if(MONSTER_LIST.capacity()>prevCapacity)LOG(std::format("WARNING! The monster list has automatically reserved more space and resized to {}! This caused one potential frame where bullet/effect hitlists that stored information on what monsters were hit to potentially be hit a second time or cause monsters that should've been hit to never be hit. Consider starting with a larger default reserved size for MONSTER_LIST if your intention was to have this many monsters!",MONSTER_LIST.capacity()));
if(m->markedForDeletion)std::erase_if(lockOnTargets.begin(),lockOnTargets.end(),[&](conststd::tuple<Monster*,StackCount,MarkTime>&markData){return&*std::get<0>(markData)==m;})//Marked targets may have dangling pointers, remove them before removing the monsters for good.
if(m->markedForDeletion)std::erase_if(lockOnTargets,[&](std::tuple<Monster*,StackCount,MarkTime>markData){returnstd::get<0>(markData)==&*m;});//Marked targets may have dangling pointers, remove them before removing the monsters for good.