#pragma region License /* License (OLC-3) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright 2024 Joshua Sigona Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions or derivations of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions or derivative works in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice. This list of conditions and the following disclaimer must be reproduced in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Portions of this software are copyright © 2024 The FreeType Project (www.freetype.org). Please see LICENSE_FT.txt for more information. All rights reserved. */ #pragma endregion #pragma once #include "olcUTIL_Camera2D.h" #include "Animation.h" #include "olcUTIL_Animate2D.h" #include "Monster.h" #include "olcPGEX_TransformedView.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Bullet.h" #include "Effect.h" #include "Map.h" #include "TMXParser.h" #include "olcUTIL_DataFile.h" #include "GameState.h" #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include "discord.h" #endif #include "Audio.h" #include "olcPGEX_SplashScreen.h" #include "olcPixelGameEngine.h" #include "DynamicCounter.h" #include "UndefKeys.h" #include "Minimap.h" #include "Overlay.h" #include #undef KEY_MENU #undef KEY_SELECT #undef KEY_SCROLLDOWN #undef KEY_SCROLLUP #undef KEY_ENTER class SteamKeyboardCallbackHandler; class SteamStatsReceivedHandler; INCLUDE_BULLET_LIST #define CreateBullet(type) \ (*((type*const)BULLET_LIST.emplace_back(std::make_unique(type #define EndBullet )).get())) using HurtReturnValue=bool; using HurtListItem=std::pair,HurtReturnValue>; using HurtList=std::vector; using StackCount=uint8_t; using MarkTime=float; using ForegroundWrapper=std::reference_wrapper; using BackgroundWrapper=std::reference_wrapper; enum class KnockbackCondition{ KNOCKBACK_HURT_TARGETS, //Knockback only targets that took damage. KNOCKBACK_ALL_TARGETS, //Knockback all targets, even if they were invulnerable or immovable. KNOCKBACK_UNHURT_TARGETS, //Knockback only targets that did not get hit. }; namespace PlayerTests{ class PlayerTest; } class AiL : public olc::PixelGameEngine { friend class GameState; friend class State_GameRun; friend class SaveFile; friend class sig::Animation; friend class Audio; friend class Minimap; friend class MiniAudio; std::unique_ptrplayer; SplashScreen splash; public: class Notification{ std::string message; float time; Pixel col; public: #undef GetMessage Notification(const std::string_view message,const float time,const Pixel col); void Update(const float fElapsedTime); const bool Expired()const; const bool operator==(const Notification&n)const; void Draw(PixelGameEngine&pge); }; enum MusicChange{ NO_MUSIC_CHANGE, PLAY_LEVEL_MUSIC, }; Pathfinding pathfinder; static InputGroup KEY_BACK; static InputGroup KEY_CONFIRM; static InputGroup KEY_ATTACK; static InputGroup KEY_LEFT; static InputGroup KEY_RIGHT; static InputGroup KEY_UP; static InputGroup KEY_DOWN; static InputGroup KEY_MENU; static InputGroup KEY_UNEQUIP; static InputGroup KEY_START; static InputGroup KEY_CONTROLLER_START; static InputGroup KEY_SELECT; static InputGroup KEY_FACEUP; static InputGroup KEY_FACERIGHT; static InputGroup KEY_FACELEFT; static InputGroup KEY_FACEDOWN; static InputGroup KEY_FASTSCROLLDOWN; static InputGroup KEY_FASTSCROLLUP; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLDOWN; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLUP; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLLEFT; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLRIGHT; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLHORZ; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLHORZ_L; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLHORZ_R; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLVERT; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLVERT_R; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLLVERT_L; static InputGroup KEY_SCROLL; static InputGroup KEY_SHOULDER; static InputGroup KEY_SHOULDER2; static InputGroup KEY_CHANGE_LOADOUT; static InputGroup KEY_ENTER; static