January 1st =========== Buff Item Script (Implement Other Stats, Level Up Stats) Sell Item Merchant Screen Blacksmith Item Crafting Screen Randomized Item Stats - Get Item may return multiples of the same item. - Removing an item with multiples require a specific item to be selected. - Gear should never stack. The Hub / NPC Interactions Save/Load Game - Save Inventory Items/Equips - Player Base Level/Stats - Unlock Progress - World Map Location Audio Engine - Audio Ambience Zones - Menu Sound Effects - Attack / Enemy Sound Effects - Music Loading/Looping Settings Menu - Volume Controls - Key Configuration -Upon pressing a key, check if the key is bound to another option, if so, remove that bind from the list. Up to two keys may be binded per action. January 31st ============ Implement the rest of the enemy types: - Baby Wolf - Wolf - Wolf Leader - Baby Bear - Brown Bear - Green Frog - Red Frog - Orange Frog - Blue Frog Implement Ursule, Mother of Bears Boss Story proofreading/correcting/storyboarding - Add a command to play sound effects/music. - Game Controller Support - Should use the Keybind structure that already exists. - Loading Screen