Only adjust DPS boss damage counter for monsters spawned and considered part of the boss fight. Add in ability for attacks to deal true damage. Change hurt function to handle a True Damage Flag. Stone Throw now breaks pillars it hits. Release Build 9675.
IGNORE_DAMAGE_RULES,//Deals true damage, ignoring established invulnerability/iframe rules. Will never miss and will not have its damage modified by any buffs/stats.
//NOTE: Marking a monster for deletion does not trigger any death events. It just simply removes the monster from the field!!
// The way this works is that monsters marked for deletion will cause the monster update loop to detect there's at least one or more monsters that must be deleted and will call erase_if on the list at the end of the iteration loop.
//Returns false if the monster could not be moved to the requested location due to collision.
@ -258,6 +264,7 @@ private:
boolmarkedForDeletion{false};//DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY. Use MarkForDeletion() if this monster needs to be marked. NOTE: Marking a monster for deletion does not trigger any death events. It just simply removes the monster from the field!!