January 1st =========== Settings Menu - Any settings should be saved to the save file! - Volume Controls - Play Sound in Background (Sound while Focused) - Keyboard aim assist (When playing w/keyboard, have the game auto fire for players that don't want to use mouse or cannot) - Terrain Collision Boxes - Key Configuration -Upon pressing a key, check if the key is bound to another option, if so, remove that bind from the list. Up to two keys may be binded per action. -We have to save keybinds to the save file. Menu Inputs - Confirm - Back - Menu - Change Loadout (Overworld Map) - Unequip - Left - Right - Up - Down Gameplay Inputs - Ability 1,2,3,4 - Item 1,2,3 - Basic Attack - XP Bar - Implement escape menu during gameplay. - If you leave a stage, the stage complete window still shows up, showing only the loot you obtained that session. - When setting loadout items while loading the game it should highlight the correct item in the consumables inventory as well. - Clamp bosses in boss arenas. - Save randomized traveling merchant. - Track items used during a stage, on death, restore the loadout item quantities used. - Add screen shake and rumble as a toggle. January 31st ============ Story proofreading/correcting/storyboarding - Loading Screen - Title Screen setpieces - Lock up unimplemented classes. - Add Death screen (Zoom in on fatal blow, slow time down... Display some game over text... Allow retry or return to world map.) - Hide mouse cursor during controller play. Reveal it again during mouse play. - Resource Packs - Hold mouse down to increase quantity - Icon displays / Proper key displays above skill keys - Auto aim causes retreat-type moves to aim away from the auto target, and prefer the direction the player's moving in.