InputGroup KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT; static InputGroup KEY_TOGGLE_MAP; static float SIZE_CHANGE_SPEED; double levelTime=0.; Camera2D camera; std::mapMAP_DATA; ResourcePack gamepack; private: std::vector>foregroundEffects,backgroundEffects,foregroundEffectsToBeInserted,backgroundEffectsToBeInserted; std::vectortilesWithCollision,tilesWithoutCollision; std::vectordropsBeforeLower,dropsAfterLower,dropsBeforeUpper,dropsAfterUpper; std::vectorendZones,upperEndZones; std::vectorcircleCooldownPoints; std::vectorsquareCircleCooldownPoints; std::mapMAP_TILESETS; vf2d worldShake={}; float worldShakeTime=0; float lastWorldShakeAdjust=0; vf2d worldShakeVel={}; const float WORLD_SHAKE_ADJUST_MAX_TIME=0.4f; MapName previousLevel="CAMPAIGN_1_1"; MapName currentLevel="CAMPAIGN_1_1"; std::vectorforegroundTileGroups; std::vectorupperForegroundTileGroups; int bridgeLayerIndex=-1; float bridgeFadeFactor=0.f; int DEBUG_PATHFINDING=0; std::vectormonstersBeforeLower,monstersAfterLower,monstersBeforeUpper,monstersAfterUpper; std::vectorbulletsLower,bulletsUpper; std::vectorbackgroundEffectsLower,backgroundEffectsUpper,foregroundEffectsLower,foregroundEffectsUpper; float reflectionUpdateTimer=0; float reflectionStepTime=0; std::setvisibleTiles; float bossDisplayTimer=0; std::string bossName; int totalDamageDealt=0; float encounterDuration=0; bool encounterStarted=false; int totalBossEncounterMobs=0; int chapter=1; //We start at chapter 1. std::array,3>loadout; float fadeOutDuration=0; States::State transitionState=States::State::GAME_RUN; bool gameEnd=false; std::vector>monstersToBeSpawned; bool aMonsterIsMarkedForDeletion=false; //DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY! Use AMonsterIsMarkedForDeletion() instead! time_t gameStarted; std::functionresponseCallback; float fadeInDuration=0; float fadeOutTotalTime=0; bool disableFadeIn=false; DynamicCounter healthCounter; DynamicCounter manaCounter; DynamicCounter shieldCounter; int playerShieldDisplayAmt{}; Pixel worldColor=WHITE; std::functionworldColorFunc=[](vi2d pos){return WHITE;}; std::map>ZONE_LIST; float lastMouseMovement=0.f; //Amount of time since the last time the cursor was moved or interacted with. vi2d lastMousePos={}; bool gameInitialized=false; uint8_t mosaicEffectTransition=1U; float saveGameDisplayTime=0.f; float loadingWaitTime=0.f; bool displayHud=true; float vignetteDisplayTime=0.f; bool savingFile=false; bool prevStageCompleted=false; vf2d windSpd{}; void ValidateGameStatus(); void _PrepareLevel(MapName map,MusicChange changeMusic); //This function assigns the mode tile colors of each loaded tileset. void ComputeModeColors(TilesetData&tileset); #ifndef __EMSCRIPTEN__ ::discord::Result SetupDiscord(); #endif Audio audioEngine; SteamKeyboardCallbackHandler*steamKeyboardCallbackListener=nullptr; SteamStatsReceivedHandler*steamStatsReceivedHandlerListener=nullptr; std::optionalbossIndicatorPos{}; bool steamAPIEnabled{true}; Overlay hudOverlay{"pixel.png",BLANK}; float targetZoom{1.f}; float zoomAdjustSpeed{0.1f}; std::vector,StackCount,MarkTime>>lockOnTargets; std::vector,StackCount,MarkTime>>lockOnSpecialTargets; float lastLockOnTargetTime{}; float lastLockOnSpecialTargetTime{}; void AdminConsole(); virtual bool OnConsoleCommand(const std::string& sCommand)override final; Pixel vignetteOverlayCol{"Interface.Vignette Color"_Pixel}; std::vectornotifications; public: AiL(bool testingMode=false); bool OnUserCreate() override; bool OnUserUpdate(float fElapsedTime) override; bool OnUserDestroy() override; void GetAnyKeyPress(Key key)override final; void GetAnyKeyRelease(Key key)override final; void GetAnyMousePress(int32_t mouseButton)override final; void GetAnyMouseHeld(int32_t mouseButton)override final; void GetAnyMouseRelease(int32_t mouseButton)override final; void UsingSteamAPI(const bool usingSteam); public: geom2d::rectNO_COLLISION={{0.f,0.f,},{0.f,0.f}}; TileTransformedView view; void InitializeLevel(std::string mapFile,MapName map); void LoadLevel(MapName map,MusicChange changeMusic=PLAY_LEVEL_MUSIC); void HandleUserInput(float