/* OneLoneCoder - DataFile v1.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An "easy to use" serialisation/deserialisation class that yields human readable hierachical files. License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2018 - 2024 OneLoneCoder.com Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Links ~~~~~ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/javidx9 Discord: https://discord.gg/WhwHUMV Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/javidx9 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/javidx9 GitHub: https://www.github.com/onelonecoder Homepage: https://www.onelonecoder.com Author ~~~~~~ David Barr, aka javidx9, �OneLoneCoder 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 */ #pragma once #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Error.h" using namespace std::literals; int operator ""_I(const char*key,std::size_t len); namespace olc::utils { class datafile { public: inline datafile() = default; inline static bool DEBUG_ACCESS_OPTIONS=false; inline static bool INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETE=false; public: // Sets the String Value of a Property (for a given index) inline void SetString(const std::string& sString, const size_t nItem = 0) { if (nItem >= m_vContent.size()) m_vContent.resize(nItem + 1); m_vContent[nItem] = sString; } // Retrieves the String Value of a Property (for a given index) or "" inline const std::string&GetString(const size_t nItem = 0) const { if (nItem >= m_vContent.size()){ ERR("WARNING! Accesing out-of-bounds list item "<&GetValues() { return m_vContent; } inline const std::unordered_map&GetKeys(){ return m_mapObjects; } inline std::vector>&GetOrderedKeys(){ return m_vecObjects; } // Checks if a property exists - useful to avoid creating properties // via reading them, though non-essential inline bool HasProperty(const std::string& sName) { size_t x = sName.find_first_of('.'); if (x != std::string::npos) { std::string sProperty = sName.substr(0, x); if(HasProperty(sProperty)){ return GetProperty(sName.substr(0, x)).HasProperty(sName.substr(x + 1, sName.size())); }else{ return false; } }else{ return m_mapObjects.count(sName) > 0; } } // Access a datafile via a convenient name - "root.node.something.property" inline datafile& GetProperty(const std::string& name) { size_t x = name.find_first_of('.'); if (x != std::string::npos) { std::string sProperty = name.substr(0, x); lastAccessedProperty=sProperty; if (HasProperty(sProperty)) return operator[](sProperty).GetProperty(name.substr(x + 1, name.size())); else { ERR("WARNING! Could not read Property " << sProperty << "! Potential bugs may occur.") return operator[](sProperty); } } else { return operator[](name); } } // Access a numbered element - "node[23]", or "root[56].node" inline datafile& GetIndexedProperty(const std::string& name, const size_t nIndex) { return GetProperty(name + "[" + std::to_string(nIndex) + "]"); } public: // Writes a "datafile" node (and all of its child nodes and properties) recursively // to a file. inline static bool Write(const datafile& n, const std::string& sFileName, const std::string& sIndent = "\t", const char sListSep = ',') { // Cache indentation level size_t nIndentCount = 0; // Cache sperator string for convenience std::string sSeperator = std::string(1, sListSep) + " "; // Fully specified lambda, because this lambda is recursive! std::function write = [&](const datafile& n, std::ofstream& file) { // Lambda creates string given indentation preferences auto indent = [&](const std::string& sString, const size_t nCount) { std::string sOut; for (size_t n = 0; n < nCount; n++) sOut += sString; return sOut; }; // Iterate through each property of this node for (auto const& property : n.m_vecObjects) { // Does property contain any sub objects? if (property.second.m_vecObjects.empty()) { // No, so it's an assigned field and should just be written. If the property // is flagged as comment, it has no assignment potential. First write the // property name file << indent(sIndent, nIndentCount) << property.first << (property.second.m_bIsComment ? "" : " = "); // Second, write the property value (or values, seperated by provided // separation charater size_t nItems = property.second.GetValueCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < property.second.GetValueCount(); i++) { // If the Value being written, in string form, contains the separation // character, then the value must be written inside quotation marks. Note, // that if the Value is the last of a list of Values for a property, it is // not suffixed with the separator size_t x = property.second.GetString(i).find_first_of(sListSep); if (x != std::string::npos) { // Value contains separator, so wrap in quotes file << "\"" << property.second.GetString(i) << "\"" << ((nItems > 1) ? sSeperator : ""); } else { // Value does not contain separator, so just write out file << property.second.GetString(i) << ((nItems > 1) ? sSeperator : ""); } std::cout<<"Written: "< 0) nIndentCount--; }; // Start Here! Open the file for writing std::ofstream file(sFileName); if (file.is_open()) { // Write the file starting form the supplied node write(n, file); return true; } return false; } inline static bool Read(datafile& n, const std::string& sFileName, const char sListSep = ',') { bool previousSetupState=INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETE; INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETE=false; // Open the file! std::ifstream file(sFileName); if (file.is_open()) { // These variables are outside of the read loop, as we will // need to refer to previous iteration values in certain conditions std::string sPropName = ""; std::string sPropValue = ""; // The file is fundamentally structured as a stack, so we will read it // in a such, but note the data structure in memory is not explicitly // stored in a stack, but one is constructed implicitly via the nodes // owning other nodes (aka a tree) // I dont want to accidentally create copies all over the place, nor do // I want to use pointer syntax, so being a bit different and stupidly // using std::reference_wrapper, so I can store references to datafile // nodes in a std::container. std::stack> stkPath; stkPath.push(n); // Read file line by line and process while (!file.eof()) { // Read line std::string line; std::getline(file, line); // This little lambda removes whitespace from // beginning and end of supplied string auto trim = [](std::string& s) { s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r\f\v")); s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r\f\v") + 1); }; trim(line); // If line has content if (!line.empty()) { // Test if its a comment... if (line[0] == '#') { // ...it is a comment, so ignore datafile comment; comment.m_bIsComment = true; stkPath.top().get().m_vecObjects.push_back({ line, comment }); } else { // ...it is content, so parse. Firstly, find if the line // contains an assignment. If it does then it's a property... size_t x = line.find_first_of('='); if (x != std::string::npos) { // ...so split up the property into a name, and its values! // Extract the property name, which is all characters up to // first assignment, trim any whitespace from ends sPropName = line.substr(0, x); trim(sPropName); auto&top=stkPath.top().get(); if(stkPath.top().get().HasProperty(sPropName))ERR(std::format("WARNING! Duplicate key found! Key {} already exists! Duplicate line: {}",sPropName,line)); // Extract the property value, which is all characters after // the first assignment operator, trim any whitespace from ends sPropValue = line.substr(x + 1, line.size()); trim(sPropValue); // The value may be in list form: a, b, c, d, e, f etc and some of those // elements may exist in quotes a, b, c, "d, e", f. So we need to iterate // character by character and break up the value bool bInQuotes = false; std::string sToken; size_t nTokenCount = 0; for (const auto c : sPropValue) { // Is character a quote... if (c == '\"') { // ...yes, so toggle quote state bInQuotes = !bInQuotes; } else { // ...no, so proceed creating token. If we are in quote state // then just append characters until we exit quote state. if (bInQuotes) { sToken.append(1, c); } else { // Is the character our seperator? If it is if (c == sListSep) { // Clean up the token trim(sToken); // Add it to the vector of values for this property stkPath.top().get()[sPropName].SetString(sToken, nTokenCount); // Reset our token state sToken.clear(); nTokenCount++; } else { // It isnt, so just append to token sToken.append(1, c); } } } } // Any residual characters at this point just make up the final token, // so clean it up and add it to the vector of values if (!sToken.empty()) { trim(sToken); stkPath.top().get()[sPropName].SetString(sToken, nTokenCount); } } else { // ...but if it doesnt, then it's something structural if (line[0] == '{') { // Open brace, so push this node to stack, subsequent properties // will belong to the new node stkPath.push(stkPath.top().get()[sPropName]); } else { if (line[0] == '}') { // Close brace, so this node has been defined, pop it from the // stack stkPath.pop(); } else { // Line is a property with no assignment. Who knows whether this is useful, // but we can simply add it as a valueless property... sPropName = line; // ...actually it is useful, as valuless properties are typically // going to be the names of new datafile nodes on the next iteration } } } } } } // Close and exit! file.close(); INITIAL_SETUP_COMPLETE=previousSetupState; return true; } // File not found, so fail ERR("WARNING! Could not open file "< m_vContent; // Linkage to create "ordered" unordered_map. We have a vector of // "properties", and the index to a specific element is mapped. std::vector> m_vecObjects; std::unordered_map m_mapObjects; inline static std::string lastAccessedProperty=""; inline static std::string BLANK=""; protected: // Used to identify if a property is a comment or not, not user facing bool m_bIsComment = false; }; class datafilestringdata { std::reference_wrapperdata; std::string key; public: inline datafilestringdata(datafile&dat,std::string key) :data(dat),key(key){}; std::string operator[](int index){return data.get().GetProperty(key).GetString(index);}; inline std::string concat(){ std::string finalStr=""; for(const std::string&str:data.get().GetProperty(key).GetValues()){ if(finalStr.length()>0)finalStr+=", "; finalStr+=str; } return finalStr; } }; class datafilebooldata { std::reference_wrapperdata; std::string key; public: inline datafilebooldata(datafile&dat,std::string key) :data(dat),key(key){}; int operator[](int index){ return data.get().GetProperty(key).GetBool(index); }; }; class datafileintdata { std::reference_wrapperdata; std::string key; public: inline datafileintdata(datafile&dat,std::string key) :data(dat),key(key){}; int operator[](int index){ return data.get().GetProperty(key).GetInt(index); }; }; class datafilefloatdata { std::reference_wrapperdata; std::string key; public: inline datafilefloatdata(datafile&dat,std::string key) :data(dat),key(key){}; float operator[](int index){return float(data.get().GetProperty(key).GetReal(index));}; }; class datafiledoubledata { std::reference_wrapperdata; std::string key; public: inline datafiledoubledata(datafile&dat,std::string key) :data(dat),key(key){}; double operator[](int index){return data.get().GetProperty(key).GetReal(index);}; }; }