Implement a minimap system that keeps track of the sections of a map the player has already visited. This helps players when navigating the maps to ensure they don't get lost, backtrack, and can ensure they are making progress.
When a map has undiscovered areas, sides with more discoverable passages will have an open wall.
When a map is fully discovered, an overlaid "breadcrumb map" shows the locations explored specifically on this run while ensuring the player still knows what the layout of the entire map looks like.
Once the exit has been located, show that spot on the map. Make it clear where the player's location is as well.
Implement a minimap system that keeps track of the sections of a map the player has already visited. This helps players when navigating the maps to ensure they don't get lost, backtrack, and can ensure they are making progress.
When a map has undiscovered areas, sides with more discoverable passages will have an open wall.
When a map is fully discovered, an overlaid "breadcrumb map" shows the locations explored specifically on this run while ensuring the player still knows what the layout of the entire map looks like.
Once the exit has been located, show that spot on the map. Make it clear where the player's location is as well.
Implement a minimap system that keeps track of the sections of a map the player has already visited. This helps players when navigating the maps to ensure they don't get lost, backtrack, and can ensure they are making progress.
When a map has undiscovered areas, sides with more discoverable passages will have an open wall.
When a map is fully discovered, an overlaid "breadcrumb map" shows the locations explored specifically on this run while ensuring the player still knows what the layout of the entire map looks like.
Once the exit has been located, show that spot on the map. Make it clear where the player's location is as well.
There should be an additional input for opening a map while playing and viewing the entire area (panning with movement inputs)
Has been done and implemented in demo.