fElapsedTime); void UpdateCamera(float fElapsedTime); void UpdateEffects(float fElapsedTime); void UpdateBullets(float fElapsedTime); void RenderWorld(float fElapsedTime); void RenderHud(); void RenderMenu(); bool MenuClicksDeactivated()const; std::pairAddEffect(std::unique_ptrforeground,std::unique_ptrbackground); //If back is true, places the effect in the background Effect&AddEffect(std::unique_ptrforeground,bool back=false); const std::vectorGetEffect(EffectType type); const HurtList Hurt(vf2d pos,float radius,int damage,bool upperLevel,float z,const HurtType hurtTargets,HurtFlag::HurtFlag hurtFlags=HurtFlag::NONE)const; const HurtList HurtMonsterType(vf2d pos,float radius,int damage,bool upperLevel,float z,const std::string_view monsterName,HurtFlag::HurtFlag hurtFlags=HurtFlag::NONE)const; //NOTE: This function will also add any enemies that were hit into the hit list! const HurtList HurtNotHit(vf2d pos,float radius,int damage,HitList&hitList,bool upperLevel,float z,const HurtType hurtTargets,HurtFlag::HurtFlag hurtFlags=HurtFlag::NONE)const; // angle: The central angle where the arc will extend from. // sweepAngle: The amount of radians to extend in both directions from the central angle. // NOTE: This function will also add any enemies that were hit into the hit list! const HurtList HurtConeNotHit(vf2d pos,float radius,float angle,float sweepAngle,int damage,HitList&hitList,bool upperLevel,float z,const HurtType hurtTargets,HurtFlag::HurtFlag hurtFlags=HurtFlag::NONE)const; void ProximityKnockback(const vf2d pos,const float radius,const float knockbackAmt,const HurtType knockbackTargets)const; void ProximityKnockback(const vf2d pos,const float radius,const float knockbackAmt,const HurtList&knockbackTargets,const KnockbackCondition condition=KnockbackCondition::KNOCKBACK_HURT_TARGETS)const; vf2d GetWorldMousePos(); bool LeftHeld(); bool RightHeld(); bool UpHeld(); bool DownHeld(); bool LeftPressed(); bool RightPressed(); bool UpPressed(); bool DownPressed(); bool LeftReleased(); bool RightReleased(); bool UpReleased(); bool DownReleased(); Player*const GetPlayer()const; void SetupWorldShake(float duration); //tileID is the tile number from the tilesets. bool IsForegroundTile(TilesheetData sheet,int tileID); //tileID is the tile number from the tilesets. bool IsUpperForegroundTile(int tileID); //tileID is the tile number from the tilesets. const TilesheetData GetTileSheet(MapName map,int tileID)const; //Gets the rectangle of the tile collision at this tile. If upperLevel is set to true, the collision tile must be in a Bridge class layer for the tile to hit. Also, zones containing LowerBridgeCollision will apply when upperLevel is set to false. const geom2d::rectGetTileCollision(MapName map,vf2d pos,bool upperLevel=false)const; Pixel GetTileColor(MapName map,vf2d pos,bool upperLevel=false); //Checks if the point resides inside of a collision tile. bool HasTileCollision(MapName map,vf2d pos,bool upperLevel=false); const MapName&GetCurrentLevel()const; bool IsBridgeLayer(LayerTag&layer); bool IsOverlayLayer(LayerTag&layer); void PopulateRenderLists(); void ChangePlayerClass(Class cl); std::string GetString(std::string key); datafilestringdata GetStringList(std::string key); int GetInt(std::string key); datafileintdata GetIntList(std::string key); float GetFloat(std::string key); datafilefloatdata GetFloatList(std::string key); double GetDouble(std::string key); datafiledoubledata GetDoubleList(std::string key); static void OutputDebugInfo(const char*key,std::size_t len); void InitializeLevels(); void RenderTile(vi2d pos,TilesheetData tileSheet,int tileSheetIndex,vi2d tileSheetPos); void RenderTile(TileRenderData&tileSheet,Pixel col); bool IsReflectiveTile(TilesheetData tileSheet,int tileID); Monster&SpawnMonster(vf2d pos,MonsterData&data,bool upperLevel=false,bool isBossSpawn=false); //Queues a monster for spawning on the next frame. void DrawPie(vf2d center,float radius,float degreesCut,Pixel col); void DrawPieArc(const std::string_view texture,vf2d center,float radius,float degreesCut,Pixel