = g; write(fd, &gain, sizeof(gain)); input_event play{}; play.type = EV_FF; play.code = effect.id; play.value = 3; write(fd, (const void *)&play, sizeof(play)); } void olc::GamePad::stopVibration() const { if (!ff) return; input_event stop{}; stop.type = EV_FF; stop.code = effect.id; stop.value = 0; write(fd, (const void *)&stop, sizeof(stop)); } olc::GamePad::~GamePad() { if (fd != -1) { close(fd); fd = -1; } stillConnected = false; } void olc::GamePad::reconnect() { close(fd); fd = open(path.c_str(), O_NONBLOCK | O_RDWR); effect.id = -1; ioctl(fd, EVIOCSFF, &effect); } void olc::GamePad::init() { pge->pgex_Register(new GamePad()); display = X11::XOpenDisplay(nullptr); // Go find all the gamepads in the startup phase and set up the listening // logic for per-frame updates enumerateGamepads(); } #endif #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ olc::GamePad::GamePad(long id, std::string name) : name{name}, id{id} {} void olc::GamePad::poll() { EmscriptenGamepadEvent state; emscripten_get_gamepad_status(id, &state); for (int i = 0; i < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; i++) { buttons[i].bPressed = false; buttons[i].bReleased = false; if (state.digitalButton[buttonCodes[i]] && !buttons[i].bHeld) { buttons[i].bHeld = true; buttons[i].bPressed = true; } if (!state.digitalButton[buttonCodes[i]] && buttons[i].bHeld) { buttons[i].bHeld = false; buttons[i].bReleased = true; } axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::LX] = state.axis[0]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::LY] = state.axis[1]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::RX] = state.axis[2]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::RY] = state.axis[3]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::TL] = state.analogButton[6]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::TR] = state.analogButton[7]; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::DX] = (float)buttons[(int)olc::GPButtons::DPAD_R].bHeld - buttons[(int)olc::GPButtons::DPAD_L].bHeld; axes[(int)olc::GPAxes::DY] = (float)buttons[(int)olc::GPButtons::DPAD_D].bHeld - buttons[(int)olc::GPButtons::DPAD_U].bHeld; } } void olc::GamePad::updateGamepads() { emscripten_sample_gamepad_data(); } std::string olc::GamePad::getId() { return std::to_string(id); } void olc::GamePad::startVibration(float strength) const {} void olc::GamePad::stopVibration() const {} olc::GamePad::~GamePad() {} void olc::GamePad::init() { pge->pgex_Register(new GamePad()); auto gamepadCallback = [](int eventType, const EmscriptenGamepadEvent *gamepadEvent, void *userData) -> EM_BOOL { std::vector<olc::GamePad *> *gamepads = (std::vector<olc::GamePad *> *)userData; if (eventType == EMSCRIPTEN_EVENT_GAMEPADCONNECTED) { if (gamepads->size() <= gamepadEvent->index) { gamepads->push_back(new olc::GamePad{gamepadEvent->index, std::string{gamepadEvent->id}}); } else { (*gamepads)[gamepadEvent->index]->stillConnected = true; } } else { std::cout << "Disconnected " << gamepadEvent->index << "\n"; (*gamepads)[gamepadEvent->index]->stillConnected = false; } return true; }; emscripten_set_gamepadconnected_callback(&gamepads, true, gamepadCallback); emscripten_set_gamepaddisconnected_callback(&gamepads, true, gamepadCallback); } #endif #pragma endregion #pragma endregion #pragma region Common olc::GamePad *olc::GamePad::selectWithButton(olc::GPButtons b) { for (auto &gp : gamepads) { if (gp->getButton(b).bPressed) { return gp; } } return nullptr; } olc::GamePad *olc::GamePad::selectWithAnyButton() { for (auto &gp : gamepads) { for (int b = 0; b < GP_BUTTON_COUNT; b++) { if (gp->getButton(olc::GPButtons(b)).bPressed) { return gp; } } } return nullptr; } float olc::GamePad::getAxis(olc::GPAxes a) { float axis = axes[static_cast<int>(a)]; if(prevAxes[static_cast<int>(a)]==0.f&&std::abs(prevAxes[static_cast<int>(a)]-axis)>0.9f)return 0.f; if (std::abs(axis) < deadZone) { axis = 0; } if (std::abs(axis) > 1 - deadZoneOuter) { axis = axis > 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f; } #ifdef WIN32 if (!xInput && (a == GPAxes::TL || a == GPAxes::TR)) return (axis + 1) / 2; #endif prevAxes[static_cast<int>(a)]=axis; return axis; } const float olc::GamePad::getDeadZone()const{ return deadZone; } const float olc::GamePad::getDeadZoneOuter()const{ return deadZoneOuter; } void olc::GamePad::setDeadZone(const float deadZone){ this->deadZone=deadZone; } void olc::GamePad::setDeadZoneOuter(const float deadZoneOuter){ this->deadZoneOuter=deadZoneOuter; } olc::HWButton olc::GamePad::getButton(olc::GPButtons b) { return buttons[static_cast<int>(b)]; } std::string olc::GamePad::getName() { return name; } int olc::GamePad::getAxisCount() const { return axisCount; } int olc::GamePad::getButtonCount() const { return buttonCount; } void olc::GamePad::handleButton(int id, bool value) { if (value && !buttons[id].bHeld) { buttons[id].bHeld = true; buttons[id].bPressed = true; } if (!value && buttons[id].bHeld) { buttons[id].bHeld = false; buttons[id].bReleased = true; } #ifdef __linux__ XResetScreenSaver(display); #endif } bool olc::GamePad::hasAxis(GPAxes a) { return availableAxes[int32_t(a)]; } bool olc::GamePad::hasButton(GPButtons b) { return availableButtons[int32_t(b)]; } bool olc::GamePad::OnBeforeUserUpdate(float &fElapsedTime) { updateGamepads(); for (auto &gamepad : gamepads) { if (gamepad->stillConnected) { gamepad->poll(); } } return false; } std::vector<olc::GamePad *> &olc::GamePad::getGamepads() { return gamepads; } std::vector<olc::GamePad *> olc::GamePad::gamepads; #pragma endregion #endif // OLC_PGE_GAMEPAD #pragma endregion