staticconstuint8_tPHASE_COUNT{DATA.GetProperty("MonsterStrategy.Ghost of Pirate Captain").GetValueCount()};
BOMBARDMENT,//every shot is at a random location within 900 Range of the player. (This is also the move during hide and seek.)
PRECISE_BOMBARDMENT,//same as before but within 700 range of the player.
LINE,//the 4th or 5th hit would hit the player if the player doesnt move at all.
SHARPSHOOTER,//aiming directly at the player, skipping every 2nd shot. (only 4 instead of 8 shots)
PREDICTION,//shoots in the direction of the current or last players movement and predicts where the player would be in 2.8 seconds. (slightly further then where the player would be at impact. thats why 2.8 instead of 2.5 seconds)
staticconstuint8_tPHASE_COUNT{uint8_t(DATA.GetProperty("MonsterStrategy.Ghost of Pirate Captain.Cannon Cycle").GetValueCount())};
BOMBARDMENT,//every shot is at a random location within 900 Range of the player. (This is also the move during hide and seek.)
PRECISE_BOMBARDMENT,//same as before but within 700 range of the player.
LINE,//the 4th or 5th hit would hit the player if the player doesnt move at all.
SHARPSHOOTER,//aiming directly at the player, skipping every 2nd shot. (only 4 instead of 8 shots)
constfloatrange{util::random_range(0,ConfigPixels("Bombardment Max Distance"))};
PREDICTION,//shoots in the direction of the current or last players movement and predicts where the player would be in 2.8 seconds. (slightly further then where the player would be at impact. thats why 2.8 instead of 2.5 seconds)
constvf2dtargetPos{game->camera.GetTarget()-ConfigPixels("Bombardment Max Distance")/2.f+vf2d{range,randomAng}.cart()};