col); //Draws an arc that has UV coordinates going from (0,0) in the center out to (1,1) void DrawSquarePie(vf2d center,float radius,float degreesCut,Pixel col); void RenderCooldowns(); void InitializeDefaultKeybinds(); void SetBossNameDisplay(std::string name,float time=5); bool InBossEncounter(); void StartBossEncounter(); void DisplayBossEncounterInfo(); void BossDamageDealt(int damage); void ReduceBossEncounterMobCount(); const uint8_t BossEncounterMobCount()const; void InitializeGraphics(); void RenderVersionInfo(); const Map&GetCurrentMap()const; const MapTag&GetCurrentMapData()const; const MapName&GetCurrentMapName()const; const std::string_view GetCurrentMapDisplayName()const; int GetCurrentChapter(); void SetChapter(int chapter); const std::weak_ptrGetLoadoutItem(int slot); //Slot range is 0-2. void SetLoadoutItem(int slot,std::string itemName); int GetLoadoutSize()const; void RestockLoadoutItems(); //Returns true if the item can be used (we have >0 of it) bool UseLoadoutItem(int slot,const std::optionaltargetingPos); //Blanks out this loadout item. void ClearLoadoutItem(int slot); void RenderFadeout(); bool GamePaused(); void EndGame(); void UpdateDiscordStatus(std::string levelName,std::string className); void InitializePlayerLevelCap(); void ResetGame(bool changeToMainMenu=true); void OnRequestCompleted(const std::string_view receivedData)const override; void DisableFadeIn(const bool disable); //vi2d provides a tile in world coords. void SetWorldColorFunc(std::functionfunc); void SetWorldColor(Pixel worldCol); const Pixel&GetWorldColor()const; //Returns the zones in the current stage const std::map>&GetZones()const; //Returns the zones of any given stage const std::map>&GetZones(const std::string_view mapName)const; void AddZone(const std::string_view zoneName,const ZoneData&zone); //Returns the last time the mouse was moved or interacted with. const float LastMouseMovement()const; const bool GameInitialized()const; rcode LoadResource(Renderable&renderable,std::string_view imgPath,bool filter=false,bool clamp=true); void UpdateMonsters(); void ActivateActionSetForAllControllers(InputActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle); const float GetEncounterDuration()const; void ShowDamageVignetteOverlay(const Pixel="Interface.Vignette Color"_Pixel); void GlobalGameUpdates(); const bool QuitRequested()const; void SetQuitAllowed(bool quittingAllowed); //Locks the game from quitting during sensitive operations such as file saving/loading. const bool PreviousStageCompleted()const; void SetCompletedStageFlag(); void ResetCompletedStageFlag(); void UpdateEntities(); Minimap minimap; void AMonsterIsMarkedForDeletion(); //The way this is implemented is that monsters marked for deletion will cause the monster update loop to detect there's at least one or more monsters that must be deleted and will call erase_if on the list at the end of the iteration loop. void SetBossIndicatorPos(const vf2d pos); void SetOverlay(std::string animationName,Pixel overlayCol); Overlay&GetOverlay(); void SetWindSpeed(vf2d newWindSpd); const vf2d&GetWindSpeed()const; void InitializePlayer(); void SetWorldZoom(float newZoomScale); //Plays the correct footstep sound based on player's current tile. void PlayFootstepSound(); const std::map&GetTilesets()const; void AddToMarkedTargetList(std::tuple,StackCount,MarkTime>markData); void AddToSpecialMarkedTargetList(std::tuple,StackCount,MarkTime>markData); void InitializeClasses(); void _SetCurrentLevel(const MapName map); //NOTE: This will modify the currentLevel variable without triggering anything else in-game, this will normally mess up the state in the game. Ideally this is only used when initializing a test level. void InitializeCamera(); void AddNotification(const Notification&n); void ResetLevelStates(); std::vectorGetForegroundEffects()const; std::vectorGetBackgroundEffects()const; std::vectorGetAllEffects()const; //Foreground and background effects in one vector. struct TileGroupData{ vi2d tilePos; int layer; bool operator<(const TileGroupData&rhs)const{ return layer